Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Central Library 27/5/2015 Sub: Disposal off 7161 Bound Volumes of printed Journals before 1980 only for those who are having perpetual access of online Journals from the Central Library The Central Library of IIT,Delhi having discarded off 7161 Bound Volumes of printed Journals before 1980 only for those who are having perpetual access of online Journals from the Central Library. A complete list of 7161 Journals are enclosed herewith. It is proposed to offer free of charge below mentioned 7161 Bound Volumes of printed Journals before 1980 only for those who are having perpetual access of online from the Central Library Interested Institution may contact to under signed with in 15 days. The discarded Volumes of Journals may be sent to these institutions on first- comefirst served basis. Institution desirous of getting the discarded volumes of Journals would be responsible for charges incurred on post. (Dr. SHUJAT HUSAIN) i/c Serial Division Class No. A/13 A/24 A/31 A/9 B/1 B/11 B/17 B/3 B/30 B/36 B/37 B/42 B/44 B/46 B/48 B/52 B/64 B/67 B/75 B/77 B/9 B114/1 B2/1 B2/2 B2/5 B28/10 B28/10 B28/13 B28/13 B28/14 B28/15 B28/18 TITLE Of Journal Journal of Franklin Institute 1967-1980) Philosphy of Science 1934-1980) SCIENCE(1880-1980) ENDEVEOUR (1977-1980 and vol 1-4) ABHANDLUNGEN (1922-1980) Archives Der Mathematics (1948-1980 and vol 1-35) Commentarit Mathematici Helvetical (1929-1980) Acta Mathematica,Hungaricae(1950-1980 and vol 1-145) IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics vol 1 to vol 26 Mathematics of Computation(1943-1980) Mathematics Magazine(1926-1980) Mathematische Annalen (1869-1980) Mathematische Zeitschrift (1980) Monat Shefte fur Mathematik (1890-1980) Numerische Mathematik(1959-1980) Proceedings of American Mathematical Society(from 1950-1980) Trans.of American Mathematical Society(online available from 1900- 1980 ) Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society(online available from 1969-1980 an BIT : Numerical Mathematics from 1961-1980 and vol 1-20) Advances in Mathematics(1961-1980 and vol 1-38) American Journal of Mathematics (1878-1980) Journal of Approximation Theory (available from 1968-1980) Journal of Algebra (from 1964-1980) Linear Algebra & its Applications (1968-1980) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra(1971 - 1980) Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Ser.-A (1971-1980) Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series-B(1971-1980) Journal of royal statistics society : series A (1960-1980) Journal of Royal Statistical Society. Series A)..( 1934-1980) Journal of royal statistics society : series B (from 1948-1980) METRIKA (1958-1980) Technometrics(1959-1980).......... B28/19 B28/20 B28/22 B28/5 B3/1 B3/3 B3/4 B3/6 B321/1 B7/15 B7/17 B7/18 B7/2 B7/5 B7/7 B7/9 BZ/18 BZ/19 BZ/20 BZ/20 BZ/20A BZ/20A BZ/22 BZ/23 BZ/28 BZ/5 C/24 C/25 C/26 C/29 C/3 C/31 C/33 C/43 C/44 C/45 C/46 c/47 C/48 C/49 Theory of Probability and its Applications(O) (SIAM)( 1956-1980) Journal of Optimization Theory and its Applications(P+O)( 1967-1980) Annals of Probability (1973-1980) BIOMETRIKA(1901-1980 and vol 1-67) Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Application (1960-1980) Journal of Differntial Equations (1965-1980) TOPOLOGY (B3/4)...........