Latin s Living Healthy N SIÓN ACION MI DE M UJE AC AL CO Feria de Salud U RES L L LULAC Puerto Rico Plaza Las Delicias, in front of City Hall | Ponce, Puerto Rico | April 30 - May 2, 2015 Message from the President q League of United Latin American Citizens Dear LULAC Members, his year, as part of our effort to reduce health disparities, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), is honored to kick off its health fair series, Latinos Living Healthy: Feria de Salud in Ponce, Puerto Rico. LULAC is excited to make the fair free and open to the public. The health fair is focused on ensuring that the Latino community has access to healthy food options, and understands the important role that physical activity and living a healthy lifestyle plays in an individual’s overall health. At the health fair, individuals can also benefit from valuable information critical for making life changes that increase their longevity. In addition, families can enjoy sports drills and cooking demonstrations all focused on promoting healthy living. Research has shown that Hispanics suffer from high rates of chronic illnesses which can be prevented or minimized through proper treatment and diet. Some of the illnesses include diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and breast and cervical cancer. It is our hope that having access to information regarding healthy living as well as access to health services geared on providing preventative care can help reduce chronic illness among Hispanics. In addition, as part of the health fair, Tyson Foods, Walmart and LULAC have joined forces to donate a truckload of protein to the Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico. To date, Tyson Foods has donated nearly 100 million pounds of protein to food banks around the country and we are proud to be part of this effort. The key to living a healthy life and thereby preventing the development of chronic illnesses is to become educated and make necessary lifestyle changes. Please join us this weekend to make this year’s Latinos Living Healthy: Feria de Salud in Puerto Rico the best one yet! T Photo by Luis Nuño Briones Sincerely, Margaret Moran LULAC National President 2 Latinos Living Healthy q Welcome from the Mayor of Ponce, Puerto Rico April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico Message from the National V.P. for Women q Liga De Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos Comisión Nacional LULAC De Mujeres Apreciados socios y amigos(as) LULAC: Bienvenidos a la isla del encanto y la hermosa ciudad señorial de Ponce. Recientemente celebramos con gran éxito en Santa Ana, Nuevo México, la conferencia nacional de mujeres. En uno de los talleres discutimos la importancia de la salud y nutrición de la mujer. Las estadísticas en los Estados Unidos reflejan un mayor número de mujeres jefas de familia viviendo bajo los niveles de pobreza de la nación; Puerto Rico aún está bajo en ese nivel. Por ello se hace imprescindible brindar acceso a la educación y prevención de la salud a la población más desventajada, como lo está haciendo LULAC a través de los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. En el mismo espíritu de concientizar a la población femenina y a nuestros niños y niñas sobre la importancia, los retos y el acceso a la salud, estamos celebrando el 1ero de mayo de 2015 la Feria de Latinos Viviendo Saludable en Ponce, Puerto Rico, siendo la segunda ocasión en la cual celebramos esta feria en la isla. Esta es una gran oportunidad de orientar para contribuir a mejorar la vida de las mujeres en Puerto Rico, su salud y consecuentemente la de nuestros hijos e hijas. La Feria de Latinos Viviendo Saludable y su acceso gratuito provisto por LULAC Nacional, la Comisión Nacional de Mujeres, capítulo de Puerto Rico, la administración municipal de Ponce y nuestros auspiciadores, logra este propósito. LULAC Puerto Rico se ha dedicado a integrar en su agenda los programas de salud, dentro de la misión y visión nacional por más de 25 años, al igual que la comisión de mujeres en todas sus gestiones y conferencias de los últimos años. Nuestro objetivo para los próximos años es proveer a nuestra gente y otras organizaciones latinas el acceso y educación a los programas gubernamentales, congresionales y estatales que le permitan al pueblo latino tener una reforma de salud en igualdad de condiciones en toda la nación y sus territorios. Te espero en Ponce. Que rujan los (as) leones (as), para que la feria de salud sea exitosa y en beneficio de toda nuestra gente. Cordialmente, Elsie Valdés Ramos V.P. Nacional de Mujeres 4 Latinos Living