Preparing the Church for End Times The Characteristics of the First Church A Praying & Fasting Church (Act 2:42, 4:24-26) A Loving & Fellowshipping Church (Acts 2:1, 42, 5:12) A Powerful & Bold Church (Holy Spirt powered) (Acts 4:13, 29, 31, 33) A Prophetic & Word based Church (Acts 2:42, 5:42) A Persecuted & Suffering Church (Acts 5:18, 41, 8:1-3, Acts 12) A Faithful & United Church (in Heart and Mind) Acts (4:32, 5:29) A Purposeful & Prepared Church - Sharing, Caring, Healing, Performing Miracles, Evangelising (Acts 3:7,8, 4:32-35, 5:12) Seven Churches in Turkey (Asia Minor) Church in Ephesus (Rev 2: 1-11) The Church in Ephesus (Meaning: The Desired one) - Theologically (Doctrinally) sound - A hard working Church - Patiently enduring Church - Lost its FIRST LOVE Lost the love for People Lost the love for God - Spirit of Religion Church in Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11) The Church in Smyrna (Meaning: Myrrh/Death or Sweet Smelling) - A suffering Church - A persecuted Church - A poor Church - Dead to the world, alive in Christ - A Spirit of Intimidation - True riches belong to them who overcome! Church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17) The Church in Pergamum (Meaning: Improper/Mixed Marriage) - A Loyal Church - Dwells in Satan’s city (old capital) - Tolerates teaching of Balaam (Seduction through deception & Immorality) - Church that marries the World - Socially oriented Church - A Spirit of compromise Church in Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29) The Church in Thyatira (Meaning: Graveyard or Continuous sacrifice) - A loving & serving Church - A patiently enduring Church - Tolerates the spirit of Jezebel (1 Kings 16:29-33 Idolatry, Immorality) - Tolerates false teaching and prophets - Allows false doctrine (entry for sin) - Controlling and Manipulating Spirit Church in Sardis (Rev 3:1-6) The Church in Sardis (Meaning: Escaping ones/Remnant) - A Church that had a reputable history - Had an appearance of being alive! - A sleeping Church - A dead Church (Spiritually dead) - A Spirit of Tradition Church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13) The Church in Philadelphia (Meaning: Brotherly love) - A Church of little strength - An obedient Church - A Church that fulfils the great commission (Math 28:18-20) - A Spirit of Inferiority - Those who endure will be pillars in the Temple of God (in new Jerusalem) Church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) The Church in Laodicea (Meaning: People rule/Judgement of people) - A lukewarm Church (neither hot nor cold) - An apostate Church (Satan dwells) - A counterfeit Church (Cult) - A church that is rich & proud (worldly) - A Spirit of Pride - Referred to as a wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked Church Jesus gives another chance for those who repent and come back to HIM He who has ears let him hear what the Spirit is saying!
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