Larbert, Stenhousemuir and Torwood Community Council Minutes of Meeting – 30 March 2015 Rennie Lounge, Larbert Old Church Attendance Details: Committee: Eric Appelbe Gillian Bellingham Ted Bingham Jim Cowan Margaret Cheyne Colleen Hurren Charles Gillespie Lauralin Scott Denis Shovlin Yvonne Weir (EA) (GB) (TB) (JC) (MC) (CH) (CG) (LS) (DS) (YW) Also present: PC Scott Noble & PC Ian Robinson, Police Scotland Brian Gloag and Debbie Ratley, Falkirk Council Community Wardens 2 members of Concerned Communities of Falkirk Apologies: Cllr Coleman Jim Kelly Peter O’Rourke (JK) (POR) 1. Welcome EA welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted. 2. Police Report PC Noble provided the March Police Report: Antisocial behaviour - No issues. Vandalism • 6 – Stenhousemuir – 1 detected/5 undetected • 5- Larbert –5 undetected Acquisitive Crime • 01/03/2015-08/03/2015- Theft House Breaking Pretoria Road, Larbert – Theft of garden furniture from shed. • 04/03/2015 – Theft, Muirhall Road, Larbert. Sneak in theft. • 19/03/2015 – Theft of motor vehicle – Falkirk Road (fishing rod used through letterbox) • 26/03/2015 – Theft, Acorn Crescent, Larbert Sneak in theft (Garage) • 27/03/2015 – Theft House Breaking Fulmar Crescent, Larbet – Force open Kitchen window 1 Speeding/Road Traffic - Nothing of note Violence / Disorder - Numerous people reported from the Valley area of Stenhousemuir involving mass disruption/anti-social behaviour 4 people have been given custodial sentence’s as a result and a further 3 people have been charged and are awaiting sentencing. EA opened the floor to questions for PC Noble: EA asked PC Noble if a murder had been committed in the area in the past month as he had heard reports. PC Noble replied that there was no report of a murder although there had been an unresolved death. A resident had asked who was responsible for the decision not to site a camera in Lido Lane to observe motorists. PC Noble replied that the decision whether or not to erect a camera was solely the responsibility of Falkirk Council. Community Warden Report: DOG FOULING – Presently the Community Safety Team are currently working on 6 dog fouling complaints that are mainly concentrated within and around the streets off Carronvale Road, Larbert. Most are concerned with people walking their dogs to and from Ladeside Primary School and not picking up their fouling. Extra patrols have been put in place and dog bags handed out to some dog walkers. Dog fouling remains a priority for the Community Safety Team. It was noted there was now no requirement for dog walkers to be given the opportunity to pick up when challenged, and could be immediately be charged when seen walking away. YOUTH DISORDER – The Community Safety Team is currently looking into 6 anti-social behaviour issues. The bus shelter at the car park in Foundry Loan, Larbert has been the source of several complaints with youths taking sofas and chairs to the location, drinking and being a general nuisance. Items are being removed by the Council from this shelter when they are seen. There is an ongoing complaint about youths playing in the evening at the entrance to Kinnaird Primary School. The youths have been spoken to but no antisocial behaviour has been witnessed. There are 4 complaints centred around Hallam Road, Main Street and King Street in Stenhousemuir. Historically these have been meeting places for youths and incidents of anti-social behaviour occasionally occur. Youths have been spoken to on several occasions and have moved on. Their mood has generally been jovial. Recent incidents in the Valley which have involved the Police are also being monitored by the Community Safety Team. LITTERING – The team continue to deal with littering offences when seen and also keep a presence in Stenhousemuir town centre in an effort to keep the littering down when the pupils from Larbert High School break for lunch. This is a challenging task due to the high number of pupils and numerous places that they frequent throughout the area 3. Youth Report – Larbert High School There were no pupils or staff present from Larbert High School 2 4. Matters from the Floor (i) Concerned Communities of Falkirk - Representatives from CCOF asked EA what had been learned from attending the recent INEOS briefing on 19 March. EA responded as follows: EA and JK attended an INEOS briefing on 19th March. The presentation by INEOS was described as very slick. INEOS described their own safety record with regard to their operations as very good – any accidents reported were likely to be along the lines of someone hitting their own thumb with a hammer. They propose to extract shale gas and would give 6% of profits to the local community shared between home owners, land owners and the wider community. INEOS have embarked on a programme of community engagement meetings which are being held in schools. INEOS have 100% ownership of PEDL license 133 and 80% of PEDL 162. The geological study into the rock structure is included in the current moratorium. In