A Newsletter for Wolds Valley Residents ISSUE 113 ● APRIL 2015 A View from County Hall A View from County Hall Final copy date 18th April for the May issue to:Trevor Thomson Gypsey Cottage, Main Road, Weaverthorpe, YO17 8EY Telephone: 01944 738804 Email: [email protected] Chairing the panel of judges for the North Yorkshire County Council youth debates always reminds me that I represent a huge area and diverse population. Leaving home at 6.30am (DISCLAIMER: Any correspondence/articles to get me to districts such as Skipton and Richmond for the printed in the Warbler are entirely the responsibility of the contributor) early starts would have the potential to give me a somewhat grumpy disposition were it not for the superb quality of The Warbler is available on the Villages debates we have heard from North Yorkshires 9 and 10 year Website. old speakers. If we are to improve local government representation I believe it is vital that we encourage our young people to feel comfortable representing their views in both district and county council chambers and this is an excellent vehicle for achieving that aim. The topic for debate this year was "are our children happier growing up than their parents." I think most of the debaters must have had very naughty parents as there were some very explicit accounts of corporal punishment! There were also some very mature questions posed about how we quantify happiness and personal responsibility regarding the wide range of foods we have available today. The chairman of Ryedale District Council aged 22 and the Mayor of Selby aged 21 were amongst the regional judges and this was very encouraging to our young people. I hope that some of them will progress their skills and go on to represent their communities. With parish council elections looming I do hope that people will put their names forward. The forms are now available and I am very willing to help and encourage anyone to stand for these positions - it can be a very rewarding duty so please feel free to give me a ring if you want to chat it through with me. Janet Sanderson 01751 474516 [email protected] Foxholes Polling Station Change Owing to the forthcoming changes to the village hall facilities at Foxholes, it could not be guaranteed that the venue would be available as a polling station on 7th May for the parliamentary and local elections. Voters from Foxholes will therefore be directed to Weaverthorpe Village Hall for this election, with the polling station to return to Foxholes once the new village hall is in place. Alternatively electors can apply for a postal vote by contacting the Business Improvement team at Ryedale District Council on 01653 600666 or [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Tues 21 April. The amazing Pocket Panto are back in Weaverthorpe! Saturday April 11th 7.30pm Weaverthorpe Village Hall Adults £10, Under 16s £5 Family £25 Bar and interval ice cream Thanks to the generosity of our friends at Pocket Panto ALL PROCEEDS TO VILLAGE HALL ROOF FUND! Bookings: 01944 738037 Don’t forget the Villages Website (http://luttonsandweaverthorpe.ryedaleconnect.org.uk) The Wolds Valley Warbler provides a means of communication between the communities of: Wharram-Le-Street, Duggleby, Kirby Grindalythe, West Lutton, East Lutton, Helperthorpe, Weaverthorpe, Butterwick and Foxholes. With grateful thanks to Sherburn Forge for paper and photocopying facilities & Richard Ogden, West Lutton for additional paper supplies. Services for the Month of April Anglican Churches Wed 1st April 19.00 Holy Communion at St Peter’s Helperthorpe Maundy 2nd April Thursday 19.00 Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wharram Good 3rd April F r i d a y 10.30 19.00 Walking with the Cross in Kirby Grindalythe Meditation on the Cross at St Mary’s West Lutton Holy S a t u r d a y 19.00 4th April Easter Eve service of Light at St Andrew’s Weaverthorpe Easter 5th April Holy Communion at St Mary’s West Lutton S u n d a y 10.30 Sunday 12th April 09.00 10.30 10.30 Matins at St Andrew’s Kirby Grindalythe Holy Communion at St Peter’s Helperthorpe Morning Prayer at St Mary’s Wharram Sunday 19th April 09.00 10.30 Holy Communion at St Mary’s West Lutton Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wharram Sunday 26th April 09.00 10.30 17.00 Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Kirby Grindalythe Holy Communion(trad) at St Andrew’s Weaverthorpe Evensong at St Peter’s Helperthorpe Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and other enquiries should be directed to the Rev Andy Bowden 01944 738814 or email [email protected] For parishioners, your first point of call on all church related matters should be your churchwarden. Wolds Valley Methodist Church, Weaverthorpe (Serving the whole Wolds Valley) 5th April 10.30 All age worship for Easter Sunday at Sherburn Chapel led by Christine Fenwick and Jean Brown 19th April 15.00 Worship led by Dr Margaret Pawson Our Minister Rev. Denise Free will be absent during April on sick leave. Please remember her in your prayers. Friends are welcome to worship at Sherburn Methodist Chapel at 10.30 when there is no service at Weaverthorpe. All services are followed by a cup of tea or coffee and a chat about local life. Coffee Mornings Coffee mornings continue every Monday (except Bank Holidays) from 10.00 until 11.30 WEAVERTHORPE OPEN GARDENS Sunday 5th July 2015 1pm to 5pm The really great thing about living in Weaverthorpe is that when you start to organise anything p e o p l e actually come forward with ideas and offers of help. We know that there are several people with cherished cars and other vehicles hidden in their yards and garages so Stuart Taylor offered to get them all together, Chris and Jess Boyes have offered their spare bit of land next to The Paddocks and suddenly we have a classic car exhibit. Already we have several offers of vehicles but if you have a classic you would be happy to put on show give Stuart a ring on 01944 738855 or e-mail [email protected]. The proceeds of the tombola are primarily going to fund a memorial to a much missed couple, Roy and Elsie Williamson. We plan to put a seat on the green near the play area (several of the mums have said they are tired of getting “triangle bottoms” from perching on the railings) with a plaque to Roy and Elsie and any funds left over will go towards extra play equipment. Weaverthorpe Yorkshire Countrywomens is running the tombola and if you would like to donate a prize please give them to a member or drop them round to my house. They don’t have to be large items, we can make up hampers or gift packs. More ideas and open gardens always welcome. Penny House, 01944 738841 [email protected] Baptisms, funerals or other enquiries should be addressed to: Rev Denise Free — Tel: 01723 512168 St Nicholas’s Church, Butterwick 2nd April 19.00 Maundy Thursday, Holy Communion at St. Nicholas’s Butterwick. Preacher, Rev. Andrew Ison. 5th April 10.00 Benefice Easter Eucharist, at St Peter’s, Langtoft. President and Preacher, Rev. Jacki Tonkin. 16th April 19.00 A.G.M St. Nicholas’s Church, Butterwick. (Open Vestry Meeting). 24th April 11.00 ‘Coffee with the Curate’ at The Falling Stone, Thwing (All welcome). 25th April 09.30 ’Men at The Mill’. New faces welcome for a chat over coffee and ’bacon butties’, at The Old Mill, Langtoft. Baptisms, weddings, funerals or other enquiries should be directed to: Rev Jacki Tonkin — Tel: 01377 267149 St Leonard & St Mary's RC Church, Malton Masses at St Leonard & St Mary's take place at the weekend at 6.30 pm on Saturdays and 9.30 am on Sundays and various other services are held throughout the week. Priest is Father Tim Bywater while Mrs Sue Westmacott is the pastoral assistant. Address: Church Hill, Malton, YO17 7EJ. tel/fax: 01653 692128 email: [email protected] 2 Blossom by blossom the spring begins… and we’d like to do the plant sale again! If you would be so kind as to help us as before by putting aside a few pieces when you are splitting or moving plants, or sparing us a few seedlings or cuttings. That would be wonderful! Thank you! The plant sale will be held on Saturday April 25th 2015 Proceeds in aid of St Mary’s Church, West Lutton Refreshments available Local plants, bargain prices, good quality, good company! Yorkshire Country Women’s Association Weaverthorpe Branch Weaverthorpe Weaverthorpe Primary School Nursery Excellent Facilities 15 hours FREE childcare per week Contact school 01944 738280 Come and have a look round. Child’s Birthday 1st January 2012 – 31st March 2012 1st April 2012 – 31st August 2012 1st Sept 2012 – 31st December 