( 1962-2009) Journal of Functional Analysis (B3/6)( 1967-1980) Discrete Mathematics (1971-1980 and vol 1-32) Rheology Acta (1958-1980) Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (1976-1980) International Journal of Multiphase Flow(1973-1980) Journal of Fluid Mechanics(O)( 1956-1980) Physics of Fluids(1958-1980) ZAMM : 1958-1980) Fluid Dynamics(1966-1980 and vol 1-15) Proceedings of Royal Society (London)Ser.'A')( 1934-1980) Philosophical Trans Royal Soc (London) Ser.'A'Journal of appiled mathemathics (BZ/20)( 1953-1980) Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics(O) (1966-1980) Journal of numerical analysis(BZ/20A) ( SIAM PACKAGE 1964-1980) Siam Journal on Numerical Analysis(O)( 1964-1980) USSR Computational Mathematics & Mathematical Physics (-1980) ZAMP : Jl.of Applied Mathematics & Physics(1965-1980) Applied Mathematical Modelling(1976 - 1980 and vol 1-4) Journal of Engineering mathematics (from 1967-1980) Journal of Applied Physics(1937-1980) Journal of Physics-A (1968- 1980) Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics 1950- 1980) Physical Review - A (1970-1980) American Journal of Physics( 1933-1980 and vol 1-48) Physical Review Letters(1958-1968) Physics Letters A (1967-1980) Zeitschrift Fur Physik (1962-1980) Applied Physics Letters(1962- 1980 and vol 1-37 ) Journal of Computational Physics (1966-1980) Physics Reports (C/46( 1971-1980) Journal of Statsitical Physics. Physica Scripta(-1980) Czechoslovak Journal of Physics,( 1952 -1980 and vol 1-30 ) C/50 C/52 C/7 C21/1 C21/13 C21/15 C21/17 C21/3 C21/3A C21/4 C3:7/1 C35/5 C4/1 C4/3 C4/5 C4/6 C5/1 C5/11 C5/14 C5/15 C5/17 C5/20 C5/24 C5/27 C5/28 C9B1/1 C9B3/10 C9B3/11 C9B3/12 C9B3/17 C9B3/18 C9B3/21 C9B3/27 C9B3/5 C9B3/5 C9B3/8 C9B3/9 D/2 D/24 D/26 Reports on Progress in Physics(1934- 1980) Applied Physics (1970-1980) Annals of Physics (1957-1980 and vol 1-130) International Journal of Solid & Structures (1965-1980) Solid State Communications(1963-1976) Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids(1968-1980) Thin Solid Films (1967-1980) Journal of Physics-C: Solid State Physics (1968- 1980) Journal of Physics-G:(Nuclear Physics)( 1975 - 1980) Journal of Physics & Chemistry of Solids (1956-1980) Applied Acoustics(vol 41-71) ULTRASONICS (1963 -1980 ) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 1960-1980) Energy Conversion and Management (1980 and vol 20) Advanced Energy Conversion (1961 - 1968) Letters in Heat & Mass Transfer (1974-1980) Applied Optics: Optical Technology ( 1962 - 1980 ) Solar Energy(1957-1976) Optics Communications(1971-1980) Optics & Laser Technology(1968-1980) Optics Letters(1977-1980) Appiled energy (1975-1980) Energy (1976-1980) Energy & Building (1977 - 1979 and vol 1-2) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (1976-1980) Journal of Plasma Physics(1967 - 1980) Nuclear Physics (1956-1980) Nuclear Physics.Section A 1967-1980) Nuclear Physics Section B (1967-1980) Physical Review C (1970-1980) Physical Review D (1970-1980) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion(1961-1980) Journal of Physics-B: Proc.of Phy.Soc 1968-1980) Annals of Nuclear Science and Engineering (1974) Journal of Nuclear Energy (1967-1973) Journal of Nuclear Materials (1959-1980) Journal of Physics-B: Atomic & Molecular Physics (1968- 1980) CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (1980 and vol 29) Journal of Material Science (1966-1980) Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design(1965-1980) D/34 D/36 D/45 D/51 D/68 D/80 D:1/1 D:1/2 D:1/4 D:1/7 D:1/9 D:G/1 D:G/11 D:G/18 D:G/3 D:G/4 D:G/5 D:G/6 D:G/7 D1/25 D1/52 D2/16 D2/26 D2/26 D3/4 D395/2 D41/1 D6/12 D6/13 D6/16 D6/2 D6/35 D627/3 D627/4 D641/2 D641/3 D65/104 D65/104 D65/121 D65/135 Material Research Bulletin (1966-1980) Materials Science and Engineering ; 1966-1980) International Journal of Engineering Science(1963-1980) .Journal of Composite Materials(-1980) Journal of Symbolic Logic (1936-1980) Technology and Culture(1959-1980 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (1957-1980 and vol 1-74) Experimental Mechanics(1961-1980) International Journal of Non-Linear ,Mechanics (1966-1980) Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (1965-1980) Engineering Fracture Mechanics(1968 -1980 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research- Pt. A (1967-1980) Environmental Science and Technology(1967-1980 Annals of Biochemical