GIRL SCOUT FAMILY NIGHT #2 AT DODGER STADIUM D I D YO U M I SS O U R F I R S T G I R L SC O UT N I G H T O R D I D YO U H AV E SO MU C H F U N YO U WA N T TO DO IT AGA I N? J O I N US F O R O U R S ECO N D E V E N T O F T H E 2015 S E ASO N O N SAT U R DAY, AU G US T 15 AS T H E D O D G E RS H OS T T H E C I N C I N N AT I RE DS . AUGUST 15 6:10 This special event package includes your game ticket in one of the Girl Scout Night seating sections, a commemorative patch, and the opportunity to parade the field during our pre-game ceremonies! VS pm SEAT LOCATION PRICE PREFERRED RESERVE $25 AYCE PAVILIO N* $44 *Includes unlimited dodger dogs, nachos, popcorn, peanuts, Coke products and water. G I R L S CO U TS Group pricing is based on availability and subject to change without notice. All locations listed are sold on a first come, first served basis. O F GR EAT ER L O S A NGEL ES Stay after the game to enjoy a post-game movie screening of Back to the Future! S E AT I N G I S LI M I T E D TO PU RC H AS E T I C K E TS: Individual tickets (19 or less) can be purchased by visiting DO D G E R S .C OM/G I R L SC O UTS Groups of 20 or more enjoy special benefits including preferred seating options, a personalized welcome message board greeting, and customized tickets commemorating your group experience. GROUPS OF 20 OR MORE TICKETS, CONTACT: BRITNI HOWZE [email protected] | 323-224-1304 2 015 G RO U P O R D E R FO R M DAT E MAIL Order Form to: T I CK E T LO C AT I O N Los Angeles Dodgers Group Sales 1000 Elysian Park Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 N U M B ER O F T I CK E TS S E AT I N G T I CK E T P R I CE S U BTOTA L FAX Order Form to: 323-224-4294 S ERV I CE FEE $ PHONE Order, call: 323-224-1421 TOTA L $ 10.0 0 GROUP NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT NAME________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP__________________________________________________________________ DAY PHONE ____________________________________ EVENING PHONE _________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT: CH ECK A M E X V I SA M C D I S COV ER CREDIT CARD NUMBER___________________________________________________________________________________ EXP. DATE_______________________________ BILLING ZIP_____________________________ CO M P L I M E N TA RY G RO U P M ES SAG E (75 CHARACTERS MAX)_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For information on Dodgers’ privacy practices, please email [email protected]. Thank You. Please remember that due to the discount, there are NO returns, exchanges, or refunds. Seating is limited for these special programs and receipt of this form with payment does not guarantee the purchase of tickets. All tickets are subject to availability and are sold on a first come, first served basis. Ticket orders may be placed in person at the box office, again subject to availability, however a 24 hour period may be required in order to print your ticket order.
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