Business Intelligence and Process Modelling F.W. Takes Universiteit Leiden Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 1 / 56 Recap Business Intelligence Process Modelling Business process modelling Modelling languages Process discovery Applications in financial industry BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 2 / 56 Process Modelling BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 3 / 56 Business Process Management (recap) Process: a set of related actions and transactions to achieve a certain objective Business process: a sequence of activities aimed at producing something of value for the business (Morgan02) Management processes Operational processes Supporting processes Business Process Management: the discipline that combines knowledge from information technology and knowledge from management sciences and applies this to operational business processes (v.d. Aalst) Extension of WorkFlow Management (WFM) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 4 / 56 Business Process Modelling (recap) Business Process Model: abstract representation of business processes, functionality is: Descriptive: what is actually happening? Prescriptive: what should be happening? Explanatory: why is the process designed this way? In practice: formalize and visualize business processes Process Discovery: derive the process from a description of activities Process Mining: the task of converting event data into process models (discovery, conformance, enhancement) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 5 / 56 Why Model Processes? (recap) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 6 / 56 Classical BPM Lifecycle (recap) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 7 / 56 Process Mining (recap) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 8 / 56 Business Process. . . Intelligence? M. Castellanos et al., Business process intelligence, Handbook of research on business process modeling, pp. 456–480, 2009. BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 9 / 56 Process Modelling Informal models: used for discussion and documentation (process descriptions) Formal models: used for analysis or enactment (Colored) Petri Nets — today Business Process Model Notation — next lecture BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets (C)PN BPMN 10 / 56 Business Process Model Notation BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 11 / 56 Petri Nets BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 12 / 56 Event logs (1) Case ID 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 ... Event ID 35654423 35654424 35654425 35654426 35654427 35654483 35654485 35654487 35654488 35654489 35654521 35654522 35654524 35654525 35654526 35654527 35654530 35654531 35654533 35654641 35654643 35654644 35654645 35654647 30-12-2010:11.02 31-12-2010:10.06 05-01-2011:15.12 06-01-2011:11.18 07-01-2011:14.24 30-12-2010:11.32 30-12-2010:12.12 30-12-2010:14.16 05-01-2011:11.22 08-01-2011:12.05 30-12-2010:14.32 30-12-2010:15.06 30-12-2010:16.34 06-01-2011:09.18 06-01-2011:12.18 06-01-2011:13.06 08-01-2011:11.43 09-01-2011:09.55 15-01-2011:10.45 06-01-2011:15.02 07-01-2011:12.06 08-01-2011:14.43 09-01-2011:12.02 12-01-2011:15.44 Activity register request examine thoroughly check ticket decide reject request register request check ticket examine casually decide pay compensation register request examine casually check ticket decide reinitiate request examine thoroughly check ticket decide pay compensation register request check ticket examine thoroughly decide reject request Resource Pete Sue Mike Sara Pete Mike Mike Sean Sara Ellen Pete Mike Ellen Sara Sara Sean Pete Sara Ellen Pete Mike Sean Sara Ellen Costs 50 400 100 200 200 50 100 400 200 200 50 400 100 200 200 400 100 200 200 50 100 400 200 200 Table : Event logs of a helpdesk handling customer compensations BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 13 / 56 Event logs (2) Case ID ... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 Event ID Activity Resource 35654711 35654712 35654714 35654715 35654716 35654718 35654719 35654720 35654721 35654722 35654724 35654725 35654726 35654871 35654873 35654874 35654875 35654877 06-01-2011:09.02 07-01-2011:10.16 08-01-2011:11.22 10-01-2011:13.28 11-01-2011:16.18 14-01-2011:14.33 16-01-2011:15.50 19-01-2011:11.18 20-01-2011:12.48 21-01-2011:09.06 21-01-2011:11.34 23-01-2011:13.12 24-01-2011:14.56 06-01-2011:15.02 06-01-2011:16.06 07-01-2011:16.22 07-01-2011:16.52 16-01-2011:11.47 register request examine casually check ticket decide reinitiate request check ticket examine casually decide reinitiate request examine casually check ticket decide reject request register request examine casually check ticket decide pay compensation Ellen Mike Pete Sara Sara Ellen Mike Sara Sara Sue Pete Sara Mike Mike Ellen Mike Sara Mike Costs 50 400 100 200 200 100 400 200 200 400 100 200 200 50 400 100 200 200 Table : Event logs of a support desk handling customer compensations BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 14 / 56 Simplified event log Case ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 Trace ha, b, d, e, hi ha, d, c, e, g i ha, c, d, e, f , b, d, e, g i ha, d, b, e, hi ha, c, d, e, f , d, c, e, f , c, d, e, hi ha, c, d, e, g i Table : Simplified event log of a support desk handling customer compensations (a = register request, b = examine thoroughly, c = examine casually, d = check ticket, e = decide, f = reinitiate request, g = pay compensation, h = reject request) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 15 / 56 Simplified event log Case ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 Trace ha, b, d, e, hi ha, d, c, e, g i ha, c, d, e, f , b, d, e, g i ha, d, b, e, hi ha, c, d, e, f , d, c, e, f , c, d, e, hi ha, c, d, e, g i Table : Simplified event log of a support desk handling customer compensations (a = register request, b = examine thoroughly, c = examine casually, d = check ticket, e = decide, f = reinitiate request, g = pay compensation, h = reject request) In short: {ha, b, d, e, hi, ha, d, c, e, g i, ha, c, d, e, f , b, d, e, g i, ha, d, b, e, hi, ha, c, d, e, f , d, c, e, f , c, d, e, hi, ha, c, d, e, g i} BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 15 / 56 Example (1) Case ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 Trace ha, b, d, e, hi ha, d, c, e, g i ha, c, d, e, f , b, d, e, g i ha, d, b, e, hi ha, c, d, e, f , d, c, e, f , c, d, e, hi ha, c, d, e, g i BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 16 / 56 Example (2) Figure : Petri net based on event log {ha, b, d, e, hi, ha, d, b, e, hi} BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 17 / 56 Play in BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 18 / 56 Play out BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 19 / 56 Replay BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 20 / 56 Replay Connecting models to real events is crucial Possible uses Conformance checking Repairing models Extending the model with frequencies and temporal information Constructing predictive models Operational support (prediction, recommendation, etc.) BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 21 / 56 Petri Nets BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 22 / 56 Automata (remember?) Finite automaton FA = (Q, Σ, qo , A, δ) Q is a finite set of states Σ is a finite alphabet of input symbols qo ∈ Q is the initial state A ⊆ Q is the set of accepting states δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 23 / 56 Automata (remember?) Finite automaton FA = (Q, Σ, qo , A, δ) Q is a finite set of states Σ is a finite alphabet of input symbols qo ∈ Q is the initial state A ⊆ Q is the set of accepting states δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function Figure : Deterministic Finite Automaton for the function x mod 3 BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 23 / 56 Petri Nets Petri net N = (P, T , F ) P is a finite set of places T is a finite set of transitions F ⊆ (P × T ) ∪ (T × P) is a finite set of directed arcs called the flow relation BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 24 / 56 Labeled Petri Nets Petri net N = (P, T , F , A, `) P is a finite set of places T is a finite set of transitions F ⊆ (P × T ) ∪ (T × P) is a finite set of directed arcs called the flow relation A is a set of activity labels ` : T → A is a labeling function BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 25 / 56 Enabling A transition is enabled if each of its input places contains at least one token BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 26 / 56 Firing An enabled transition can fire (i.e., it occurs), consuming a token from each input place and producing a token for each output place. BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 27 / 56 Petri Nets Connections are directed No connections between two places or two transitions Places may hold zero or more tokens At most one arc between nodes (for now) Firing is atomic Multiple transitions may be enabled, but only one fires at a time During execution, the number of tokens may vary if there are transitions for which the number of input places is not equal to the number of output places The network is static BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 28 / 56 Example (1) Petri net for a traffic light BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 29 / 56 Example (1) Petri net for a traffic light States: red, orange and green BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 29 / 56 Example (1) Petri net for a traffic light States: red, orange and green Transitions from red to green, green to orange, and orange to red BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 29 / 56 Example (1) Petri net for a traffic light States: red, orange and green Transitions from red to green, green to orange, and orange to red BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 29 / 56 Example (2a) Petri net for 2 traffic lights BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 30 / 56 Example (2a) Petri net for 2 traffic lights BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 30 / 56 Example (2b) Petri net for 2 traffic lights BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 31 / 56 Example (3) Petri net for 2 traffic lights BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 32 / 56 Marked Petri Nets Marking: the distribution of tokens over places in a Petri net Marked Petri net (M, N): Petri net N = (P, T , F ) Marking M ∈ B(P) is a multi-set over P indicating the marking of N, denoted for example by [c12 , c2, c34 ] Net behavior: set of all possible state sequences BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 33 / 56 Reachability graph BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 34 / 56 Reachability graph BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 34 / 56 Reachability graph BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 35 / 56 Different types of states Initial state: initial distribution of tokens. Reachable state: reachable from initial state. Final/dead state: no transition is enabled. Home state/marking: it is always possible to return (i.e., it is reachable from any reachable state). BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 36 / 56 Roles in Modelling Place: passive element Transition: active element Arc: causal relation → Token: elements subject to change BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets • 37 / 56 Role of a token • a physical object, for example a product, a part, a drug, a person; an information object, for example a message, a signal, a report; a collection of objects, for example a truck with products, a warehouse with parts, or an address file; an indicator of a state, for example the indicator of the state in which a process is, or the state of an object; an indicator of a condition: the presence of a token indicates whether a certain condition is fulfilled. BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 38 / 56 Role of a place a type of communication medium, like a telephone line, a middleman, or a communication network; a buffer: for example, a depot, a queue or a post bin; a geographical location, like a place in a warehouse, office or hospital; a possible state or state condition: for example, the floor where an elevator is, or the condition that a specialist is available. BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 39 / 56 Role of a transition an event: for example, starting an operation, the death of a patient, a change seasons or the switching of a traffic light from red to green; a transformation of an object, like adapting a product, updating a database, or updating a document; transport of an object: for example, transporting goods, or sending a file. BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 40 / 56 Typical net structures Causality Parallelism (AND-split, AND-join) Choice (XOR-split, XOR-join) Iteration (XOR-join, XOR-split) Capacity constraints Feedback loop Mutual exclusion Alternating BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 41 / 56 Causality BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 42 / 56 Parallelism BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 43 / 56 Parallelism: AND-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 44 / 56 Parallelism: AND-join BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 45 / 56 Choice: XOR-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 46 / 56 Choice: XOR-join BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 47 / 56 Logic with Petri nets BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 48 / 56 Iteration: 1 or more times Figure : XOR-join before XOR-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 49 / 56 Iteration: 0 or more times Figure : XOR-join before XOR-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 50 / 56 Capacity constraints: feedback loop Figure : AND-join before AND-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 51 / 56 Capacity constraints: mutual exclusion Figure : AND-join before AND-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 52 / 56 Two traffic lights: mutual exclusion Petri net for 2 traffic lights BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 53 / 56 Capacity constraints: alternating Figure : AND-join before AND-split BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 54 / 56 Lab session March 26 Finish Assignment 2 Complete relevant empirical experiments Implement (a small part of) your data mining algorithm on Algorithmia, and add it to your dashboard Finish the assignment report Report any final questions BIPM — Lecture 7: Process Modelling & Petri Nets 55 / 56 Credits Lecture based on slides belonging to the course book W. van der Aalst, Process Mining: Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business Processes, Springer, 2011. 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