- Madhesh

YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
The Voice Of
Adopting Dedication to
National Integration ,
Nationality and Madheshism,
National Weekly Madheshvani
publishes on Every Friday .
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Kathmandu / Vol.–6/ Issue – 4, Monday, May 25th 2015, ( 2072, Jeshtha 11th ) Page- 8, Price Rs. -10
Blocking Kaligandaki Landslide throws
another terror after earthquake
Myagdi : After disaster of
earthquake landslide blocked
Kaligandaki river creating
another terror among Nepali
society. The perceived danger
temporarily, was averted as the
water in a landslide-dammed
lake on the Kaligandaki river in
Myagdi district started
overflowing after 15 hours of
blockage. A massive landslide
fallen from Mahavir in
Ramche-9 along the Beni
Jomsom road blocked the river
at Baisari . The site is about
9km north of Beni, the district
headquarters of Myagdi. The
blocked river flowed out after
filling the artificial lake at
around 5pm on Sunday. There
was flood as the water level
rose two meters above the
usual monsoon flow. Though
floodwaters reached up to
some houses near the banks,
there was no notable damage.
According to Chief District
Officer Tek Bahadur KC , the
area is now out of danger.
There are no human casualties.
There is no damage to property
too. Downstream settlers, who
had climbed to safer places,
have started returning to their
homes. Landslides first occurred in
Baisari village on Friday
morning, hitting five houses.
Massive rocks started falling
past Saturday midnight, burying
26 houses in Baisari and
Ramche. A 2km long and 100
meters deep lake was formed
after the landslide dammed the
river. Local administration
urged the people in Beni
and other downstream
settlements to go to safer
places. Beni Bazaar wore
a deserted look after the
notice. Inmates of District
Prison were shifted to a
hall at the District
Development Committee
office. Riverside settlers in
Palpa, Syangja and Gulmi
districts fear flooding.
By the blocked river,
power generation was
halted in the country’s
project at Syangja’s Mirmi,
fearing dam outburst. Subengineer Om Darlami
working at the dam of the
144-megawatt plant said
the power station has been
shut indefinitely. He said all
the three sluish gates at the
dam, with the capacity of
draining 640,000 liters
water per second, were
kept opened. Staffs at the
plant are on high alert. By
the blocked all the
floodgates at Gandak
Barrage were opened .
According to the local
administration, all the 36
floodgates were opened
amid flood fears. Alert has
been sounded in several
downstream settlements.
The local administration of
Chitwan alerted the
people on the Narayani
riverbanks about the
threat. The Kaligandaki
meets the Narayani river
at Devghat.
Forum Nepal battles for keeping
party intact
Bijaykumar Gachhedar
Upendra Yadav
Sharatsingh Bhandari
Democratic Madheshi Front
has been fallen in crisis to
be broken. Some leaders of
affiliated party of the Front
have concluded
requirement of a National
Government in Nepal for
facing the challenges of
disaster occurred by
earthquake while other
termed this as a hypothetical
question for the formation of
National Government.
Bijaykumar Gachhedar ,
chairman of Madheshi
Democratic, clarified that
talk of the formation of
National Government in
Nepal almost finalized. But
Upendra Yadav, chairman
of Madheshi Janadhikar
Forum Nepal, refused to
accept that a national
government required for
disaster destructed country.
Ruling Parties leaders have
already said that talks for
formation of National
Government with Madheshi
leaders have been almost
finalized. Sushil Koirala,
Prime Minister and Party
President of Nepali
Congress, said that he had
been ready to form a
National Government. KP
Sharma Oli , UML
Chairman, has been already
playing role for formation of
a National Government.
Gachhedar is known as
party broker for forming
Gachhedar broke Upendra
Yadav led Madheshi
Janadhikar Forum Nepal for
Gachhedar aloso broke
Tarai Madheshi Democratic
and Sadabhawana Party. So
Gachhedar is known as
party broker. Recently he
said that Joint Democratic
Continue in page 4
Armed group Madheshi Tigers surrenders weapon
Bhairahawa :Tarai Madheshi Tigers Party has surrenders weapon and explosives to
government as per early agreement. The group has
signed agreement on 26 Mansir after negotiation talk
held. Both government and the armed group gave
129 weapons and explosives. According to Police chief
Rajendra Dhakal , 37 Tiffin bombs, 35 Box bombs, 7
Socket bombs, home -made pistols ,bullet 8 , mobile
bomb 2 , cooker bomb 2 were received from the group.
In the press meet President of the group Janardan
Yadav called Bikram Pandey, Jayprakash Yadav, Ramminlan Chaudhary, Roshan Sah
and Prembahadur Kshetry were present. From the government talk team member
Sarvendranath Sukla and CDO Toyam Raymajhi were present.
Third Alliance distributes relief in Kharelthok
Kabhre. Mid-west sub region of Third Alliance has
distributed relief goods to victims of Kharelthok of
Kabhre district. According to coordinator of region
Alam khan, Third Alliance distributed 3 lakh relief
goods like quilt food-grain and warm clothes with
the assistance of Mankameshwar Temple of
Lucknow of India. .
