Review of Kohonen-SOM and K-Means data mining Clustering algorithms based on Academic Data Set Er. Gurpreet Singh Associate Professor & Head, Department of Computer Sc.& Engg. SSIET, Jalandhar Abstract : With the development of information technology and computer science, high-capacity data appear in our lives. In order to help people analyzing and digging out useful information, the generation and application of data mining technology seem so significance. Clustering is the mostly used method of data mining. Clustering can be used for describing and analyzing of data. In this paper, the approach of Kohonen SOM and K-Means and HAC are discussed. After comparing these three methods effectively and reflect data characters and potential rules syllabify. This work will present new and improved results from largescale datasets. us to visualize in a low dimensional [2] representation space (2D) the original dataset. Indeed, the individuals located in adjacent cells are more similar than individuals located in distant cells. In this point of view, it is comparable to visualization techniques such as Multidimensional scaling or PCA (Principal Component Analysis). Through this, it can be showed how to implement the Kohonen's SOM algorithm with a particular tool. After implementation it has been tried to assess the properties of this approach by comparing the results with those of the PCA algorithm. Then, compare the results to those of K-Means, which is a clustering algorithm. Finally Keywords : Kohonen- SOM, K-means, HAC, PCA implement [3] the Two-step Clustering process by combining the SOM algorithm with the HAC process 1. Introduction (Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering). It is a variant of the Two-Step clustering where combine K-Means A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature and HAC. map (SOFM) is a kind of artificial neural network that [1] is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a The Kohonen algorithm is a very powerful tool for data low-dimensional (typically two dimensional), discretized analysis. It was originally designed to model organized representation of the input space of the training samples, connections between some biological neural networks. called a map. Self-organizing maps are different than It was also immediately considered as a very good other artificial neural networks in the sense that they use algorithm to realize vectorial quantization, and at the same a neighborhood function to preserve the topological time pertinent classification, with nice properties for visualization. If the individuals are described by properties of the input space. quantitative variables (ratios, frequencies, measurements, SOM is a clustering method. Indeed, it organizes the amounts, etc.), the straightforward application of the data in clusters (cells of map) such as the instances in the original algorithm leads to build code vectors and to same cell are similar, and the instances in different cells associate to each of them the class of all the individuals are different. In this point of view, SOM gives which are more similar to this code-vector than to the comparable results to state-of-the-art clustering algorithm others. But, in case of individuals described by categorical such as K-Means. (qualitative) variables having a finite number of modalities (like in a survey), it is necessary to define a specific SOM is also used as a visualization technique. It allows An International Journal of COMPUTER & IT 20 algorithm. In this paper, we present a new algorithm inspired by the SOM algorithm, which provides a simultaneous classification of the individuals and of their modalities. 2. Related Work According to Ji Dan, Qiu Jianlin [14], with the development of information technology and computer science, high-capacity data appear in our lives . In order to help people analyzing and digging out useful information, the generation and application of data mining technology seem so significance. Clustering and decision tree are the mostly used methods of data mining. Clustering can be used for describing and decision tree can be applied to analyzing. After combining these two methods effectively, it can reflect data characters and potential rules syllabify. This paper presents a new synthesized data mining algorithm named CA which improves the original methods of CURE and C4.5. CA introduces principle component analysis (PCA), grid partition and parallel processing which can achieve feature reduction and scale reduction for large-scale datasets. This paper applies CA algorithm to maize seed breeding and the results of experiments show that our approach is better than original methods. According to Timothy C. Havens et James C. Bezdek [15], very large (VL) data or "Big Data" are any data that you cannot load into your computer's working memory. This is not an objective definition, but a definition that is easy to understand and one that is practical, because there is a data set too big for any computer you might use; hence, this is VL data for you. Clustering is one of the primary tasks used in the pattern recognition and data mining communities to search VL databases (including VL images) in various applications, and so, clustering algorithms