A Shift in Practice Administrative Records Management

learnPro NHS
Course Name
Module Name
A Shift in Practice
Administrative Records Management
Adult Basic Life Support & AED Training
Adult Hypovolaemic Shock - HCSWs
Adult Hypovolaemic Shock - Practitioners
Adult Protection
Adult Support and Protection
Adult Support and Protection
Adults with Incapacity
Advance / Anticipatory Care Planning
Aggression and Violence
Aggression Management in Older People
Alcohol Screening Module
Alcohol Assessment and Withdrawal
Alcohol Awareness
Alcohol Awareness Introductory Module
Alcohol Brief Interventions
An Introduction Getting It Right For Every Child
An Introduction to GIRFEC
An Introduction to Word 2007
Anaphylaxis - Recognition and Management
Anaphylaxis Training
Annual Mentor Update
Antenatal & Newborn Screening (Midwives)
Antenatal & Newborn Screening (Midwives)
Antenatal & Newborn Screening (Midwives)
Antenatal & Newborn Screening (Midwives)
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff (Doctors)
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Clinical Module
Anti-D Laboratory Module
Anti-D Laboratory Module
Anti-D Laboratory Module
Anti-D Laboratory Module
Anti-D Laboratory Module
Asbestos Sampling and Removal
Carers as Equal Partners - A Shift in Practice
Administrative Records Management
Adult Basic Life Support & AED Training
Lothian: Adult Hypovolaemic Shock - HCSWs
Lothian: Adult Hypovolaemic Shock - Practitioners
Adult Support and Protection Act
Adult Support and Protection
Generic: Adult Support and Protection
Adults with Incapacity
Advance / Anticipatory Care Planning
Conflict Management Core Skills
Managing Aggressive Behaviour in the Older Person
Alcohol Screening Module
Alcohol Assessment and Withdrawal
Alcohol Awareness
Alcohol Awareness Introductory Module
Alcohol Brief Interventions
An Introduction to GIRFEC
An Introduction to GIRFEC
An Introduction to Word 2007
Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis Training
Annual Mentor Update
Blood Spot Screening
Routine Serology
Hearing Screening
Chromosome Abnormalities
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff (Module 1)
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff (Module 2)
Antibiotics & HAI for Medical Staff (Doctors)
Unit 1 Understanding Maternal Sensitisation
Unit 2 Anti-D Prophylaxis
Unit 3 Management of Pregnancies at Increased Risk
Unit 4 Anti-D - Routine Use
Unit 5 Anti-D - Informed Decision Making
Unit 6 Anti-D - Safe Storage and Administration
Unit 1 Understanding Maternal Sensitisation
Unit 2 Anti-D Prophylaxis
Unit 3 Routine Laboratory Testing in Pregnancy
Unit 4 Role of the Lab in Anti-D Prophylaxis
Unit 5 Role of Lab: Anti-D Sensitised Pregnancies
Asbestos Sampling and Removal
Course Name
Module Name
Assertiveness Management
Assessment and Management of Wounds
Autism Basic Awareness
AWI - Legalisation and Consent
AWI - Legislation and Consent
Back Care Awareness
Basic Foot Care
Basic Learning Disability Awareness
Basic Life Support & AED
BBV Occupational Exposure Management
Beginners Excel 2007
Beginners Excel 2010
Beginners Outlook 2010
Beginners PowerPoint 2007
Beginners PowerPoint 2010
Beginners Word 2007
Beginners Word 2010
BGH Laboratory Department
Blood Borne Virus Infections
Blood Borne Viruses
Body Image and Cancer
Breastfeeding Champions
Breastfeeding Champions
Breastfeeding Champions
Breastfeeding Champions
Breastfeeding Champions
Breastfeeding Champions
Assertiveness Management
Assessment and Management of Wounds
Introduction and Incident Logging
The Event Monitor
Using Actions
Basic Autism Awareness
Adults With Incapacity - legislation and consent
Adults with Incapacity - Legislation and Consent
Back Care Awareness
NHS Borders: BAES Module 1
NHS Borders: BAES Module 2
NHS Borders: BAES Module 3
NHS Borders: BAES Module 4
Basic Foot Care
Basic Learning Disability Awareness Module 1
Basic Life Support & AED
Beginners Excel 2007
Beginners Excel 2010
Beginners Outlook 2010
Beginners PowerPoint 2007
Beginners PowerPoint 2010
Beginners Word 2007
Beginners Word 2010
NHS Borders: BGH Laboratory Department
Lothian: Blood Borne Virus Infections
Blood Borne Viruses
Body Image and Cancer
Setting the Scene
Breastfeeding and Health
Anatomy and Physiology
Skin to Skin Contact
Supporting the Pre Term Breastfeeding
How to Bay Breastfeed
Positioning for Breastfeeding
Hand Expressing
Breast Complications
Long Term Breastfeeding
Challenging Situations
Formula Feeding
Baby Friendly Initiative
Anatomy and Physiology of the Breast
How a Baby Breastfeeds
Hand Expression of Breastmilk
Communication Skills
Practical Skills Review
Course Name
Module Name
Breastfeeding: General Practitioners
Breastfeeding: General Practitioners
British National Formulary
British National Formulary
British National Formulary
British National Formulary
Business Continuity - Advanced
Business Continuity Management
Business Report Writing
Capacity and Consent
Carer Aware - Level 1
Carers Information
Central Venous Access Devices (ex renal)
Challenging Inappropriate Behaviour
Challenging Inappropriate Behaviour
Change Management
Change Management
Chemotherapy Community Nurses
Chemotherapy HCA
Chemotherapy Intrathecal
Chemotherapy Intravesical
Chemotherapy Nurses
Child Protection
Child Protection
Child Protection - Annual Update
Child Protection - Attachment and Parenting
Child Protection - Basic Knowledge & Understanding
Child Protection - Chronology
Child Protection - Cultural Awareness
Child Protection - Foundation
Child Protection - Guidance and Procedures
Child Protection - Neglect
Child Protection - Record Keeping
Child Protection & Domestic Abuse
Child Protection Tier 2a Level 1
Child Protection: Case Conference
Children's Hearing (Scotland) Act 2011
CHP Adult Basic Life Support
