Three Spiritual Festivals 2015 Lucis Trust A great stirring and moving is going on. The world of men and women is seething in response to the inflow of spiritual energy. This energy has been evoked by the unrealized and inaudible cry of humanity itself. Humanity has become—for the first time in its history—spiritually invocative. Contents Letter on the theme 2 Three Spiritual Festivals 6 Wesak 8 World Invocation Day 9 Meditation Meetings 10 Arcane School Conference 11 The Great Invocation 12 Dear friend and co-worker, Satirical wit often serves as a sharp reminder of the paradoxes of human nature. Consider, for example, the quip of author and cartoonist, Ashleigh Brilliant: “I either want less corruption, or more chance to participate in it!” In this short burst of self-parody, we are given a deep insight into the dualism that lurks at the root of the personality and indeed has dictated the very rise and fall of civilizations throughout history. But while this dualistic tendency may seem the bane and curse of mankind it is also a great benefactor; in fact, the very engine that drives us towards the immortal side of our nature. Without the sense of duality, the evolution of intelligence would be impossible and man would remain a purely instinctual creature. This is confirmed by the etymology of the word ‘intelligence’ – inter, ‘between’ and legere, ‘choose’. It implies the ability to choose between right and wrong courses of thinking and action. In other words, it is right discrimination, a power that slowly unfolds through long lives of experience and the corrective forces of pain and suffering that follow in the wake of less enlightened choices. Hard though the lessons may be, they 2 serve to realign consciousness with the drive of spiritual evolution, nurturing the growth of intelligence and fusing it with the immortal side of human nature – Love. Humanity is now confronted with deep and far-reaching choices. Cumulatively, they point towards two possible futures – one a world of sharing based on loving intelligence, the other a more depressing scenario based on a self-serving intellect that inevitably leads to increasing levels of corruption. As world crises heap themselves on humanity thick and fast they bring painful consequences when separative choices are made. But the insightful observer sees in them a series of short, sharp shocks that are helping humanity to make swift realignments and choose again in accordance with the principle of sharing that is so fundamental to the Divine Plan. In this sense, and to quote Ashleigh Brilliant again, “Doing it wrong fast is at least better than doing it wrong slowly”. Doing it wrong fast has certainly been characteristic of modern times and humanity is consequently suffering the repercussions as it passes through a world ‘burning ground’. This has been intensified by the energy of Shamballa – the Centre where the Will of God is known – and which was forecast to impact directly on humanity in the years 3 1975 and 20001. We can see the effects of this in the world today as it continues to steadily burn up all hindrances to humanity’s spiritual evolution. Esoteric groups are training to work with this energy consciously, and when successful – it “destroys as by fire all elements of self-will” in the full consciousness of the divine purpose, releasing each member into the wonder of group consciousness. The theme of the Arcane School conference in New York, Geneva and London this year focuses on these processes in connection with one of the rules for group initiation: Let the group onward move—out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension. Relating this keynote to humanity as a whole, to “onward move” requires the practice of forgiveness. To forgive is not so much a tacit act of acceptance but a dynamic act of giving made in the clear, cold light of reason. By reversing the two syllables of the word ‘forgive’, its true meaning is revealed as ‘to give for’. Great acts of forgiveness do not diverge from the course of true justice, but they release the energy of the divine Will – realigning the little human will of all concerned. Forgiveness involves a refusal to point the finger of blame, recognizing each person as an extension of 4 oneself and knowing that the seeds of separativeness, envy and temptation lie within us all. Above all else, they recognize the shared destiny of all humanity that requires letting go of the past in order to move forward together into the spiritual tension of the Divine Life. The concept of forgiveness is just one of many themes that flow out of the keynote which we will explore throughout the upcoming Arcane School conferences. We warmly invite all whose hearts are on fire with love for humanity to join us at these events in esoteric group work. Together we can play a part in helping to redirect human consciousness along the path of loving intelligence that naturally brings the outer worlds into right relationship with the inner. United with you on the path towards the pure, cold light of loving reason, LUCIS TRUST 1. The Rays and the Initiations, p.716 5 THREE SPIRITUAL FESTIVALS The flow of spiritual energies reaches a peak during the full moon period. At these times we can – particularly as a group – touch spiritual realities and energies that are normally not so easily available. Our path of approach to the higher worlds then becomes a lighted channel through which these energies can be anchored on earth and radiated through the minds and hearts of all humanity. The goal is to stimulate vision and support the growing awareness of the unity of all life and our responsibilities towards it. The annual cycle of full moons reaches its high point in the triple sequence of the Easter Festival, the Wesak Festival, and the Festival of Goodwill. The Easter and Wesak festivals celebrate the lives and inspiration of two of the greatest spiritual leaders and avatars – the Christ and the Buddha. 