of ight of ight LL Toorah rah T A Journey to t h e H o ly L a n d | M e n n o J e r u s a l e m B i b l e L a n d s T o u r S Y D N E Y DEPARTURE DATE: 13 APRIL 2015 - A 22 Day Pilgrimage Journey from $7,490 AUD Inclusive of all taxes / levies TOUR CODE: 5PV26 I T I NE R A R Y O VER VIEW Basilica of the Annunciation DAY 5: FRIDAY, 17 APRIL 9:00 Jerusalem to visit the Garden Tomb, with a tour and reflection on the ‘Resurrection’ theme. 10:30 St. Anne’s/Bethesda Pools: site of Jesus’ miracle as recorded in St. John chap.5. 12:30 LUNCH at Tantur 2:30 Songs for shabbat, and study of the parashat hashavuah/Torah reading for the week 5:30 Kol HaNeshama Synagogue, erev shabbat service Followed by a Shabbat DINNER at Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BLD) DAY 6: SATURDAY, 18 APRIL SHABBAT 8:00 Depart for Old City, Holy Sepulchre Church (of the Resurrection); tour of the site and chapels of the Crusader Church built over Constantine’s masterpiece; followed by free time in the Old City, strolling along the Via Dolorosa /shopping in the Muslim & Christian Quarters - oriental spices and scents, bustling suqs (shops), middle-eastern pricebartering, photo-ops. LUNCH on own during this time. Return to Tantur: Movie screening (optional) The Lemon Tree, highly acclaimed, moving Israeli production of “the situation” in the Land. 106 min. 6:00 Hebrew Mass in town with the St James Hebrew speaking catholic community and a chance to meet members of this small but significant community, followed by DINNER at nearby restaurant. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 1: MONDAY, 13 APRIL DEPART SYDNEY DAY 2: TUESDAY, 14 APRIL ARRIVE ISRAEL 7:00 Arrival at Ben Gurion airport, near Tel Aviv, Israel. Clear immigration into Israel, for bus transfer to Jerusalem. Check-in at Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem campus of Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA, inspired by participants in the Second Vatican Council, and encouraged by Pope Paul VI. General Orientation, Tantur and Touring Program: “Our feet are standing within your walls, O Jerusalem…” 12:30 LUNCH at Tantur 2:00 Biblical orientation at site of city panoramas, Abraham’s lookout, (Genesis 22) to the Hinnom Valley, (Jeremiah 7) view of the Old City, Dome of the Rock, Kidron Valley, Mount of Olives. Visit Herod’s family tomb (best example of a rolling stone tomb in Israel) for story of Hinnom Valley and Jeremiah’s call for repentance. 6:00 pm DINNER at Tantur. Evening free, for early bedtime option. Jerusalem overnight (LD) DAY 3: WEDNESDAY, 15 APRIL 7:30 Departure for West Bank: Herodion, fortress ruins, burial site of King Herod the Great, outside Beit Sahour. 9:30 Return across the Fields of Boaz [Ruth 4] to Shepherds Fields - carol singing in the caves… Luke 2. 11:00 Mass, nativity setting LUNCH on own, Nativity Square, time to stroll through the ancient town and shops. With Salwa Musallam, tour of Nativity Square and Basilica, Jesus’ birth grotto, caves of St. Jerome under St. Catherine’s Church [worldwide Christmas Eve Catholic TV service originates here]. 4:00 Visit Bethlehem University, conversations with Palestinian students re: their stories. 6:00 DINNER in Bedouin Tent Restaurant, including conversation with Palestinian guests, folkloric music and dance. 8:00 Return to Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 4: THURSDAY, 16 APRIL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY 8:00 With Jared Goldfarb, tour City of David, wade through Hezekiah’s Tunnel to the Pool of Siloam. Climb up to Davidson Center and the Ophel excavations, Teaching Steps, miqva’ot of the Temple Mount area. Discuss role of second Temple in Judaism, see ritual baths/miqva’ot (Lev. 11:36). Jewish Quarter, Roman Cardo, Hezekiah’s Wall, Hurva Synagogue 1:00 LUNCH on own in Old City 2:30 To Kol HaNeshama Synagogue, presentations and discussion: Rabbi Arik Aschermann, Rabbis for Human Rights, Teachings from