CHP Anaphylaxis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Clinical Documentation Standards
Clinical Governance
Clinical Portal
Clinical Portal
Clostridium Difficile Overview
Coaching and Mentoring
Cold Chain Management
Combined Impact Assessment
M1 – Orientation to Breastfeeding (GPs)
M2 – Common Problems (GPs)
BNF Module 1
BNF Module 2
BNF Module 3
BNF Module 4
Business Continuity - Advanced
Business Continuity Management
Business Report Writing
Capacity and Consent
Carer Aware - Level 1
Lothian: Understanding and Supporting the Carer
Central Venous Access Devices (ex renal)
Challenging Inappropriate Behaviour
Challenging Inappropriate Behaviour
Change Management
Change Management
Lothian: Safe Use of Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Community Nurses
Chemotherapy HCA
Chemotherapy Intrathecal
Chemotherapy Intravesical
Chemotherapy Nurses
Child Protection
Child Protection
Child Protection Foundation (Tier1a)
GGC: Child Protection - Attachment and Parenting
Child Protection - Basic Knowledge & Understanding
Child Protection - Chronology
Child Protection - Cultural Awareness
Child Protection - Foundation
GGC: Child Protection - Guidance and Procedures
Child Protection - Neglect
Record Keeping
GGC: Child Protection & Domestic Abuse
Child Protection Advanced (Tier 2a Level 1)
Child Protection: Case Conference
Children's Hearing Scotland Act 2011
CHP Adult Basic Life Support
CHP Anaphylaxis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Clinical Documentation Standards
Clinical Governance
Clinical Portal
NHS Borders: Clinical Portal
Clostridium Difficile Overview
Coaching and Mentoring
GGC: Cold Chain Management
Combined Impact Assessment
Course Name
Module Name
Community Nursing, Safe Admin of Medicines
Competency Based Recruitment & Selection Pt 1
Completion of Health Records
Computer Workstation Analysis
Conducting an Investigation
Confidentiality: Working Practic
Conflict Management
Conflict Management for Team Members
Consent for Transfusion
Consent Information
Continuous Improvement and Design
Corporate Infrastructure Reporting Enquiries
Court Skills
CP - Basic Knowledge and Understanding
Cruse: 0 - Before You Begin
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 1 - Introduction to Loss and Grief
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 2 - The Grieving Process
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 3 - Interventions and Skills
Cruse: 4 - Supporting Bereaved Staff
Cruse: 4 - Supporting Bereaved Staff
Cruse: 4 - Supporting Bereaved Staff
Cruse: 4 - Supporting Bereaved Staff
Cruse: 4 - Supporting Bereaved Staff
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 5 Supporting Bereaved Children&YoungPeople
Cruse: 6 - Bereavement following Sudden Death
Cruse: 6 - Bereavement following Sudden Death
Community Nursing, Safe Admin of Medicines
Competency Based Recruitment & Selection - Part 1
Introduction to Dealing with Complaints
Completion of Health Records
Computer Workstation Analysis
Conducting an Investigation
NHS Borders HCSW: Confidentiality: Working Practic
Conflict Management
Conflict Management for Team Members
Consent for Transfusion
Consent Information
Continuous Improvement and Design
Corporate Infrastructure Reporting Enquiries
Court Skills
Child Protection: Basic Knowledge & Understanding
Before You Begin
Introduction to the theme of loss and grief
Thinking about Loss
Thinking about Grief
Understanding Grief
The End of Life Journey
Supporting Bereaved People
1. Introduction to the Grieving Process
2. Attachment
3. Bereavement Models Part 1
4. Bereavement Models Part 2
5. Why We All Grieve Differently
6. Complicated Grief
Active Listening
Essential Qualities of an Active Listener
Blocks to Listening
Active Listening in the Workplace
Difficult Conversations
The Bereaved Member of Staff
The Death of a Patient
The Death of a Colleague
Compassionate Leave and Return to Work
Clinical Supervision and Looking After Yourself
M1 - Introduction
M2 - Attachment Styles in Relation to Bereavement
M3 - Child Development Theories & Childhood Loss
M4 - Signs & Symptoms of Grief &Role of Resilience
M5 - Bereavement as a Risk Factor
M6 - Funerals & Rituals in Var.s Cultural Settings
M7 - Working Creatively with Bereaved Children
Introduction to Sudden Death
Grief Responses after a Sudden Death
Course Name
Module Name
Cruse: 6 - Bereavement following Sudden Death
Cruse: 6 - Bereavement following Sudden Death
Cruse: 7 - Bereavement following Death of a Child
Cruse: 7 - Bereavement following Death of a Child
Cruse: 7 - Bereavement following Death of a Child
Cruse: 7 - Bereavement following Death of a Child
Cruse: 7 - Bereavement following Death of a Child
Cruse: Introduction to Loss and Grief (Assessment)
Customer Care
Customer Care Commitments
Customer Service and Complaint Handling
Customer Service Professional Qualification
Data Protection
Data Protection & Confidentiality
Datix Incident Reporting
Dementia Awareness in an Acute Care Setting
Dementia Care in the Emergency Dept
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Informed Practice
Dementia Supplementary Information
Demistify Medical Terminology
Depot Antipsychotic Guidelines
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
Desist: ICU Sedation
DIPL - Introduction
Disciplinary Policy and Procedures
Display Screen Equipment
Diversity Equality & Discrimination
Doctors Induction
Domestic Abuse - Children's Services
Dress Code for FY1 and FY2 Doctors
DSE Awareness
Eating, Drinking and Food Hygiene
ECG pre-course module
Effective Communication & Customer Service
External Influences
Giving Support
Introduction to Bereavement
Context of the Death
Impact of Child's Death
Practical Considerations when a Child Dies
How to Support Families
