Big Local Plan 2015 Page 1 Contents Introduction 3 The Journey 3 Communications 4 Star people 4 The Partnership 4 The Partners 4 The Priorities 5 The Plan and Projects 8 Appendices (available separately) 1 Initial engagement April 2013 2 Riverside Community Big Local Profile 3 Riverside Community Partnership Page 2 Introduction Big Local is a 10 year innovative programme that aims to achieve lasting change in 150 areas in England. It provides a mixture of funding, finance and support to a specific geographic area. It seeks to enable people who live in the area to identify the needs of their community and build on local talents and aspirations so they can make their area a better place to live, both now and in years to come. It is the local residents in the communities who drive Big Local in their area. The programme supports, challenges, trains and encourages people. There is a unique programme of activity in each area based on local needs, although all must share the Big Local programme outcomes. • Communities are able to identify local needs and take action in response to them • People will have increased skills and confidence so that they can continue to identify and respond to need in the future • The community will make a difference to the needs it prioritises • People will feel that their area is an even better place to live We feel that our partnership has taken all of these ideals on board and that is reflected in our plan Our Big Local area is shown on the front cover. The Grays Riverside area, as it was originally called was identified in the third wave of Big Local in December 2012 and was slightly smaller than the current area. It was extended in 2014 at the request of the steering group. The Journey The initial engagement of the community was at the end of April 2013 and the findings of that group match well to the wider findings of later surveys. The report of that event can be found in appendix 1 From that point on those interested residents and volunteers who worked in the area met as the steering group. All meetings were advertised and open to the residents of the area. The positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasure were elected and a Local Trusted Organisation was appointed to hold the funds and support the steering group. The name of the area was also changed to Riverside Community Big Local. The ethos of the steering group is to use the skills of local residents and volunteers to be the driving force behind Riverside Community Big Local. It was felt that this would promote ownership of the project and build engagement, rather than employing a worker which could lead to a distance growing between the project and the local community. The steering group met in a variety of local community venues to move the meeting around the area Page 3 Members of the steering group drafted a survey which was taken to a number of community events in winter 2013 and spring 2014.House to house surveys were also carried out to build a picture of the needs and aspirations of the community. The school council of the local primary academy used a cut down version of the questionnaire to gain the views of the entire school. Having identified five themes from the first survey, those attending the steering group under took a larger second survey in summer 2014 to gain feedback and a sense of the priorities. A profile was then created to provide a picture of our area, its assets, its needs and its future ambitions (see appendix 2) Following this there was a partnership day to examine the priorities and current suggestions to produce an in-depth list of possibilities. The Vision and Priorities are shown on page 5 and the suggestions from the partnership day on pages 6 to 8 Communications At a very early stage the steering group set up a Riverside Community Big Local website, Facebook page and Twitter account, all of this being achieved using the skills of members of the steering group. Branding was seen as important so a logo was chosen via consultation and designed by local people, and a vision statement created to summarise the intent of Riverside Community Big Local. Next a series of promotional items were identified and purchased to convey the message. All the graphic design work was done by members of the community. At each stage a press release was drawn up, approved and sent out, with all being carried by some of the local media. Throughout the process a database of contacts was being maintained and growing. Star People Alongside the research and work to create the profile and raise awareness of Riverside Community Big Local, the availability of the Star people awards from UnLtd was being promoted. Prior to the forming of the partnership three people have been successful in bidding for Do-It awards bringing over £10,000 into the community. The Partnership The principles adopted when forming the partnership followed the existing ethos, in that the partnership was open to all and that there would be an attempt to be a body that reflected the diversity of the community. The formation of the partnership was at an open meeting held in the centre of the area in December 2014. The structure of the partnership, constitution, values and operating principles are available as a separate document which is appendix 3. Page 4 Partners The following are seen as partners with Riverside Community Big Local and there are personal