Mittali et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] A Detailed Survey on Various Image Stitching Techniques Mittali, M-tech student , Department of CSE, GZSPTU Campus Bathinda Abstract:-In this research paper, we have solicited high quality impact research papers. This systematic review reveals many aspects of image stitching. The first section of this paper is dedicated to the basic concepts in image stitching and discusses its applications. These sections in this paper discusses the algorithms involved in image stitching. The main algorithm discussed here are harris based,local symmetry based, chaos inspired dissimilarity features based and surf based. We have also discussed their merits and demerits and have identified four research gaps which would help future researchers in the area to develop next generation of image stitching algorithms and applications. Keywords:-Sift, Surf, Harriscorner, Ransac, Multi model , Feature extraction and cross correlation. 1.Introduction Image stitching is a process in which various images are stitched together after establishing geometric relationship between these images. The geometric relationships are coordinate transformations that usually relates the various coordinate system .By applying appropriate transformations via a merging operation and combine the overlapping region of images it is possible to create a noteworthy form of mosaic. A noteworthy form of image mosaicing known as image stitching has become growingly common in the making of panoramic image Connected sets of image matches will later become panorama. Registration and mosaicing of images have been in practice since long before the age of digital computers. Shortly after the photographic process was developed in 1839, the use of photographs was demonstrated on topographical mapping .In past to capture a panoramic view one basic requirement was the n different cameras in different location and at different angles .Still it was not possible to obtain a perfect panorama due to lack of coordination between the shots taken by camera due to time lag. The possible reasons behind it were uncoordinated time frames and angle setups. To overcome this problem wireless sensor networks were introduced which use an array of sensors to capture different angles and different perspectives. To simplify the process of capturing a perfect panorama © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved Jyoti Rani Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, GZSPTU Campus Bathinda drones may be used to capture vast view using automatic timer. The two main expectations from the image stitching process are: The Stitched image should be nearly close as possible to input images In Stitched images the seams should be invisible 1.1 Image stitching procedure:In the first step in generation of a panoramic image is to select the positions for acquisition of image. In this step, a decision needs to be made on the type of resultant panoramic images. According to the required panoramic images, different image acquisition methods[1] may be used to acquire the series of images .After the images have been acquired, some processing might need to be applied to the images before they can be stitched. For example, the images might need to be projected onto a surface, which can be a mathematical surface model such as a cylindrical, spherical, or planar surface. Distortions caused by the camera lenses also need to be corrected before the images are processed further. In this work, the process of image stitching can be divided into two steps as shown in fig(1):1. 2. Image registration Image merging. During image registration, portions of adjacent images are compared to find the translations which align the images. Image registration includes following processes:1. Feature extraction 2. Feature description 3. Feature Matching These processes play an essential role in image stitching.Once, the overlapping images have been registered, they need to be merged together to form a single panoramic image view . The process of image merging is performed to make the transition between adjacent images visually undetectable .A panoramic image is generated after the images have been stitched. Image stitching has practical importance in many fields, including remote sensing, medical imaging, Page | 45 Mittali et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] computer vision, automated navigation and multi node movies 2.3.Taeyup Song; Changwon Jeon; Hanseok Ko et al. proposed "Image stitching using chaos-inspired dissimilarity measure" This method overcomes the problem of illumination changes stemming from different exposures. In this method feature points are extracted by sift and by using k-d search tree algorithm and k nearest neighbor algorithm feature points are matched after that the outliers are removed by using the novel feature matching algorithm. 2.4. Fei Lei; Wenxue Wang,et al. proposed "A fast method for image mosaic based on SURF," In this method in the first step feature points are extracted by surf operator[7] and feature points are matched by best bin first algorithm[8]. Image registration is completed by estimating the converting relationship between images by using ransac and least squares method .In the last step the image is merged by using in and out amalgamation algorithm which produces a final stitched image. Figure 1 Typically Flow of Image Stitching 2.Related Work 2.1. Chen Kaili Wang Meiling et al. proposed "Image stitching algorithm research based on Open CV". In this stitching method first of all feature extraction takes place through harris corner detection[2] and feature is matched by finding the normalized cross correlation between them. After that ransac is used to remove the outliers and to eliminate the error matching. Finally the weighting average method[3] is used to merge the image .As per the claim of this paper this algorithm reduces: Computational complexity of image merging Overlapping rate of images 2.2 Yang Di; Bo Yu-ming; Zhao Gao-peng, et al. proposed “Image stitching based on local symmetry features: This method overcome the limitation of sift i.e. sensitive to non linear illumination changes[4]. In this method initially feature points are extracted by SYFM(a local symmetry based descriptor)and SIFT(gradient based descriptor)[5].Then SIFT descriptor and local symmetry are combined to characterize those feature point. After that feature matching is carried out by “randomized kd trees” and transform parameters are calculated by correct inner points after ransac was used to eliminate wrong matches. In the last image stitching is completed with smoothing algorithm .this method has higher matching precision than SIFT(scale invariant feature transformation) and SURF(speeded up robust features) under the non linear illumination change scenarios and can achieve better performance in image stitching. © 2015, IJCIT All Rights Reserved 3.Research Gap:After Conducting this survey ,few gaps have been found In previous approaches ,RANSAC can only estimate one model for a particular data set, that means it works only with particular limited set of image set. As for any one model approach when two (or more) model instances exist, RANSAC may fail to find either one .the main idea proposed here is using ransac with multi model fitting , which combines model sampling from data points as in RANSAC with iterative re estimation of inliers and the multimodel fitting being formulated as an optimization problem with a global energy functional describing the quality of the overall solution . Firstly the features are extracted by using hybrid of Sift and Surf and then features are matched by finding the normalized cross correlation between them and then outliers are removed by using ransac with multimodel fitting.. This will calculate recall and precision with better accuracy No. of features will also be increased. this will increase the reliability and accuracy of stitched image. Page | 46 Mittali et al., International Journal of Computer & IT [ISSN No.(Print):2320-8074] 4. Literature survey: Various image stitching techniques Feature extraction Feature matching Outliers elimination Image merging Image stitching based on open cv Harris corner detection Normalized cross correlation Ransac Weighting average method Image stitching based on local symmetry features Image stitching based on chaos inspired dissimilarity measures Image stitching based on fast method of surf Proposed image stitching method SYFM*SIFT Randomized k-d trees Ransac Smoothing algorithm SIFT K nearest neighbor and k-d trees Novel feature matching algorithm Direct average method SURF Best bin first algorithm Ransac and least square method Hybrid of Sift and surf Normalized cross correlation Ransac with multi model fitting Gradating in and out amalgamation n algorithm Blending process (using multiplication) 5. Discussion and Conclusion:All the techniques discussed previously in section 2 conclude that every method has its own pros and cons. The summary it may conclude that there is ample scope to improve these methods. As research gap present over here. a proposed algorithm was discussed in section 3 based on this gap. 6. Future Scope:It is clear from the above study that the future research in this area can be enhanced based on using hybrid technique which use multi model approach in matching feature points of images. 7. REFRENCES:[1]Patil, Tejasha, et al. "Image stitching using matlab." International Journal of Engineering Trends and TechnologyVolume4Issue3-2013 (2013). 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