Cruse: Introduction to Loss and Grief (Assessment)
Customer Care
Customer Care Commitments
Customer Service and Complaint Handling
Customer Service Professional Qualification
Data Protection
Data Protection & Confidentiality
Datix Incident Reporting
Dementia Awareness in an Acute Care Setting
Dementia Care in the Emergency Dept
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Dementia Supplementary Information
Demistify Medical Terminology
Depot Antipsychotic Guidelines
1. Why is it Important to Get Sedation... (15mins)
2. Assessing Sedative State (12 mins)
3. Commonly Used Agents in Sedation (25 mins)
4. Avoiding Excessive Sedation (20 mins)
5. Assessing Pain and Discomfort in ICU (20 mins)
6. Managing Agitation (15 mins)
7. Managing Delirium (15 mins)
8. Drug Withdrawal (10 mins)
9. Helping Patients Sleep in the ICU (15 mins)
DIPL - Introduction
Disciplinary Policy and Procedures
Diversity, Equality & Discrimination
Lothian Doctors Induction
Domestic Abuse - Children's Services
Dress Code for FY1 and FY2 Doctors
Display Screen Equipment
DSE Awareness
Importance of Eating and Drinking
ECG pre-course module
Effective Communication & Customer Service
Course Name
Module Name
Effective Learning, Effective Teaching
eHealth Implementation
Emergency Care Summary
Employability Skills
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity
Equality and Diversity and Voicing Concerns
Equality and Diversity Awareness
Establishing Patient Identification
Falls Awareness
Falls in Older People
Falls in Older People
Fire Awareness Training
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety Awareness
Flexible Working
Food Hygiene
Effective Learning, Effective Teaching
eHealth Implementation and Training Documentation
Emergency Care Summary
Employability Skills
Equality and Diversity
Introduction to Equality and Diversity
Accessible Information
Gender Based Violence
Inequalities Sensitive Practice
Marginalised Groups
Sex and Gender
Sexual Orientation
Social Class
Visual Impairment
Working with Interpreters
Deaf Awareness
Foundation Equality and Diversity
Age Discrimination
Learning Disabilities Adult & Child
Valuing Diversity - Part 1
Recruitment & Selection
Learning Disabilities
Disability Equality
NHS Borders HCSW: E&D and Voicing Concerns
Equality and Diversity Awareness
Establishing Patient Identification
Falls Awareness
Falls in Older People
Lothian: Falls in Older People
Beginners Guide to NHS Finance
Fire Awareness Training
Specialist Roles
Fire Emergency within the Ward
What is Fire?
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire Procedures
Firefighting Equipment
Fire Procedures
What is Fire
Fire Safety Awareness
Flexible Working
Legal Requirements, Food Poisoning and Bacteria
Course Name
Module Name
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene
Freedom of Information (Advanced)
FY1/2: Antimicrobial Prescribing
FY1/2: Blood Cultures
FY1/2: Clinical Governance
FY1/2: Critical Care Outreach Team
FY1/2: Health Protection
FY1/2: Hospital at Night
FY1/2: Physiological Measurement
FY1/2: Prevention of PVC Infection
FY1/2: Radiology
Gender Based Violence
Gender-Based Violence
Getting it Right for Every Child (Girfec)
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GGC: Intrathecal Drug Delivery Service - Nursing
GIRFEC Level 1 Baseline
GIRFEC Level 2 Foundation
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
GMP for Hospital Blood Banks
Grievance Procedure
H1N1 Vaccination - Administration
H1N1 Vaccination - Background
H1N1 Vaccination - H1N1 Vaccines
H1N1 Vaccination - Prescribing
HAI & Antibiotics for Medical Staff
Hand Hygiene
Harassment and Victimisation
HCSW Mandatory Induction Standards
Head and Neck Cancer
Preventing Food Poisoning
Food Safety and Contamination
Food Contamination
Legal Requirements, Food Poisoning and Bacteria
Preventing Food Poisoning
Freedom of Information (Advanced)
Antimicrobial Prescribing
Blood Cultures
Clinical Governance
Critical Care Outreach Team
Health Protection
Hospital at Night
Physiological Measurement
Prevention of Peripheral Venous Cannula Infection
Gender Based Violence
Gender Based Violence: Foundation Module
Getting it Right for Every Child
Overview of GGC ITDD Service - Nursing
Principles of Intrathecal Drug Delivery - Nursing
Pharmacology of ITDD - Nursing
Indications for Drug Delivery - Nursing
The Perioperative Period - Nursing
Ongoing Management - Nursing
Complications of ITDD - Nursing
End of Life Care - Nursing
Level 1 Baseline GIRFEC
Level 2 Foundation GIRFEC
Good Manufacturing Practice Module for Lab Staff
Unit 1 Assessment - Quality Management
Unit 2 Assessment - Personnel
Unit 3 Assessment - Documentation
Unit 4 Assessment - Premises and Equipment
Unit 5 Assessment - Quality Control
Unit 6 Assessment - Service Provision
Unit 7 Assessment - Contracts and Analysis
Unit 8 Assessment - Complaints & Product Recall
Unit 9 Assessment - Audit
Grievance Procedure
H1N1 Vaccines - Administration
H1N1 Vaccination Programme Background
H1N1 Vaccines
H1N1 Vaccines - Prescribing
HAI & Antibiotics for Medical Staff
Hand Hygiene
Harassment and Victimisation
Lothian: HCSW Mandatory Induction Standards
Course Name
Module Name
Head and Neck Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety Employee Induction 2012
Health and Safety Maintaining H&S at Work
Health Behaviour Change
Health Care Support Workers
Health Management
Healthcare (Business) Continuity Management
Hepatitis B – Basic Awareness
Hepatitis C Awareness
HIV Basic Awareness
Home Care Medicines Administration
How to use the HoverJack
HR - Managers
HSDU Autoclave Procedure
HSDU cGMP Awareness
HSDU Document Control System
HSDU Sterrad Machines
HSW Mandatory Induction Standards
Human Body: Structure and Function
