Life Of Animals Study Guide Answer Key 1. Predator

Life Of Animals Study Guide Answer Key
1. Predator-prey relationships
a. What is a predator?
An animal that hunts and eats other animals
b. What are prey?
An animal that is eaten by another animal
c. List three examples of a predator-prey relationship.
Owl-mice, snake-frog, shark-fish, frog-fly
d. Can plants be prey? Explain
No, prey are animals eaten by other animals – plants are
NOT animals
2. There are four basic needs animals have to meet to survive. Write those
four needs in the headings. Then give an example of how an animal meets
that need to survive.
Fish have gills
Land animals have
Some breathe
though their skin.
3. Below is
Some animals eat
other animals
Some animals eat
Some animals eat
both plants and
Living space
Drink surface water
Eat food that has
water in it
Open ocean water
3. What does it mean for animals to coexist for survival? Give an example.
Coexisting means animals living and working together.
Wolves live and hunt together. Bees live in hives and share
raising young and getting food.
4. Listed below are two environments animals live in. Name an animal that
lives in that environment and one adaptation it has to live there.
a. Polar – penguins have a thick layer of feathers for
warmth, webbed feet to help them swim, huddle
together for warmth
b. Desert – rattle snakes have rattles to warn animals
away, water saving kidneys so they need little water,
scales to protect their skin
5. True or False: Circle the T or F
a. False
Animals are not dependent on their ecosystem for
b. False
Feathers keep young birds safe.
c. True
Reptiles tend to have lots of Scales.
d. False
Amphibians do not need to lay their eggs in water.
e. True
Feathers keep birds warm
f. True
Feathers provide camouflage
6. Compare and contrast reptile eggs and amphibian eggs.
Reptile eggs are leathery shelled for protection and hold
their water inside so they can be laid on land. Amphibian
eggs are soft and jelly like, they get water and support from
the water around them.
7. How is an animal’s life cycle dependent on its habitat?
Fish and amphibians have to have water to lay their eggs.
Reptiles need dry land to lay their eggs.
8. What is the difference between an animal adapting to an environment, and an
animal’s adaptation?
Adapting means to change to fit an environment, an animal’s
adaptation is a body part or behavior that helps the animal to
survive or reproduce.
9. In the image below the circle the decomposers, X the producers, star the
carnivores, and underline the herbivores.
10. In the above picture what two animals are the top predators?
a. Owl and cougar
b. Deer and Bird
c. Mouse and mole
11. Where do the bunny and mouse get their energy from?
The plants that they eat
12. Where do the plants get their energy from?
They use the sunlight to make their own food
13. Make a food chain in the space below. Include at least 4 specific organisms,
then label them as decomposer, carnivore, herbivore, or producer.
14. What would happen if all the producers in an area died?
There would be no food for anything in the area because plants
make food from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Herbivores
eat the plants and carnivores eat the herbivores.
15. What would happen if all the carnivores in an area died?
Nothing would be eating the herbivores and so there would be
too many of them, they would over eat the plants, and many of
them would starve.
Define the following vocabulary terms and give an example of each one.
(Writing these on note cards or using the Quizlet vocabulary on the web page
can be a very helpful way to study!!!)
d. Carnivore_ an animal that eats mainly other animals
Example_ wolf, owl, fox, snake
e. Omnivore_ an animal that eats both plants and animals
Example_ pig, bear, raccoon, opossum
f. Herbivore__ an animal that eats only plants
Example_ deer, rabbit, caterpillar
g. Adaptation_ a body part or behavior that helps an animal
survive or reproduce
Example_ birds feathers keep them warm, pelican’s beak catches fish,
penguins huddling together for warmth
h. Organism__ any living thing
Example_ virus, plant, bear, fungus
i. Predator-Prey relationship _ one animal is hunted and eaten by
another animal
Example_ owl-mouse, lion-gazelle, snake-frog
j. Colony _ a group of animals living and working together for
the benefit of all
Example_ bees, ants, wasps, naked mole rats
k. Social interaction _ two or more individuals meeting and acting
Example_ humans saying hello, dogs smelling each other, bees dancing
for communication
l. Producer__ an organism that makes its own food - plants
Example_fern, moss, trees
m. Consumer_ an organism that eats something else
Example_ fungi, rabbit, wolf, bacteria (any living thing except plants)
n. Decomposer__ an organism that break down dead material
for food, it also returns nutrients to the soil
Example_maggots, worms, bacteria, mushroom