contacts between partnership members and the following:• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thurrock Adult Community College Thurrock Council Job Centre plus Thameside Academy Orchard Forum Seabrooke Rise Community House Thurrock Asian Association Thurrock CVS Lightship Cafe Bar-n-Bus All Saints (John Street) Thurrock African Group TRUST Thurrock Racial Unity Support Taskgroup Little Thurrock Forum Ngage - Volunteer Centre Thurrock And there is also a working relationship via personnel contacts with • • • • • • • • Thurrock Association of Forum Thurrock Eastern European Community Group Metal Thurrock Art Trail Kinetika Thurrock Faith Forum Transformation Thurrock Tai Chi for Health (Essex) The Priorities The vision of “Together building our community for the future” forms the backdrop to the priorities that emerged via the research and surveys. These priorities were evident in the first engagement exercise where the public made their aspirations known, and have served to reinforce the initial themes that have run through the entire project, through to the outcomes of the research. The final priorities, that form part of the profile, are:- Page 5 1. Create and or enhance a sense of community across the area 2. Create opportunities for business start-ups especially social entrepreneurs in the area 3. Provide a sense of identity through a range of activities 4. Provide activities for young people especially those that raise aspirations 5. Create ways in which Riverside Community will be sustainable beyond the 10 years life of Big Local These come from the output of the surveys, after those items that are outside of the Big Local remit are removed, they are the items that the residents felt most strongly about. Lists of Possibilities The suggestions from the partnership day on how to address the priorities are shown below The linkages are shown by the reference in italics after each point Priority 1 - Create and/or enhance a sense of community across the area a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) Develop a local based Time Bank 3f Community markets (by local community) Overall coordinator who knows all the local services and how to utilise them Community ambassadors (weavers) 2h,2j,2k Local website – different languages, involve cultures in production of the website and involve residents 3a, 2j Local radio – regular slot time (Steve Lonsdale) “Say hello to your neighbour day” Community recycling - £50 per ton for tin cans 2m Grays carnival (currently defunct) 1v,1n,3b,3e,3g pop-up shops (at different locations) Use our marquee to spread our 'spirit' Community cleaner Big lunch 1v, 1n, 3b, 3e, 3i, 4k Thurrock festival – whole of Thurrock? 1v,3b,3e,3g Street festival in town – run TICC? Street parties – local Big Lunches? Community clean-up – happening in Orchard Forum Encourage Forum attendance –( How?) Involvement in school activities (fetes, open days etc) Targeting specific groups (young parents, elderly.....) Community Memories Boards with information (bid for funds) 1n Thurrock 100 – be part of the 100 groups – Walking, Health & Wellbeing, Community Cohesion 1i, 1n, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3g Page 6 2. Create opportunities for business start-ups especially by social entrepreneurs in the area a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Resource centre (Business admin/accounts/legal etc) 2c Mapping exercise 2f, 2i Micro-business fund 2a, 2e, 3a,5e Confidence/aspiration building Mentor/buddy scheme (using local entrepreneurs) 2b Ideas bank – resource centre – info pack 2g Dream forum for spending the £1 million 2f Start-up support Community weavers/group network (time bank) 1d Community needs analysis Community magazine to promote all of above 3a,1e,1f Facilitate current services/training available- promotion/filling the gaps Raise awareness – ambassadors to promote 1d,2h Community recycling 1h 3. Provide a sense of identity through a range of activities a) Magazine/website – sell advertising, delivery twillies (signpost, ask for input from Grays memories – bid – employment – training, Output – sign on River front, in parks, buildings Big Lunch – promote local, Big cohesion, Involve cultural groups e.g Nepalese 1e,2j b) Local festival – talk to Jan Cole. Involve schools and groups e.g dance schools (because this brings people and different cultures together. 1n, 1v, 3e, 3g c) Tour De Riverside – cycling, walking, running etc. 3e d) Skills swops 1a, 3f e) Thurrock 100 – be one of the 100 early adopter group 1n, 1v, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3g f) Mini time bank for area 1a, 3d g) Keep fit activities @ EROS – Sunday afternoon (talk to Trevor re-walking classes) 1v,3e h) Dog training i) Revive neighbourliness j) Best window box, best from gardens, best planter competitions. Best indoor ? Best ? k) Street reps l) Winter lights competitions 4. Provide activities for young people, especially those that raise aspirations a) Guest speaker (inspirational) b) Workshops to develop / increase aspirations – opportunities for developing life-skills (provide information / taster sessions) c) Opportunities to take youngsters abroad to provide wider experiences of other countries d) Range of job opportunities and work experience e) Ask the young people for their ideas f) Provide volunteer opportunities g) Link with the Prince's Trust h) Involve 