LARBERT, STENHOUSEMUIR & TORWOOD COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING – 27Th April 2015 LOWER HALL, LARBERT OLD CHURCH Attendance Details Committee: Yvonne Weir (YW) Gillian Bellingham (GB) Colleen Hurren (CH) Jim Kelly (JK) Ted Bingham (TB) Denis Shovlin (DS) Lauralin Scott (LS) Peter O’Rourke (PO’R) Also Present: PC Archibald PC Templeton Jack Thomson (LHS) Kevin O’Connor (LHS) Richard Armitage (Car Club) Karen Armstrong (Falkirk Community Trust) Fraser Johnston(CATCA) Christine Bell (CATCA) 7 members of the public Apologies: Eric Appelbe (EA) Margaret Cheyne (Mch) Charles Gillespie (CG) Cllr Carleschi Cllr Coleman 1. Welcome The meeting was chaired by Yvonne Weir. She welcomed all to the meeting. 2. Police Report PC Templeton delivered the April Police Report. From 1 April 2014 to 27 April 2015, 75 enquiries were commenced in the Community Council area. Of these, 23 remain undetected. Efforts to address ongoing concerns regarding speeding in the area of Torwood, as well as antisocial behaviour in the areas of Kinnaird Primary and Hallam Road, and parking complaints in the area of Larbert Train Station remain ongoing. Ward Priorities: o DRUGS – 5 drug offences – these include both possession of controlled drugs and possession with intent to supply. o DISHONESTY – 15 crimes of dishonesty. This includes theft, housebreaking, fraud and embezzlement. 1|P age o o o o VIOLENCE – 7 crimes of violence. This includes assaults. ROAD TRAFFIC – 28 road traffic crimes. This includes driving whilst drunk, speeding, parking illegally, document offences and vehicle rectification forms. DISORDER – 13 crimes of disorder. This includes beach of the peace and breach of bail conditions. VANDALISM – 8 vandalisms in the area. Of these 6 were to motor vehicles and 2 to buildings. Additional attention being paid to the new bike track near Larbert High School Continued attention being paid to Lido Lane, Hallam Road area (including shops and bus stops), and Kinnaird Primary School. Questions for police YW asked about large numbers of car thefts reported on Facebook. The police advised a lot were coming in from other areas. They emphasised the importance of locking cars, and advised about the practice of using a fishing rod through the letter box to hook keys lying near the door. They also advised that “nice areas” are being targeted. A MoP asked if they were still policing parking. They replied in the affirmative, especially misuse of disabled areas but manpower is limited. DS suggested the MoP attend the meeting of the Access Panel for further information and advice. The MoP was unhappy with this advice and left the meeting. A MoP asked about antisocial behaviour at Kinnaird PS. About 50 youngsters were congregating and displaying dangerous behaviour. There was also a litter problem. Action: YW will contact the litter team. JK asked if Inspector Kellet had acted on the request to look into parking around Ladeside PS. It was confirmed he had spoken to the bus company and Falkirk Council has upgraded the road signs. A MoP asked about a situation when stones were thrown at his window by a group of young people, and how he should react if repeated. He was advised to phone the police if a window was broken. Community Safety Team (CST) 2 members of this team attended from Denny, the local officers being off duty. A printed report was supplied on a separate sheet covering information on the CST and their activities the 3 key local issues: DOG FOULING – Presently the CST are working on 3 dog fouling complaints that are spread from Larbert to Carronshore. Extra patrols have been put in place and dog bags handed out to some dog walkers. Dog fouling continues to be a big problem throughout the whole are and remains a priority for the team. YOUTH DISORDER – The CST is currently looking into 7 anti-social behaviour issues. The grounds of Kinnaird Primary School has been the source of several complaints with the youths causing damage, littering, lighting BBQs and playing 2|P age loud music. This has been given priority status by the CST with regular visits in the evenings. The Police have also been attending. Most of the Anti-social behaviour complaints have come during the Easter break. There are a couple of complaints regarding Larbert High School children littering and being a nuisance on the way home in the Stenhousemuir Town Centre area. LITTERING – The CST continue to deal with littering offences when seen and also keep a presence in Stenhousemuir town centre in an effort to keep the littering down when the pupils form Larbert High School break for lunch. This is a challenging task due to the number of pupils and the numerous places that they frequent throughout the area. YW