Engineering(1972-1980) Medical and Biological Engg.and Computing(1963-1980) Biotechnology and Bioengineering(1959-1980 and vol 1-22) Biomedical Engineering 1980 and vol 1-14) Environmental Research Journal of Biomechanics(1968-1980) Soil Machanics and Foundation Engineering(1964-1976) Engineering sturtures(1978-1980) Water Research(1967- 1980) Advances in water resources(1977-1980) Agricultureal water management (1976-1980) Building and Environment (1976-1980 Limnology and Oceanograpy(1956-1980).... Transportation Research Record(Highway Research Record) (1967-1980) International Journal of Mechanical Sciences(1960-1980) International journal of Production Research (1961-1980) Mechanism and Machine Theory(1972-1980) AUTOMATICA(1963-1980 American Anthropologist 1980) WEAR ( D627/ 3 )..... 1957 -1980 ) Tribology International(1975- 1980 ) Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves(1965-1980 Combustion and Flame(1957-1980 Singal processing (1976-1980) Solid-State Electronics(-1976) Microelectronics and Reliability (1962-1980) Optical & Quntum Electronics(Formerly: Opto Electronics) ( 1969-1980) D65/137 D65/14 D66/10 D66/44 D66/44 D66/55 D66/61 D7/4 D7/6 D8/2 D85/1 D85/7 F57/13 F57/39 F57/60 G/21 G/7 H/1 H/11 H/5 H/6 H/7 H/8 H/9 H1/4 H3/1 H4/5 H4/5 H8/2 MB/128 MB1/116 MB1/50 MB1/56 MB1/60 MB1/67 MB1/93 O/15 O/18 O/19 O/22 International Journal of Circuit,Theory and Application (1973-1980) Electronics & Communications in Japan (1980 and vol63) Electrical Engineering In Japan (1972-1980 Journal of control and optimization (1962-1980) Siam Journal on Control and Optimization1962-1980) Journal of Power Sources(1976 - 1980) International journal of Electrical Power and energy systems (1979-1980) Nuclear Instruments & Methods (1959-1980) Nuclear Engineering & Design (1966-1980) Atmospheric Environment(1967-1980 and vol 1-14) Desalination(1966-1980 and vol 1-35) Accident Analysis & Prevention (1969-1980) Journal of Texture Studies (1969-1980) Textile Research Journal (1931-1980) Journal of Indurstrial textiles (1970-1980) Journal of Mathematical Biology (1989-1980) Life Sciences (G/7) (1962-1980) Engineering Geology(from 1965-1980 and vol 1-15) GEOTHERMICS from 1972 - 1980 vol 1-9) Earth & Planetary Science Letters(1966-1980 and vol 1-51) Geoexploration(Now Jou.of applied geophysics)( from 1963-1980) Earth Science Reviews (from 1971-1980 and vol 1-16) International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science (1964-1980) Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering(1969-1980) Journal of Crystal Growth(1967-1980) GEOTECHNIQUE (P)(G-5) (H3/1( 1948-1980 Earthquake Engineering & Sturtural Dyanamics (1972-1980) Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics(.1972-1980) Journal of Atmospheric &Terrestrial Physics (1950-1980) Journal of the American Oil Chemists society (MB/128) (Springer package onli Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology(MB1/11 Information System (1975-1980) Journal of computing (1972-1980) Information Processing Letters(1971-1980) Acta Informatica(1971-1980 and vol 1-14) Journal of systems and software (1979-1980) College English(1939 - 1980) Comparative Literature (1949 - 1980 ) Critical Inquiry(1974 - 1980) Twentieth Century Literature (1955- 1980) O3/2 P/12 P/5 P/6 P/7 R/2 R/4 R/5 R/6 R/8 R5/1 R5/2 S/12 S/13 S/18 S/23 S/25 S/4 S/8 S/9 S8/3 S8/7 T/10 T/21 T/30 T/5 T/9 U25/1 U25/3 U25/3 U28/1 U28/2 U28/4 U28/6 V/4 W/10 W/11 W/12 W/14 W/18 Novel : A Forum of Fiction (1967-1980) JSTOR Modern Language Journal (1916-1980) LINGUA (1949-1980) LANGUAGE ( 1925-1980) PMLA(P (1889-1980) British Journal for the Philosophy of Sciences (1950-1980 and vol 1-35) Journal of Philosophy (1921- 1980) MIND (R/5) (1876-1980) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (1940-1980) .ANALYSIS (R/8) (1933-1980) British Journal of Aesthetics (1960-1980 and