Healthy q LULAC National Board Margaret Moran National President Brent Wilkes National Executive Director Roman Rodriguez National Youth President Maggie Rivera National Treasurer Rosa Rosales Immediate Past National President Ana Valenzuela Estrada National Vice President for Youth Manuel Rendon National Vice President for Young Adults Elsie Valdés Ramos National Vice President for Women Ralina Cardona National Vice President for the Northeast Baldo Garza National Vice President for the Southwest Frank Urteaga, P.E. National Vice President for the Elderly Darryl D. Morin National Vice President for the Midwest Juan Carlos Lizardi National Vice President for the Southeast David V. Hernández National Vice President for the Farwest State Directors Richard EstradaArizona Terry Treviño-Richard Arkansas Dave Rodriguez California Phyllis Duran Colorado Thomas Higgans D.C. Lydia MedranoFlorida Brandie BedardGeorgia Jose Javier Lopez Illinois Wanda Gordis Indiana Joseph Enriquez Henry Iowa Michelle Cuevas-Stubblefield Kansas Yvette Butler, MD Maryland Hanoi ReyesMassachusetts Priscilla RochaNevada James Fukuda New Jersey Jessica Martinez New Mexico Eduardo LaGuerre New York Lourdes Ribera Ohio Abdiel A. Martinez Puerto Rico Elia MendozaTexas Salvador LazaldeUtah Bob GarciaVirginia Arturo Martinez, Ph.D. Wisconsin April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico Past National Presidents Ruben Bonilla Tony Bonilla Rosa Rosales William Bonilla Eduardo Morga Hector Flores Oscar Moran Rick Dovalina Mario Obledo Manuel González Eduardo Peña Alfred J. Hernandez Belen Robles Dr. José Maldonado Pete Villa Appointments Manuel Escobar, Esq Connie Martinez Patricia Roybal Caballero Lupe Torres Mike Lopez Roger Rocha Rudy Sandoval Luis Nuño Briones National Legal Advisor National Secretary Parliamentarian National Chaplain/Sgt. at Arms Chief of Staff Special Advisor to the Natl. President Special Advisor to the Natl. President National Historian Comités de Trabajo y Patrocinadores q Thank You El Capítulo de Puerto Rico y La Comisión Nacional de Mujeres agradece la colaboración por la integración, solidaridad y compromiso para el éxito de la Feria Nacional de Salud a las siguientes personas: • María “Mayita” Melendez, Alcaldesa de Ponce y su equipo de trabajo • Carmen Iris Cruz, Tesorera Estatal • Haydée Rivera, Pasada Directora Estatal • Juanita Alvarez, Coordinadora Comité de Actividades, Capellán Mujeres Nacional • Hector “Tito” Gadea, Pres. de Concilio • Myrna Vega, Secretaria Estatal • Carmen M. Rodríguez, Coordinadora Comité de Membresía, Asistente VP Mujeres Nacional • Elba Crespo, VP Estatal de Jóvenes & Secretaria Comisión de Mujeres • Adan N. Guzmán, Comité de Relaciones Públicas • Ricardo “Wito” García, Comité de Finanzas • José Lugo, VP Estatal • Mario Sanchez, Comité de Finanzas • María Lizardi, Socio LULAC • Emmanuel Piñeiro, Enlace con los Concilios LULAC de Ponce Latinos Living Healthy Feria de Salud Partners • Carolina Muñoz, Tesorera Comisión Mujeres • Elizabeth García, Directora Nacional de Programas • Ulises Gonzalez, Gerente de Participación Cívica • Sylvia Pérez, • Paloma Zuleta, Directora de Comunicaciones • Sara Clemente, Directora, FTI • Mirna Rivera, FTI • Pamela Cervera, Coordinador de Desarrollo LULAC • Elena Segura, Oficina Nacional LULAC • Declan Kingland, Coordinador de Programas de Salud • Jorge Trasmonte, Director de Tecnología-LULAC • Luis Nuño Briones, Historiador LULAC • Maritza Bosque, Ayudante Especial LULAC Nacional • Brent Wilkes, Director Ejecutivo Nacional • Richard Roybal, Director Ejecutivo LNESC Gracias al comité de trabajo del municipio autónomo de Ponce • Liz Colon • Efraín Colon • Omayra Colon • Emmanuel Piñeiro • Yolanda Cruz • Alberto Rosario • Frances Vera • Damaso De Jesús • Luis Delgado • Heidi Dilan • Crucita Maldonado • Ileana Alvarado • Carlos Mayoll • Carlos Rodríguez • Javier O. Negrón • Elvin Pacheco • José Reyes • Lillibeth Torres • Gerardo Vázquez • Eric Vega • Louis Archeval • Valerie Rodríguez • Luisa Hernández • María Torres Vargas • Heriberto Laracuente LULAC Puerto Rico N SIÓN ACION MI DE M Layout/design & printing of the LULAC Women’s conference program by Luis Nuño Briones µ 6 UJE AC AL Prof. Abdiel A. Martínez Barrios, Director Estatal LULAC PR Elsie Valdés Ramos, V.P. Nacional Mujeres CO Tenemos una deuda de gratitud con todos ustedes, U RES L L Latinos Living Healthy q Mensaje del Director Estatal de LULAC Puerto Rico C omo Director de LULAC en Puerto Rico, celebro junto al excelente grupo ejecutivo, y a Walmart Foundation el logro de que nuestra “Isla del Encanto,” se convierta en anfitriona, por