THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF NANNOPLANKTOlN AND NETPLANKTON AS PRIMARY PRODUCERS IN TROPICAL OCEANIC AND NERITIC PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITIES1 Thomas C. Malone2 Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California 93950 ABSTRACT Nannoplankton and netplankton primary productivity and standing crop were measured in a wide variety of neritic and oceanic environments in the eastern tropical Pacific and Caribbean region. Nannoplankters were the most important producers in all the environments studied, but netplankton productivity was significantly (P = 0.05) higher in neritic than in oceanic waters. Mean neritic netplankton-nannoplankton productivity and chlorophyll ratios were 0.50 + 0.14 and 0.62 -C 0.22 respectively, significantly higher than those observed in oceanic waters. Relative levels of netplankton standing crop and productivity were not systematically related to corresponding levels of primary productivity and standing crop as a whole. The patterns of variation in the relative importance of netplankton and nannoplankton could be accounted for by the high netplankton growth rates and low grazing pressure indices observed in neritic as compared to oceanic waters. INTRODUCTION The phytoplankton can be divided into two groups based on whether they escape or are retained by fine-mesh nets. The fraction retained by the phytoplankton nets (aperture size 20-90 p) is commonly called “netplankton” or “microplankton” and the fraction that escapes is referred to as “nannoplankton.” The ecological significance of these two categories lies in the role of cell size in phytoplankton community dynamics. Typically small cells have shorter generation times and higher growth rates in a given environment than do larger cells, presumably owing to the high surface area-to-volume ratios of smaller cells (e.g., Odum 1956; Saijo and Takesue 1965; Williams 1964). In addil This research was supported in part by the Organization for Tropical Studies Pilot Study Grant No. 69-4 and The Society of the Sigma Xi, in part by National Science Foundation Grants GB 6870, GB 6871, and GB 8374, and in part by National Institutes of Health Predoctoral Fellowship 5 FOl GM44363-02. Based on a thesis submittcd in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. 2 Present address: Department of Biology, The City College of CUNY, Convent Ave. and 138th St., New York, N.Y. 10031. LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY tion, the relative levels of nannoplankton and netplankton productivity and standing crop should be reflected in the distributions and abundances of herbivores that selectively graze one group or the other (e.g., Thorson 1950; Strickland 1961; Mullin 1963) . Geographic variations in netplankton and nannoplankton primary productivity and standing crop are poorly documented in the marine environment. Recent investigations in both temperate (Yentsch and Ryther 1959; Gilmartin 1964; Anderson 1965) and tropical waters ( Steemann Nielsen and Jensen 1957; Holmes 1958; Teixcira 1963) have demonstrated that nannoplankton are often responsible for SO-99% of the observed phytoplankton productivity. Little information is available on regions in which netplankton primary productivity surpasses that of the nannoplankton, although phytoplankton communities dominated by netplankton in terms of cell number ( Digby 1953) and chlorophyll concentration ( Subrahmanyan and Sarma 1965) have been reported. It seems surprising, therefore, that it has become almost axiomatic that netplanktcrs tend to be the predominant primary producers in neritic waters and high latitudes 633 JULY 1971, V. 16(4) 634 THOMAS while nannoplankters tend to predominate in oceanic waters and low latitudes ( cf. Yentsch and Ryther 1959; Wood 1963; Ryther 1969 ) , This study documents geographic variations in netplankton and nannoplankton primary productivity and standing crop and relates these variations to spatial patterns of phytoplankton productivity as a whole in tropical oceanic and neritic environments. I am grateful to Dr. M. Gilmartin for providing ship time on the RVs Te Vega and Proteus, to Dr. F. A. Richards for ship time on the RV Thomas G. Thompson, and to the Environmental Science Service Administration and Mr. J, Tyler of SCOR Working Group 15 for ship time on the USC+GS Ship Discoverer. I thank Mr. R. Olund and Dr. J. Alberts for the NO,-N analyses. MATERIALS AND METHODS Net