terms of aquifer protection, the extraction planned would be at a depth of 6000ft and therefore would not affect the water table. INEOS provided information on the chemicals they would be using during extraction. The tallest rigs involved in extraction would be 90ft high. INEOS promised to be “open and honest” in their dealings and will keep stakeholders involved and informed. With regard to water contamination it was acknowledged there had been problems in the USA. However, INEOS operate differently to other organisations so water contamination is not likely. Some of the problems in USA were caused by faulty well construction and by re-use of old wells. That would not happen. Tom Pickering of INEOS agreed to come to a community council meeting. The meeting agreed that that would be worthwhile and EA agreed to make further contact with him to arrange a date in September. There followed a discussion where the following points were raised: Carol and Fiona from CCOF offered to organise a debate with INEOS and other involved parties in September 2015. This would be before the moratorium on fracking is lifted. They would contact Andrew Watterson of the University of Stirling to present his views on fracking. 3 CCOF will be organising meetings in areas that do not have community councils in order to engage with the public and present an opposing view to INEOS. There will be a community liaison meeting with INEOS on 29th June – EA will attend. It has been clarified that Grangemouth INEOS plant will not close if shale extraction is prohibited as processing of ethane will still go ahead. CCOF will hold their next meeting on 2nd April – venue to be confirmed. 5. Approval of Previous Minutes The minutes were approved. 6. Matters Arising Scottish Fire & Rescue – Page 3: Richard Norman to forward finalised ward plans to Community Council – awaiting documents Moratorium on Unconventional Gas – Page 5: YW advised that she had written to Fergus Ewing MSP to seek an ongoing dialogue on local concerns and for further information on the timetable for actions. Awaiting response – acknowledgement received. Michael Matheson MSP to be copied on to any response. Foundry Loan Car Park – Bus Turning Circle – Page 6: YW advised she had written to Falkirk Council advising of the agreement for the bus turning circle to be used for replacement buses. Falkirk Council responded advising that they do intend to convert it to parking spaces. The impact of replacement buses will be minimal and infrequent moving forward. However, if deemed necessary in future, the spaces in the car park could be used for buses. There are no plans to charge for parking in 2015/16. YW to forward response to resident. Bellsdyke Road - Page 6 – YW advised she had written to Falkirk Council in relation to the crossing issue on Bellsdyke Road and also in relation to any proposals to reduce the speed to 30mph A response was received on 30th March advising that a crossing (with a refuge island) was to be put in place over the school summer holidays near to Central Park Business Park. This was discussed and whilst welcome it was agreed that this is not addressing the crossing issues nearer to Tryst Road. Action: YW to write to Falkirk Council. Proposed 3 Houses South East of Byways in Torwood –Page 6 – At the February LSTCC meeting, it was agreed that a letter backing the Woodland Group would be sent to Audit Scotland. YW advised this had not yet been done and would liaise with EA on the letter. Foundry Loan – Page 7 – YW advised that the road order for waiting restrictions had been made by Falkirk Council. Anyone wishing to comment must do so to Court of Session within 6 weeks of 26/3/2015. The order will come in to force on 7th May 2015. Vegetation through fencing on South Broomage Avenue – Page 7 – Falkirk Council has advised the vegetation has now been cleared. 4 Strange Odours in and around the Inches/Kinnaird area – Page 7 - YW advised that residents have advised of more issues this week. Residents have been advised to report issues to Environmental Health on to 01324 504982. YW to put a link to Avonbridge & Standburn Community Council petition to Scottish Government against the use of biosolids on Facebook. Waiting Restrictions Signage on Carronvale Road at Ladeside Primary and Main Street – Page 7 - YW advised that the replacement signs have now been installed by Falkirk Council. GB advised that the signage on Main Street is still not consistent on one side of the report rendering the restrictions ineffective. CH advised that one of the signs on Carronvale Road was not clear. GB to take photographs and send to YW to be forwarded to Falkirk Council. CH will check the Carronvale Road signage and forward any issues to YW. Hospital Bus Shelters – Page 7 – JC advised that he had still to arrange to meet Mark Craske but had now made contact with him. JC also advised that there will be coloured parking zones put in place at the hospital. These will be linked to a board highlighting availability of spaces at the entrance. There