Setting up your Zonemaster Network. What you need to begin.

Setting up your Zonemaster Network.
This is a step by step illustrated guide in getting started and using the ZRG software.
What you need to begin.
Two Data connections one for inbound connectivity and one for outbound connectivity.
(For desktops you can use an extra internal PCI card or Ethernet to USB / PCMCIA conversion. For laptops you
can use USB or PCMCIA adapters etc.)
Connect your broadband as you are instructed by your ISP or how it is usually done.
Make a separate connection to your access point from the other data port.
Set your access point network identifier to zonerider (all lowercase) If your access point supports DHCP
client enable it otherwise, leave as is.
As shown here
This is same network setup but using a software based access point and a wireless client as below. Note
there is no need to have two cables for inbound and outbound connections, just the inbound is required.
Set your SOFT access point network identifier to zonerider (all lowercase)
Go to your ISP broadband internet settings. This is the first connection that comes in from your Ethernet,
cable, wireless, or USB modem.
Click on the Properties
Click on Advanced tab and select Allow other network users to connect through this computers
internet connection
DO NOT select Allow other network users to control or disable the shared internet connection
You are now ready to install the Zonerider Gateway.
Installing the Zonerider Gateway
Follow the prompts to install the gateway and click all the way through until the Configuration section
As below
Select the Network card that is used for the guest network. The IP address should read, if
not you will need to enable internet connection sharing. (Go to the first section of this guide)
Key in your Zonemaster password. And Check the settings. If this information is OK you will be able to
press the OK (Save) button.
You need to sign up as a Zonemaster to get the Zonemaster password. To change your password you will
need to contact Zonerider direct and reinstall the Zonerider Gateway
Congratulations your service should be working and ready. Please allow up to 1 hour for your Zonemaster
details to be active
It is always suggested to test with a wireless device, to ensure the service is running as normal. See the
troubleshooting guide in the FAQ on the website or use the Zonemaster forum