Lone Star Football Program Spirit AD ORDER FORM – Show Your Support! Place a “Spirit Ad” in the football game day program! Get in the spirit for your football athlete, dance team, cheerleader, band, color guard, son or daughter, boyfriend or girlfriend, or a group of your friends and capture a memory of your high school years. Be creative and have some fun!! SPIRIT AD COSTS: FULL PAGE ……….. $125.00 HALF PAGE…………$85.00 QUARTER PAGE…...$50.00 GUIDELINES: Simply supply a photo with the advertisement text legibly written and we will typeset your Spirit Ad for you. If you would rather submit your own pre-made design, it must be submitted in a high resolution (300 dpi) jpeg, tiff, pdf. Photos may be in color or black and white. All ads should be submitted in digital jpeg, tiff, pdf (high resolution 300 dpi ) (CD or email).. Ad sizes: Full page: 8.75x11.25 w/bleed or 8.5x11 n/bleed, Half Page: 8.75x5.75 w/bleed or 8.5x5.5 n/bleed, Quarter page: 4.5x5.75 w/bleed 4.25x5.5 n/bleed. Also, if you need pictures taken of your football athlete, the booster club has arranged for Victor Diaz to take pictures of your athlete for the program compliments of the Lone Star Football Nation Booster Club. Victor can also be contacted at [email protected] to take pictures of your dance team member, cheerleader, band, color guard, son or daughter, boyfriend or girlfriend and he will take their picture for the program for a nominal fee to be paid directly to him. WHERE TO SEND: We need all ad submissions and payment by August 11th, to ensure they will get into the program. Spirit Ad may be emailed to: Linda Leser at [email protected] Lone Star Football Nation | P.O. Box 5225 | Frisco, TX 75035 NOTE: If you provide non-electronic photos and wish to have your photo returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Please remember Spirit Ad’s are offered at a discounted rate and for individuals to show spirit. Spirit Ad’s are not for business ads, business ad’s are only offered in the program as part of corporate sponsorships. SPIRIT AD ORDER FORM Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Contact: _______________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________Email: _________________________ Spirit Ad Size: Full Page _____ Half Page _____ Quarter Page _____ Check Enclosed $ _________ Please make checks payable to the Lone Star Football Nation. Every person who places a Spirit Ad will receive 1 complimentary copy of the program when it is printed. Lone Star Football Nation | P.O. Box 5225 | Frisco, TX 75035
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