plankton and nannoplankton photosynthetic capacities and chlorophyll a concentrations were estimated from duplicate water samples collected 3 hr before local apparent noon from 2 m below the surface with van Dorn bottles. Four light and two dark bottles (125ml Pyrex) were drawn from each sample, inoculated with 5 &i of 14C-Na&03, and incubated under fluorescent light (about 0.06 ly/min) for 2-3 hr at sea surface temperatures (Doty and Oguri 1958 ) . Following incubation, two light and one dark bottle from each sample were fractionated by passing the water first through a Nytex-net disk with 22-p apertures (netplankton) and then through an HA Millipore filter ( nannoplankton) . The remaining bottles were passed directly through the HA Milhpore filter. The filter disks were washed with about 30 ml of filtered seawater, dried in a COz-free atmosphere, and their activity measured with a Nuclear Chicago scalar (model l6lA) equipped with a model D47 gas flow chamber with a micromil window. Each filter was counted for at least 5 min. Rates of carbon fixation were calculated as described by Doty and Oguri ( 1958) C. MALONE and duplicate values for each fraction were averaged, The mean coefficient of variation between replicate light bottles was 7 * 2% (P = 0.05) and 22 -+ 5% between phytoplankton productivity values calculated from the sum of the nannoplankton and netplankton fractions and determined directly from unfractionated samples. ChlorophyII a and pheopigment concentrations were determined by a fluorometric technique (Yentsch and Menzel 1963; Holm-Hansen et al. 1965). Water samples were fractionated by the same procedure described for the carbon-uptake measurements, except Whatman GF/C glass-fiber filters coated with 2 ml of a I%, suspension of MgC03 were used in place of membrane filters and the netplankton chlorophyh fraction was calculated from the difference between fractionated and unfractionated values. Duplicate values for each fraction were averaged. Whenever possible, water for pigment analysis was collected from at least five additional depths within the photic zone and one below it. The USC of glass filters may have led to an underestimation of nannoplankton chlorophyll a. However, Strickland and Parsons ( 1968) report little difference between Whatman GF/C glass filters and AA Millipore filters coated with MgCOs. Also, a preliminary analysis of chlorophyll a concentrations estimated by the trichromatic method using glass-fiber and Sartorius 0.50-p membrane filters (Baird, unpublished) indicates that glass filters retained an average of 89% of the total chlorophyll a over a range of concentrations of 0.06-0.56 mg rnd3 (for tropical oceanic phytoplankton ) . Surface NOs-N concentrations and mixed layer depths were determined in conjunction with productivity and pigment measurements, The N03-N was measured using an AutoAnalyzer on the RV Thomas G. Thompson (Stephens 1970); otherwise the manual procedure described by Strickland and Parsons ( 1968) was used. The depth of the mixed layer was determined NANNO- AND NETPLANKTON PRIMARY 635 PRODUCI’IVITY TABLE 1. Mean NOs-N concentrations (pg-atom/ liter), water column pheopigment-chlorophyll ratios (P: C), and mixed layer depths (2%~ = meters) with !Xyo confidence limits in neritic waters, the Peru Current region (I), tropical surface water (II), and the Caribbean region (III) Oceanic Neritic NOrN P:C z YL FIG. 1. Stations occwied in the tropical Pacific and Caribbean segregated into four regions: Circles-neritic (November 1968, August 1969, January 1970); squaws-Peru Current (May surface (December 1970); triangles-tropical 1969 ) ; polygons-Caribbean ( May 1970 ) , from BT and STD casts. In addition, the ratio of pheopigmcnts to chlorophyll in the water column was calculated and assumcd to provide a crude index of relative grazing pressure on the phytoplankton standing crop ( Lorenzen 1967). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Measurements of netplankton and nannoplankton photosynthetic capacity and standing crop were made at 44 stations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea ( Fig. 1) during cruises of the vessels mentioned in the introduction. The stations were located between 10” S and 30” N in surface water temperatures of over 20C. Stations located within 100 km of land or in less than 600 m of water are classified as neritic. The remaining stations are considered oceanic and are further segregated into three groups based on surface N03-N concentrations and mixed layer depth (Table 1 and Fig. 1). Grazing pressure indices were much higher in all three oceanic zones than in the neritic environments studied. Values for netplankton and nannoplankton primary productivity and chlorophyll a concentration are presented in Table 2. 