School Plan 2015 – 2017 Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 School background 2015 - 2017 School vision statement School context School planning process Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre Mission Statement Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre (LLEEC) provides experiences and resources to educate, inspire and engage students and the wider community with their world. With a focus on the natural environment and cultural heritage, students develop the knowledge, skills, values, capabilities and motivation to live more st sustainably in the 21 Century. LLEEC is located in Scheyville National Park, 12 kilometres north of Windsor. The National Park comprises 952 hectares of Cumberland Plain Woodland, surrounding a freshwater lagoon. Planning for the 2015 – 2017 Strategic School Plan began in 2014 with a number of consultative meetings which continued into early 2015. Longneck Lagoon EEC is one of 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC) across New South Wales and the network collaborates for a range of purposes. LLEEC offers a range of high quality curriculum based excursions and school visits for students K-12. Student leadership skills are developed through team building and leadership programs. EZEC Mission Statement Strong partnerships for a sustainable future. A number of enrichment programs are offered to primary and secondary students across the Western Sydney metropolitan area. EZEC Vision To support NSW Public Schools to implement sustainability education through meaningful learning experiences in and about the natural, built and cultural environments. We strive to be leaders in providing students with the skills, values and opportunities to act as responsible citizens. Scheyville National Park has a significant Aboriginal and European heritage. Aboriginal middens and camp sites can be found around the lagoon. European history dates back to 1794 when the area formed part of the Nelson Common. Impacts from this land use can be observed around the Longneck Lagoon catchment. Educational programs are also delivered to students from NSW TAFE. A range of teacher professional learning is offered for teaching staff both when they accompany students or in dedicated teacher professional learning programs. LLEEC supports local school communities through the development and provision of resources and activities that build the capacity of schools for a sustainable future. LLEEC engages with a wide range of collaborative partnerships with tertiary institutions, government and nongovernment organisations with the aim of developing and delivering quality educational programs for students and teaching staff. Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 Page 2 Stakeholders were invited to contribute future collaborative opportunities for consideration. Relevant documents were considered as planning progressed, including, The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians; Great Teaching, Inspired Learning; Public Schools NSW Strategic Directions, DEC School Planning Guides and Fact Sheets and the School Excellence Framework. All teaching and SASS staff (including casuals) participated in visioning, planning and evaluation meetings. Collegial meetings with EECs in proximity (Brewongle and Penrith Lakes) were conducted to identify joint strategic directions and purposes. Collaborative discussions with EZEC Principals were held in late 2014 and early 2015 identifying future directions across the 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres. Collegial discussions and evaluations of centre programs were conducted with a number of principals and teachers in local and surrounding schools to identify areas of need and potential for collaboration. Planning sessions with the University of Western Sydney; the United Nations University - Greater Western Sydney Regional Centre of Expertise and National Parks and Wildlife Service assisted with identifying future directions and opportunities for collaboration. The Director of Public Schools NSW and Principal School Leadership Officer were consulted and their input sought. School strategic directions 2015 - 2017 Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3 Empowering learners Building teacher capacity Strong and sustainable partnerships Purpose: Purpose: Purpose: Engage and empower students to effect a positive change for sustainable futures through learning experiences that are authentic and model quality teaching. Engage and empower teachers to effect a positive change for sustainable futures for themselves and their learning communities. Ensure innovative and strategic support to schools in learning for sustainability. Facilitate quality learning so students are informed, active and responsible citizens with the necessary 21st Century skills capable of positively influencing their future. Build and enhance staff capacity as learners, teachers and leaders in education for sustainability by improving knowledge, understanding and values in sustainability content and pedagogies to enable 21st Century citizenship in students. Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 Page 3 Demonstrate sustainable operations through collaboration, innovation, thereby building capacity of learning communities for sustainable futures. Strategic Direction 1: Empowering learners. Purpose Engage and empower students to effect a positive change for sustainable futures through learning experiences that are authentic and model quality teaching. Facilitate quality learning so students are informed, active and responsible st citizens with the necessary 21 Century skills capable of positively influencing their future. Improvement Measures 25 % increase in the number of programs available for excursion and in-school visits (based on 2014 data). 50% of new programs to include pre and/or post visit learning. People Processes Products and Practices Students Have the opportunity to: • develop the mindsets and capabilities to thrive as learners, leaders and responsive, productive citizens in the 21st Century. Review existing programs and revise as appropriate to ensure learning experiences are relevant, engaging and build the capacity of students for their future. Products Staff – schools Have the opportunity to: • observe and engage with sustainability and environmental education pedagogy that can be applied in their classroom practice • participate in the evaluation and future development of learning programs that improve the learning outcomes for all students. Develop and promote new programs and activities in collaboration with learning communities, EZEC Network and community partners. Staff – LLEEC Have the opportunity to: • collaborate in the development, delivery and evaluation of programs and events that are relevant, engaging and capacity building for students • lead school communities as they build school and student capacity. Collaborate with science organisations eg. CSIRO Atlas of Living Aust., School of Ants, linking with local schools to collect meaningful scientific ecological data. Parents/Caregivers Have the opportunity to: • participate in, and provide feedback on learning programs. Community Partners Have the opportunity to: • engage with LLEEC on programs and/or events that lead to improvements in opportunities for students and student learning. Leaders Have the opportunity to: • collaborate to improve student outcomes. Access professional learning for EEC staff in appropriate pedagogies, knowledge and skills to support program development and delivery. 