asked if Kevin O’Connor could take these issues back to Larbert High School for discussion. Kevin agreed to do this. 3. Youth Report - Jack Thomson Earlier this month Larbert High School had a successful epilepsy Awareness Day. A team from the school including Jack will travel this week to London where they have been nominated for an award from Amnesty International for the “Most Committed Group”. The school was also the School of Sport for the second time in 3 years, this is a big achievement. The Bike Pump track is due to open as soon as it is safe to do so. There will be an official opening. A MoP asked if it would be available to the public and was advised it would be open to all. It will be colour coded for degree of difficulty and wardens will be present. This was Jack’s last meeting prior to exams and YW thanked him for his contribution to the Community Council. 4. Falkirk Community Trust – New Gym In Stenhousemuir Karen Armstrong presented on behalf of Falkirk Community Trust, her remit being Sport and Fitness. Falkirk Council has had spending cuts to cope with but are spending to save. This encompasses the new Gym facilities at Hallam Place in Stenhousemuir. Key areas covered by Karen included: o They have taken over three vacant units and work will start soon to install all the necessary equipment. o There will be a gym with state of the art technology & equipment (Life Fitness). o There will be a fitness studio running around 40-50 classes per week; a wide range of fitness classes ranging from teen/young adult classes to high impact classes to mind/body classes. o There will be teen sessions in the gym. o The Active Forth rehabilitation referral programme will also operate at the facility. 3|P age o o o o o There will be full changing facilities available. Recruitment of additional Falkirk Community Trust staff will take place in the next few weeks – posts advertised across facilities are likely to include cleaners, FT/PT gym instructors, FT/PT receptionists, supervisors etc. Work will start in June 2015 and the gym is expected to open at the end of August 2015. Pricing & membership packages will be the same as other Falkirk Community Trust facilities. Opening hours are likely to be weekdays 6:30am to 9:30pm and weekends: 8am to 7pm. A question was asked about links with Tryst Community Sports Club. This appears to be a separate entity. Karen will enquire about this. Car Club Richard Armitage presented about this on behalf of Falkirk Council. He represents Car Plus Scotland, and was approached by Adam Watson, Transport Planner with Falkirk Council. This gives people access to a car without owning it. One would join the scheme, paying by direct debit, and would be liable to a DVLA check. The car would be booked online or by phone and would be collected from a point nearby. Wheelchair access cars are available in Aberdeen. After meeting with different groups, RA will report back to Falkirk Council, when it will be decided or what further action, if any, will happen. 5. Matters from the Floor CATCA o Christine Bell and Fraser Johnston gave an update from CATCA. o The Dorrator Bridge opening will go ahead on 16/5/15, between 11.00am and 3.00pm. Rev Stuart Sharp from Camelon Parish Church will bless the bridge and Douglas Harper, grandson of the original designer will cut the ribbon. There will be a marquee available. The aim is to recreate what happened 120years ago. o The bike project is under way and a development officer is now in post. o Christine Bell is to give the Community Council a key for the notice board at Crownest Park. Windfarm update: 410 questionnaires have been completed online and paper. The photo competition shows the best and worst of the area. Entries close at the end of the week. The consultants will collate the results and write up a report for the end of May. The 2 public meetings provided good discussion. A panel will be set up from names obtained at the consultation. Once formed the money can be released, if not used it can be carried forward year on year. Stakeholder events will happen soon. 4|P age 6. Minutes of Last Meeting Approved: proposed by DS and seconded by TB. 7. Matters Arising Page 3: Ineos Upstream – YW advised that Tom Pickering has confirmed he will address a public meeting hosted by the Community Council on 7th September 2015. The big hall at Larbert Old Church has been booked. It was discussed whether anyone else should share the stage with INEOS Upstream – e.g. a health professional. The meeting will require to be facilitated. It was agreed that it would be preferable to have other speakers at the event and further consideration of this would be made. A question was asked of who would pay for a health expert. YW advised