Monday, 25th May , 2015
Create Appreciable
Environment for Children
Whether it is natural disaster like earthquake or
manmade disaster, children are victims
everywhere. Rescue and Relief programs are
made. Planners make plans. Plans are not
executed if somehow it is executed the plan avoids
welfare of children. Policy makers keep the
children out of the policy. Nationally and
internationally children education has been seen
avoided wherever disasters attack the human
society. After earthquake schools’ buildings are
collapsed completely or partially and schools are
closed. Rescue and Relief programs are going
on. Child education is in limbo. Policy makers
should think the truth that children are the future
of country. They should be secured and provided
good environment of education. People can sleep
in tent living the building why not the children are
given education in tent or such temporary shelter.
Their education should be given with
psychological treatment otherwise their terror will
not be removed. Nepal has faced two types of
disaster: natural and manmade disaster as ten years
peoples’ war led Maoists. Policy makers should
consider such situations on time otherwise future
of Nepal will be terrible.
Rani Sharma Tiwari, President
of Woman Empowerment Campaign Mahottary, giving two
trucks of goods for woman
health to a UN representative .
2072, Jeshtha 11th
National Weekly
Atrocities on women in
Pakistan ‘alarming’, HRCP
- Manzoor Ahmed
In the wake of the recent gangrape of a five-year old girl and
the wave of protests that it has
generated, the Human Rights
Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
has published a report that
presents a grim picture of the way
the country is ttrating its female
There has been a marked increase
anmd the figures are ‘alarming’
the commission has said in a
Violation against women is
widespread and exists in various
forms be it domestic violence and
abuse, sexual abuse and
harassment, acid attacks, honour
killings, restricted freedom of
movement to downright barring
of women from casting their
votes in the elections.
The Commission in its statement
has said: “HRCP has watched
with grave concern the rising
incidence of violence against
women in Pakistan in recent days.
Unfortunately, such incidents
have always been commonplace
in the country but now such
reports are coming not from faroff places but from the main
Several cases of rape have been
reported from Punjab, thje most
populous province, in the past
few days, it has said.
In Lahore alone, police have
registered 113 cases of rape from
January 1 to August 31 this year.
The police in Punjab’s capital
cases.Most of the victims were
teenage girls.
But, the problem in hardly
confined to Punjab.
The plight of Kainat Soomro, a
young rape victim in Sindh,
and the excesses she has had to
endure in her efforts to bring
her tormentors to justice are
there for all to see.
She got relief only afrter personal
intervention of then President
Asif Ali Zardari.
Her ordeal represents how rape
victims who have the courage
to pursue their rapistsare left to
fend for themselves.
The case was reminiscent of the
ordeal of Mukhtaran Mai a
woman in rural Punjab who was
ordered to be gang-raped in public
by those belonging to the landed
gentry. Her ‘crime’ was that her
younger brother had eloped with
a girl from the family of one of
the landlords. Her case became
know worldwide, much to the
embarrassement of then President
Pervez Musharraf, who was
confronted about it at the United
According to media monitoring
by HRCP, until the end of July
this year, at least 44 women
became targets of acid attacks in
the country, seven of whom had
died due to their injuries.
As many as 44 women had been
set on fire; 11 had died in such
Furthermore, as many as
451 women had been killed in
Pakistan in the name of honour
by July-end this year, compared
to 918 killed in the whole of
2012. Mid-September, three
women were shot dead by family
members in the name of
‘honour’ in
Pakhtunkhwa province.
The HRCP is acutely concerned
that risks have grown for all those
who try and help the victims is
any manner or try to expose the
Human rights defenders who try
to highlight excesses against
women have become particularly
The HRCP itself had to relocate a
staff member in early September
because his reporting of a woman’s
beating by her relatives upset the
family to the extent that they
threatened to kill
him and started
following him.
Targeting of a
account of gender
unacceptable and
it is a matter of
shame that the
society at large
has not felt
compelled to
raise a strong
enough voice to
putting an end to
this travesty, the
commission has lamented.
HRCP has called upon the state
authorities to include ending
violence against women and
impunity for the violators to its
list of priorities in order to
dispense justice to half the
population of the country.
The commission’s statement said
it hoped that these steps would
include awareness campaigns and
would not merely be confined
to making changes in laws that
thenremain unenforced.
Analysing the plight of the fiveyear old girl in Lahore, advocate
writer Rafia Zakaria wrote in
Dawn (Sept. 18) that the girl ws
playing with her three-year old
cousin in the open near her house
in the evening when she
“What happened to the five-yearold between the time she was
abducted from outside her home
and the next day, when she was
found abandoned outside a
hospital, is the stuff of the most
grotesque nightmare.
“Unconscious and bleeding, the
child found lying on a thin strip of
green lawn just outside the
hospital building had been raped.
The doctors who examined her
asserted that on the basis of their
physical examination, she had
probably been assaulted by
several men for over an hour.
“She was rushed to surgery
because of haemorrhaging, and
when she emerged her condition
was listed as critical. The next day,
television channels reported that
she was deeply traumatised,
crying and screaming even when
members of her family approached
“The utter cruelty of the case
elicited denunciations and
expressions of outrage. In a
country where public debate on
rape cases often hinges on the
indictment of the victim long before
it turns to the perpetrators, the
fact that the victim was a child
managed to force attention on the
brutality of the crime itself.’
Zakaria said the plight of older
giorls and women is worst.