25 % increase in the number of programs available via a variety of delivery methods (based on 2014 data). 50% of new programs to include pre and/or post visit learning. Data from teacher, parent/caregiver and student evaluations reflect positive learning experiences and outcomes for students. Practices Develop evaluation methodologies for gathering meaningful teacher, parent and student feedback. All teaching and learning programs utilise a range of pedagogies and delivery methods to build student capabilities as they become informed, active and responsible citizens. Evaluation Plan Regular monitoring and reporting of progress of milestones. Staff actively reflect on their professional practice, identifying opportunities for improvement and future development. Collect and analyse teacher, parent and student evaluation/feedback data. Professional conversations and collaborations occur within LLEEC, across the EZEC Network and across learning communities focussed on student learning. Evidence collected forms the basis of the Centre’s self-evaluation measured against the School Excellence Framework. Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 Page 4 Strategic Direction 2: Building teacher capacity. Purpose People Processes Engage and empower teachers to effect a positive change for sustainable futures for themselves and their learning communities. Staff – schools Have the opportunity to: • engage with a range of high quality professional learning. LLEEC staff collaborate with school staff in the facilitation of youth led sustainability events. LLEEC collaborate with EZEC network, DEC personnel and community providers in the development and delivery of high quality teacher professional learning opportunities. Increased range of registered and accredited teacher professional learning offered (based on 2014 data). Increased number of teachers participating in professional learning courses. LLEEC staff engage in professional learning in a variety of learning environments. All permanent and casual staff develop and progress their professional goals as outlined in the Performance Development Framework. Build and enhance staff capacity as learners, teachers and leaders in education for sustainability by improving knowledge, understanding and values in sustainability content st and pedagogies to enable 21 Century citizenship in students. Staff – LLEEC Have the opportunity to: • utilise the EZEC Network and portfolios to build own professional capacity • access professional learning that facilitates improved professional practice • model sustainability education and authentic/engaging pedagogy. Improvement Measures Increased range of registered and accredited courses offered. Increased number of teachers participating in professional learning courses. Community Partners Have the opportunity to: • be actively involved in the development and where appropriate the delivery of professional learning for teachers and learning communities. Leaders Have the opportunity to: • collaborate to ensure best practice in all areas drawing upon research and evidence. Products and Practices Products LLEEC promotes EZEC activities and professional learning opportunities to school leaders and learning communities. Practices Evaluation Plan Regular monitoring and reporting of progress of milestones. Evaluation from teacher professional learning events and courses. Scheduled meetings and feedback as per the Professional Development Framework. Evidence collected forms the basis of the Centre’s self-evaluation measured against the School Excellence Framework. Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 Page 5 LLEEC teachers actively share learning by modelling pedagogies and practices for schools and school staff through program delivery and professional learning. LLEEC teachers are actively engaged in improving and sourcing their own professional development to improve their performance. LLEEC collaborates with EZEC Network for a coordinated approach to professional learning and organisational effectiveness. Strategic Direction 3: Strong and sustainable partnerships. Purpose People Processes Products and Practices Students Engage students in a range of high quality programs, projects and activities with community organisations and learning partners, thereby enabling students to be influenced and have influence in their world. LLEEC staff engage with a variety of networks and agencies in order to build partnerships that support learning communities (such as the Hawkesbury Environmental Network). Products Ensure innovative and strategic support to schools in learning for sustainability. Staff – school Engage school staff in a range of high quality programs, projects and activities with community organisations and learning partners, thereby enabling them to actively engage in their learning communities. LLEEC online and social media presence provides a source of information and support for learning communities. Demonstrate sustainable operations through collaboration, innovation, thereby building capacity of learning communities for sustainable futures. Improvement Measures Improved strength and diversified range of partnerships that enhance student and teacher learning and outcomes (based on 2014 data). Increased number of sustainability focussed events and/or projects delivered in collaboration with DEC and non-DEC partners (based on 2014 data). Staff – LLEEC LLEEC staff seek opportunities to enhance current and foster new partnerships that promote sustainability and environmental education in schools and the broader community. Parents/Caregivers Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to provide feedback and offer suggestions for partnership opportunities. Community Partners Existing and potential learning partnerships are nurtured and included in discussions and direction/goal settings. Leaders Ensure EEC staff have the skills, knowledge and competencies to actively and positively engage with a range of partners. EZEC leaders collaborate to leverage high level partnerships with schools, learning communities, professional organisations, academic organisations and community organisations. LLEEC staff investigate joint funding opportunities with community partners in order to develop and deliver new programs that enhance student learning (such as National Parks and Wildlife Service and the University of Western Sydney). Develop and deliver a range of sustainability focussed events and/or projects in collaboration with DEC and non-DEC partners (such as the Youth Eco Summit and World Environment Day). Evaluation Plan Regular monitoring and reporting of progress of milestones. Evaluation of partnerships with DEC and non-DEC partners. Evidence collected forms the basis of the Centre’s self-evaluation measured against the School Excellence Framework. Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre 5690 Page 6 Improved strength and diversified range of partnerships that enhance student and teacher learning and outcomes (based on 2014 data). Increased number of sustainability focussed events and/or projects delivered in collaboration with DEC and non-DEC partners (based on 2014 data). Practices LLEEC continually establishes and enhances strong partnerships and works collaboratively to ensure positive learning outcomes for students. LLEEC works effectively with learning communities and the EZEC Network while continuously monitoring and reflecting on the organisation’s effectiveness in coordinating and delivering environmental and sustainability education programs and professional learning.
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