Please read Gwen`s letter here…

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April 2015
Dear Friends:
I am sitting at my desk in Linwood House enjoying sacred moments of
reflection on a beautiful Easter Monday. My heart is full of both a sense
of gratitude and great sadness as I write this letter to let you know that
Linwood House and Linwood House Ministries are now in transition.
Like all great stories, the story of Linwood House Ministries and
Linwood House has taken many unique plot twists since it began in
Ron and 1, and my sister Dorothea built Linwood House with the
purpose of hosting and sharing it with others. We have lovingly
maintained it as a sacred space for people from all walks of life,
particularly women facing the challenges of abuse, addiction, and sexual
exploitation. Linwood House has been the heart of Linwood House
Over the years, literally thousands of people have come through the
doors to share life stories, find healing, and make positive life changes in
times of transition. The Linwood story has been an amazing tale of
miracles and hope. It is now time to write our final chapter.
We are proud and thankful for the experience and opportunity to have
provided a place for the work of Linwood House Ministries for the past
seventeen years. The trust and love we have given and received has been
more fulfilling than we could have ever imagined. However, our current
stage of life has made it financially impossible to carry on. Linwood
House must be divested and the house sold to make way for new
possibilities - in essence, to open new doors. On May l^t Linwood
House will go on the real estate market. Linwood House Ministries will
continue as you know it today until June 30*. There are two Urban
Journeys, plus several Guided Journeys scheduled during the months of
April, May and June. The funds raised during this period will continue to
support this work.
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All fund raising events will end on June 30. The exceptions are the
ministry at Williams Lake in order to give them time to find another
umbrella organization and the education, mentoring commitments to
our alumni in the Downtown Eastside.
Most importantly, 1 want to thank you for your part in keeping the doors
of Linwood House open, and sharing in the love and care of the people
we have served through the years. You have invested with us in the
beauty and sacredness of Linwood House and the positive life changes of
our friends and guests. I would appreciate if you would keep supporting
the Ministry until the end of June so that we can fulfill our obligations.
The doors of Linwood House will remain open until such time as the
house is sold. With God's help, we hope all the seeds that have been
sown through Linwood House Ministries will grow and flourish.
We still dream and hold to the possibility of someone purchasing
Linwood House for the purpose it was created. However, we pray that
whomever steps across the threshold to create a sequel to the story will
carry on the spirit of Linwood.
We look forward to inviting you to a summer celebration of all we have
shared together at Linwood House.
Thank you again for your love and support,
Gwen McVicker
Linwood House Ministries