0 0.2 10.1 12 -t- 6 I II III 0.2 k 0.1 5.3 & 3.3 0 1.0 +- 0.3 1.2 -c 0.1 1.1 -r- 0.1 24 k 7 84 zk 31 32 zk 8 Phytoplankton productivity and chlorophyll a concentrations in neritic and Peru Current waters ranged from l-5 mgC rno3 hr-1 and 0.15-0.70 mg m-3 respectively. Much lower levels of phytoplankton productivity were observed in the other two oceanic regions where values rarely exceeded 1 mgC m-3 hr-l. However, surface concentrations of chlorophyll a were higher by nearly an order of magnitude in tropical surface water than in the Caribbean region. Surface productivity and chlorophyll a concentrations of the nannoplankton fraction exceeded that of the netplankton at all stations in both neritic and oceanic waters ( Table 2). Neritic nannoplankton productivity averaged 1.54 + 0.46 mgC m-3 hr-l and varied from 0.60-2.96 (Fig. 2). Oceanic nannoplankton productivity varied over a much wider range with a low of 0.11 and a high of 6.48. The average of oceanic nannoplankton productivity was 1.16 2 0.50 which does not differ significantly (P = 0.05) from that observed in neritic waters. Netplankton productivity varied from 0.32-1.98 in neritic waters in contrast with 0.0 to 0.43 for oceanic waters. Mean neritic netplankton productivity was significantly higher at 0.74 A 0.31 than the mean value of oceanic netplankton productivity of 0.10 * 0.04. Thus, the high level of productivity observed in neritic waters was due primarily to higher levels of netplankton productivity, although mean nannoplankton productivity values were significantly higher than the corresponding netplankton values in both oceanic and neritic environments. 636 THOMAS TABLE 2. Nannoplankton and netplankton (SC = mgChl a m-‘, m-‘), and productivity PP C. MALONE primary productivity (PI’ = mgC m-” hrl), standing crop indices (PI = mgC mgChl a-’ hr-‘) for the four regions studied SC (m”) SC (m2) PI Station Nanno Net Nanno Net Nanno Net Nanno Net l-001 005 006 007 008 010 2-001 002 003 004 3-033 2.96 1.51 2.17 0.60 1.56 1.48 0.98 2.00 0.82 2.04 0.82 1.12 0.40 1.98 0.37 0.48 0.54 0.76 1.04 0.32 0.57 0.58 0.198 0.143 0.114 0.301 0.385 0.160 0.090 0.050 0.124 0.319 5.0 13.15 11.89 14.42 17.85 9.41 5.27 17.92 15.69 14.0 7.2 6.8 2.1 4.8 11.6 6.4 4.6 1.8 4-006 007 008 010 011 012 013 015 016 3.79 2.28 2.14 1.18 1.26 1.24 3.15 2.76 6.48 0.05 0.26 0.32 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.06 0.12 0.43 0.272 0.254 0.241 0.198 0.212 0.158 0.222 0.202 0.269 34.45 24.10 11.62 17.46 17.00 10.75 12.02 14.32 22.23 3.10 1.70 0.69 1.76 1.00 1.63 1.21 0.58 2.69 13.9 9.0 8.9 l-002 003 004 009 3-001 005 009 013 020 022 025 028 031 038 041 044 1.28 1.12 1.82 0.97 0.71 0.22 0.24 0.12 0.36 0.68 0.14 0.35 0.44 0.88 0.27 0.20 0.42 0.01 0.05 0 0 0.02 0.02 0.17 0.02 0.09 0.04 0.06 Peru Current Tropical 0.192 0.180 0.126 0.116 0.158 0.142 0.178 0.326 0.169 0.152 0.134 0.192 surface 0.46 0.11 0.16 0.28 0.54 0.24 0.31 0.28 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.02 0.066 0.032 0.046 0.060 0.068 0.046 0.038 0.026 0.012 0.004 0.008 0.010 0.011 0.006 0.006 0.003 E 718 14.2 13.7 24.1 ifi 5:3 5.0 4.2 6.1 6.0 7.1 7.1 3.7 1.2 1.9 1.0 1.8 0 0 3.3 2.0 2.1 0.8 2.3 3.3 4.6 0.4 1.0 0.4 4.3 2.9 0.9 7.0 3.4 3.5 4.7 8.0 5.2 8.2 10.8 0.8 2.5 1.2 3.0 7.3 6.7 1.7 6.7 water 0.030 0.014 0.052 0.006 0.006 0 0.047 0.168 0.045 0.021 0.014 0.064 Caribbean 4-001 002 003 004 017 018 019 021 region 0.032 0.048 0.060 0.020 0.024 0.023 0.010 0.017 0.061 20.05 22.52 13.40 20.34 15.30 21.02 2.24 3.30 1.07 3.75 0.54 5.35 20.76 28.74 24.35 4.78 3.88 1.85 11.54 18.38 17.60 16.89 13.62 9.87 9.96 0.94 0.38 0.52 2.87 1.50 1.66 1.78 region NANNO- AND NETPLANKTON This contrast is even more pronounced if netplankton-nannoplankton (net : nanno) productivity and chlorophyll ratios arc considered (Fig, 2). The mean net : nanno productivity ratio for the neritic environment was 0.50 * 0.14, significantly higher than the oceanic mean of 0.10 2 0.03. A similar pattern was observed for chlorophyll a concentrations at the surface and in the water column, except that the netplankton were relatively more important in terms of plant biomass than in terms of productivity in both environments (Fig. 2). Within the oceanic environment, nannoplankton productivity and surface chlorophyll concentrations were relatively high in the Peru Current region (mean = 2.70 -t1.22 mgC mm3 hr-l ), moderate in tropical surface water (mean = 0.67 -I- 0.28), and low in the Caribbean (mean = 0.30 2 0.11). Variations in the standing crop of nannoplankton followed the same pattern. Netplankton productivity (mean = 0.03 + 0.02) and chlorophyll content (mean = 0.008 -t0.002 mg m-” ) were especially low in the Caribbean, but no significant difference was observed in the mean net : nanno ratios of productivity and chlorophyll concentrations in the three regions ( Fig. 2). Variations in the relative standing crop and productivity of the netplankton fraction were not systematically related to concurrent variations in phytoplankton productivity and standing crop as a whole as seen by comparing neritic with Peru Current waters, The levels of phytoplankton productivity and standing crop were roughly equivalent in the two regions, but net : nanno ratios were nearly an order of magnitude lower in the region of the Peru Current ( Fig. 2). PI3IMARY 637 PRODUCTIVITY 4.0 PP . .6 m l 8- I .4 P . P .2 0 .3 - .2 L SC .l - 0 I. 1 , P d NET NAN .3 FIG. 2. Regional mean values of nannoplankton ( squares) and netplankton ( circles ) primary productivity (PP = mgC m-’ hr-‘), chlorophyll n concentration (SC = mgChl a m-‘), and netplankton-nannoplankton (NET : NAN) productivity ( squares ) and chlorophyll a ( circles ) ratios with 95% confidence limits: neritic ( N), Peru Current region ( I ) , tropical surface water ( II ) , and the Caribbean region ( III ) . .2 .1 0 P. P I 638 TIIOMAS C. MALONE TABLE 3. Frequency distribution of nannoplankton and netplankton productivity indices (PI = mgC mgChl a-j hr-‘) including regional means and with 9570 confidence limits for neritic waters, the Peru Current region (I), Tropical surface waters (II), and the Caribbean region (III) Oceanic PI Neritic I 1 0 0 II III Nanno <3 3-s >5 mean 1 3 8.23 r4 5.46 9 11.50 + 4.16 1 2 2 6.83 zk 4.49 1 2 6 5.30 4 1.22 7 3 0 2.29 k 0.83 0 3 5 6.33 -L 2,.02 8 2 0 1.50 -t- 1.02 4 1 3 3.73 * 2.10 Net <3 3-5 >5 mean Nannoplankton growth rates, as indicated by the productivity index (PI = mg@ mgChl u-l hr-l) were higher than netplankton growth rates with a frequency of 88%, but regional means for the two fractions did not differ significantly except in Peru Current water where the nannoplankton PI was double that of the netplankton (Table 3). Nannoplankton PI values were highest on the average in Peru Current water, and for the netplankton they tended to be highest in neritic waters. These values were generally greater than 5 in neritic waters and Peru Current and Caribbean regions and less than 3 in tropical surface waters ( Table 3). The PI values average 2.3 -L 0.8 for the nannoplankton and 1.5 -I 1.0 for the netplankton in tropical surface waters with N03-N concentrations of 0. These values are significantly less than the corresponding means observed in the remaining oceanic regions where measurable N03-N concentrations were found with the exception of the mean netplankton PI in the Caribbean (Table 3). These data are consistent with the findings of McAllister et al. (1964) and Curl and Small ( 1965) which suggest that productivity indices below 3 are indicative of a nutrient deficiency while those above 5 indicate nutrient-rich waters. The high productivity indices in neritic water, despite negligible N03-N concentrations, may reflect rapid regeneration newal from terrestrial sources. and re- CONCLUSIONS In terms of productivity and standing crop, nannoplankters were the most important primary producers in both neritic and oceanic environments. Mean netplankton productivity and net : nanno productivity and chlorophyll ratios were significantly higher in neritic than in oceanic waters, however. In addition, the relative importance of the netplankton fraction was not necessarily greater in regions of high phytoplankton productivity than in regions of The implication that low productivity. grazing pressure selects against larger phytoplankters is supported by the work of McAllister et al. (1959), Mullin (1963), Richman and Rogers ( 1969), and Martin ( 1970). These patterns could reflect the relatively high rates of netplankton growth and low grazing pressure indices observed in neritic as compared to oceanic waters. 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