segunda vez, de LULAC Latinos Living Healthy Initiative, patrocinando La Feria de Salud en la Plaza de Recreo Las Delicias en Ponce, Puerto Rico, el 1ro de mayo de 2015. Hemos unido nuestra experiencia profesional y personal, a la visión y misión de nuestra organización que procura día a día buscar nuevas oportunidades de servicio, la defensa de los nuestros en todos los ámbitos: social, económico, espiritual, cultural, político, de libertad y de vivir de manera honesta, entre otros. Procuramos con pasión entusiasmo y propósito definidos, cumplir de manera excelente esta encomienda, sabiendo la responsabilidad que llevamos en nuestros hombros y el compromiso de los cientos de miles de personas que se unen en esta tarea. Gracias a nuestros auspiciadores, Walmart, Pfizer Rx Pathways y Tyson entre muchos otros, hoy podemos proveer a nuestras comunidades acceso más fácil a la educación nutricional y a aspirar a tener vidas sanas. Compartimos este magno evento con la Hon. María “Mayita” Meléndez, Alcaldesa de Ponce. Mil gracias por haber puesto a nuestra disposición todos los recursos humanos y la histórica Plaza Las Delicias de Ponce, para juntos, hacer de esta Feria de Salud LULAC, una memorable y efectiva. Procuraremos aumentar el conocimiento sobre salud, nutrición, y actividad física, en un ambiente ameno y divertido. De esta forma nuestras comunidades obtendrán el conocimiento necesario que les permita hacer decisiones más saludables y de esta forma lucharemos contra la obesidad, la diabetes y otras áreas de la salud que afectan a nuestras comunidades latinas. Este año se une el Instituto de Adiestramiento Federal con temas como “Trabajando Para El Tío Sam”: Oportunidades en el Gobierno Federal donde cada sección cubrirá el cómo obtener empleo con el gobierno federal y como redactar un resume. Les esperamos para cautivarlos con el calor de nuestra gente y el empeño que tenemos en mejorar la calidad de vida a través de actividades como, la “FERIA DE SALUD, LULAC”. Abdiel A. Martínez Barrios Director Estatal LULAC Puerto Rico April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico The Women’s Commission in Collaboration with LULAC National Made Possible to Bring the Feria de Salud to Ponce, Puerto Rico National Women’s Commission Elsie Valdés Ramos Margaret Moran LULAC National President 1st Vice-Chair National V.P. for Women & Chair for the Women’s Commission Rosa Rosales Past National President Texas Regla Gonzalez Immediate Past V.P. for Women, MA Ralina Cardona Commissioner New York City, NY Carmen Iris Cruz Commissiones Puerto Rico Aidita Fernandez Commissioner Florida Alicia Higgins Commissioner Washington, DC Asenet Totsy Armadillo Commissioner Texas Maria Teresa Tavares Commissioner Utah Sobeida Cruz Commissioner New York Andrea Rivera Commissioner Iowa Guadalupe Ramirez Commissioner Texas Erica Baca Commissioner New Mexico Brenda Estrada Commissioner Arizona Angelina Guajardo Commissioner Texas Baldomero Garza Men’s Representative Rudy Beserra Corporate Honorary The Coca-Cola Company Nora Venegas Commissioner Tyson Foods, Inc. Joe Avila Corporate Honorary Ford Motor Fund Carolina Muñoz National Fiscal Officer Juana (Nahina) Alvarez Nieves Commission’s Chaplain Agnes Garza Commission’s Parliamentarian Elba Crespo Commission’s Secretary Carmen M. Rodriguez Administrative Assistant Maritza Bosques Link between the Women’s VP and National Staff Una mujer fuerte no teme a nada, mientras que una mujer de fortaleza demuestra su valor en medio de su temor. 8 Belen Robles Past National President El Paso, TX * Not Picture: Laura Martínez Commissioner, Texas Latinos Living Healthy q Mensaje del Director Ejecutivo Nacional de LULAC L ULAC is proud to begin this year’s series of Latinos Living Healthy: Ferias de Salud in Ponce, Puerto Rico. It is great to be back in Puerto Rico where we hosted our first ever national health fair three years ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico. LULAC is grateful to the Ponce Municipality, the LULAC Women’s Commission and LULAC Puerto Rico for all their work in bringing this important event to the people of Ponce and for making health a priority. This year's LULAC Latinos Living Healthy: Feria de Salud focuses on addressing several of the health disparities faced by Puerto Ricans. LULAC hopes to do this by ensuring that the Latino community has access to healthy food options, and understands the importance of physical activity. In addition, we hope that feria participants take advantage of the free health services and screenings being offered. It is never too late to develop a healthy lifestyle