Gateway Exam Practice

Math 131
Gateway Exam Practice
The Gateway Exam is a 25-minute 7-question Pass/Fail
exam that counts for 10% of your course grade.
To pass the exam, you must correctly answer 6/7
questions. The answers are entered into the computer,
no partial credit will be awarded.
The Gateway Exam can be re-taken as many times as you like, up to three times
per day.
• The last day to take the Gateway Exam is Friday April 24th.
Practice Exam
You can take a Practice Gateway Exam at home or any computer outside the ASC. Note
that the practice test is not for credit and the grades will not be recorded.
1.) Go to the website:
2.) Log in with your WeBWorK account. The first time you log in, use the following.
Username: firstname.lastname (all lowercase, e.g. jane.smith)
Password: M12345
You can change your password in the menu at left, if you like.
3.) Click on the link "GatewayExam Derivatives Practice test."
4.) Enter your answers carefully. For each problem...
Work out your answer with pencil and scratch paper.
Type the answer carefully into the blank box. Use ^ for exponents and add
parentheses ( ) wherever necessary.
iii. Press the "preview problems" link at right.
Check that the box marked "Your answer previews as" matches exactly with the
answer you wrote on your scratch paper. Many students get problems wrong
simply because they made a typing error and did not preview what they typed.
Repeat for the next problem.
5.) When you finish all 7 problems, click the "Grade Test" button at the bottom to see
how you did. It is important that you check any wrong answers and understand your
mistakes. Since the practice exam questions are drawn randomly from the same test bank
as the actual Gateway Exam., you may see the same problem again.
Taking the Gateway Exam
For a grade to be recorded, you must take the Gateway Exam in the Academic
Support Center (ASC) on the first floor of Thompson Hall.
Follow the steps below carefully:
1. Ask the receptionist for the Derivative Gateway Binder. Sign in with your name
and section.
2. Leave your bag with the receptionist and take only a pencil to the computer lab.
No notes, calculators, cellphones, or books are allowed during the exam. Scratch
paper will be provided for you. (Ask the receptionist if they run out of paper.)
3. On the ASC computer, take the Gateway Exam on Differentiation Techniques.
4. Ask the receptionist to sign out in the Derivative Gateway binder.
The Academic Support Center is extremely strict. If you break any of the ASC rules, you
will not receive credit for passing the Gateway Exam. Things that will result in an
automatic FAIL include...
• Not signing in with the receptionist before you take the exam.
• Failing to sign out after the exam is over.
• Bringing your bag or notes to the computer lab.
• Checking your cellphone during the exam.
• Taking the exam for the 4th time in one day.
The questions are chosen at random, but include the following topics:
• Power Rule
• Product Rule
• Quotient Rule
• Chain Rule
• Derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions (not always base e, e.g. 4௫ )
• Derivatives of the 6 basic trigonometric functions
• Derivatives involving functions with constants, e.g. ݂ሺ‫ݔ‬ሻ = ‫ ܣ‬cosሺ‫ ݔܤ‬+ ‫ܥ‬ሻ
Note the questions involve different variables. If the problem is stated as a function
‫ܨ‬ሺ‫ݍ‬ሻ, then your typed answer for ‫ܨ‬′ሺ‫ݍ‬ሻ or ௗ௤ should involve only the variable ‫ݍ‬.
Start taking the Gateway Exam early and often. Some students take the exam 20 times
before they pass. If you procrastinate, you will get burned. To encourage you to take the
exam early, I will give extra credit if you pass the exam before Spring Break.
Early Bird Bonus: (+2 points to Final Exam) Pass the Gateway Exam by Friday 3/20.