the Torah on dealing with conflict Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman: “Preparing for Shabbat” and songs of shabbat 6:00 DINNER at Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 7: SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH FREE DAY, LUNCH ON OWN (Optional activities: Israel Museum; Ein Kerem & Hadassah Hospital/Chagall Windows, etc.) DINNER at Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 8: MONDAY, 20 APRIL 7:30 Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif: the golden Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque. To the Western/Wailing Wall plaza for bar mitzvah celebrations. Theme: “The Mountains of the Jews” LUNCH on own in Old City 2:00 Yad Vashem, Holocaust Museum/ Children’s Memorial, with Jackie Metzger from the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem. Debriefing on the lawn 6:00 DINNER at Tantur 7:00 Evening with the Friedguts, Jewish Israeli family in East Talpiyot. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 9: TUESDAY, 21 APRIL 7:30 Depart for the Passion Walk, Judean Desert lookout, from Bethphage by Bethany (Luke 19:28 ff.), Pater Noster Church down the Mount of Olives to Dominus Flevit TearDrop church, Gethsemane grotto and Church of all Nations/olive garden. Cross the Kidron Valley to St. Peter in Gallicantu (site of High Priest Caiaphas’ house). Picnic LUNCH provided. Optional visit to a craft shop with unique artisan pieces from desert monasteries. Visit High Priest Caiaphas’ house, dungeon: texts of Jesus’ trial, Peter’s denial (Mark 14:53 I T I NE R A R Y O VER VIEW ff.) Upper Room, Mount Zion (Mark 14:12 ff.; Pentecost: the birth of the ‘ekklesia/Church); DINNER at Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BLD) DAY 10: WEDNESDAY, 22 APRIL ISRAEL MEMORIAL DAY Morning: Dr. Debbie Weissman: Presentation,: “Issues and Challenges in Jewish-Christian Dialogue Today” from her perspective as president of the ICCJ: International Council of Christians and Jews (headquartered in Martin Buber’s house, Heppenheim, Germany), Afternoon: Follow the Way of the Patriarchs highway south into the West Bank, past Hebron/Kiryat Arba (Abraham buys land for Sarah’s tomb there, Gen. 23), to visit the Palestinian Muslim village of At-Tuwani, beside an Israeli settlement, where workers from the Catholic peace initiative, Operation Dove, experience and confront peace/ justice/ reconciliation issues. Meet local families to hear about Arab village life, struggles, and activity with the founder and director of the Muslim Women’s Cooperative, Keiffah, and Nasser Adara, village leader. Village women’s handicrafts display, shopping option. DINNER at Tantur. Jerusalem overnight (BD) DAY 11: THURSDAY, 23 APRIL ISRAELI INDEPENDENCE DAY 8:00 Drive through Philistine Territory, stop at the Valley of Elah (David & Goliath, I Sam. 17). LUNCH on own With Shraga Kelson, tour the archaeological site of Tel Be’ersheva, (Abraham, Sarah & Hagar, Gen. 21-22). Continue across the Negev Desert (stories of the ancient Nabateans) to Arad for overnight. DINNER at hotel in Arad. Arad overnight (BD) DAY 12: FRIDAY, 24 APRIL 7:00 Early start for Masada climb via the Roman military ramp to the top, tour the site where Herod built his palaces and Jewish holdouts stood against the Romans during the final battle post-destruction of the Temple. Cable car down to the Dead Sea side. 12:00 LUNCH on own at Ein Gedi restaurant 1:00 Walk to the Ein Gedi waterfalls of David’s spring, read the story of David and King Saul here (I Sam. 24). 3:00 Check in at Kibbutz Ein Gedi Resort Hotel. Stroll through their Botanical Gardens with over 1000 plant species. Option for a unique “float” in the Dead Sea, and enjoy the spa. 7:00 DINNER in the kibbutz restaurant. Ein Gedi overnight (BD) DAY 13: SATURDAY, 25 APRIL SHABBAT Sunrise experience over the Moab Mountains across the Jordan Valley; Psalm 23 meditation. 