will be a presentation on this at the next PPP meeting. JC advised that the PPP had submitted a complaint over the automated telephone system being used by NHS Forth Valley. Action: JC to meet Mark Craske. Hamilton Road – Page 8 – Awaiting update from Cllr Carleschi on issues raised at February LSTCC meeting over works currently underway on Moss Road and whether these related to the proposed business park. Hallam Road Pedestrian Crossings - Page 8 – ASDA contact seeking information from other colleagues. Awaiting update. Chaser sent 22/3/2015. Interpretation Information – Tappoch Broch – Page 8 – YW advised she was awaiting update from Historic Scotland on their discussions with the factors regarding the improvement of the signage of the site. Post meeting note – Response received late 30th March – Historic Scotland will discuss further over next couple of months with factors. Lido Lane – Page 8 – YW advised she had written to resident querying who had made the decision on not having CCTV advising the Police had advised unlikely to get CCTV as costs £10k plus ongoing revenue costs & in relation to proportionality of the issue. Also advised that police are adopting zero tolerance approach. Factoring of Estates and Friends of Parks Groups – Page 6 – YW advised the following response had been received: 5 Maintenance of green areas in private housing schemes – Falkirk Council advised that ongoing maintenance issues are generally a matter to be resolved between householders and their factors. The current Council practice is to only consider adopting open space if the owners of the open space pay the council a lump sum equivalent to 10 times the annual maintenance cost of that open space. Adoption by the Council would not include other management works such as fence repair or tree work this would remain the responsibility of the owners. Contact for more information is Gerry Kane, Area Estates Coordinator in Corporate and Neighbourhood Services. Friends of parks groups – Falkirk Council is not aware of a friends of the Lido group or of any approaches being made to the council to establish one. The Community Services Community Learning And Development Group are best placed to help with the establishment of friends groups. They currently support the friends of Zetland group and the Denny community green initiative (who act as friends of Herbertshire / Gala Park.) Key contact is Mark Meechan, Community Learning and Development Manager in Education Services. Operational services who are responsible for parks development have also indicated that they are more than happy to work with any new friends group. Wraight Shepherd, Projects and Development Coordinator in Operational Services can be contacted to discuss implementing any improvement plans any new friends group may have for the Lido. Suggested could also advertise for friends group on new Lido notice board. Christine Bell from CATCA has key. Concerns over Road Repairs Following Bridge Works – Page 8 - YW advised that a site meeting with Falkirk Council was still to be arranged. Some residents have confirmed an interest. GB will take forward the discussion with the residents and arrange to meet Falkirk Council. YW to provide GB with information. Construction Vehicle Movements in Kinnaird – Page 9 – awaiting update from Cllr Carleschi. P/15/0008/MSC – Page 9 - Erection of 44 Dwellings and Associated Landscaping, Roads and Drainage Infrastructure | Land To The East Of 4 Titlandhill Cottages Falkirk YW advised general observations had been submitted over education provision and no increased other local services. Acknowledgement of representation has been received. Police Scotland – Page 9 – Awaiting dates for visit to Police Station to discuss local issues/priorities. YW to contact Sgt Goldie. Winter Community Partner Volunteers – Page 9: DS outlined the proposal. It was agreed that this would be revisited in advance of next winter. Timings on lights on Main St & King St – Page 9 – YW advised JK had received a letter from Falkirk Council advising lights checked & no issues. Damaged drains in Field (nr Beech Crescent) off Mill Lade Path – Page 9 – YW advised JK had received correspondence that Falkirk Council will write to Scottish Water in first instance Falkirk Community Trust – Page 9 - Update on new Gym in Stenhousemuir to be given to April LSTCC meeting. Proposals for the Redevelopment of the Old Stenhousemuir Police Station Site, Main St, Stenhousemuir – Page 10 - YW advised positive comments had been submitted in relation to the planning application P/15/0066/FUL and acknowledgement received. 