19/21 year olds to understand what works well for them 2c,2i Page 7 i) Series of classes/workshops to develop skills e.g develop apps 2c,2h j) Guest speakers from within the area to talk in schools/community forums k) Linking up with other local organisations 5. Create ways in which Riverside Community will be sustainable beyond the 10 year life of Big Local a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Create business to generate income Brand must be acknowledged with all projects with good audit procedures Build and rent homes Sell Riverside as a concept Thurrock Enterprise agency model Peer lending Open up Riverside for others to visit and see – (possible charge or funds bid) Explore credit union best practice The Plan and Projects The principles that have been followed through the development of the Riverside Community Big Local are o o o o Act as change agents not just buy stuff Where possible look for matched funding Create linkages and build networks to be effective not isolationist Support local and encourage the sticky / magnetic money principle These principles have been enshrined in the Plan as we develop projects to address the priorities. Not all projects in our Plan will need Big Local funding but may need support from the Riverside Community. Many of the start up projects for a Big Local have already been completed in the steering group phase. These include such things as:- a website, social media presence and awareness raising materials. The projects that form the first two years of the Riverside Community Big Local are all opportunities that have presents themselves and match with the priorities and the expanded possibilities. They also are a very good match with the underlying the ethos of Riverside Community. Projects to be included in the Plan for 2015 and 2016 are:• Micro Enterprise Start-ups • Grays Memories • Grays Big Lunch • Community Magazine / Website • Thurrock 100 • Open Space Improvement Project • Village Beach Festival • Partnership Support • Time Bank These projects and their reason for inclusion in the plan are detailed on following pages Page 8 Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further information Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Micro Enterprise Start up 2 , 3 and 5 especially 2c, 2e, 2a, 2l, 5a, 5d, 5g Project to create a ring-fenced loan fund to support residents looking to start up their own businesses. This project will provide opportunity for business start-up for residents in the RCBL area and create a sense of community. We would look to work locally to provide a start-up space and create a hub for entrepreneurs. As the loans are paid back this will recycle the money to help further start-ups and a lasting legacy in the area. A pilot scheme run by HACT and CDFA enabling local funding to be almost trebled. 30 or more micro enterprises receive funding, mentoring and training Allow the possibility of setting up a new start up hub A wellbeing value of £11,588 per individual Based on wellbeing valuation techniques, the total social impact is forecast to be £520,354 from an initial investment of up to £62,500 from RCBL Some funding would go outside RCBL area Loans paid back generate further income for other micro enterprises Funding committed end of April 2015 Awareness and application May to August Project running September 2015 Up to £62,500 HACT to be LTO for this project Talk with Thurrock Adult Community College re hosting hub as in BL area Timescale to make money available Grays Big Lunch 1,3,4 and 5 via 1m, 1v, 1n, 3b, 3e, 3i, 4k Currently this is a council run event which due to the cuts they are looking to outsource completely in 2016. At present it is primarily an information sharing event at which mainly council related services show cased. It will provide an opportunity for the community to take ownership of the event and show case what is happening in the community. RCBL have used this event for the past two years for awareness raising. It is the intention to look at how this can become self funding and so be a legacy event. It provides a specific project for the Grays memories and community magazine It does not embrace the concept of Big Lunch as such, though people do bring their lunch to eat. Provides a platform for community ventures to be showcased Provides a networking event Raises awareness of RCBL Becomes self sustaining as activities at future events generate income Event this year is 29th of July 2015 Planning for July 2016 event will start in February 2016 Max expenditure of £3000 per annum Chair to meet with Council Lead and evaluate the possibility, as suggested by council of a handover year and running the event from 2016 Closeness of time to Village Beach Festival on 18th of July 2016, though different focus, and targeted at whole of Thurrock Page 9 Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further information Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Information Thurrock 100 1 and 3 via 1i, 1n, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3g This is a council funded initiative via Public Health, building on a walking event in 2014. Ten walks, each 10 miles in length will be created across Thurrock. There is the possibility of RCBL becoming one of the pilot areas It is seen as a health initiative to encourage outdoor exercise, building towards a walking carnival in 2016-17 Has the potential