Identifying and Treating Infected Wounds
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control
Infection Control - Structure and HAI
Infection Control Standard Precaution
Infection Control Standard Precautions
Information Governance
Nutrition, Palliative Care & Assessment & Support
Health and Safety Law
Structure and Purpose
Hazards and Risks
Incident Management and Reporting
Risk Assessment
Incident Reporting
Lone Working
Health and Safety: Structure and Purpose
Health and Safety: H&S Law
Health and Safety: Hazards and Risks
Hazards and Risks
Health and Safety Overview
Employee Health and Safety Induction 2012
NHS Borders HCSW: Maintaining Health & Safety at W
Health Behaviour Change
Health Care Support Workers
Health Management
Healthcare (Business) Continuity Management
Hepatitis B – Basic Awareness
Hepatitis C Awareness
HIV Basic Awareness
Home Care Medicines Administration Assessment
How to use the HoverJack
Lothian: HSDU Autoclave Procedure
Lothian: HSDU cGMP Awareness
Lothian: HSDU Document Control System Training
Lothian: HSDU Sterrad Machines
HSW Mandatory Induction Standards
Human Body: Structure and Function
Lothian: Identifying and Treating Infected Wounds
Infection Control
Hand Hygiene
Introduction to Prevention and Control
Standard Infection Control Precautions
Segregation of Waste and Linen
Background of Healthcare Associated Infection
Infection Control - Structure and HAI
Infection Control Standard Precaution
Prevention & Control of Infection Manual - Standar
IT Security
Course Name
Module Name
Information Governance
Information Governance
Information Governance
Information Governance Series
Information Governance Series
Information Governance Series
Information Management
Information Sharing
Information Sharing
Information Sharing
Information Sharing
Information Sharing
Informed Dementia DVD
Informed Dementia DVD
Informed Dementia DVD
Informed Dementia DVD
Informed Dementia DVD
Informed Dementia DVD
Intermediate Excel 2007
Intoxicated Children
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Introduction to Clinical Supervision
Introduction to IT Modules
Introduction to IT Modules
Introduction to learnPro
Introduction to learnPro NHS
Introduction to Run Charts
Introduction to Trakcare
Involving Patients, Carers & the Public
Knowledge Network & Library Services
Knowledge Network & Library Services
Knowledge Network & Library Services
Knowledge Network & Library Services
Knowledge Network & Library Services
KSF Development Review Process for Employees
Lean in Practice
Learn Cell Salvage
Learning Disabilities
Data Protection and Confidentiality
Freedom of Information
IT Security
Records Management
Understanding Information Governance
Information Management
Basic Principles
Client Rights
Data Protection ISP Capacity and Consent
Information Sharing Protocol
Security and Retention
DIPL - Chapter 1
DIPL - Chapter 2
DIPL - Chapter 3
DIPL - Chapter 4
DIPL - Chapter 5
DIPL - Chapter 6
Intermediate Excel 2007
Intoxicated Children
Overview of GGC ITDD Service
Principles of Intrathecal Drug Delivery
Pharmacology of ITDD
Indications for Drug Delivery
The Perioperative Period
Ongoing Management
Complications of ITDD
End of Life Care
Lothian: Introduction to Clinical Supervision
Introduction to IT Modules
Introduction to IT Modules
Introduction to learnPro
Introduction to learnPro NHS
Introduction to Run Charts
Introduction to Trakcare
Involving Patients, Carers & the Public
Lothian: IRMER
Using the Knowledge Network & Library Services
Using the Search Facility
Accessing Databases
Other Features within the Knowledge Network
Joint Development Review (JDR)
KSF Development Review Process for Employees
Introduction to lean
Learn Cell Salvage
Module 1: Understanding Health Needs
Course Name
Module Name
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities – Communication
Learning Disabilities - Foundation
Library Services
Liverpool Care Pathway
Major Incident Planning
Making the most of the Orb
Management of Aggression
Management of Aggression Core Skills
Management of Aggression Core Skills
Management of Aggression Identicom
Management of Aggression Lone Worker
Management of Aggression Restraint
Management of Employee Conduct
Management of Medicines(Care Homes)
Management of Medicines(Care Homes)
Management of Medicines(Care Homes)
Management of Medicines(Care Homes)
Management of Violence & Aggression
Management of Violence & Aggression
Management of Violence & Aggression
Managing Effective Meetings
Managing Sickness Absence
Mandatory Hand Hygiene Update
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
Manual Handling
Manual Handling Competency Assessors Theory
Manual Handling Module A - Inanimate Load Handling
Manual Handling Module A - Patient Handling
Medical Gas Safety
Medical Staff R&S Refresher
Medication Calculations - Accountability
Medication Calculations - Conversion
Medication Calculations - Devices
Medication Calculations - Soutions and Ratios
Medication Calculations - Weights
Medications Calculations
Medicine Management for Community Nurses
Medicine Management for HCSWs (Nursing)
Medicine Management for Midwives
Medicine Management for Nurses
Medicines in Peoples Homes
Medicines in Peoples Homes
Medicines in Peoples Homes
Module 2: Communication and Behaviour Challenges
Module 3: Making Reasonable Adjustments
Lothian 4: Legislation and Consent Issues
Learning Disabilities – Communication
Learning Disabilities - Foundation Module
Library Services
Liverpool Care Pathway
Major Incident Planning: Self Directed Study
Making the most of the Orb
Management of Aggression
Management of Aggression Core Skills
Management of Aggression Core Skills
Management of Aggression Lone Worker
Management of Aggression Restraint
Management of Employee Conduct
