CulturalTextsandContextsin theEnglishSpeakingWorld(IV) FACULTYOFLETTERS,UNIVERSITYOFORADEA CULTURAL TEXTS AND CONTEXTS IN THE ENGLISH SPEAKING WORLD (IV) Conference Programme Thursday, March, 26 9.00 - 10.00 10.00 - 10.30 - 12.30 - 13.30 13.30 - 15.30 15.30 - 16.00 16.00 - 17.30 - Registration Official Opening (Faculty of Letters – C 010) Senior Lecturer Dan Negruţ, PhD – Head of the English Department Prof. Constantin Bungău, PhD – Rector / Prof. Sorin Curilă, PhD – President of the Senate Prof. Teodor Mateoc, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Letters Coffee Break Plenary Lecture – Prof. Paul A. Wilson - A Cross-Linguistic Analysis of Emotions in British English and Polish (Faculty of Letters, C010) Lunch Break – University Cafeteria Paper Presentations Coffee Break Paper Presentations 17.30 – 18.30 The Students’ Drama Club presents AMIDSUMMERNIGHT’SDREAM - at the Faculty of Letters – C 010 19.30- Cocktail Party – Restaurant Capitolium 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.00 - Friday, March, 27 9.30 - 10.30 10.30 - 11.00 11.00 - 13.00 13.00 - 14.30 14.30 - 15.30 - Plenary Lecture – Prof. Andrei A. Avram, PhD- Identifying Varieties of English (Faculty of Letters, C010) Coffee Break Paper Presentations Lunch Break – University Cafeteria Informal Conclusions Thursday, 13.30-15.30 BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE AMERICAN LITERATURE CULTURAL STUDIES GENDER STUDIES TRANSLATION STUDIES LANGUAGE STUDIES Room: C 20 Room: C 10 Room: C 21 Room: C 19 Room C 24 CHAIR: CHAIR: CHAIR: Amelia Precup CHAIR: Bökös Borbála CHAIR: Timea Venter - Shadow Warriors: Imagining the Enemy in Salman Rushdie's Post-fatwa Works Eszter Krakkó Ioana-Maria Cistelecan - John Green, Simply Narrating Life, Romance and Cancer INGRIDA ZINDZIUVIENE ‐ Restatement of Traumatic Experience in Victoria Hislop’s Novel The Island Ligita Judickaite-Pasvenskiene The Translation of Children's Cartoon Titles Ligita Judickaite Hristina Petrova -Language Health Analogies: Lexical Swinging between Registers and Styles Hristina Petrova Busoiu Monica - Aspects of the Ritual of Initiation in Alice Munro’s Short Story Teodor Mateoc - Beyond the Visible: Subversive Imagination in the Fiction of the American Renaissance Bökös Borbála - On the Adaptation of Paul Auster’s City of Glass into a Graphic Novel Madalina Pantea - Gender and Audiovisual Translation Leah Claudia - To Be-from lexical meanings to syntactical functions Eszter Krakkó - Let Me Have Its Bowels Then” : The Female Artist’s Body in Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Mihaela-Elisabeta Poputa - Memory and the control of Space in Paul Auster's Winter Journal and Report from the Interior Dr. Yousef Awad & Dr. Ghada - Tayem Winners and Losers: Morocco’s Market Liberalization and Contemporary Cultural Representations Suciu Giulia - Miss Representation of Women in Today's Romanian Mainstream Media Anca Tomoioaga - Lexical Blends Anemona Alb - A Narrator with a Difference: Narrative Strategies in Markus Zusak*s The Book Thief Negrut Dan - Boundaries of the Self in Joseph O'Neill's Netherland Dana Sala - Spiritual Nourishment vs .Compulsive Cooking in Elif Shafak`s `The Forty Rules of Love`` Amelia Precup - The Manipulation of WorldBuilding Conventions in Woody Allen’s Short Fiction Peter Gaál-Szabó - Black Female Ethics and the Church Adina Pruteanu - Hyperbole and Lexical Creativity Thursday, 16.00-17.30 BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE AMERICAN LITERATURE CULTURAL STUDIES Room: C 20 Room: C 10 Room: C 21 CHAIR: Ana Drobot Ottilia Veres - Stories of Intersubjectivity in Beckett's Molloy CHAIR: Blidariu Serban Dan Blidariu Serban Dan - The Role of Education in a Slave’s Path toward Freedom: The Cases of Frederick Douglass and Topsy CHAIR: Gyula David Marinau Andrada - Intellectual Centers of Medieval England Carmen-Narcisa Albert - Waterland The History Teacher Daniela Blaga - How 9/11 changed fiction. Too soon for the great post-9/11 American novel? Ivasca Roxana Inbetween Worlds - Virginia Wolf and Herta Muller. A Discourse on Memory, Intertextuality and Fiction Ana Drobot - Graham