PURCHASE* AN AD FOR THE RECITAL PROGRAM BOOK! Let your dancing star know you care! Place a special message or their photo in the recital program. You can also advertise your business. Be sure to check out last year’s program book at the studio front desk. ALL ADS ARE DUE SATURDAY MAY 16, 2015 - Business Card Size Ad: $25 - 1/4 a page Ad (4.25” x 2.75”): $40 - 1/2 a page Ad (8.5” x 5.5”): $60 - Full page Ad (8.5” x 11”): $90 THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO SUBMIT YOUR AD FOR THE PROGRAM BOOK: OPTION #1 - ADs DESIGNED BY LASHELLE’S SCHOOL OF DANCE: OPTION #2 - ADs PRE-DESIGNED BY STUDIO MEMBERS: 1) Submit payment for your ad(s) at the studio front desk with Mrs. Goodman. You will be given a confirmation number. 1) Submit payment for your ad(s) at the studio front desk with Mrs. Goodman. You will be given a confirmation number. 2) Visit www.LSODance.com & click “Recital Ads” 2) Email [email protected] the following: - Your name, phone number and confirmation number - An attachment of your ad in a .jpeg or .pdf format 3) Here, you can fill out a separate online form for each ad you have purchased. You will be asked for: 1) your confirmation number, 2) contact information, 3) content for your ad and 4) indication of which LaShelle’s picture week photo(s) you want to use. Please Note: - You will provide the wording/content for your ad however, the physical appearance of your ad (i.e. fonts, colors, layout etc.) will be determined by LaShelle’s Program Book Design Team. If you would like to have input on the physical design of your ad, please use Option #2. 3) No hard copies, loose pictures or hand-written content of any kind will be accepted. Please Note: - The content and physical appearance of your ad (i.e. wording, photos, fonts, colors, layout etc.) will be determined and designed by you or via your own efforts. If you would like your ad designed for you by LaShelle’s Design Team, please use Option #1. - You may choose whether or not to include photos in your ad. Ads designed by LaShelle’s staff will only use photos taken by LaShelle’s during Picture Week. - Your ad must be completely designed and saved in one file that includes the text and/or photos for your ad in a .jpeg or .pdf format. Submissions with text, photos, logos or any other content in separate files will not be accepted. - No scanned, emailed, loose or non-LaShelle’s photos will be accepted. - Your submission must be scaled to the dimensions of the type of ad your have purchased. - If you wish to use non-LaShelle’s photos, you can design your own ad personally and follow the submission instructions for Option #2. - No hard-copies or hand-written ads will be accepted. - If you want to have a solo picture, sibling, class photo etc. in your ad designed by LaShelle’s, it must be a photo taken during LaShelle’s picture week that you are ordering as a part of a photo package - If you fail to take and order class, solo and/or sibling etc. pictures during LaShelle’s picture week, we will be unable to include a photo in your ad. However, you can always submit via Option #2. - If you want to have a solo picture, sibling picture, class photo etc. in your ad, it must be a photo taken during LaShelle’s picture week that you are ordering as a part of a photo package. Be sure to leave empty, designated space(s) for the LaShelle’s photo(s) by placing the text “Insert Photo(s) Here” in the area you would like the photo(s) to appear in your design. - If you fail to take and order class, solo and/or sibling etc. pictures during LaShelle’s picture week, we will be unable to include a photo in your ad. *Y o ur ad must be paid in full at the time o f p urchas e and p rior to submiss io n of the c o nt ent. LaShe lle’s will de te rmi ne the standar d o f q ual it y and app ro pr iate nes s o f e ach sub mis si on. Late Ad s & ad s that d o no t mee t LaShe lle ’s standards will no t b e include d i n t he b oo k and y ou will re ce iv e s tudio c re dit as r eimbur seme nt.
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