Introduction to Medicines and their Use
Providing Support with Administration of Medicines
Monitoring and Supporting Medicines Use
Medicines and Older People
Intro to the Management of Violence & Aggression
Types of Aggression
Incident Management, Review & Reporting
Managing Effective Meetings
Managing Sickness Absence
Mandatory Hand Hygiene Update
Causes of Injury
Efficient Movement
Manual Handling Competency Assessors Theory
MH Module A - Inanimate Load Handling
MH Module A - Patient Handling
Medical Gas Safety
Medical Staff Recruitment & Selection Refresher
SAH: Medication Calculations - Accountability
SAH: Medication Calculations - Conversion
SAH: Medication Calculations - Devices
SAH: Medication Calculations - Soutions and Ratios
SAH: Medication Calculations - Weights
Medications Calculations
Medicine Management for Community Nurses
Medicine Management for HCSWs (Nursing)
Medicine Management for Midwives
Medicine Management for Nurses
Introduction to Medicines and Their Use
Providing Support with Administration of Medicine
Monitoring and Supporting Medicine Use
Course Name
Module Name
Medicines in Peoples Homes
Medicines Management
Medicines Management for General Nursing
Medicines Management for Mental Health
Memorandum of Procedure
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health, Safe Admin of Medicines
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Minor Injuries
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 1 Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 2 Blood Components and Indications for Use
Module 3 Appropriate Transfusion Practice
Medicines and Older People
Medicines Management
Medicines Management for General Nursing
Medicines Management for Mental Health Nursing
Memorandum of Procedure
Lothian: Mental Health and Wellbeing Overview
Mental Health, Safe Admin of Medicines
Lothian: Mentorship
Clinical History
Musculoskeletal Structure and Injuries
Musculoskeletal Examination
IRMER Xray Requests and Interpretation
The Shoulder
The Elbow
The Forearm, Wrist and Hand
The Hip
The Knee
The Lower Leg
Head Injuries
The Face
The Neck
The Ribs
The Lower Back
The Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Minor Wounds and Burns
Haemovigilance in the UK and ROI
Blood Group Serology
Requesting Procedure
Sampling Procedures
Collection Procedure
Administration Procedure
Management of Transfused Patient
Haemovigilance in the UK and ROI
Blood Group Serology
Requesting Procedure
Sampling Procedures
Collection Procedure
Administration Procedure
Management of a Transfused Patient
Safe and Appropriate Transfusion Practice
Blood Group Serology
Red Blood Cells
Plasma Components
Massive Transfusion
Plasma Derivatives
Adverse Effects of Transfusion
Appropriate Transfusion Practice
Course Name
Module Name
Moving & Handling Refresher
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Non Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
Moving and Handling - Patient Handling
MRSA Screening & Patient Management
Nephrotic Syndrome - Dietetic Management
NES HAI Induction
NES: 1 - Principles of Aseptic Technique
NES: 2 - Insertion of Peripheral Vascular Catheter
NES: 3 - Taking a Blood Culture Sample
NES: 4 - Inserting an Indwelling Urethral Catheter
NES: 5 - Wound Dressing
NES: 6 - Specimen Taking
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Summary
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 1
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 2
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 3
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 4
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 5
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 6
NES: Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 7
NES: Bacterial Resistance
NES: Career Framework
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Cleanliness Champions
NES: Clostridium Difficile Clinical Scenario
NES: Clostridium Difficile Online Tutorial
NES: Communication with children young people and
NES: Copyright
NES: CSMEN Suturing Skills
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
Moving & Handling Non-Patient Refresher
Causes of Injury
Efficient Movement
Causes of Injury
Efficient Movement
MRSA Screening & Patient Management
Nephrotic Syndrome
NES HAI Induction: Clinical
MRSA Screening
Principles of Aseptic Technique
Insertion of a Peripheral Vascular Catheter
Taking a Blood Culture Sample
Inserting an Indwelling Urethral Catheter
Wound Dressing
Specimen Taking
Antibiotic Prescribing Summary
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 1
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 2
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 3
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 4
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 5
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 6
Antibiotic Prescribing Vignette 7
Bacterial Resistance
Career Framework
Unit 1: Introduction
Unit 2: Chain of Infection
Unit 3: Hand Hygiene
Unit 4: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Unit 5: Safe Use and Disposal of Sharps
Unit 6: Maintenance of a Clean Environment
Unit 7: Safe Management of Waste and Linen
Unit 8: Occupational Health and Food Hygiene
Unit 9: The Role of the Cleanliness Champion
Clostridium Difficile Clinical Scenario
Clostridium Difficile Online Tutorial
NES: Communication with Children and Young People
We have to talk about copyright
CSMEN Suturing Skills
Module 1: Setting the Scene
Module 2: Predicting and Preventing Diabetes
Course Name
Module Name
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Diabetes Management for Pharmacists
NES: Feedback
NES: Feedback
NES: Feedback
NES: Feedback
NES: Feedback
NES: Helping Patients Cope with Isolation in Hosp.