vol 1-20) Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1941-1980) Psychological Bulletin(1904-1980) Psychological Review(1904-1980) .American Journal of Psychology (1887-1980) Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology (1968-1980) Personnel Psychology(1948-1980) Educational & Psychological Measurement from 1941-1980 and vol 1-40) Journal of Applied Psychology from 1917-1980) Journal of Educational Psychology( from 1910-1980) Public Opinion Quarterly 1937- 1980) Social psychology Quarterly (1979-1980) Sociology of Education (1963-1980) Peabody Journal of Education (T/21vol 1 to vol 57 (1923-1980) Journal of Higher Education -1980) Educational research 1958-1980) Review of Educational Research m 1931- 1980) Ocean Engineering 1968-1980) Deep- Sea research Pt. A from 1979 -1980 and vol 26-27 ) Deep-Sea Research Pt.B 1979 -1980 and vol 26-27 ) Paleogeography,Paleoclimatplogy,paleoecology from 1965-1980) Quarterly journal of the royal Meteorlogical society available from 1965-1980) Journal of Applied Meteorology from 1962-1980) Monthly Weather Review from 1873-1980) History and Theory from 1960-1980 and vol 1-19) World Politics from 1948 - 1980 ) Journal of Political Economy from 1892 - 1980) Journal of Politics 1939 - 1980) Western Political Quarterly 1948 - 1980) Comparative Politics (W/18).....vol 1 to vol 13 1968 - 1980) W/3 W/4A W/7 W/9 X /4 X :9/7 X/15 X/16 X/19 X/25 X/26 X/27 X/31 X/37 X/7 X/8 X/9 X:8/16 X:8/18 X:8/30 X:8/32 X:8/34 X:8/35 X:8/43 X:8/44 X:8/46 X:8/5 X:8/53 X:8/79 X:9/10 X;8/65 Y/14 Y/17 Y/24 Y/27 Y/29 Y/3 Y/30 Y/38 Y/55 Canadian Journal of Political Science 1968-1980 and vol 1-13) Poltical Research Quarterly 1948-1980) Political Science Quarterly from 1886-1980) Political Studies 1953-1980) Canadian Journal of Economics from 1968-1980 and vol 1-13) International Labour Review available 1970-1980) Indian Economic and Social History Review online available from 1964-1980) International Economic Review online available from 1960-1980) Oxford Economics Papers (O-16)(X/19)...........vol 1 to vol 32 ( 1938-1980) ECONOMETRICA 1933-1980 and vol 1-48) Socio-Economic Planning Sciences from 1967-1980). Journal of Economic Literature available from 1969-1980) JSTOR Explorations in Economic History 1969-1980 and vol 7-17) FUTURES (X/37 1969-1980 and vol 1-12) ECONOMICA 1920-1980 and vol 1-47) Economic Development and Cultural Change.vol 1 to vol 28 Economic Journal 1891-1980 and vol 1-90) Management Science(1954-1980) Operations Research (X:8/18) 1952-1980) Public Administration 1970-1980) Bell Journal of Economics 1975-1980 and vol 6-11) Applied Ergonomics from 1970-1980 and vol 1-11) Omega:The International Journal of Management Science 1973-1980) Academy of Management Journal (from 1958 - 1980 and vol 1-23) Academy of Management Review from 1970 - 1980 and vol 1-14 ) Journal of Marketing Online available from 1936-1980) Harvard Business Review(vol 1 to vol 58 (1922-1980) Business Horizons (1958-1980) Operations Research/Zeitschrift fur( 1952-1980)... Indurstrial relations (1978-1980) European Journal of Operational Research (1977-1980 and vol 1-5) Journal of Conflict Resolution(1957-1980) Population Studies( 1947-1980) SOCIOMETRY (Y/24) from 1937-1976) Organizational Behavior and Human Performance from 1966-1980) Social Forces from 1925-1980) American Journal of Sociology( 1895-1980) Journal of Peace Research 1964-1980) Theory and Society (1974-1980) Social studies and acience (Y/55) Y/59 Y/7 Y/9 Y7/2 Y7/2 Y7/6 Current Anthropology from 1959 -1980) British Journal of Sociology 1950-1980 and vol 1-31) Comparative Studies in Society and History 1958 -1980) Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute 1967-1980) Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute from 1901-1980) Anthropological Quarterly(1928-1980)
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