6 Easter is the festival of the risen living Christ, the expression of the love of God. It is determined by the date of the full moon of Aries and is the great Western and Christian Festival. Wesak, the Festival of the Buddha, is the great Eastern celebration. It is observed at the Taurus full moon. The Buddha is the expression of the wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and “the indicator of divine purpose”. Esoteric tradition speaks of an annual ceremony in the Himalayas, where the Buddha appears before the Christ and the Hierarchy. The Festival of Humanity, celebrating humanity’s innate goodwill, takes place over the full moon of Gemini. This is the festival of our basic aspiration towards human and spiritual unity. It gives voice to a deep invocative appeal to the spiritual Hierarchy for light, love and the will-to-good. This Festival is also observed as World Invocation Day, when a special focus is placed upon the world-wide use of the Great Invocation. 7 Wesak The Wesak Festival, at the time of the Taurus full moon, marks the high-water mark of spiritual blessing in the world. There is an unusual inflow of life and of spiritual stimulation which serves to vitalize the aspiration of all humankind. The intuition of all who seek to serve the good, the beautiful and the true (regardless of their faith or spiritual background) is stimulated by this spiritual blessing. At Wesak we can visualize the aspiration of all people of goodwill being fused into a concentrated invocation to the Buddha, the Christ, and all Enlightened Beings on the inner side of life. This is a time for dedication, a time to hold ourselves steadily in the light, and above all, a time to focus on the needs of our fellow human beings and the necessity of providing a group channel whereby the spiritual forces can be poured through the body of humanity. A Ceremony in the Himalayas At a legendary ceremony in a Himalayan valley the Buddha is said to return year after year to bless an assembled gathering of Enlightened Beings, from the Christ, to the most humble disciple. One of the greatest services we can render during this high point of the spiritual calendar is to align with the spirit of Silence in the valley of Wesak. We can prepare to hold the inner connection, even when amid the mundane interactions of daily life. 8 For a fuller reflection on the vital spiritual opportunity of Wesak, see World Invocation Day June 2 2015 On World Invocation Day the Great Invocation is used to invoke spiritual energies of Light, Love and Purpose. The Day has been observed annually since 1952. We need Light to reveal the way forward; Love to fill our hearts; and we need Enlightened Purpose to guide our human will. These divine energies are abundantly available – we can invoke them now, on behalf of all humanity, at this time in the evolution of a new world. All major faiths share the belief in a Coming One: Christ, Maitreya, Kalki Avatar, Messiah, Imam Mahdi. Please use the Great Invocation on World Invocation Day, and every day, with dedication and mindfulness. You will be contributing to the One Work of building right relations. Listen to a recording of the Great Invocation by Eleanor Roosevelt, broadcast on World Invocation Day, 1952: 9 Three Spiritual Festivals 2015 The high point in the annual flow of spiritual energies — a potent time to invoke light and goodwill on behalf of all humanity. Full Moon Meditation Meeting dates Easter Festival Aries full moon meeting, April 4 Full moon April 4, 13:07 BST Wesak Festival Taurus full moon meeting, May 3 Full moon May 4, 04:43 BST Humanity’s Festival Also called The Christ’s festival Gemini full moon meeting, June 2 Full moon June 2, 17.20 BST On these dates, join a full moon meditation meeting: • in person • or tune in on the streaming audio broadcasts For details on the live broadcasts, to find a full moon meeting in your area, or to attend the 10 London meetings visit us at The Arcane School Conference will include talks, student panels, group discussions, visualisation, meditations, and will be held at the following venues and cities: Keynote: Let the group onward move – out of the fire, into the cold, and toward a newer tension Arcane School Conference – New York May 2 - 3, 2015 Venue: 3 West Club 3 W. 51st Street (b/t 5th and 6th Ave.) New York, NY. Arcane School Conference — Geneva May 23 - 24, 2015 Venue: Aula du College, Sismondi, Chemin Eugene-Rigot 3, 1202, Geneve Arcane School Conference — London May 30 - 31, 2015 Venue: Betjeman Room, Amba Hotel (Charing Cross), The Strand, London Visit our website for details of the full programmes And - if unable to attend in person – to view live broadcasts of the conference 11 The Great Invocation From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men — The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth. Adapted version available on request 12 Ways to Help The most important thing any of us can do, is for two days before the full moon, on the day of the full moon itself, and for the next two days use the Great Invocation, at sunrise, noon, five o’clock pm, and sunset, plus the exact time of the full moon. Do this with the intention to invoke and anchor in human consciousness the potent spiritual energies available. Find out if a group of people in your area already hold Full Moon meditation meetings and join them. See, or contact us at: Start a Full Moon meditation group in your area. Information and suggested meditation outlines are available online at, or contact us at: Spread the word through Facebook, emails, and distributing posters. See LUCIS TRUST 120 Wall Street 24 Floor New York, NY 10005 USA [email protected] (212) 292-0707 Suite 54 3 Whitehall Court London SW1A 2EF UK [email protected] (0207) 839-4512 Rue du Stand 40 Case Postale 5323 1211 Geneva 11 SWITZERLAND [email protected] (22) 734-1252
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