that will improve your quality of life. Each culture enjoys traditional foods that are unique to their origins. Latinos in particular are passionate about their cuisine because it helps to connect them to their origins. Through these health fairs, LULAC hopes to promote such cuisine in a healthy way. In addition, through the free health services being offered, LULAC hopes to encourage people to get check-ups that can help with early detection of potential health problems. The Latinos Living Healthy: Feria de Salud also includes a variety of exercise activities that the entire family can enjoy. The health fair has something for every member of the family and we hope that people take the opportunity to enjoy a family day in a healthy way. Brent Wilkes LULAC National Executive Director April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico English Agenda 2015 Health Fair April 30 - May 2, 2015 Thursday, April 30 10:00 am – 11:00 am Press Conference & Tyson Foods and Walmart Food Donation 6:00 pm Welcome Reception (by invitation only) Hosted by Ponce LULAC Councils In front of City Hall Casa Alcaldía de Ponce Calle Villa Friday, May 1 Feria de Salud Main Stage Plaza Las Delicias, in front of City Hall All entertainment will occur on the Main Stage unless otherwise indicated 9:00 am – 9:30 am 9:00 am – 9:30 am Banda Sor Isolina Ferré Ribbon Cutting Welcoming Remarks: Brent Wilkes, LULAC Natl. Executive Director and Maria “Mayita” Melendez, Mayor of Ponce 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Federal Training Institute: Workshop Session 1 Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Working for Uncle Sam: Opportunities in the Federal Government How to find and apply for employment in the federal government and how to build a strong, solid federal resume 9:30 am – 10:00 am Son Pandero Main Stage 9:30 am – 11:00 am Son Pandero Expo and Farmers Market 10:00 am – 10:30 am Zumba 10:30 am – 11:30 am Disney Character Show Tent next to Stage 10:30 am – 11:00 am Son Pandero 11:00 am – 12:00 am Chef Piñeiro: Cooking Demonstration 12:00 am – 12:45 am Intermission In observation of religious services at Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Federal Training Institute: Lunch Break Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor 12:45 pm – 1:15 pm Special Guest Remarks 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Federal Training Institute: Workshop Session 2 Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm 2:15 pm – 2:30 pm 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Working for Uncle Sam: Opportunities in the Federal Government How to find and apply for employment in the federal government and how to build a strong, solid federal resume Mariachi Teatro Escolar Ponce Orquesta Concierto Yauco Ballet Salsa Sur Special Guest Remarks Federal Training Institute: Closing Event Sonora Ponceña Closing Remarks Saturday, May 2 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Federal Training Institute: Workshop Session 3 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 10 Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Working for Uncle Sam: Opportunities in the Federal Government How to find and apply for employment in the federal government and how to build a strong, solid federal resume Tourist Time ~ Explore Ponce Noche de Ponce (By invitation only) City Hall, Interior Patio Hosted by Puerto Rico LULAC Latinos Living Healthy Español Agenda 2015 Feria de Salud 30 de abril - 2 de mayo, 2015 Jueves, 30 de abril 10:00 am – 11:00 am Conferencia de Prensa & Donación: Tyson Foods y Walmart Food 6:00 pm Recepción de Bienvenida (por Invitación) Organizado por Concilio LULAC de Ponce Frente de Casa Alcaldía Casa Alcaldía Viernes, 1 de mayo Feria de Salud y Entretenimento Plaza Las Delicias, Frente a la Casa Alcaldía Todo entretenimiento se llevará a cabo en la tarima principal, a menos que otra tarima sea indicada. 9:00 am – 9:30 am 9:00 am – 9:30 am Desfile Banda Sor Isolina Ferré Corte de Cinta Mensajes de Bienvenida: Brent Wilkes, Director Ejecutivo de LULAC y Maria “Mayita” Melendez, Alcaldesa de Ponce 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Instituto Federal de Adiestramiento: Taller 1 9:30 am – 10:00 am 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:00 am – 10:30 am 10:30 am – 11:30 am 10:30 am – 11:00 am 11:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 12:45 pm – 1:15 pm 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm 2:15 pm – 2:30 pm 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Son Pandero Tarima Principal Son Pandero El Mercado Agrícola y Expo Zumba