9:00 To Qumran/Dead Sea Scrolls site tour excavated site of the first-century Essene community. 10:30 Visit Jericho: the geography and biblical stories around the oldest city on earth, cable car up the cliff… remember the stories of Elijah and Elisha, miracles and teachings of Jesus; stop at an ancient sycamore tree (Luke 18:35-19:10) 12:00 LUNCH on own in Jericho; walk-about in central square. 1:30 Departure for Galilee following the Jordan Valley route northward… to the Holiday Resort Village of the Ma’agan Kibbutz on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. 4:00 Check-in, and check out the lake and the pool. 6:00 Mass on the seashore. 7:00 DINNER in dining room overlooking the sea. Sea of Galilee overnight (BD) DAY 14: SUNDAY, 26 APRIL 8:30 To Kibbutz Ginnosar/Yigal Allon Centre discovery video and exhibit of the ancient ‘Jesus boat’. 10:00 Board our wooden boat ride for two hours, with quiet time, on the Sea of Galilee. LUNCH on own 1:00 Bus returns to Ma’agan. FREE afternoon, with option to remain in Tiberias and return on own to Ma’agan. 7:00 DINNER at Ma’agan. Sea of Galilee overnight (BD) DAY 15: MONDAY, 27 APRIL 7:30 Bus climbs Golan Heights for broad panoramas over the Sea and region of Galilee, views of “the Teaching Triangle” of Jesus; to Mitzpe Ofir over-looking the site of the Kursi/ Gerasenes story of the calming of the sea, and the demoniac and swine (Mark 4-5). North through Upper Galilee via Golan Heights/Bashan route (Psa. 22:12; Amos 4:1), to the cliffs of Banyas/ Caesarea Philippi (Matt. 16:13) at the base of Mount Hermon (Psa. 133:3)—the source of the Jordan River. 1:00 LUNCH at the Lebanese Restaurant on the Jordan River 2:00 Visit the Banyas waterfall (option: hike there along a trail through the fields…about 45 minutes) 4:00 Return south to Ma’agan Resort Village; swim time. 7:00 DINNER at Ma’agan. Sea of Galilee overnight (BLD) DAY 16: TUESDAY, 28 APRIL 8:30 To Bethsaida archaeological site, home to several disciples and place of Jesus’ miracles. Discussion of the stories of the feeding of the four and five thousand, seated by the Jordan River. Optional activity (not included in tour) for rafting along the River Jordan for about an hour. 12:30 LUNCH at Mount of Beatitudes Convent 1:30 Mount of Beatitudes garden for prayer and meditation on St. Matthew 5 and the Jesus’ Jerusalem City I T I NE R A R Y O VER VIEW Mount Precipice All Bookings to HARVEST PILGRIMAGES, Polding Centre, 11th Floor, 133 Liverpool Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9390 5460 • Fax: 02 9390 5480 Email: [email protected] Toll Free: 1800 819 156 www.harvestpilgrims.com ____________________________________ © Copyright 2015 Harvest Australia Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction of these tours/itineraries in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. ACN 056849426 / TRAVEL AGENT LIC 2TA003632 / HARVEST AUSTRALIA PTY LTD SPECIAL NOTES All details of sightseeing listed and order of daily arrangements must remain subject to change due to any unforeseen circumstances, which may arise, or at the discretion of the pilgrimage leadership. This overview is based on the standard pilgrimage departure and return dates. Please refer to your personal flight itinerary for more specific details or amendments pertaining to your travel. Aramaic use of “blessed…” (asherai) as a call to action, not passivity. 2:30-4:30 on the shores of Galilee: Capernaum site visit of Jesus’ synagogue and Peter’s house; and the Primacy of Peter (St. John 21)—the site of Peter’s reconciliation with Jesus. Return to Ma’agan: swim time before dinner. 