“The child had been too young to
blame, too little to be accused of
having provoked her attackers. The
usual excuses — a lack of feminine
modesty, culpable presence in the
public space, a flawed character
— could not be employed here,
and so, finally, the ghastly fact of
the crime was before the country.
“So confronted, many grew angry;
a group of female representatives
from the Khyber legislature
demanded that the perpetrators be
hanged. Such cries for blood and
vengeance were fervently
“The aftermath of the case exposes
once again the complete inability
of law enforcement and judicial
bodies to deal with rape
investigations. Even with closedcircuit camera images, there was
no solid identification of suspects.
“A few suspects picked up by the
police on Friday had already been
released by Saturday. While DNA
samples were collected from the
child and sent to investigation labs,
no report was available yet. There
was no confirmation about the
exact number of rapists.
“Amidst the legal and investigative
morass surrounding the case are
the questions of how such a
dastardly act can occur and how
the complicity of society can
breed the sort of demons who can
commit it (and probably get away
with it).”
“The mistake made by the child at
the centre of the recent Lahore
tragedy was to play outside in a
society which does not consider
even girl children entitled to be in
public space.
“In the Pakistan where such things
happen, legislatures past and
present have failed to force the
stringent application of the
Women’s Protection Act, 2006,
and the Zina Ordinance continues
to exist. In the Pakistan where
such things happen, the Council
of Islamic Ideology has cast doubt
over the value of DNA as primary
evidence across the board in rape
“When this cumulative picture
of the country where the crime
was committed is considered,
the only thing different about
the recent case is that she was
victimised so early, subjected to
a crime that is the fate of too
many women.
“ She c a nno t s pea k t o da y
because she is too young, but if
she was older and could speak
and point to her victimisers,
f ew in this c o unt ry of me n
would believe he r ,” wr ite s
Sources : Agencies
3 Monday, 25
May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 11th
National Weekly
National Government requires for facing disaster
National government is not for doing
politics. National government is required
for facing the challenge of national disaster. All political forces should be
united at the time of natural disaster.
This means all party should stand at a
How did you get the
role of national and
international sector
performing at the
moment of national
-The national disaster
has destructed the
whole country. Nepali
are not only terrorized
by physical terror but
also by metnal terror.In
this moment I would
like to express my
heartfelt condolence
to them who lost their
life in the destruction
of earthquake. I would
like also to thank them
,nongo vernmental,
international donor
organizations joined
their hands to help
victim of earthquake.
And especially to
Nepal Army, Nepal
Police, Armed Police
and Rescue teams
from different country
they ran for rescuing
people putting their
life in danger. In recent
years issues of
earthquake were in
discussion. We are in
highly sensitive prone
zone for earthquake so
we should prepare for
facing disaster like
government has been
seen without any
In recent years
d i f f e r e n t
organizations have
public awareness
government has been
preparedness. What
will be the reason
behind it?
- Government has no
preparedness we have
just learnt facing the
problems. Government
would have performed
for facing vehicle
accident. Our country is
running through a
political transition.
Government by count is
stronger but no any solid
step taken for. Thank
God, it was Saturday
even not in night the
emerged at close to
noon otherwise the
situation would be more
vulnerable. What was to
be happened that
happened. As prepare for
facing earthquake was to
be that has not been
seen. Earlier, many more
advertisements were
broadcasted in media
about how to survive by
earthquake and how to
start rescue and provide
relief to victims. But,
situation after 10days of
earthquake people were
without shelter to live
and water to drink. Still
situation is seen the
same. All blames to go
to government. It
doesn’t mean that
government did nothing
.All did from their own
stand what they could.
By the earthquake one
thing seen that all Nepali
stand at a point when
such disaster emerges.
All people showed
performance as Nepali
at this national disaster.
By this disaster country
Geologists northern
area has been most
affected area. Madhesh
also facing problem of
Madheshi were active
providing relief to them.
As Pahad suffers
Madhesh feels pain and
Madhesh suffers Pahad
feels pain.
How much relief goods
from your district was
distributed to victims?
- Madheshi Front has
decided that Madheshi
should donate blood to
protect life of Pahade.
We campaign blood
donation and collected
food grains by fistful
distributed relief goods
to victims of Lalitpur.
distributed in Bhaktpur.
As well as to Gorkha
Sindhupalchok from
Parsa, Dhading from
Bara, Nuwakot from
What did you see in the
field when you visited
the affected area?
- It is natural that
government has seen
failure providing relief
and doing rescue.
accepted the truth.
Local agencies of
government were also
Government is present
everywhere with its
organs but those organs
were inactive among
people. Recently police
Sharatsingh Bhandari
National Madhesh Socialist Party
has arrested them who
were selling relief
goods to victims of
earthquake. Black
marketers are taking
advantages from this
pitiable situation.
constituent assembly
were seen fighting for
taking tents instead of
sending those tents to
victims first. What do
you say the behavior of
constituent assembly?
- It is not fault of
members of constituent
assembly. Housing
Ministry and Home
Ministry sent tents for
members of constituent
assembly. It is the worst
ministries. One hand
members of constituent
assembly are donating
salary of one month
another hand those
members of constituent
assembly are being
given tents. It was an act
of defaming them. This
should be probed. It was
an act of diminishing
image of parliament.
Such acts should not be
During the disaster,
formation of a national
government has been
surfaced. What do you
think it is right time for
making a national
-National government is
not for doing politics.