NES: Hospital Outbreak Management
NES: Human Trafficking (Adults)
NES: Infections in the Older Person
NES: Information Handling in Practice
NES: Intravenous Medicines Administration
NES: Intro to Patient Safety: Final Assessment
NES: Intro to Patient Safety: Pre Assessment
NES: Introduction to Antibiotic Prescribing
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety
NES: Introduction to Patient Safety: Glossary
NES: Legal and Ethical Issues in Childcare
NES: Management of Legionella Incidents
NES: Microbiology
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology (2011)
NES: Microbiology Assessment (2011)
NES: MRSA Clinical Scenario
NES: MRSA Online Tutorial
NES: Multi-resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli (MRGNB)
NES: Needlestick Injury
NES: Onward Care and Safe Transfer
NES: Personal Review and Planning
NES: Preventing Catheter-related Bloodstream Inf.s
NES: Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia
NES: Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers
Module 3: Monitoring Diabetic Control
Module 4: Managing Blood Glucose-Type 1
Module 5: Managing Blood Glucose-Type 2
Module 6: Managing Diabetic Emergencies
Module 7: Long-term Complications
Module 8: Managing Diabetes in Pregnancy
The Value of Feedback
Encouraging Feedback and Using It
NHS Complaints and Feedback Handling Process
The Value of Apology
Difficult Behaviour
Helping Patients Cope with Isolation in Hospital
NES: Hospital Outbreak Management
NES: Human Trafficking (Adults)
Infections in the Older Person
Information Handling in Practice
Intravenous Medicines Administration
NES: Intro to Patient Safety: Final Assessment
NES: Intro to Patient Safety: Pre Assessment
Introduction to Antibiotic Prescribing
Patient Safety: Introduction
Section 1: Patient Safety Fundamentals
Section 2: Managing Human Error
Section 3: How do we Improve Patient Safety?
Section 4: Examples of Patient Safety Incidents
Patient Safety: Glossary
Legal and Ethical Issues in Childcare
Management of Legionella Incidents
Introduction to Microbes
Bacterial Cell Structure
Bacterial Division Growth
Identification of Bacteria
Bacterial Typing
Testing Bacterial Susceptibility to Anti-Microbial
Microorganism Behaviours
Clinical Scenarios
NES: Microbiology Assessment
MRSA Clinical Scenario
MRSA Online Tutorial
Multi-resistant Gram-Negative Bacilli (MRGNB)
Needlestick Injury
Onward Care and Safe Transfer
Personal Review and Planning
Preventing Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
Preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
The Prevention and Management of Ulcers
Course Name
Module Name
NES: Promoting Hand Hygiene in Healthcare
NES: Recognition of the Sick CYP
NES: Safe Information Handling
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Urinary Catheterisation
NES: Volunteering Learning Resource
NES: Volunteering Learning Resource
NES: Volunteering Learning Resource
NES: Volunteering Learning Resource
NES: Volunteering Learning Resource
NHS A&A: Incident Reporting (DIF1)
NHS A&A: Incident Reporting (DIF2)
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
NHS Scotland Counter Fraud Services e-Learning
Non Medical Prescribing
Norovirus Update
Numeracy and Drug Calculations
Nurse Bank (BSMS)
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Nutritional Care in Cancer
Obtaining Adult Blood Cultures
Occupational Health Service
OCS – Phlebotomy
OCS – Review and Sign Off
Oral Health
Orkney: Risk Assessment
Paediatric Chemotherapy Nurses
Paediatric Hypovolaemic Shock - HCSWs
Paediatric Hypovolaemic Shock-Registered
Parkinson's Disease
PATH Psychological Training for the Heart
PATH Psychological Training for the Heart
Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
Patients Own Medicines - Admission
People with Learning Disability
Promoting Hand Hygiene in Healthcare
Recognition of the Sick CYP
Safe Information Handling
Legislation, Policy and Good Practice
Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary Tract System
Indications for Urinary Catheterisation
Urinary Catheterisation
Catheter Care and Maintenance
Collecting a Sample & Anti-microbial Prescribing
Surveillance of CA-UTI
Discharge and Transfer
1. Developing Volunteer Roles within the NHS
2. Promoting Positive Volunteer / Staff Relations
3. Supporting and Supervision of Volunteers
4. Promoting Positive Volunteer / Staff Relations
5. Health and Safety and Risk Assessment
DATIX Incident Reporting Form 1 (DIF 1)
DIF2: Investigation and Management
Lothian: KSF Overview
Lothian: Post Outlines
NHS Scotland Counter Fraud Services e-Learning
Lothian: Non Medical Prescribing
Norovirus Update
Lothian: Numeracy and Drug Calculations
Nurse Bank (BSMS)
M1 – Weight
M2 – Therapeutic & Alternative Diets
M3 – Medications & Treatments
M4 – Provision of Information
M5 – Body Image
Obtaining Adult Blood Cultures
OHS Overview
OCS – Phlebotomy
OCS – review and sign off
Oral Health
