Sarah Bakst Department of Linguistics Dwinelle Hall Berkeley, CA 94709 Email: [email protected] Education 2014-present 2012-2014 2011-2012 2007-2011 Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley. M.A. in Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley. Advisor: Keith Johnson. M.Phil. with Distinction in Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Trinity College. Thesis: “Rhotics and Retroflexes in Indic and Dravidian.” Supervisor: Francis Nolan. A.B. Magna cum laude in Linguistics (secondary field Classics), Harvard University. Thesis: “Clique-y Clitics: Accentuation in Ancient Greek Enclitics and Clitic Groups.” Advisors: Jay Jasanoff and Michael Becker. Grants, honors and awards 2014-2015 2013 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) academic year fellowship for Tamil. Linguistics Society of America Summer Institute Fellowship, provided tuition for summer institute at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Herchel Smith Scholarship for M.Phil (Masters) at Trinity College, Cambridge Phi Beta Kappa. Harvard College John Harvard Scholar, top 10 percent of class. David Rockefeller International Experience Grant, internship at King’s College, Cambridge. Harvard-Cambridge Undergraduate Summer Fellowship, internship at King’s College, Cambridge. Publications and talks Invited talks 2013 2012 Bakst, S. “Phonetic evidence for the phonological patterning of [X]”, Stanford Phonetics and Phonology Workshop. Bakst, S. “Retroflexes in Indic and Dravidian”, Trinity College, Cambridge Arts 1 and Humanities Symposium. Conferences Accepted 2015 2014 2014 2014 Bakst, S. and Lin, S. “An Ultrasound investigation into articulatory variation in American /r/ and /s/.” Poster to be presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 10-14, Glasgow, UK. Bakst, S. “Cue-weighting in retroflex and dental perception by Hindi and Tamil listeners.” Talk presented at Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, June 29-30, Cambridge, UK. Bakst, S. “Accounting for variation in Tamil retroflex articulation.” Poster presented at the Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems Workshop on Sound Change, Berkeley, CA. Johnson, K., Bakst, S., and Minas, E. “Audio/visual correlates of a vowel nearmerger in the Bay Area.” Poster presented at the Acoustical Society of America Conference, Providence, RI. Bakst, S. and Katz, J. “A phonetic basis for the sonority of [X].” Talk presented at the 50th Annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, Chicago, IL. Publications Accepted 2012 Bakst, S. and Katz, J. “A phonetic basis for the sonority of [X].” To appear in The Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. Bakst, S. “Rhotics and Retroflexes in Indic and Dravidian”, UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report. Work and Mentoring experience Spring 2014present 2012 Linguistics Research Apprenticeship Program (pairing of linguistics graduate mentors with undergraduate research apprentices). Projects: Ultrasound study of articulatory variation in coronals (Fa 2015); Cue-weighting with Hindi synthesized speech continuum (Fa 2014); Fricatives as bearers of cues to adjacent consonants (Sp 2014). Speech technology work at Toshiba, Science Park, Cambridge, UK (July). Service 2013-2014 2012-2014 2013-2014 Co-organizer, 40th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 40). Abstract reviewer, 39th, 40th, and 41st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Co-organizer, UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Forum (weekly talk series). 2 Professional Memberships 2012-present 2013-present Linguistic Society of America Acoustical Society of America Languages Beginner Intermediate Dead Computer Tamil Hindi, Italian Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit R, Python 3
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