JUNIOR/SENIOR PROM GUEST PASS 2015 GUEST INFORMATION Guest’s Name: ______________________________ Grade: _____ Age/DOB _____/_________ Guest’s Parent Approval_______________________ Print Name_________________________ (Signature required if guest is under 18) Guest’s Address: _______________________________________________________________ Guest’s Parent Phone#_________________________ Cell Phone________________________ Guest’s School of Attendance: ____________________________________________________ (School approval for high school students only) The above student has been approved to attend Cabrillo High Schools dance. Guest’s School Administrator _______________________________ Date__________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ You may fax this form to: (805) 742-2936 phone (805) 742-2901 In order to have a guest attend a Cabrillo High School dance, you must be a Cabrillo Student with a current I.D. card and comply with the following: Attach a copy of your guest’s driver’s license or a student photo I.D. Complete all information and obtain appropriate signatures. Guest must be at least in 10TH grade and no older than 20 years of age. Bring your completed form to the Discipline Secretary for our Administrator’s review and approval. Once it has been approved it will be forwarded to the Activities Office, where the information is entered in the computer and you will then be able to purchase your ticket during sale dates. 5. Deadline to turn in application: _April 28, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. I hereby agree to take full responsibility for seeing that my guest is informed and complies with all requirements in connection with this dance. If, in the opinion of the sponsors, these requirements are not met, I understand that I will forfeit the right to have outside guests at future dances. Cabrillo Student’s Name: ___________________________________ Grade: ________________ Cabrillo Parent Approval Signature:_________________________________________________ Home Phone#: _______________Work Phone#: _________________Cell#: ________________ Cabrillo HS Administrator Approval: ___________________________ Yes _______ No _______ (Signature) JUNIOR-SENIOR PROM 2015 MAY 2, 2015, 8:00 PM – 12:00 PM DICK DEWEES COMMUNITY CENTER EVERYONE PURCHASING A PROM TICKET MUST TURN IN THIS FORM To assure a positive and memorable evening for all attendees, students and their guests are expected to have exemplary behavior. Failure to follow the rules may result in the student/guest being removed from the dance. Any major discipline issues will be dealt with through the proper administrative channels. Below is a list of guidelines to help make this year’s Junior-Senior Prom a successful event. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Students must enter the dance by 10:00 PM and remain until at least 11:00PM. Students who leave the dance will not be readmitted. Parents will be notified by phone from an Administrator if students do not arrive before 10:00 PM. All school rules, as well as district, state, and federal laws will be enforced. Current photo ID and dance ticket are required of all CHS students and their guests. Appropriate formal attire is required and is at the discretion of school personnel. Attendees wearing inappropriate attire will be denied access to the dance (including revealing clothing, dresses that are too short or low cut, tennis shoes, and jeans or baseball caps.) Refer to Parent/Student Handbook or Agenda book for specific dance dress code. All attendees including their guests are responsible for following all rules. All tickets must be purchased in advance. NO tickets will be sold at the dance. Tickets are sold in the Activities Office at lunch only. ALL TICKET SALES WILL END ON: April 29, 2015 at lunch. Dancing must be appropriate for high school. Vulgar, obscene, or suggestive dance moves shall not be displayed. Suggestive dance moves may be reason for removal from the dance. Students may not use or be under the influence of any alcohol, narcotics, or other drugs. (E.C. 48900.2 b, c, h.) All dance attendees are subject to random alcohol detector testing and search. Smoking is not permitted at any Cabrillo High School event or anywhere in the dance venue. Tardy consequences/Loss of Privilege rules (per CHS Student Handbook Pg. 25) are in effect for Prom as of February 25, 2013. Student Name/Guest: ________________________ Signature___________________ Parent’s Signature ______________________ Parent Name: _____________________ Parent/Guardian Phone # ___________________ Emergency contact: ________________________Phone#:_______________________
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