2012 Come to nursery Beginning of term on or after 1st April 2015 Beginning of term on or after 1st Sept 2015 Beginning of term on or after 1st January 2016 ADVANCE NOTICE!! AGM 7.30pm Thursday April 9th Weaverthorpe Village Hall All Welcome Contact 01944-738282 RAISING THE ROOF! An evening of entertainment in aid of the Weaverthorpe Village Hall roof fund. Singer Amber Warren, Yorkshire dialect with Adrian Collier and Chris the magician. Hot supper included in price. Bar. Weaverthorpe Village Hall, Friday 22nd May at 7.30pm. Adults £10, under 16s £5. Tickets from Norma Harrison 01944 738037 To get digging for the ANNUAL WEAVERTHORPE AND DISTRICT PRODUCE SHOW OPEN TO ALL RESIDENTS FROM FOXHOLES TO KIRBY GRINDALYTHE SATURDAY 29th AUGUST 2015 Schedules and entry forms are available from Mrs Anne Downes tel: 738637 By e-mail from [email protected] Or download from www.luttonsandweaverthorpe.ryedaleco nnect.org.uk Weaverthorpe Village Hall every Wednesday 6.30 — 7.30 pm. Contact Vicki Rowland 07805 529411 The Branch held an enjoyable AGM in February (and enjoyable food brought by members :) ). There were some interesting suggestions for this year's programme and the first meeting will be on Tuesday 14th April when Chris Thomson who works for RSPB will give an illustrated talk on the work he is doing with farmers on the Wolds and the coast to encourage wildlife and fauna. So we look forward to welcoming you to our first meeting of the new YCA year. If you are not a member just come along at 7.30 on Tuesday 14th April to Weaverthorpe Village Hall and find out what we are all about. Penny House, Chair 01944 738841 PS. If husbands/partners are interested in this presentation they would be very welcome too. CIRKUS SPECTAKULAR! Angel Heart Theatre A magical mystery show for all the family Puppet theatre at its best Weaverthorpe Village Hall 6.30pm Thursday 28th May Adults £8, Under 18s £4 Family ticket £20 Bookings: 01944-738037 Weaverthorpe Weebles Toddler Group Meet Mondays 9.15-11.15 am at Weaverthorpe School (term time only). Adults and tots welcome, come and have a cuppa, a chat and some fun! (Please park at the bottom of the hill) Contact 01944 738389 for more details What’s On in Weaverthorpe Thursday 5th April Child Clinic 10.00-11.30am Village Hall Thursday 9th April Friends of St Andrews AGM 7.30pm Village Hall Saturday 11th April Victorian Music Hall 7.30pm Village Hall Tuesday 14th April Countrywomens 7.30pm Village Hall Monday 20th April Mobile Library 10.30am-12.30 Layby at Village Hall Thursday 23rd April Youth Club 5.00-7.00pm Village Hall in aid of Village Hall Roof 7.30pm Village Hall Circus Spectacular 6.30pm Village Hall ADVANCE NOTICE Friday 22nd May Thursday 28th May "RAISING THE ROOF" Spring Coffee Morning all proceeds to Friday 24th18th September Saturday April 10am am— - 12 10 12 noon noon at Grits Farm, Weaverthorpe 738231 “16th Anne year” Vasey at Grits01944 Farm, Weaverthorpe Please come and bring a friend or a car load of folks! We will be pleased to see everyone. Have a chat with everyone and enjoy coffee and cakes. ke Ca all St le ff Ra e uc od Pr ic Br a ac Br Any donation welcome! World’s Biggest Coffee Morning Saturday 16th May Weaverthorpe Village Hall 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm 01944 738 282 WEAVERTHORPE VILLAGE HALL 01944 738 037 POLITE NOTICE 01944 738 841 Please note that parking outside the 01944 738 037 Village Hall is for those using the hall. Recently it was impossible for visitors to park up due to a large vehicle straddling all the 01944 738 037 bays. Thank you. 3 01944 738 037 Luttons Foxholes All Residents of Luttons Parish! Your Annual Parish Meeting is on Saturday 23rd May 2015, 10.00am to 12.00 noon Luttons Primary School Hall, Wintringham Road, West Lutton Drop in. Have your say any local issue. Find out what’s going on in the area. Meet your newly elected Parish Councillors. See you there! SCARECROW FESTIVAL Luttons Little Ladybirds will rerecommence on Thursday the 16th of April 12pm in the school hall. Apologies for any inconvenience caused, hope to see you there!! Kirby Grindalythe Kirby Grindalythe Village Hall 2015 Coffee Morning for St. Georges Day Thursday 23rd April 10.30—12 noon Pimms and Canapes Saturday 30th May 7.30 pm Mr & Mrs Crompton—The Old Vicarage Tickets: £6 