for creating micro enterprise but later in the program Create a route starting and finishing in RCBL Walking group breaking social isolation and crossing cultures Building community spirit From now onwards The first event is the walking of the main flags to the Village Beach Festival at Grays Beach Park which is part of the BL area. This occurs on 18th July 2015 Time in meetings planning with sponsors At present no financial commitment Suggest allocate budget of up to £1000 for 2015 Joined planning group Identify places of interest Contact local school Village Beach Festival 1,3 and 4 via 1n, 1v,3b, 3e, 3g, 4f, 4i, 4k This is a joint event organised by Metal and Thurrock Council replacing T-Fest it is an event to raise awareness of creativity It is being held at Grays Beach Park which is the middle the Big Local Area It will have a number of stages and arenas There are specific areas for young people and opportunities to encourage residents of RCBL to showcase their talents It provides a specific project for the Grays memories and community magazine Build community cohesion by involving diverse community groups Raise awareness of Big Local Run a community cafe Planning already started Event due 18th of July 2015 Time Personnel At present no financial; commitment suggest allocate budget of up to £1000 for 2015 and 2016 Talk with organisers (completed) Find out if there are pitch costs Build support for community cafe Steel the thunder of Big Lunch event Page 10 Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Information Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Information Time Bank 1,3, and 4 via 1a, 3d, 3d, 4f Create a mini time bank for the Riverside Community Big Local Which could create community cohesion and help cross cultural divides. Provide opportunities for intergenerational interaction Allowing for skill swaps, Builds a sense of community Promotion event 28th of Feb 2015 No financial resources needed Suggest a budget of £500 for promotion for 2015 Attend meeting Set up mini time bank Register friends of RCBL Promote Grays Memories 1, 3, 4 and 5 via 1t, 1u, 3a, 4f To create a historical memory of the development of Grays To create community spirit and celebrate what has happened Provide opportunities for intergenerational interaction To link in the memories and experiences of those who came to Grays from another county Sign posts to what has happened in the Area Creates a sense of community Brings the area to life Bids need to be submitted March April 2015? Links building April/May Time Personnel Initial budget suggest £1000 for 2015 and 2016 Contact Annie O’Brian (booked) Contact facebook admin for the closed group Research possibility of bidding for funds Build? links to colleges Finding a partner organisation to bid for funds Linking to Thurrock 100 and Village Beach festival Page 11 Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Info Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Info Title Priorities it meets Summary Outcomes Timescale Resources Actions Concerns Further Info Community Magazine / Website 1,3 and 4 via 3a, 1c, 1u, 4f, To raise the awareness of the RCBL To create a sense of community To provide an outlet for creativity To be a community voice To be the ‘go to’ place for information on the area To foster the sense of community To bridge the cultural divides in the area 4 member of the partnership enrolled on the Community Journalism: Digital and Social Media run by Cardiff University No specifics at this point Use of existing website 2016 upgrade website £2000 Set up an editorial team Expand the access to Website and Facebook Build on links with existing local media Open Space Improvement Project 1h, 1q, 2m, 3g, 4f, 4g To undertake an audit of open spaces in the area, assess their quality and fitness for purpose and to suggest a programme of improvements. To train residents to enable them to undertake the audits To increase interest in open spaces Enable residents to take control of local improvements Create a sense of community Provide open spaces that meet the needs of the local community Start audit work autumn 2015 Budget for training, audit and creation of strategy £3000. Cost of improvements unknown; provide £10,000 in year 2 to undertake improvements Get quotes April /May 2015 and appoint consultant Recruit volunteers to help with open space audit summer 2015 Similar project to that completed by Slade Green BL Partnership Support Supports all priorities To employ a support worker as deemed necessary by board To raise awareness of RCBL To increase the number of residents involved in local projects To monitor impact of RCBL activities Recruit summer 2015 Budget estimate £18000 Agree job description and number of hours support needed Agree recruitment process with LTO Page 12 Big Local Budget April 2015 to March 2017 Project Micro Enterprise Start up Grays Big Lunch Thurrock 100 Village Beach Festival Time Bank Grays Memories Community Magazine / Website Open Space Improvement Project Partnership Support Other project development Total Year 1 Year 2 Total £62,500 £0 £62,500.00 £1,300 £3,000 £4,300.00 £1,000 £1,000 £2,000.00 £1,000 £0 £1,000.00 £500 £0 £500.00 £1,000 £1,000 £2,000.00 £0 £2,000 £2,000.00 £3000 £10000 £13000.00 £18,000 £18,500 £36,500.00 £10,000 £10,000 £20,000.00 £98,300.00 £45,500.00 £143,800.00 Page 13
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