she had attended the Ineos Upstream event in Falkirk on 22nd April. It was well attended, and there was a lot of information provided in their presentation and also a lot of questions from the floor. They are not planning a 2 km buffer zone and wells could be close to housing. There was quite a lot they couldn’t answer until further tests are carried out e.g. on chemicals to be used in the drilling process and on water treatment and disposal. Initially they plan that 2 D and 3 D seismic testing and early core exploration would be undertaken which would determine the type of drilling (horizontal or vertical) that they would apply for. This could take 2 years. The shale is 2.4km down. The UK government has granted licenses but planning permission still needs to be applied for. They spoke about 6% of “money” to the community but it was not clear what the 6% would be based on. They had advised they will continue to communicate with the local community on the project. Page 4: Scottish Fire and Rescue – Local ward plans are now on their website. Page 4: Moratorium on Unconventional Gas - Fergus Ewing, no response, YW to chase up. Page 4: Foundry Loan turning circle - to be converted to parking spaces. Page 4: Bellsdyke Road crossing - YW has written but had no response in relation to requirement for a further crossing near Tryst Road. Page 4 – 3 Houses at Byways - a draft letter has been prepared for Audit Scotland Page 5 – Odours - no further complaints. Page 5 - Waiting Signs - pictures of inconsistent signs on Main Street have been forwarded to Falkirk Council. CH still to check the signs on Carronvale Road. Page 5 - Hamilton Road - Councillor Carleschi is trying to get answers about works on the Moss Road. Page 5 - Hallam Road crossings - there has been no response from ASDA. Page 5 - Tappoch Broch Signage - Historic Scotland is in discussion with the 5|P age factors. Page 6: Concerns about road repairs following bridge works - Main Street, GB to action. Page 6: Constructions Vehicle Movements in Kinnaird – Awaiting update from Cllr Carleschi. Page 6: Damaged drains, off Mill Lade Path. JK to chase up. Page 6: Old Police Station - planning for flats has been granted. Page 7: Poo The Musical - YW has the draft application. They are also asking if we can front application for marquees. This was agreed. Falkirk Council is funding this element. Page 7: Floodlights at Ladeside PS. JK to carry forward. Page 7: River Carron Path – YW to ask Christine Bell about plans to extend path to Bonnybridge/Denny roundabout. Page 7: Quintinshill Parade – YW advised she had written to Falkirk Council and they had advised that the carpark at the ticket office disabled spaces will be unaffected. It will be open to taxis throughout the day. Most of our concerns over the car park closure have therefore been addressed. 8. Correspondence Report – Items for discussion: Date of Item Item Action Taken/Required 30.3.2015 Falkirk Council – re crossing point on Bellsdyke Rd. Planning to put additional crossing near central business park 1.4.2015 DPEA planning decision appeal - Reporter at DPEA has agreed that the proposed Cala commercial units in Crown Cresc in Kinnaird are not needed for commercial purposes & can be turned into residential premises. For more info: Facebook – Query about how to go about getting a new speed limit put in place in inches estate for kids safety – estate is huge and very busy now and people drive far too fast despite speed bumps. Resident has spoken to a few folk and they agree a "20s plenty" would be a good step to be taken along with double yellows opposite the junction at Sainsbury’s, Falkirk Council – Notice of Public Procession – Mid Scottish Boys Brigade – Sunday 31st May 2:15pm & 3:55pm 100 marchers Resident FB - with the light night coming in are the kids allowed to use the football pitch next to the school at Kinnaird? Agreed at March meeting to write welcoming crossing and re-advising of issues near Tryst Road – awaiting response Noted – also re Ryden comments on lack of interest in other sites. 2.4.2015 2.4.2015 4.4.2015 9.4.2015 6|P age Falkirk Council – response to Quintinshill procession queries and loss of parking spaces Not to be taken forward at present. Consider a Facebook question to gauge public opinion. Noted It was advised that this is open for use Parking and disabled access have been resolved so no further action. 12.4.2015 & 13.4.2015 & 20.4.2015 13.4.2015 15.4.2015 16.4.2015 & 24.4.2014 16.4.2015 17.4.2015 18.4.2015 20.4.2015 21.4.2015 22.4.2015 & 23.4.2015 22.4.2015 26.4.2015 7|P age Resident – FB – further issues with state of SUDS pond in Kinnaird – grass cuttings and scum on top. Resident given details of LSTCC last correspondence with Greenbelt and has written to them. Received response that clearance instructed 13th April but by 20th April no action – can LSTCC assist? JK – Information on “TADHA” The Annie Dow Heroism Award. 