prepaid, £8 on the door Children £3 prepaid, £4 on the door Tickets available from Kirby Grindalythe Post Office or phone Kaye 738626 or Barbara 738472 Duck Race and BBQ 18th July 6.30 pm Pie and Pea Quiz Saturday 26th September 7pm. LUNCHEON CLUB Volunteers from Churches of the Great Wold Valley will hold their first Luncheon Club at Kirby Grindalythe village hall on Friday 1st May 2015 from 11.30 am to 2.30 pm. Our aim will be to provide an opportunity for people within the Wolds Valley communities to enjoy a good lunch and a chance to meet old friends and make new ones. The club will be open to any resident of the Great Wold Valley from Wharram le Street to Butterwick. Transport will be available to and from the Club, if needed. Any initial interest can be directed to Marylyn and John Clegg on 738044, Roy and Carol Foster on 738354, Jeff and Marian Grindrod on 738501, Anne Richardson on 738718 or Fred and Kay Husband on 738555. A warm welcome will be offered to 4 all ! The sister villages of Butterwick and Foxholes are coming together this summer for a joint Scarecrow Festival. Over the weekend of 18th and 19th July villagers will be asked to support the festival with scarecrows on the theme of Nursery Rhymes. Please don’t make them too easy to guess as there will be a quiz to raise funds for Butterwick Church and the new Foxholes Community Hall. TOUR DE YORKSHIRE We have all by now probably heard of the excitement building around the first Tour De Yorkshire taking place over 3 days in May. The Wolds Valley is lucky enough to have it passing through on Day 2, the 2nd May at approximately 13.36! St Mary's church, Wharram le Street will be setting up a refreshment stall for the occasion. It is unlikely that the cyclists will stop to quaff, however it is going to be a great viewing place as the peloton whizzes by as they head down to North Grimston. We look forward to seeing you. This exciting summer event is for everyone, and your support is key. Refreshments will be available in both villages, with the church in Butterwick and the village hall in Foxholes open throughout. Coming soon, a new website for Foxholes. foxholescommunityhall.org will have updates and more information on the festival. General News PLANNING APPEAL Wolds Valley Wind Collective have submitted an appeal against the decision of RDC to refuse planning approval for the 40m high (overall tip height 67m) 500kw wind turbine on land to the north of Main Road, Weaverthorpe. You can comment or modify / withdraw any previous representation on the Planning Portal at www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs or by emailing [email protected]. If you do not have access to the internet, you can send three copies of your comments to the Planning Inspectorate, 3/06 Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Sqaure, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN to arrive by 10 April 2015. 2015 You should quote the Appeal Reference of APP/ Y2736/W/15/3003484. If you want to view the appeal documentation you can do so by visiting http://www.ryedale.gov.uk/ residents/planning/view-a-planningapplication.html, then paging down to “next” then entering Weaverthorpe in the search box, then go to page 2 and click on the original planning application which is 13/00851/FUL and viewing the documents. Job Vacancy CRANEDALE CENTRE KIRBY GRINDALYTHE MALTON YO17 8DB Cleaner required to work part-time during the week and at weekends Rate of pay for under 17 (£5.66 & £6.66) over 17 (£7 & £8) Own transport is essential. Applicants aged 16 or over need only apply. Training and uniform will be provided. We are a residential centre primarily for 6th form students and adults. See our website: www.cranedale.com Please contact Sue Taylor (Administrator) for an application form on 01944 738687. EASTER LAMBING Sun 5th & Mon 6th April 10.00—5.00 pm Visit the lambing ‘shed’ and see some of our newly born lambs Easter Trail & Bouncy Castle Adventure Play Area—Admissions Apply NEW FOR 2015 Stable Block and Farm Shop Re-opening of the Triton Art Gallery Sledmere Home Farm, Sledmere, Driffield, YO25 3XG Tel: 01377 236637 www.sledmerehouse.com FLAG STONES WANTED I am looking for flag stones - any size I will collect Norma Harrison 738 037
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