The Lough Shore Parishes Churches of Our Lady Star of the Sea Whitehouse; St Mary’s Greencastle; Saint James’ Whiteabbey; St Colman’s Greenisland 12 April 2015 Mass Times SATURDAY VIGIL 5.30 pm – Whitehouse 7.00 pm - Greencastle SUNDAY MASS: 10.00 am – St Colman’s 10.30 am – Whitehouse 11.30 am – St James’ 12 noon – Greencastle WEEK DAY MASSES: Greencastle: Mon – 7.30 pm, Wed – 9.00 am Whitehouse: Mon 9am, Wed – 7.00 pm St James’: Fri – 10.00 am St Colman’s: Tues – 10.00 am ST PEREGRINE’S NOVENA: First Monday of the month at 7.30 pm in Greencastle MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR: Every Wednesday at 7 pm in Whitehouse; Every Friday at 10 am in St James’ EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Wednesday in Greencastle - 9 am to 7 pm HOLY HOUR IN HONOUR OF THE DIVINE MERCY: Second Sunday of the month at 6.30 pm in Greencastle Parish Priest: Fr. Anthony Alexander Parish Office: 824 Shore Road Newtownabbey Co Antrim BT36 7DG Tel: 9037 0845 (open Mon – Fri 9.30am – 12 noon) Fr Samuel Kerr PE/CC Tel: 9036 5773 E-mail: [email protected] website: Webcam: (double click on picture of Whitehouse Church) WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Whitehouse £280.00, St James £1327.80 St Colman’s £277.80, Greencastle £495.00 SECOND COLLECTIONS Whitehouse £187.00, St James £108.42 St Colman’s £63.10, Greencastle £275.00 EASTER COLLECTIONS Whitehouse £576.00, St James £611.00 St Colman’s £226.50, Greencastle £445.00 MASSES THIS WEEK: There will be no Masses this week in Greencastle or Whitehouse. Normal Masses will resume on Saturday. FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY: Please note that this Sunday 12 April is Divine Mercy Sunday. The main Diocesan celebrant is in St Peter’s Cathedral, Falls Road, Belfast on Sunday 12TH April 2015 commencing at 2.30 pm. The rosary will be followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Holy Mass. Confessions available. Car parking available For those unable to get to this, the Devotion Prayer will be said in Greencastle at 3 pm. Note: There will be no mass celebrated during these devotions. The usual 6.30 Holy Hour in Honour of the Divine Mercy will NOT take place. GIFT-‘GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER’: is a programme designed for Year 8 pupils. It is an opportunity to meet with friends while at the same develop their faith and have fun. The Diocese of Down & Connor have introduced this programme in over 50 Parishes and we would like to do the same in the Loughshore Parishes. We would like GIFT to begin after Easter, in order for this to happen we need some volunteers to help us run the programme. It would take place on a Monday from 7 – 9 pm for six weeks. If you are interested in volunteering please leave your name and contact details with the Parish office. ADORATION SISTERS: ‘Come & See Day’ – We invite single women who feel called to Eucharistic Adoration to come and learn more about the life of the Adoration Sisters on Sat 18th April at 2 pm. Why not take that first step to new life? To book your place contact The Adoration Sisters, 63 Falls Road, Belfast 02890 325 668. APOSTOLATE OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Third All Ireland pilgrimage to Knock on 26th April. Buses will be available for this event. £15 pounds return. To book your seat phone or text 07738 282199 MEDJUGORJE: 13th TO 20th May 2015. Cost £399. Please call 02890311652 Mon to Sat 10 am to 5 pm. Also Youth Festival 29th July – 10th August – 2 weeks - £589. OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE PILGRIMAGES – MEDJUGORJE: 3RD – 10TH May. Cost £519. Fully inclusive for 7 nights, departing from Belfast. Reggie Donnelly (028) 9030 0980 or Jean Reynolds (028) 4483 0979. DIOCESAN LITURGY SEMINAR: The Annual Diocesan Liturgy Seminar entitled ‘Closer to Christ in the Eucharist’ will be held on Sat 9th May from 1pm – 4.30pm in St Brigid’s Parish Hall, 38 Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast BT9 6FP. It will be presented by Brother Pat Mullins O.Carm. The Seminar is open to all and will be especially interesting to Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Sunday and weekday Mass and who bring Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. Seminar Fee £1o. To book please contact Malachy McKeever, Tel: 07760108903 or email: [email protected]. WHAT KIND OF A KING IS JESUS? Let us take a look at him: he rides on a donkey; he is not accompanied by a court nor surrounded by an army as a symbol of power. Jesus does not enter the Holy Coty to receive honors but a crown of thorns, a staff and a purple robe. His kingship becomes an object of derision. He enters to go up to Calvary, carrying his burden of wood in order to die on the cross. And it is precisely here that his kingship shines forth in godly fashion: his royal throne is the wood of the cross! 2nd Sunday of Easter LIVING YOUTH- Misic Ministry Day with DCF on Sat 25th April in St Bernadette’s Parish, Belfast. £15 per person. Contact Living Youth to register info@ or tel 028 90 23 432. CERTIFICATES: All Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage certificates are now being issued by the Parish Office at 824 Shore Road. They can be booked any morning, Monday to Friday between 9.30 am and 12 noon. By phone 02890370845 or by email [email protected] MARRIAGES: Anyone who is contemplating marriage should contact Fr Alexander at least six months before the wedding. The couple are expected to make an initial appointment to book the wedding where a date can be agreed (wedding dates cannot be booked via phone or email but should be booked in person by the Bride and Groom). Because the date you may have in mind may not be available please do not book your wedding reception before the Church is booked as this can cause disappointment. Please note that a programme of preparation is necessary and should be completed at the earliest possible time before the wedding. The necessary paper work needs also to be attended to: this includes church paper work and civil forms – no marriage can be celebrated without them. PILGRIMAGES 2015: DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES 2015: Full board in 3* hotel; 7 nights (10-17 July) for £625 or 5 nights (11-16 July) for £570. Full board for sick or infirm pilgrims with medical and nursing care in Accueil Notre-Dame; 5 nights (11-16 July) for £450. Youth Team (8-17 July) £520. All flights from Belfast Int’l Airport. Application forms now available from the Parish Office or for further information contact the Pilgrimage Office on (028) 9064 6040 or email: [email protected] LIVING YOUTH: Summer Pilgrimage. Are you 17-23? Why not join us as we journey to celebrate the life and mission of St Columbanus in Milan, Piacenza, Bergamo and Bobbio. 2nd – 7th August 2015. £690 includes flights, transfers, accommodation, half board, t-shirts and hoodie. Application forms available from the Living Youth Closing date: Thurs 29th Jan 2015. ST PATRICK’S PARISH, BELFAST: 200th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, staying in the heart of Rome visiting the principal holy places of the Eternal City, attendance at a papal event in St Peter’s Square Overnight in the city of St Francis and St Clare, 2nd – 9th Oct 2015, €995 (approx £780 per person sharing). Itinerary and booking forms available from parish office. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: First Communion - Sat 9th May at 11 am in Whitehouse. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Recently Deceased Mary Vanston, Annie Crossey Months Mind Eileen Convery Anniversaries Margaret Craven, Phil McCambridge, Terry, Catherine & John Egan, Peter Mohan, Molly Crotty,
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