2016 potential nominees to be considered. Criteria: Who: Young person, up to 30, with additional support needs and resident in Scotland at the time of the incident during 2015 What (action): took action in exceptional circumstances, knew what to do and did it well How (demeanor): did not panic, kept calm in crisis/emergency/under huge pressure Outcome (against all the odds): something remarkable happened as a result of the heroic act e.g. saved a life? Falkirk Council – planning review body appeal for P/14/0686/FUL - Erection of Dwellinghouse with Internal Garage - Land To The South Of Aonach-Mor, Glen Road, Torwood, Falkirk – response by 29th April DS – Possible orphan land project at Balmoral place/Hamilton Place - Poly Tunnels Local Energy Scotland – Project extension to 31 March 2016 and also request for monthly forecasts to be submitted before the last week of each month Scottish Womens Convention alkirkroadshow The SWC is funded to engage with women throughout Scotland in order that their views might influence key decision makers and politicians. A consultation event is being held in Falkirk on Thursday 21 May 2015 (please see enclosed leaflet). Time: 10.30am – 1pm. Venue: Callendar House To find out more information about the format of the day or if you would like to attend please contact us on 0141 339 4797 or email [email protected]. Resident – FB - I take my dog for a walk at Larbert woods but I haven't been able to use the road because of the building works. The road was closed in June last year for 3 months then it was extended to 9 months and still it isn't open. There is no reason for this as a path could be made for you to walk up away from the building works. This also deprives the children from surrounding nurseries to go up to the woods and meet the ranger. Please could you look into this? CVS Falkirk - Volunteer Awards Ceremony 2015 - Nominations Now Open- Closing date for nominations is Tuesday 5th May 2015. INEOS Upstream – confirmation Tom Pickering will attend special LSTCC meeting on 7th September Falkirk Council –Poo the Musical – request for info for funding application & copy of draft application. Also request for LSTCC to submit an application to pay for the marquee that will house the performances of Poo to Falkirk Council for £1612. CATCA – invitation to official opening of Dorrator Bridge - 11.00 am on Sat 16th May Resident on FB - tweeted traffic Scotland about rubbish lying on verge from North Broomage roundabout to M876 - lots of full yellow bags which might be clinical waste. YW to chase again. Potential nominees to be considered Agreed to resubmit existing response – no change to position DS advised he has made initial enquiries and will report to a future meeting. Noted No-one available to attend. Information will be publicised YW to contact Strathyre Properties re access to Larbert Woods Noted Agreed that alternative views should also be represented. YW & EA to review draft application– agreed additional funding bid to be supported EA to attend – all welcome YW to follow up 9. Treasurer’s Report £89.73 was paid for insurance. £4800 was received for the Community Action Plan and this was paid to the consultants. Balance stands at £3560.63 £240 cheque to Larbert Old Church for use of hall is yet to be deducted. 10. Planning Report LS reported that there were no planning issues that required LSTCC contacting Falkirk Council. It was noted that there was a new EU directive on the height of the parapets of railway bridges. The parapets of some bridges in our area might have to be raised. YW to seek clarification. 11. Other Reports Camelon Cemetery extension. CH had attended a meeting hosted by Falkirk Council about the proposed extension to Camelon Cemetery. The extension will not touch our boundaries and is not like to cause any issues for our area. The current cemetery has capacity for a further 16 years. CH discovered that FC plans to increase seating in the crematorium by approximately 70 seats (plans not yet passed) and to increase parking by approximately 25 spaces. The crematorium will be closed for a period on 2016 to allow new cremators to be installed. Dobbie Hall Consultation – CH reported that the Dobbie Hall Trust intends to employ consultants to engage with the public about future use of the Dobbie Hall. Consultants interested in carrying out this work should submit tenders by 18th May 2015. 12. AOCB No other competent business. 13. Date of next meeting – Monday 25 May 2015 8|P age
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