Personajes de Disney Carpa al lado de la tarima principal Son Pandero Cocina con Chef Piñeiro: Demostración de Cocina Intermedio En observación a los servicios religiosos en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Instituto Federal de Adiestramiento: Almuerzo Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Mensajes Instituto Federal de Adiestramiento: Taller 2 Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Trabajando para el Tío Sam: Oportunidades en el Gobierno Federal Cómo encontrar y solicitar un empleo con el gobierno federal y cómo redactar un resumé federal Mariachi Teatro Escolar Ponce Orquesta Concierto Yauco Ballet Salsa Sur Mensajes Instituto Federal de Adiestramiento: Cierre de Evento Sonora Ponceña Mensaje de Cierre Sábado, 2 de mayo 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Instituto Federal de Adiestramiento: Taller 3 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Trabajando para el Tío Sam: Oportunidades en el Gobierno Federal Cómo encontrar y solicitar un empleo con el gobierno federal y cómo redactar un resumé federal Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Anexo Teatro La Perla, Calle Mayor Trabajando para el Tío Sam: Oportunidades en el Gobierno Federal Cómo encontrar y solicitar un empleo con el gobierno federal y cómo redactar un resumé federal Tiempo Turístico ~ Explorar Ponce Noche de Ponce (Por Invitación) Casa Alcaldía de Ponce, Patio Interior. Organizado por LULAC PR April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico DE M UJE AC LULAC Puerto Rico N SIÓN ACION MI AL CO Lista de Expositores U RES L L FERIA DE SALUD / MAYO 1, 2015 PLANO PROYECTADO BP BP BP BP BP BP Artesanos 31 Mercado Agricola 1 38 B1 33 34 35 36 37 39 59 B2 C20x20 42 7 44 B4 8 46 9 C10x20C10x20 20x40 B5 13 10 11 C 20x20 Sitting Area 15 16 14 C10x20 C10x20 C10x20 C10x20 C10x20 C 20x40 C 20x40 12 TARIMA 40X32 B6 B7 C 20x40 25 54 52 50 C 20x20 51 23 C 20x20 22 C10x20 18 C 20x20 C10x20 C10x20 17 B12 24 19 B8 ALCALDÍA 12 26 C 20x20 C 20x20 B13 27 C 20x20 C 20x20 Kids Area 49 48 45 C10x20 BAÑO PORTÁTIL BP MESAS: 2x Carpa FUENTE C10x20 UNIDAD MÓVIL CARPAS 20x20: 15 10x20: 47 20x40: 3 47 43 6 LEYENDA 53 41 5 B3 55 40 28 C 20x20 56 3 4 29 57 C10x20 B14 30 58 60 2 32 20 21 B10 B9 LEGISLATURA MUNICIPAL B11 • ABBVIE: Psoriasis, Hepatitis, Crohn’s Disease, Pruebas de Tiroide • Instituto Premier mesa, panel eléctrico • Ponce Health Sciences University • Procuradoría Personas de Edad Avanzada PR • Universidad Interamericana Ponce • Med Centro Ryan White • Med Centro Programa Outreach and Enrollment • Life Link • Fundación Aquí para Ayudarte • ICLA DA SILVA • Colegio de Tecnólogos Médicos • Departamento de Salud y Bienestar • Programa Esperanza para la Familia VOCA • Hospicio San Lucas • Casa Protegida Julia de Burgos • CEPVI (Centro Pro Vida Independiente) • Emma’s Beauty Academy • POPAC • National University College • OMBUDSMAN PONCE • Home Orthopedics • Puerto Rico Blood Bank • Oficina de la Procuradora de la Mujer • OASIS • Policía Municipal Ponce • Pfizer • Walmart PR • Tyson • EEOC (FTI) • USDA(FTI) • FEMA(FTI) • Mercado Agrícola • Artesanos • Asistencia Médica • First Mission Support Command, U.S. ARMY Reserve • Sirve INC. Un Trocito de Pan • Sistema de Emergencia 911 • Turismo Porta Caribe • ACAA • OMBUDSMAN Estatal • CLARO • FTI (Federal Training Institute) • LULAC Puerto Rico • First Medical • Banco de Alimentos • Iglesia Cristiana - Transmisión Radial • Head Start Ponce • Centros Sor Isolina Ferre • COSVI • Game Stop • Choo Choo Lemon • Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico: Asistencia Médica Ofic.Regional de Salud Ambiental Programa de Madres y Niños Oficina Regional Programa WIC OPRCRSP (Ofic.Preparación y Coordinación Respuesta en Salud Pública) Oficina de Epidemiología e Investigación Oficina Regional Programa de Vacunación • Universidad del Turabo (Terapia del Habla) • ASSMCA - Prevención y Promoción • Centro ARARAT • Unidades Móviles • Med Centro Clínicas Externas (unidad Móvil) • Med Municipio de Ponce • Policía de Puerto Rico • Policía Municipal de Ponce Latinos Living Healthy Women’s Health and Ethnicity: A Latina Challenge America’s inequality in health care has been addressed by many government administrations. Two mayor reports has gathered and highlighted concerning data: Heckler Report: This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and Minority Health, released in 1985 under the leadership of former HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler. This landmark report marked the first convening of a group of health experts by the U.S. government to conduct