that scale well to VL data are important and useful. This article compares the efficacy of three different implementations of techniques aimed at extending fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to VL data. Specifically, we compare methods based on (i) sampling followed by non-iterative extension; (ii) incremental techniques that make one sequential pass through subsets of the data; and (iii) kernelized versions of FCM that provide approximations based on sampling, including three proposed algorithms. it will use both loadable and VL data sets to conduct the numerical experiments that facilitate comparisons based on time and space complexity, speed, quality of approximations to batch FCM (for loadable data), and assessment of matches between partitions and ground-truth. Empirical results show that random sampling plus extension FCM, bit-reduced FCM, and approximate kernel FCM are good choices for approximating FCM for VL data. it conclude by demonstrating the VL algorithms on a data set with 5 billion objects and presenting a set of recommendations regarding the use of the different VL FCM clustering schemes. 3. Methodology 3.1 Kohonen-SOM's approach Kohonen's SOM is called a topology-preserving map because there is a topological structure imposed on the nodes in the network. A topological map is simply a mapping that preserves neighbourhood relations. Algorithm for Kohonen's Self Organizing Map " Assume output nodes are connected in an array (usually 1 or 2 dimensional) " Assume that the network is fully connected - all nodes in input layer are connected to all nodes in output layer. " Use the competitive learning algorithm as follows: 1. Randomly choose an input vector x 2. Determine the "winning" output node i, where wi is the weight vector connecting the inputs to output node i. Note: the above equation is equivalent to wi x >= wk x only if the weights are normalized. An International Journal of COMPUTER & IT | i-X| | K-X| Table 1: Attributes of Data Set k Given the winning node i, the weight update is ωk(new) = ωk(old) + ωk(n) where ωk(n) represesnts the change in weight. 3.2 K-Means's approach The K-Means algorithm clusters data by trying to separate samples in n groups of equal variance, minimizing a criterion known as the 'inertia' of the groups. This algorithm requires the number of cluster to be specified. It scales well to large number of samples and has been used across a large range of application areas in many different fields. It is also equivalent to the expectationmaximization algorithm when setting the covariance matrix to be diagonal, equal and small. The K-means algorithm aims to choose centroids C that minimize the within cluster sum of squares objective function with a dataset X with n samples: J(X,C) = 21 ||Xj-µi||2) where, µiεC K-means is often referred to as Lloyd's algorithm. In basic terms, the algorithm has three steps. The first step chooses the initial centroids, with the most basic method being to choose K samples from the datasetX . After initialization, k-means consists of looping between the other two major steps. The first step assigns each sample to its nearest centroid. The second step creates new centroids by taking the mean value of all of the samples assigned to each previous centroid. The difference between the old and the new centroids is the inertia and the algorithm repeats these last two steps until this value is less than a threshold. QOS QOIP HOCC QOIP RM EVA QP CACP RPP CA WA BP DM IWS EMTE AWA LA FDP QUAL Grading Qualilty of Syllabus Quality of Instruction Plan Handling of committees clubs Qualilty of Instruction Plans Record Maintenance Evaluation Question Paper CA of capstone project Research Paper published Confrence atttended paper published Workshop attended Book Computers published Discipline Maintenance Interactivity with students Evaluation of MTE and ETE Award Leadership ability Faculty Development program Qualification Grading The easiest way to import a XLS file in Tanagra is to create a new file in Tanagra and import the XLS file. 4. Result & Discussion 4.1 Data Set I am using "faculty activities" dataset it has real values there are approximately 20 descriptors and 3303 instances. Some of them will be used as an input attributes and other are used as an output attributes. Figure 1. Implemented Kohonen SOM Algorithm and generate MAP Topology with 6 clusters, MAP Quality 0.8189 An International Journal of COMPUTER & IT 22 Figure 5. The K-Means algorithm shows 6 different clusters with different Conclusion Figure 2. Implemented PCA on Kohonen SOM and evaluate Eigen Values 4.2 Result After implementation of these algorithms on Academic Activities data set, the following results obtained: Table 2: Comparative results of both algorithms Parameters Figure 3. Now Showing 6 different clusters with same scale. Kohonen SOM K-MEANS No. of clusters 6 6 MAP TOLOPLOGY 6 6 ERROR RATE 0.8189 0.8456 COMPUTAION 297 MS 1281 MS FAST SLOW TIME ACESSING TIME 5. Conclusion In this comparative study found that Kohonen SOM gives the better performance as compare to K-Means with minimum error rate or high accuracy, minimum computation time on same data set and parameters. Figure 4. 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