Your Roles and Responsibilities
Paediatric Chemotherapy Nurses
Lothian: Paediatric Hypovolaemic Shock - HCSWs
Lothian: Paediatric Hypovolaemic Shock-Registered
Lothian: Caring for the Patient in Hospital
Effective Communication
Psychological Understanding
Patient Group Directions
Patients Own Medicines - Admission
People with Learning Disability
Course Name
Module Name
Performance Managing Your SOA
Peripheral Venous Catheters (PVC)
Personal Outcomes
PiMS Assessment Training
PMAV - ACP Core Skills
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMAV Theory
PMS Clinical Outcoming
PMS eVetting
PMS TrackCare Order Comms
Premises Managers Online Module
Pre-operative Assessment
Pre-Registration Mentorship
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presenting Within Your Community
Prevention & Control of Infection-Induction
Prevention & Control of Tuberculosis
Prevention of Infection Induction (Clinical)
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
Prince 2
PRL - Admin Responsibilities
PRL - Clinicians Responsibilities
PRL - Nursing Responsibilities
PRL - Nursing Responsibilities
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Project Management
Project Management
Promoting Attendance for Employees
Promoting Attendance for Managers
Protection - Patients and Staff
Psychological Awareness Training for the Heart
Public Contracts Scotland Regulations 2006
Performance Managing Your SOA
Peripheral Venous Catheters (PVC)
Personal Outcomes
PiMS Assessments
PMAV: ACP Core Skills
Introduction, Risk and Responsibility
Understanding & Recognising Aggression & Violence
De-escalation and Communication
The Assault Cycle and Support
Introduction, Risk and Responsibility
Understanding & Recognising Aggression & Violence
De-escalation and Communication
The Assault Cycle and Staff Support
PMS Clinical Outcoming
PMS eVetting
PMS TrackCare Order Comms
Safe Evacuation for Everyone
Lothian: Pre-operative Assessment
Pre-Registration Mentorship
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills for Science Professionals
Presenting Within Your Community
Prevention and Control of Infection - Induction
Prevention & Control of Tuberculosis
Prevention of Infection Induction - Clinical Staff
Section 1 - Overview
Section 2 - Organisation
Section 3 - The PRINCE2 Framework
Section 4 - Planning a Project
Section 5 - Delivering a Project
Section 6 - Closing a Project
Section 7 - Setting Project Parameters
Section 8 - Benefits Management
Admin Responsibilities
Clinicians Responsibilities
Creating a PRL
Booking a Return Appointment
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Project Management
Project Management
Promoting Attendance for Employees
Promoting Attendance for Managers
NHS Borders HCSW: Protection - Patients and Staff
Psychological Awareness Training for the Heart
Public Contracts Scotland Regulations 2006
Course Name
Module Name
Public Protection (Foundation)
Quality Standards for Practice Placements
Questioning and Listening
Questioning and Listening Skills
Recording of PGDs: Electronic Prescribing
Report Writing
Report Writing
Respiratory Protective Equipment
RIDDOR for Managers
Risk Assessment for Managers
Risk Management
Risk Management
Royal Victoria Building - Trak for Nurses
Royal Victoria Building -Trak for Doctors
Safe Administration of Medicines
Safe Caring and Restraint
Safe Management & Handling of Sharps
Safe Use of Systemic Anticancer Therapy
SAM Sickness Absence for Managers
SAM Sickness Absence for Managers
SAM Sickness Absence for Managers
SCI: Diabetes
SCI: Diabetes
SCI: Diabetes
Scottish Fund
Self Harm and Suicide in Young People
Self-Directed Support
SEWS and SBAR in Obstetrics
Site Safety Awareness
Skin at Work - Managers
Skin at Work - Responsible Persons
SNBTS: Hand Hygiene
Staff Well Being
Standard Infection Control Preca
Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress Management
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Supporting Carers
Supporting People with Dementia
Supporting Students Giving Cause for Concern
Symptomatic Relief
Team Work
Team Work
Team Working and Communicating Information
Team Working and Communicating Information
Lothian: Public Protection (Foundation)
Quality Standards for Practice Placement
Questioning and Listening
Questioning and Listening Skills
Recording of Patient Group Directives (PGDs) on El
Report Writing
Report Writing
Respiratory Protective Equipment
Lothian: RIDDOR for Managers
Risk Assessment for Managers
Risk Management: Managing Risk
Risk Management
Royal Victoria Building - Trak for Nurses
Royal Victoria Building - Trak for Doctors
Safe Administration of Medicines
Safe Caring and Restraint
Safe Management & Handling of Sharps
Safe Use of Systemic Anticancer Therapy (SACT)
1: Organisational Approach
2: Roles and Responsibilities
3: Standards of Attendance
Navigation and Common Features
User Account Management
Contact Management
The Scottish Fund
Self Harm and Suicide in Young People