a comprehensive study of racial and ethnic minority health and elevated minority health to a national stage. *cita The CDC Health Disparities & Inequalities Report - United States, 2013 (CHDIR) is the second consolidated assessment that highlights health disparities and inequalities across a wide range of diseases, behavioral risk factors, environmental exposures, social determinants, and health-care access by sex, race and ethnicity, income, education, disability status and other social characteristics.i According to the data presented on this reports, Latinos face many barriers to good health: • Nearly one-third of Latinos do not have health insurance. People who are uninsured are less likely to have a regular doctor or get preventive care, which results in poorer health overall. Latinos living in rural areas can have a hard time getting to a doctor. • Cultural and language barriers can keep Latinos from explaining symptoms they are having or understanding the doctor’s advice. Moreover, the statistics for women shows: • The prevalence of obesity among female Mexican American adults during 2007–2010 was larger than the prevalence among female white, non-Hispanic adults during the same years. • In 2010, largest prevalence’s of diabetes were among Hispanic and non-Hispanic African American adults compared with prevalence’s among white, non-Hispanic and Asian adults. • During 2009-2010, prevalence of periodontitis among Mexican American adults aged 30 years and older was among the largest compared with white, nonHispanic adults of same the age group. • In 2010, Hispanic adults continue to have a substantial rate of HIV infection compared with white adults. • Hispanic/Latina Adults Teenage birth rates among Hispanic females (Mexicans and Puerto Ricans) in 2010 were larger than rates among white, non-Hispanic females. • In 2010, the birth rate for Hispanic females aged 15-19 years was approximately five times the rate for Asian/Pacific Islanders, twice the rate for non-Hispanic whites, and somewhat higher than the rates for non-Hispanic black and American Indian/Alaska Native adolescents. The health conditions common in Latinas are: • Breast cancer • Cancer • Cervical cancer • Cirrhosis and liver disease • Diabetes • Heart disease • High blood pressure • High cholesterol • HIV/AIDS • Lupus • Mental health problems & suicide • Osteoporosis • Overweight and obesity • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) • Smoking • Stroke • Tuberculosis (TB) • Violence Sadly, the quality health care has come to depend upon wealth accumulation. According to the 2002 Census, 22% of the 38 million Latinos live below the poverty line and Hispanic children, 31% were more likely to live with one parent than non-Hispanic April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico White children, 21%. The theory of feminization of povertyii describes a sociological phenomenon in which women represent disproportionate percentages of the world’s poor. The United Nations Development Fund for Women describes it as “the burden of poverty borne by women, especially in developing countries”. This concept is not only a consequence of lack of income, but is also the result of the deprivation of capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments. This theory predicts that poverty and low income is proportionate to female headed families. This concept can be applied to Latina women. The fact that 23% of Latino families are headed by women in contrast to the 16% for the white population, visibly demonstrates this theory. The marginalization of Latina women as a result of their gender and immigrant statusiii manifests itself in job availability. The jobs Latina women are eligible rarely offer health care benefits. Additionally, these jobs do not excuse medically related absences. Latina women are discouraged from receiving medical care in two respects; a visit to a health care professional costs money out of their pocket while causing them to forfeit a work day pay and possibly risking their employment status. Because of these realities presented across this lines, is the importance of raising public awareness about health and health care disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minorities and efforts to advance health equity. On May 1st, 2015 on the beautiful “Ciudad Señorial of Ponce”, Puerto Rico, LULAC National, the Women’s Commission in partnership with the Municipality of Ponce and Chapter Puerto Rico will celebrate Latinos Living Healthy Fair which will provide a variety of health screenings, fun physical activity and healthy cuisine. Come and