National government is
required for facing the
challenge of national
disaster. All political
forces should be united
at the time of natural
disaster. This means all
party should stand at a
point. Making the
country secured and out
from national disaster
and phase of national
How do you judge the
neighboring countries
especially India?
-The relation between
Nepal and India has been
sweet. Geology of
Nepal and Indian is
interlinked. Earthquake
of Nepal affects India
immed ia te ly.
Government of India
called his cabinet
meeting earlier than
Nepal government and
decided to help victims
of earthquake. Indian
rescued teams and relief
providers’ team and
goods to Nepal.
Monday, 25th May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 11th
Relief goods handed by Nepal India Jain
Shwetamber Terapanthi Society
Kathmandu. Nepal India Swetambar Terapanth Society has handed blanket
like relief goods to Union of wife of Nepal Police. In a program organized
at Police Headquarters Dinesh Naulakha and Motilal Dugar jointly handed
the relief goods to Roshi Aryal. IGP Upendrakant Aryal appreciated the
assistance and thank the Terapanth Society.
Indo-Nepal assisted Tent equals
to 2 million
Birgunj. Indo-Nepal Chamber of Commerce Raxaul has assisted Tent
equals to 2 million to earthquake victims through central member of
Nepali Congress Ajay Chaurasiya. Rajkumar Gupta, President of IndoNepal, handed Tents for 2 hundreds households to Chaurasiya.
Disputes in temple
Rautahat. Garhimai Development Centre Sangarmpur Bindeshwar
Sah and Satyanarayan Bhagat have been tempered for the fund
collected by people. Culture Ministry has sent 2 lakh rupees for the
development. The money sent by the ministry should be kept under
their own account. Both claim their social organizations should keep
the money.
1 billion rupee collected
Rupendehi. For assisting victims of earthquake ,districts of Lumbini zone
have collected relief from Indian bordering villages up to 1 billion rupees.
Indian citizens have themselves donated relief goods.
Youth Union operated
Kathmandu. Youth Union Nepal affiliated with CPNUML has operated
its workers for providing relief goods to victims of earthquake.
CPNUML decided to operate 10 thousand of youths helping victims
of earthquake. To cooperate UML , Youth Union Nepal took
responsibility operating 1 thousand youths.
Terror creators arrested
Kathmandu. Terror creators who forecasted baselessly have been
arrested by police. After earthquake some people started forecasting
baseless that big magnitude killed many people and destructed many
building in the most affected area of Nepal. Operator and editor
WWW.expresskhabar.com respectively Gyanendra Bhattarai and
Chandramani Shapkota have arrested. The online said that magnitude of
earthquake 30 times greater than 1934' earthquake will come in Nepal.
Operator and editor both have beg pardon for their release from custody.
Idol of God Ganesh installd
Birgunj. A new idol of God Ganesh has been installed at Mabirsthan
of Birgunj. For the installation Pashupati Rauniyar and his wife
Sumitradevi worshiped.
Saying Forum will not join the
government Yadav said that it is a
matter of hypothesis.
Saratsingh Bhandari , chairman of
Madheshi Front would join the National Madhesh Socialist Party, has
said that a National Government is
Gachhedar is playing role making required for nation. All countrymen
a new government so he is feeling and political forces should be united
nerves of members of constituent at a point of destruction occurred by
of assembly to join the earthquake.
government. According to source All these leaders of Madhesh based
Upendra led Madheshi Janadhikar parties associated with the Front.
Forum Nepal is at top of Some say the requirement of
Gahchhedar. Some sources say National Government others are
that Gachhedar doesn’t like reluctant about the issues. According
Upendra Yadav to have more to some party leaders of Forum
height than him. If Joint Nepal, it is time to forming a national
Democratic Madheshi Front is government Forum must join.
agreed to join the government, Analysts say Madhesh based parties
Gachhedar will break the partiesl. are only seeking opportunities to join
So Upendra Yadav has keeping government so they will not drop this
his eyes on party intact. Upendra upcoming opportunity whether it is
Yadav said that it is a rumor only Forum or Sadabhawana or Tarai
to form a National Government. Madheshi Democratic Party.
Forum Nepal ...
National Weekly
Madhesh Update
Interaction held on quake risk
Birgunj. Nepal Engineers Association Birgunj has held an interaction on
mitigation of quake risk. Umesh Kumar Gupta chaired the president of the
interaction held in the presence of technical chief of Birgunj Sub- MetroPolitian, Prakash Amatya, Baidyanath Prasad, Lalbabu Chaurasiya,
Atmaram Prasad Sah, Rajesh Yadav, Banka, Shyambabu Prasad
Prabhakar Chaurasiya, Phiroj Raki and Binod Shrestha.
People of Mahottary distributes relief in
Jaleshwar. Relief goods collected in Mahottary district have carried to
Ramechhap. For the victims of Ramechhap locals have collected 10 ton
rice. Earlier relief goods was sent to Solathana and Sumanam Pokhari of
Sindhuli district.
Beautician Training held
Birgunj. One month long beautician training assisted by the parliament
fund of Shravan Agrwal has been finished at Jagarnathpur of Birgunj -25.
The closing ceremony was chaired by Mini Singh in the presence of
Pradeep Yadav, Umeshlal Sahani, Radhika Devi, Aslam Alam and
Khobhari Yadav. 20 women participated the training for which 1lakh 50
thousand rupees from parliamentary fund.