Swift’s and Virginia Woolf’s Story Shapes Olivia Betyna Fodor - Utopia vs. Distopia Huxley vs. Orwell Gyula David - Diversity of Cultural Imprints in Metaphorically-Motivated Idiomatic Language Diana Cordea– Social reflections of the Industrial Revolution in the Victorian Factory Novel: “NORTH AND SOUTH” by ELIZABETH GASKELL Amada Mocioalca - Paule Marshall’s Quest for Wholeness Delia-Maria Radu - “WHAT’S IN A NAME?” of Defining Others through their Dietary Practices Andrzej Dorobek - Beatific or Beaten? Literary Encounters with Nature from Transcendentalists to the Beats and Hippies Ogasanu Mihaela - American Women Novelists Between the Damned and Condamned, Between Radiance and Darkness Friday, 11.00-13.00 BRITISH AND COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE FILM AND DRAMA LANGUAGE STUDIES CULTURAL STUDIES Room: C 20 Room: C 21 Room: C 19 CHAIR: Elisabetta Marino Elisabetta Marino - Rejuvenating the Stage: 'The Descent of Liberty, a Mask' (1815), by Leigh Hunt CHAIR: Julianna Borbély Valeria Palut - Gulliver Travels Well in the 21st Century, Thanks To Jack Black CHAIR: Sorin Ciutacu Timea Ardelean - Language Use Computer-Mediated Communication Macineanu Laura - Home or There and Back Again - A Dilemma in Epic Fantasy (Tolkien, Lewis, Rowling) Julianna Borbély - Combining modernity with tradition in the Pride and Prejudice of 2005 Hajnalka Izsák - A cognitively oriented analysis of certain emotion idioms Adrian Radu - On Graham Swift Vass Sonia -”An Elegant Suicide is the Ultimate Work of Art” - Symbolic Meanings of the Movie”Stay Larisa Avram and Irina Stoica - Manner-ofspeaking blocks that-omission Dan H. Popescu - Images of the Jews in Patrick Leigh Fermor’s Between the Woods and the Water Szekely Eva - W.B. Yeats: 'At the Hawk's Well': Success or Failure? Sorin Ciutacu - Geoffrey Chaucer, the Astrolabe and the Arab Connection in Maria Elena Gherdan - Understanding IELTS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Prof. Teodor Mateoc, PhD - Chairman Prof. Andrei Avram, PhD - Organization and communication Prof. Paul Wilson, PhD - Organization and communication Prof. Florin Cioban, PhD Habil - Public relationships and communication ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Name and Surname Position Senior Lecturer Dan Negrut PhD University of Oradea Assistant Lecturer Mădălina Pantea PhD University of Oradea Senior Lecturer Eva Szekely PhD University of Oradea Senior Lecturer Andrada Marinău PhD University of Oradea Senior Lecturer Ioana Cistelecan PhD University of Oradea Senior Lecturer Giulia Suciu PhD University of Oradea Chairman Programme Editor Volume Editor (contact person) Publishing Coordinator Coordinator for the electronic variant of the Proceedings Logistics SCIENTIFIC BOARD Prof. Teodor Mateoc PhD Senior Lecturer Claudia Leah PhD Senior Lecturer Maria Elena Gherdan PhD Senior Lecturer Dan Negrut PhD (Head of Department) Senior Lecturer Adina Pruteanu PhD Senior Lecturer Andrada Marinau PhD Senior Lecturer Mihaela Ogasanu PhD Senior Lecturer Ioana Cistelecan PhD Senior Lecturer Eva Szekely PhD Senior Lecturer Giulia Suciu PhD Senior Lecturer Anemona Alb PhD Assistant Lecturer Madalina Pantea PhD SPONSORS HOTEL „IMPERO” PRIMARIA ORADEA, GRUP WEST PREMIUM ASOCIAŢIA ARCADE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 1. Alb Anemona - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 2. Albert Carmen-Narcisa - Colegiul Tehnic de Comunicatii "Augustin Maior" Cluj-Napoca, Romania ([email protected]) 3. Ardelean Timea - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 4. Avram Andrei A. - University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania ([email protected]) 5. Avram Larisa – University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania ([email protected]) 6. Awad Yousef - University of Jordan, Jordan 7. Blaga Daniela - University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 8. Blidariu Serban Dan - Independent Researcher, Romania ([email protected]) 9. Bökös Borbála - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 10. Borbely Julianna - Universitatea Crestinã "Partium", Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 11. Busoiu Monica -University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 12. Cistelecan Ioana-Maria - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 13. Ciutacu Sorin - King Khalid University, Abha, KSA / Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Romania ([email protected]) 14. Cordea Diana - University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania [email protected]) 15. Dorobek Andrzej - Pañstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Zawodowa (State School of Higher Education) in Plock, Poland ([email protected]) 16. Drobot Ana - Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania ([email protected]) 17. Fodor Olivia Betyna – University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 18. Gaál-Szabó Peter - Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Debrecen, Hungary ([email protected]) 19. Gherdan Maria Elena – University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Romania ([email protected]) 20. Gyula David - Károli University, Budapest, Romania ([email protected]) 21. Izsák Hajnalka - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 22. Ivasca Roxana - Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch, Romania ([email protected]) 23. Judickaite –Pasvenskiene Ligita - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania 24. Krakkó Eszter - Instititute of English and American Studies, University of Derecen, Debrecen , Hungary, ([email protected]) 25. Leah Claudia - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Romania ([email protected]) 26. Macineanu Laura - Universitatea de Vest Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania ([email protected]) 27. Maior Enikõ - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 28. Marinau Andrada Ramona - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 29. Marino Elisabetta - University of Rome, Rome, Italy ([email protected]) 30. Mateoc Teodor - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 31. Mocioalca Amada - University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania ([email protected]) 32. Negrut Dan - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 33. Ogasanu Mihaela - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 34. Palut Valeria - Universite de Sorbonne IV, Paris, France - M.A. Student, Etudes Anglophones, France ([email protected]) 35. Pantea Madalina - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 36. Petrova Hristina - Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Poland ([email protected]) 37. Popescu Dan Horatiu - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 38. Poputa Mihaela-Elisabeta -Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara, Romania ([email protected]) 39. Precup Amelia- Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ([email protected]) 40. Pruteanu Adina - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 41. Radu Adrian - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania ([email protected]) 42. Radu Delia Maria – University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 43. Sala Dana - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 44. Stoica Irina – University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania ([email protected]) 45. Suciu Giulia - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 46. Szekely Eva - University of Oradea, Faculty of Letters, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 47. Tayem Ghada - University of Jordan, Jordan 48. Tomoioaga Anca - Universitatea Emanuel, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 49. Vass Sonia - Petru Maior Univesity of Târgu-Mureș, Romania ([email protected]) 50. Veres Ottilia - Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 51. Venter Timea - Independent Researcher/ Former Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and Emanuel University of Oradea, Romania ([email protected]) 52. Wilson Paul A. - University of Lodz, Poland ([email protected]) 53. Zindziuviene Ingrida - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania ([email protected])
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