6 Poo! The Musical – page 10 – YW advised that LSTCC had agreed to front to funding application and had provided contact and bank details to Hania Smith at Falkirk Council. EA to sign application once final version received. Flood lights - Ladeside Primary School - Page 10 - JK not present – to be carried forward River Carron Path – Page 10 – YW advised she had written to Christine Bell at CATCA on future plans to extend the path from the Viaduct at Larbert along the river to the Bonnybridge / Denny roundabout. P/15/0037/FUL – 202 Stirling Road – Page 10 - Sale of motor vehicles YW confirmed the application is for car sales at Cockburn Electrics. There was no further comment. Bike Pump Track Project – Page 11 - YW reported that LHS has advised issued with young people accessing site – LSTCC Facebook photo post was removed & replaced with warning notice about it being illegal to be on site and requesting residents to report activity on site to 101. Concern over safety and also potential damage as site is completed etc. Letters also to be issued by LHS in school bags. 7. Correspondence Report YW advised she had circulated the report in advance of the meeting. The key items not discussed elsewhere were as follows: Date of Item Item Action Taken/Required Feb 2015 Cllr Buchanan – Information & invitation to commemorative event on Quintinshill Rail disaster– 21st May 2015 25/2/2015 Local Resident – suggestion that LSTCC should consider a community energy plan - Some information is available at – also offer by resident to summarise for LSTCC Falkirk Council Bereavement Services – Pre-Application notice for extension to Camelon Cemetery to the field to the east - seeking the views of adjacent Community Councils because the site is bigger than 2 HA - Public Meeting on Wednesday 22nd April between 4pm and 6pm in The Scotia Room of Camelon Education Centre Town Centre Management - Stenhousemuir Charities day will be held in the precinct on Sat the 25th of April, 10am to 4.00pm contact MaryJane Armstrong for forms and info, at [email protected] Avonbridge and Standburn Community Council - An online petition posted at Scottish Parliament asking that 'sewage sludge application to land be banned' has been accepted and can now be signed. Requesting that LSTCC posts the link on as many of our social media sites as possible, asking friends and family or anyone who may have been affected by the odours, transport of sewage sludge material or from spreading, to sign. The Petition runs until 15 April 2015. dge DPEA - PROPOSED FALKIRK LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN The reporters have now completed their examination and their report, which details their conclusions and recommendations, has been Procession discussed. Further information to be sought on impact of closure of Station East Car Park Resident to be asked to provide further information 3/3/2015 4/3/2015 6/3/2015 9/3/2015 7 CH to attend Noted & to be advertised YW to post information on Facebook Noted 12/3/2015 16/3/2015 20/3/2015 24/3/2015 24 & 25/3/2015 25/3/2015 submitted to the Council. The examination report is available on LSTCC website & the DPEA website at: Key Points: Larbert & Stenhousemuir - The local development plan should be modified by allocating the suggested site shown on council Plan 8.3 at Pretoria Road and Denny Road, Larbert, for housing development. A number of changes are proposed in relation to Minerals and Onshore Gas (Section 23) Falkirk Council - short term consultation on the Council’s later hours catering license, responses to [email protected] by 31st March 2015 Falkirk Council – Notice of Public Procession - Loyal Orange Institution of Scotland Falkirk District 36 - Saturday 27th June at 8:15am and 4pm - Likely No. of marchers: 60. (i) Proposed Route at 8:15am: Dobbie Hall, McLachlan Street, Lamond View, Muirfield Road, Main Street, Kirk Lane, King Street, Dobbie Hall and disperse (ii) Proposed Route at 4pm: Park Drive, James Street, Carron View, Lamond View, Muirfield Road, Main Street, Kirk Drive, King Street, Main Street, Park Drive and disperse. CARES – request for claim by 27 March 2015 Falkirk Council - Notice of Public Procession - Quintinshill Centenary Group - Thursday 21st May at 6:45pm -Likely No. of marchers: 200. Proposed route: Assemble at Larbert Old Church, leaving Denny Road crossing over Stirling Road on to Main Street along to Railway Station car park east for service. [Please note - This part of the car par will be closed off all day. Suggestion also received from Cllr Coleman 24 March – “suggest service be held on Stewartfield park which lies within 50meters of the station and has easy pedestrian access from that point. This will allow the east car park to remain open instead of being closed all day. Closing the east car park removes 25% of the available parking at the station. There is already substantial parking of cars in Main St on both sides from the school down to Union Place and on Muirhall Road and therefore no possibility of the displaced vehicles being accommodated anywhere around the station” Resident – suggestion of possible hydro energy project at weirs on the River Carron Discussed – response to 4 questions all “No”. Noted – no representation to be made Claim submitted for £4800 Impact of closure of car park to be further considered – clarification required on which car park to be closed. Information to be circulated and discussed Noted The Falkirk Council (Restriction on Waiting and Parking Places) (Foundry Loan, Larbert) (Amendment No.9) Order 2014 – Waiting restrictions order to be made – any objections to Court of Session within 6 weeks from 26/3/2015. Will come into force on 7 th May 2015 Resident re LIDO lane CCTV cameras – wanting to know why cannot be considered Noted 25/3/2015 CCOF – Invitation to CCoF meeting Thursday 2nd April, 7.15pm (for 7.30pm start) Venue tbc – minutes of previous meeting also supplied No-one available to attend 26/3/2015 CES Ltd – Interim invoice for £4800 for consultancy work on community plan 26/3/2015 Gary Neill – Falkirk Council Roads Flooding on Tryst Road following the recent repairs, and also on the ongoing investigations outside Spar Shop in North Broomage and on Bellsdyke Road. – Flooding issues have been resolved at the top end of Tryst Road as a result of the works. Still some minor remedials to complete, mainly reshape the channel at the golf club crossing point as there is a slight hollow there. The new drainage system at this location seems to be performing well in general here. Consultation works with our flood prevention team are to be undertaken with a view to a long term solution to this Copy sent with claim to CARES – to be paid once funding received Noted that still some water at top of Tryst Road but not as bad as befor – to be notified to Falkirk Council 25/3/2015 8 Response sent to be discussed. 25/3/2015 26/3/2015 27/3/2015 28/3/2015 29/3/2015 issue. Works to be undertaken this financial year. Drainage operatives have attended Bellsdyke Road with high pressure jetting apparatus and cleared blockages. The Falkirk Council (Off-Street Parking Place for Disabled Persons)(Social Work) (No.TRO/15/002) Order 2015 – various social work car park locations proposed including: 2 spaces at 130 King St in Stenhousemuir and 2 spaces at Torwoodhall off Carronvale Road, Larbert CCOF – Update on Ineos & public meetings: INEOS are planning to hold public meetings in April, as detailed below. These events are free and you can register online using this link: Denny High School, 16th April, 7-9pm Alloa Town Hall, 21st April, 7-9pm Falkirk High School, 22nd April, 7-9pm Kilsyth Academy, 23rd April, 7-9pm Bishopbriggs Academy, 27th April, 7-9pm Greenfaulds High School, Cumbernauld, 30th April 7-9pm Strathclyde University - Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice - invite for 2 or 3 representatives to an event at the University of Strathclyde on 6th May 2015 at 5pm (registration at 430pm). The purpose of this event is to present the findings of the survey, and to encourage discussion, debate and sharing of good practice about engaging young people in their communities. It will bring together communities, young people who have been involved in offending, intergenerational organisations, academics and others. Maria Montinaro - Invitation to: 1. Medact report launch on Health & Fracking: the impacts & opportunity costs – London 30th March – 5-630pm 2. Planning Democracy Conference - "The People's Perspective" £10 for community groups Saturday 25th April 2015, 10 - 4.30pm at Central Glasgow, Trades Hall Resident – Facebook - Is it possible for the Community Council to become involved in re-painting the Lion at the Cross? The owners do not seem to be taking any action to restore it from last years vandalism. Re Bellsdyke Road Speed Limit. On reflection I would suggest that a 30 mph only be considered for applying between Bellsdyke Roundabout and just to the east of the pedestrian crossing near the roundabout at Tryst Road No objections Noted EA to attend Noted Agreed not possible for LSTCC to intervene with the lion. No further action agreed on 30mph at present time. 8. Treasurer’s Report GB advised the current balance after expenses for YW & CH was £3,650.36. GB advised she had a form from Falkirk Council in relation to the block insurance from Zurich. It was agreed to make a further hall payment in April. Last payment was £200 in August. 9. Planning Report LS circulated the planning report. There were no issues identified. 10. Other Reports EA & CH advised they had met Hopi Energy on 11th March 2015. Awaiting further information. 9 Windfarm Community Fund Consultation – EA reported the following: o Open Public Meetings – EA/CH/LS/GB had attended the Friday event. Turnout was slightly disappointing. The second session is due to take place 7pm on 31st March. Larbert Village Primary School Choir performed on Friday and Stenhousemuir Primary School Choir will perform at the Tuesday event. o There will be a stakeholders meeting on the 30th April. o A wider community survey is being finalised. This will be on line and there will also be paper copies. 11. AOCB JC advised that there will be an event in the Albert Halls in Stirling on 1st April to discuss the re-use of the old hospital in Stirling. 12. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Monday 27th April 2015 at 7:15pm in the halls of Larbert Old Church. 10
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