More than 2000 house damaged in
Jaleshwar. By earthquake around 2000 houses have been damaged in
Bardivas Municipality. Bardivas Municipality has recently made its primary
report of damaged. According to primary report 1690 houses have been
Died by beating
Bara. 35 years of Sanmatiya Devi Chamain inhabitant of Ganganagar of
Simaraun Municipality-4 has died by beating .60 years Raghumat Chamar
and 35 years Birendra Mahar beat her and later she died in hospital.
Drowned in Pond
Kapilvastu. 8 years of Rabraham Ahamad and 10 years of Majbullah Fakir
inhabitant of Hasampur-7 have found dead in a public pond of the same
Prisoner Died
Parsa. 70 years of Basudev Sah accused in brown sugar case, inhabitant of
East Champaran of India has died in Parsa jail. He was declared dead in
Narayani Sub regional Hospital.
Died and injured by Thunderbolt
Rautahat. 10 years of Muskan Kumari Patel has died and 16 years Binay
Patel has injured by the thunderbolt fallen at the house of Ramsingh Patel
inhabitant -7. Injured Patel is receiving treatment.
Died by hanging
Bara. 12 years of Ramitakumari Thakur inhabitant of Amarpatti-7 Bajhopatti
has been found hanging by a ceiling fan in her own room on Thursday .
Police has been investigating the case.
Died by attack of wild elephant
Sunsari. 70 years Prembahadur Magar inhabitant of Haripur-4 has been
died by attack of wild elephant. The elephant trampled him under foot.
Old man died by beating
Kailali. 71 Harmal Dhami inhabitant of Masuriya-4 has died by beating of
his neighbor Sandhya Bohora. Bohora beat him on Tuesday. Police has
arrested Bohara and preparing a file case against Bohora.
Died in accident
Morang. 30 years Tikadevi Shrestha driver of Scooty no Me 3 Pa 1660 inhabitant
of Budhabare has died in an accident occurred at Pathari Shanishchare Municipality
-8. When Tractor no Ko 1 Ta 3522 hit Motorcycle no Me 5 Pa 1999 and Scooty Me
3 Pa 1660 Scooty driver Shrestha died at spot and her brother 20 years of Birabahadur
Shrestha and Motorcycle rider 50 years of Dilbahadur Limbu were injured.
Monday, 25th May , 2015
Corporate News
India outpaces China in steel
production, up 6.7% this year
Even as steel production is on the decline globally, owing primarily to
falling Chinese output, India remains the only exception among the major
producing nations. According to World Steel Association’s recent data,
India’s steel production grew by an impressive 6.7 per cent in the first
four months of the current year vis-à-vis a decline of 1.3 per cent in
China, the highest producer by a wide margin and 1.7 per cent, globally.
India, now the world’s third largest producer, produced 29.97 MT steel
during the January-April period of the current year compared to 28.09
MT in the same period a year ago.
China’s production fell to 270 MT from 274 MT a year earlier. Output in
Japan fell by 3.7 per cent to 35 MT during the period. Production in the
US also dipped by 8.5 per cent to 26.3 MT in the period. Global production
came down to 536 MT in January-April from 546 MT a year ago. In
April also, India’s steel production growth remained in the positive terrain
while decline in output in all other major producing nations.
2072, Jeshtha 11th
National Weekly
Anushka has evolved as an actor,
person: Ranveer Singh
Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh on Sunday heaped praises on ‘Dil
Dhadakne Do’ co-star and former girlfriend Anushka Sharma for
her growth as an actress and as a person.
“It was fantastic working with her in ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’. She has
evolved as an actor and person. It was wonderful to work with her
after a few years. We did our first few films together. She taught
me a lot,” Ranveer said here during the film’s promotion.
The duo were seen in “Ladies vs Ricky Bahl” and “Band Baaja
Baaraat”. In the Zoya Akhtar-directed ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’, Ranveer
and Anushka form a part of the ensemble cast including Anil Kapoor,
Priyanka Chopra, Shefali Shah, Farhan Akhtar and others. Anushka,
who is currently dating Indian cricketer Virat Kohli, was however,
missing from the Kolkata leg of the promotional. Quizzed on
whether he was missing Anushka, Ranveer gave a guarded response.
“I am missing the entire starcast Priyanka, Shefali and others.
However, it’s a boys’ night out,” he said referring to Anil and
Farhan’s presence at the promotional. Dil Dhadakne Do is set to
release on June 5.
Samsung launches Galaxy S6,
S6 edge in India
NEW DELHI: Samsung, the world’s largest smartphone
maker, launched its latest flagship devices - Galaxy S6 and
Galaxy 6 edge - in the
premium segment in
the world’s fastest
growing smartphone
market in the world.
T he Galaxy S6
starting price is Rs
49,990 and has has a
5.1-inch 2K Amoled
display, 16 megapixel
rear and 5 megapixel
front camera, an
octacore processor
with a 3 GB RAM. The Galaxy S6 edge is the world’s only
smartphone which has dual curved screen or curved from
both lengths of the screen, and is priced at Rs 58,990 for
the lowest storage variant. The edge has the similar features
as that of the S6, but differs in battery and the display make.