7:00 DINNER in Tiberias at the Galei Gil Fish Restaurant on the promenade beside the Sea of Galilee. We recommend the famous and scrumptious plate of St. Peter’s fish (Matt. 17:24-27) with oven-roasted potatoes and an array of middle-eastern salads. Sea of Galilee overnight (BLD) DAY 17: WEDNESDAY, 29 APRIL CHECK OUT OF MA’AGAN 8:30 To Tzfat/Safed, stroll through the old city (one of the four holy cities of Judaism)… beautiful panoramas, quaint old synagogues, with stories of Jewish mysticism and teaching developed here. Shopping options. LUNCH on own in Safed 1:30 To Nazareth, climb the Mount of the Precipice - overview of the Jezreel Valley toward Megiddo (Rev. 16:16), Nain (Luke 7:11-17), Mount Carmel (Elijah and the prophets of Ba’al, I Kings 18), and Mount Tabor (Transfiguration, Matt. 17:1-13). 4:30 Check in at St. Gabriel’s Hotel in Nazareth 7:00 DINNER at hotel. Nazareth overnight (BD) DAY 18: THURSDAY, 30 APRIL 9:30 To First-century Nazareth Village. Visit reconstructed village and synagogue of Jesus’ time, with working farm and animals, villagers in first-century dress… typical foods, costumes, and life in a Jewish village under Roman occupation at the time of Jesus. 12:00 First-century-style LUNCH at Nazareth Village; gift shop option follows. 1:30 Visit the Basilica of the Annunciation and cave ruins of Mary’s village underneath, St. Joseph’s Church (over the traditional site of his workshop). 2:00 Mass in the grotto. 3:00 Stroll to Mary’s Well, within the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation 5:00 Debriefing on patio of St. Gabriel’s: Light of Torah program, reflections on our tour experiences: the geography, the culture, and the biblical text in context. 7:00 DINNER at hotel. Nazareth overnight (BLD) DAY 19: FRIDAY, 1 MAY 8:30 Depart for Mount Carmel, climb to the Muq’rata for the story of Elijah and the prophets of Ba’al and his troubles with Jezebel (I Kings 19). Continue to Haifa, panorama of the Baha’i Gardens. LUNCH by Stella Maris and Elijah’s cave overlooking the Bay of Haifa/Acco (Ptolemais, Acts 21:1-7); drive along the Mediterranean Coast to the Herodian Aqueduct at Caesarea, time for a stroll on the beach/dip in the sea… To Jaffa/Tel Aviv for our farewell dinner to close the tour. Check into hotel; bus returns to Jerusalem. Tel Aviv overnight (BLD) DAY 20: SATURDAY, 2 MAY SHABBAT FREE DAY in Tel Aviv/Jaffa 7:00 Ben Gurion airport by sheroot van, advance check-in for EL AL flight at 10:00pm (B) DAY 21: SUNDAY, 3 MAY IN TRANSIT (VIA HONG KONG) DAY 22: MONDAY, 4 MAY ARRIVE SYDNEY Cost pp AUD Tour Code 13 April 2015 $7,490 5PV26 Single Room Supplement $1,260.00 Prepaid Tipping Paid Locally Departure Date inc. Tax * Costs have been based on prices as at October 2014 and must remain subject to possible change in the unlikely event of significant exchange rate variations, airfare increases and minimum group size contingencies. SIMPLE BOOKING PROCEDURES •Contact Harvest to place your booking and to advise any other extension plans. •Send a $600AUD deposit per person with completed pilgrims booking form to Harvest Pilgrimages in Sydney. Cheques to be made payable to Harvest Pilgrimages or nominate Credit Card details where shown. • Await Harvest Pilgrimage’s letter of confirmation containing receipt, visa(s) information (as applicable) and travel insurance detail along with any other specific travel detail. •Make balance of payment 7 weeks prior to departure. • Collect or await the delivery of final tour documentation including Pilgrims journal and ticket wallet approximately two weeks prior to departure date. INCLUSIONS Airfares: Airfares: Economy class airfare Ex Sydney (N.B. Airlines taxes are included at approximately $628 per person on standard itinerary and subject to fluctuations). Accommodation & Meals: Based on Religious housing & 3 star accommodation throughout with breakfast and dinner daily. Miscellaneous inclusions: • Deluxe Air-Conditioned Motor coach with driver • Local Tour Escort • Sightseeing and entrance fees throughout as per itinerary. Not Included: Tipping • Passport and Visa Costs (if applicable) • Other meals not stated • Items of a personal nature including phone calls, laundry, beverages, etc. • Travel insurance (Harvest will recommend a special group policy rate).
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