A CLEAN COMBINATION FINEST FILTRATION AND WATER SEPARATION FUEL TREATMENT SYSTEMS “Dies el Oil Pest” – a serious problem Efficient fuel treatment Diesel fuel tanks can become contaminated The hindrance of diesel oil pest can be with microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi achieved by implementing continuous fuel and algae) during storage and transport, partic- treatment to prevent the water content from ris- ularly when damp air inside the tank con- ing above 70 mg/l (ppm). Mechanical separa- denses to water. Thereby developing water tors which use centrifugal separation cannot phases build the basis for exponential growth provide the necessary level of dewatering. of microorganisms. None of the systems which comply with the Microbiological contamination can have very Microbiological swabs of insufficiently dewatered diesel samples serious consequences. Microorganisms and dards of the mineral oil industry and NATO offer their metabolisms block filter elements and complete security, as they allow a water con- diesel pipes. Water in the fuel courses corro- tent of 500 ppm and 200 ppm respectively. sion damages on the fuel injection systems up Microorganism growth with the mentioned to complete failure of the engine and the con- effects already starts at water concentration of sequential high costs for repair. about 100 ppm. Corrosion is further accelerated by hydrogen A truly effective and lasting method of protect- sulphide, a by-product of metabolism in combi- ing fuel and lubricants against increasing water nation with the existing water and it also dam- concentration, and thus against contamination ages the material of the tank inner walls. The by microorganisms, is to employ MAHLE fuel diesel oil pest problem can only be addressed treatment systems. by reducing the amount of water which is the culture medium for microorganisms in the fuel. Surface damage inside a ship's diesel oil tank 2 applicable DIN standards or the delivery stan- How fuel treatment systems work 1. The tanks contain one or multiple filter coalescer elements depending on the flow capacity. The separated water is heavier than the medium being pumped through and it collects in a water container at the bottom of the tank. 2. Water droplets collect in the variably structured fibre bed layers. The size of the droplets increases in the flow direction. These droplets flow together to form a coherent water phase which is removed. All solids are held back. EFFICIENT AND COST-EFFECTIVE FOR FUEL TREATMENT SYSTEMS KFWA Single and multiple-stage fuel treatment Configuration and design systems for all needs MAHLE Industriefiltration supplies fuel treat- MAHLE fuel treatment systems can be used for ment systems with a wide range of flow ca - all types of middle distillates, e.g. diesel fuel, pacities. The systems consist of a pump with a marine diesel oil MDO, Marine Gas Oil (MGO) downstream filter coalescer or depth filter and and others. For all the most common contami- coalescer elements as well as a central control nations in these media, including solid and sus- box and full differential pressure monitoring pended particles - such as dust and sediments system. as well as water - the systems represent the most efficient and cost-effective solution. The automatic water detection and outlet sys- The single stage fuel treatment system (type versions the systems can be offered cus- KFWA) tomized in configuration and construction. tem is standard benefit. Additional to standard is—due to its compact design— equipped with combined filter coalescer elePTS ments. The dual stage version (type FTS) of the They can be installed on the storage tank to filter coalescer is applicable to treat heavy con- continuously treat the medium or they can be tamination with solids. In the first stage this ver- used to clean the medium prior to usage, i.e. sion has an upstream filter which can be before it is pumped into the day tank or the exchanged independently and which can vary engine. in the degrees of fineness; these systems can be customized to meet specific requirements. In the second stage the water separation occurs via coalescer elements. FTS 3 The advantages at a glance: Filtration and water separation in one Reliable reduction of free water content system down to 70 ppm High flow capacities in a compact Unproblematic customization of con- design struction Operation without interruption due to Flexible and customized design automatic water detection including out- Reduction of operating costs let system, no need of venting MIDDLE DISTILLATES MAHLE fuel treatment systems in overview Type Flow rate (ca.) KFWA 1 by KFWA 1 main 700 l/h 0 KFWA 2 by KFWA 2 main 2000 l/h 0 KFWA 3 by KFWA 3 main KFWA 4 by PTS 4000 l/h 0 8000 l/h On request FTS 600 600 l/h FTS 1800 1800 l/h FTS 2400 2400 l/h 4 MAHLE Industriefiltration The products of MAHLE Industriefiltration develops and builds advanced filtration are used in the following applications: and separation technology for use in a Bilge water separation wide range of industrial applications such Ballast water treatment as power plants, civil and military ship- Cooling lubricant and detergent pro- building. cessing The company is part of the MAHLE Group, Separation systems (petrochem. industry) Industrial waste water cleaning one of the top 30 automotive suppliers Oil and fuel treatment for engines, tur- globally and the world market leader for bines and gears, heavy oil filtration combustion engine components, systems Protection of hydraulic units, pipe lines, and peripherals. transfer and circulation systems CAREFUL FUEL TREATMENT PROTECTS ENGINES AND TURBINES MAHLE Industriefiltration supports their treatment to ensure that these engines, customers with fuel and oil treatment sys- and particularly the injection systems, can tems that benefit from our more than 40 run continuously for long periods of time. years of experience. At the same time we aim to lower costs while improving per- Turbines formance. The outstanding reliability of our All over the world turbine power plants filter coalescer separation technology is an fired with diesel oils are increasingly being invaluable asset in tough day-to-day pro- used as an alternative to coal and nuclear duction. power as well as for propulsion in the shipping industry. The state-of-the-art, high- Engines efficiency turbine technology requires spe- Piston engines are the drive assemblies of cially treated fuels to function optimally. choice for engine units that are in permanent operation, e.g. ships engines and MAHLE matches the requirements of this engines in combined heat and power technology with its fuel treatment systems plants. The fuel used requires careful and assures smoothly and safe operation. 5 www.mahle-industrialfiltration.com MAHLE Industriefiltration GmbH Plant Hamburg Tarpenring 31–33 D-22419 Hamburg Phone +49 40 530040-0 Fax +49 40 530040-24191 [email protected] www.mahle-industrialfiltration.com Schleifbachweg 45 D-74613 Öhringen Phone +49 7941 67-0 Fax +49 7941 67-23429 [email protected] www.mahle-industrialfiltration.com EN 70370372.04/2012 MAHLE Industriefiltration GmbH
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