“We see a large growth with edge and curved displays,” said
Asim Warsi, head of mobile and IT business in India,
indicating that innovation would be key to growth for the
company that has seen device sales flagging and revenues
Our Features:
Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of
Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats,
Parking Facility.
Monday, 25th May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 11th
Priyanka Karki fund raising
dance in UK raised
Actress Priyanka Karki raised Rs. 500,000 for earthquake
victims in her UK tour. In a Facebook post, Priyanka
shared the photos of her dancing on stage on ‘Gairi Khet
…’ song. In the comment she wrote, “Although I was
smiling, it was the most unhappy dance in my life.” After
the dance performance, she they went around collecting
the funds for relief efforts. With the money she and her
team collected, she is planning to bring happiness to a few
Priyanka Karki
Priyanka Karki, singer Anju Pant and singer Shiva Pariyar
had a pre-planned event in scheduled in UK before
earthquake. They later converted the fun event to
earthquake relief fund-collection event. Before heading to
the UK, Priyanka was actively volunteering to help
earthquake victims.
Salman Khan to be the ‘guest of
honour’ at sister Arpita’s wedding
Six months after the most talked
about wedding in recent times,
Salman Khan will be the ‘Guest
of honour ’ at sister Arpita
Khan’s wedding reception on
May 25. The event will be held
at Mandi, which is gearing up for
the gala affair. Mandi also
happens to be Arpita’s husband,
Aayush Sharma’s home town.
Salman Khan, who had just
resumed his shooting in Kashmir
after finishing off with the last
schedule of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’
as he got relief in the 2002 hitSalman Khan
and-run case, will be visiting
Mandi for the first time. Excited
on her first visit, Arpita tweeted on May 22 – “Looking forward to going bk to
Mandi (HP) as Mrs Arpita Khan Sharma”. The town is also getting spruced up
for the function and a local dham (community feast). “Salman Khan and whole
family, except his father Salim Khan, will be reaching Mandi for the function.
While Arpita-Aayush and other family members will reach Mandi a day before
(May 24) taking a road trip from Chandigarh—where they will land in the
morning,Salman Khan has hired a private helicopter to fly to Mandi from
Chandigarh on May 10 alongwith two brothers Arbaaz and Sohail,” says Anil
Sharma, Aayush’s father,who is also a cabinet minister.
Initially, it was learnt that state government will provide a helicopter ride to Salman
Khan to attend the reception but later, Anil Sharma was conveyed the inability
to extend such a hospitality to the Bollywood superstar, fearing controversies .
Though Sharma is reported to have offered to meet the expenses of hiring the
government chopper but was left with no option but to have alternate
arrangements, which Salman Khan reportedly made on his own, say insiders.
More than 14,000 to 15,000 people, which includes all residents of Mandi town
will be attending the ceremony. Anil Sharma’s assembly constituency, political
figures, businessmen and prominent figures from all the state will be attending
the function at local Gymkhana club. The Sharma family also engaged local folk
artists to perform for the guests next to the main stage –where Salman Khan will
make his appearance with the young couple and Aayush ‘s family. Says SP (Mandi)
Mohit Chawla, “We have all necessary arrangements already in place as the
event is going to attract a huge crowd. Since it being a private affair,the police
have nothing to do except taking care of law and order or traffic mobility on
Kullu-Manali National Highway due to tourists season.”
Manisha Koirala partners with UNFPA
to help quake-affected women
Noted Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala has partnered
with the United Nations Fund for Population Activities
(UNFPA) and Government of Nepal to help quake affected
women of Nepal by providing them with ‘Dignity Kits’.
The Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Population,
Dhanabahadur Tamang, UNFPA Nepal Goodwill
Ambassador Manisha and UN Population Fund
Representative for Nepal, Glulia Vallesse, jointly launched
the campaign by pronouncing “Dignity First” at a function
in Kathmandu today. “Each of us needs to be proactive in
preserving the dignity of women and girls in a situation of
emergency,” said Tamang. “The government of Nepal and
UNFPA’s support for these vulnerable population covers a
range of issues, from reproductive health to the prevention
of gender-based violence,” said Manisha. “The dignity of
women and girls whose lives are shattered must be restored
together with their physical health and well-being.”
The project aims to cater to the needs of some 165,000
women and girls across 14 quake affected districts of Nepal.
Currently we have distributed some 7,000 Dignity Kits and
an equal number of Kits are arriving soon for the needy
women, informed Tamang. The Dignity Kits, which include
towel, shawl, torch light, tooth paste and tooth brush among
others, costs around USD 32. Those who are marginalised
and whose houses are completely destroyed by the
earthquake get first priority while distributing the Kits, said
Manisha. The actress along with her actor friend Gulsan
Grover also raised USD 500,000 from charity programmes
conducted in Mauritius recently. The money will go to the
Prime Minister’s Fund to Support Earthquake Victims,
Manisha added.
FIR registered against Sunny Leone, Google
CEO for allegedly spreading obscenity
An FIR was today registered against actress Sunny Leone,
Google CEO and a Bollywood magazine in Ajmer city for
allegedly spreading obscenity, police
said today.
Arinjay Jain had subscribed to a
Bollywood magazine through S K R
Sharma. The entertainment journal
contained obscene photographs of
Leone, SHO Ajmer Kotawali
police station Jitendra Gangwani said.
ain said he followed a website link given
Sunny Leone
in the magazine and found more
obscene contents and pictures of the
actress on internet, following which he registered the FIR
with police.