Self-Directed Support
Lothian: SEWS and SBAR
Lothian: SEWS and SBAR for HCSWs
Lothian: SEWS and SBAR in Obstetrics
Site Safety Awareness
Managing Skin at Work – A Course for Managers
Managing Skin at Work - Responsible Persons
Hand Hygiene
NHS Borders HCSW: Staff Well Being
NHS Borders HCSW: Standard Infection Control Precations
Stress Management
Stress Management
Stress Management
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Understanding and Supporting the Carer
An Introduction to Supporting People with Dementia
Supporting Students Giving Cause for Concern
Symptomatic Relief
Team Work
Team Work
Team Working and Communicating Information
Team Working and Communicating Information
Course Name
Module Name
The Basic Principles of Risk Assessment
The Role of the Mentor
Think Capacity Think Consent (AWI)
Thinking and Support Management
Thinking and Support Management
Time Management
Time Management
Trak - Child Health Record
Trak - Child Health Record
Trak - Child Health Record
Trak - Child Health Record
Trak Community for District Nurses
Trak Community for District Nurses
Trak Community for District Nurses
Trak Community for District Nurses
Trak Community for District Nurses
Trak Community for District Nurses
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Administration
TrakCare A&E Clinician
TrakCare A&E Clinician
TrakCare A&E Clinician
TrakCare A&E Clinician
TrakCare A&E Clinician
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare ADT
TrakCare Clinician
TrakCare e-Triage
TrakCare General Enquiries
TrakCare OCS – Ordering
TrakCare Outpatient Nurses
TrakCare Vetting
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Transfusion Laboratory - Safe Practice
Treatment Time Guarantee Admin Training
The Basic Principles of Risk Assessment
The Role of the Mentor
Think Capacity Think Consent
Thinking and Support Management
Thinking and Support Management
Time Management
Time Management
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - Caseload Management
Module 3 - Recording Information in Trak
Module 4 - Trak Child Health Record
Trak Community
Caseload and Navigation
Trak Community Demographics
Trak Community Interventions
Assessments and Health Issues
Printing and Diaries
Introduction to A&E Adminsitration
Registering Your Patient
Creating a Patient Episode
Printing Case Note Labels
Patient Views & Alerts
Cancelling and A&E Admission
Patient Enquiry
Getting Started A&E Clinician
Managing Your Patient’s Stay
Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Part 1
Electronic Patient Record (EPR) Part 2
Clinical Summary Report
Introduction to ADT
Managing Wards
Bed Management
Episode Enquiry
TrakCare Clinician
Viewing and Vetting Referrals
General Enquiries
TrakCare OCS- Ordering
TrakCare: Outpatient Nurses
TrakCare Vetting
Haemovigilance in the UK and ROI
Laboratory Communication
Sample Reception
Serology Testing
Provision of Blood Components
Adverse Reactions and Events
Treatment Time Guarantee Admin Training
Course Name
Module Name
Triennial Review
Understanding and Supporting the Carer
Understanding Dementia
Understanding Equality, Diversity & Rights
Unintentional Injuries
Using the Cisco Phone System
Values, Beliefs and Assumptions
Verification of an Expected Death
Violence & Aggression Core
Violence & Aggression Core Modules
Violence & Aggression Core Modules
Violence & Aggression Core Modules
Violence & Aggression Core Modules
Violence & Aggression LEARNING DISABILITY
Violence and Aggression
Violence and Aggression (PaMOVA)
Waiting Times Good Practice
Waiting Times Good Practice
Waste Management
Weaning Module
Welfare Reform and the Impact on Health
Welfare Reform
Welfare Reform
Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
Working in Partnership
Working in Partnership Supported Self Mgt
Working in Partnership with Carers
Working in Partnership with Carers
Working with Risk in Mental Health
WPD Customer Survey
Triennial Review
Lothian: Understanding and Supporting the Carer
Understanding Dementia
Understanding Equality, Diversity & Rights
Unintentional Injuries
Using the Cisco Phone System
Values, Beliefs and Assumptions
Verification of an Expected Death
Violence & Aggression Core
Therapeutic Management of Aggression and Violence
Therapeutic Management of Aggression and Violence
Therapeutic Management of Aggression and Violence
Therapeutic Management of Aggression and Violence
Learning Disability
Violence and Aggression Prevention Theory
Prevention & Management of Violence & Aggression
Waiting Times Good Practice & Referral Governance
NHST: Waiting Times Good Practice
Lothian: Waste Management
Weaning Module
Welfare Reform and the Impact on Health
Welfare Reform
Welfare Reform
Work Life Balance
Work Life Balance
Working in Partnership
Working in partnership: Supported Self Management
Working with Partnership with Carers
Lothian: Working in Partnership with Carers
Working with Risk
WPD Customer Survey