help share the word of good health. i REMP/hispanic.html ii The Feminization of Poverty: Claims, Facts, and Data Needs Alain Marcoux Population and Development Review Vol. 24, No. 1 (Mar., 1998), pp. 131-139 Published by: Population Council Article Stable URL: stable/2808125 iii projects05/la/health%20care.html S ince 1929 the League of United Latin American Citizens has worked to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of Latinos across the United States. Through LULAC’s Latinos Living Healthy initiative, LULAC’s members and its partners work to address health disparities in communities across the United States and Puerto Rico. Through this initiative LULAC raises awareness of health issues within the Latino community by distributing information and resources to individuals who otherwise may not have access to them and empowering community members to become local health ambassadors who are in place to best impact the needs of every region. The two main components of the initiative, the Feria de Salud Program and the Healthy Communities Program work cooperatively to ensure that information and resources about health disparities can be disseminated at all levels. To directly empower LULAC members and other health advocates who already work to address health disparities in their communities or who have a novel idea to do so, LULAC founded the Healthy Communities Program. Through this program, LULAC provides grants to address local health concerns such as high rates of physical inactivity, obesity, diabetes, and asthma. To raise awareness of health issues at a large scale, LULAC developed the Feria de Salud program, which brings thousands of participants together throughout the day. These festivals motivate families to make healthier life choices and incorporate healthy nutrition and physical activity into their daily lives by illustrating that small differences can make a big difference. Since the first Feria 14 Latinos Living Healthy de Salud was held three years ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the festival has traveled to several different cities and states including Texas, Washington, DC and Los Angeles, California. In those three years, these festivals have been able to touch more than 75,000 individuals and have brought together hundreds of community organizations to share free health information, resources and screenings. The culmination of these efforts are the LULAC National Convention, LULAC’s ACTober Advocacy Days, the EMERGE conference and LULAC’s Legislative Conference and Gala. At these national events, nationally-known leaders and advocates are brought together to share their knowledge with the LULAC membership and empower them to become a catalyst for change in their community. LULAC is proud to once again bring the Feria de Salud back to Puerto Rico as even though the last Feria de Salud we hosted in San Juan was extremely successful, there are still many health concerns that need to be addressed. When compared to the rest of the nation, the island is highly ranked for taking advantage of preventative care, but it does extremely poorly in several other health risk identifiers, including the prevalence of obesity and high blood pressure which is higher than the average for the United States. Furthermore, Puerto Rico is ranked as one of the worst in the country when it comes to the incidence of asthma, the amount of leisure time physical activity (53rd place), death due to diabetes (52nd place) and eating five or more fruits and vegetables a day (48th place). At the national level, the Latinos Living Healthy Initiative works with the initiatives that carry out LULAC’s other core mission areas to address social determinants of health that all too often disproportionately address Latino communities. These factors, which are oftentimes out of the control of the families and individuals they impact include high school graduation rates, college attainment, median household income and other community factors including safe places to work and exercise and access to reasonably priced fresh foods. April 30 - May 2, 2015 • Ponce, Puerto Rico To learn more about LULAC, visit us online at To learn more about the Latinos Living Healthy Initiative visit 86th LULAC National Convention & Exposition Salt Palace Convention Center Salt Lake City, UT | July 7 — July 11, 2015 Familia: The Building Block of Society The most exciting event in the Hispanic community! Presented By: 16 L e a g u e o f U n i ted Latin Amer ican Citizens w w w. LU L AC . o r g Latinos Living Healthy
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