A case has been registered under section 292 (sale
ofobscene book) of IPC, relevant sections of the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act and the IT
act, Gangwani said.
ain said he followed a website link given in the magazine and
found more obscene contents and pictures of the actress
on internet, following which he registered the FIR with
police. A case has been registered under section 292 (sale
ofobscene book) of IPC, relevant sections of the Indecent
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act and the IT
act, Gangwani said.
7 Monday, 25
May , 2015
Pakistan should fully cooperate in
tackling terrorism: Rajnath Singh
Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh
on Sunday asked Pakistan to extend
all help in tackling terrorism as it was
also a victim of the menace. “It
(Pakistan) should extend full
cooperation in checking terrorism
because the country is facing a
similar problem today,” Singh told
On Pakistan’s strong reaction to
Defence Minister Manohar
Parrikar’s recent remarks about
they associated 15 crore
families under Jan Dhan
scheme. It’s not a small
achievement,” he said. The
Home Minister also lauded
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi for launching social
security schemes.
2072, Jeshtha 11th
Madheshvani Radio Program
( Sunday to Friday)
Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad
Radio Sunrise
Red F.M
“Even those who criticise us
will realise this sooner or
later. Even the International
Rubaru F.M
Earlier, addressing a SBI officers’
convention Singh expressed concern
over Fake Indian Currency Note
(FICN) racket and said it was used
to promote terrorism. “FICN is a
big problem as fake currency is used
to promote terrorism,” he said and
asked banks to be alert to that. The
Home Minister said India was taking
all steps to fight terrorism. Singh
described banks as the “spine” of
the country’s economy and said,”I
want to see it as the nation’s
lifeline.”He described the
nationalisation of banks as the
“biggest” decision taken postindependence to improve the health
of the economy. “But even after
nationalisation the connect with the
people was not there. I want to
congratulate the banking sector that
10:40 P.M
Swarnim F.M
Rautahat F.M
Radio Saugat
(E xcluded Saturday)
6:30 P.M
(E xcluded Saturday)
9:30 P.M
Re- Broadcast 9:30
8:15 P.M
8:15 P.M
He recalled how GDP
growth had reached 10.4
per cent during Atal Bihari
Vajpayee’s tenure due to
execution of massive
infrastructure projects. The
minister said government’s
attempts to check black
money generation will also
boost the economy.
Rajnath Singh said through
PM Modi’s Make in
India initiative,
government wanted not
only to promote domestic
investors but also potential
investors from abroad.
“We want Made in India to
be a big brand,” he said,
adding the government
wanted a manufacturing
revolution to be ushered in.
Jay Madhesh
“It must be the first time that a minister
of an elected government openly
advocates use of terrorism in another
country on the pretext of preventing
terrorism from that country or its
non-state actors,” Aziz had said in a
statement released by Pakistan’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Monetary Fund (IMF) has
appeciated the scheme,” he
said. He rubbished Congress
vice president Rahul Gandhi’s
accusation against the Centre
for scrapping the food park
project in his constituency
Amethi. The Home Minister
asserted the government’s
initiatives on the economic
front will result in GDP
growth touching the 10 per
cent mark. “India has the
fastest growing economy. I
am confident that GDP will
reach minimum upto 10 per
cent due to policy decisions,”
he said.
M h z
neutralising terrorists through
terrorists, Singh said, “Not only
India, but the entire world knows
who is promoting terrorism.”
Reacting to Parrikar’s comments,
Adviser to Pakistan Prime Minister
on National Security and Foreign
Affairs Sartaj Aziz had said it
apprehensions that India was
involved in terrorism in that country.
National Weekly
(Excluded Saturday)
(Exclueded Saturday)
9:00 P.M
(Exclueded Saturday)
5.20 P.M
-Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday)
5.30 P.M
-Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
(Excluded Saturday)
8.25 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
6.30 P.M
6.00 P.M
9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Birgunj
( Parsa)
9.15 P.M
(Excluded Saturday)
9.15 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
Radio Safalta
Radio Madhesh
Dauna Bebari
7.15 P.M
(Excluded Friday
and Saturday)
7.00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
6.00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:00 A.M
(Excluded Saturday)
(Madi )
7.30 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Every Wednesday
5. 30 PM to 6 PM
7. 00 PM
(Excluded Saturday)
Monday, 25th May , 2015
2072, Jeshtha 11th
Reg. No. 53/067/068
National Weekly
Has Narendra Modi lived up to expectations?
Is a year in power long
enough to evaluate the
performance of a new
government? Possibly
difficult in a country with
many unresolved social and
economic issues like India,
but it is a good time for
some stock-taking. So it is
with Narendra Modi and his
BJP government, which
stormed into power last
Mr Modi ran a presidentialstyle campaign, promising
achhe din, or better times,
if elected. It is a promise
which his supporters
continue to cling to, and his
detractors sneer at, saying
it was a deceit to capture
political power. Yet, if
opinion polls are to be
believed, Indians continue
to be hopeful about Mr
Modi. A poll by Mint
newspaper found the prime
minister has an approval
rating of 74%, although
down eight percentage
points since last August.
Another poll by the Times
of India found 47% of the
respondents saying that
Mr Modi’s performance in
government had been
“somewhat good”, and an
ambivalent quarter saying
that it had been “neither
good, nor bad”.
In truth, Mr Modi faces
little competition: the
Congress party, under
Sonia and Rahul Gandhi has
still not recovered from last
year’s debacle, despite the
latter ’s spirited recent
efforts to pick up the
gauntlet. India’s Grand Old
Party remains largely bereft
of new ideas to fire the
imagination of India’s
restless young, who form
the bulk of voters. Mr
Modi’s first year in office
has met with a mixed
response. All leaders need
luck on their side, and Mr
Modi has had his share.
Inflation has been tamed,
and the fiscal deficit
contained. For both, Mr
Modi should thank cheap
commodity - mainly oil prices.
generation has surged to a
record high.
His government so far has
been free of scams, and he
is making his ministers and
bureaucrats work hard.
Plans to auction mineral
rights - starting with this
year’s coal auction - should
check corruption and foster
transparency. He has
energised India’s foreign
policy, openly courting
countries like Japan,
Australia, Israel and the US.
He is mining the diaspora.
Taking the lead in
evacuating stranded people
in conflict-zones like
Yemen and rushing relief to
earthquake-ravaged Nepal
has earned his government
rightful praise. “Two
foreign policy priorities
have emerged: South Asia
and the management of a
larger periphery with a
focus on China,” says
Harsh V Pant of King’s
College, London.
There are reports of
industrialists, bureaucrats
and politicians saying that
corruption at the top has
“declined dramatically”. If
this is true, it is a welcome
change from the scamtainted
government. Mr Modi is
prolific on social media and
speaks to the people
frequently through a
monthly radio address and
frequent speeches, which
can sometime look and
sound like exercises in
chor eo gr aphed
triumphalism. Unlike his
Manmohan Singh, Mr
Modi is
a better
But all of this is still strangely - not translating
into a resurgent economy:
performing well, industrial
output is flat, bank credit
property market is gloomy.
Messy taxation is putting
off investors. A simpler
and fairer land acquisition
law that many believe India
badly needs to build
infrastructure and industry
has become a lightning rod
for discontent, and unless
it gains bipartisan support,
could be doomed to
legislative limbo.
The goods and services tax,
India’s single biggest tax
reform after Independence,
appears to be embroiled in
differences, and many
believe that a watered
down version is now being
pushed through in what is
seen as a shoddy
commodity prices and bad
weather have led to an
unprecedented crisis in
farming. There are reports
about villagers suffering
and confusion arising out
of reported cutbacks to
social welfare programmes.
Also, many say, it is not
clear whether Mr Modi is
a serious reformer or
comfortable with tinkering
with the status quo. Or
whether, as economist Vivek
Dehejia says, Mr Modi is
attempting to deliver
gradualist, rather than a
radical, trajectory”.
There is talk about reducing
bloated government, but no
radical reforms seem to be
on the table. Some of Mr
Modi’s ambitious projects
so far look like retreads of
older ones. Failure to fix the
basics could easily hobble
each programme.
Mr Modi wants to set up
100 smart cities, but most
of India’s main cities have
turned into urban dystopias.
Nobody quite knows what
Digital India means in a
elementary mobile telephone
network is broken. How
India will manufacture lots
of goods in Mr Modi’s Make
in India programme with a
low-skilled, poorly educated
people is not clear. Mr
Modi appears to be fainthearted about tackling
corruption at the bottom,
which hurts the poor most.
This, according to journalist
James Crabtree, could stem
from an “unwillingness to
Iodized salt protects
from goiter and mental
BP Koirala Institute
of Health Sciences
and Hospitals,
Dharan is
because to win the reelection in 2019 he will need
lots of money.
“The present government
has been almost hyperactive
in its approach. The
problem is that, when all is
said and done, it is not clear
that the whole is greater than
the sum of its parts,” says
Milan Vaishnav of Carnegie
Washington DC.
His critics say Mr Modi is a
control freak who has
concentrated too much
power in his hands.
Although he has pledged
stern action against
religious violence, a series
of church attacks - which
police deny had anything
to do with the Christian
irresponsible rabble rousing
by some of his hardline
ministers and Hindu groups
has led to what former BJP
minister Arun Shourie calls
“greater anxiety in social
Others worry about what
they say is Mr Modi and
the party’s intolerance to
criticism - analyst TN
Ninan says it follows
“subaltern siege mentality:
you are either one of us or
not one of us, there is no
room for middle ground”,
an attitude that has has led
to a crackdown on civil
society activists and
hostility towards the
media, among other things.
Mr Modi’s problem is that
he doesn’t have the luxury
his predecessors enjoyed.
He raised massive hopes of
transforming India; the
expectations can bite badly.
Failing to deliver on a single
major challenge could trip
him up. Some 13 million
Indians are seeking jobs
every year, and if Mr Modi
cannot get them work, he
won’t have their votes.
This is no longer an India
which is endlessly willing
to wait patiently. Mr Modi
must know that - and that
he needs to do more.
Sources : BBC
Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been
conducting eye-checkups for hundreds
of thousand school-going chldren of
Nepal and has been distributing
India Provides more than 2500
scholorships annually to Nepalese
students for various
Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India.
Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 014266141,
E-mail: [email protected], Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha