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Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation Expresses condolences to the Nepalese people in the
aftermath of recent earthquakes
The Abi Kattel Memorial Foundation is deeply saddened by the recent major earthquakes in
Nepal. The Foundation extends its condolences to the families of the deceased during the
catastrophic earthquakes as well as the deepest sympathies and prayers to those who survived,
but are living in dire conditions. The country needs help to rebound, and this process will take
many years.
On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the
country of Nepal followed by hundreds of aftershocks,
some as high as a 6.7 magnitude. On May 12, 2015, a
second massive earthquake of 7.3 magnitude hit the
same areas, which were already damaged and
In the aftermath of those two earthquakes and more than
240 aftershocks, what once stood as a historic and proud country has been completely
damaged. As many as 500,000 houses have been destroyed, and over 300,000 damaged.
Nepal’s deadliest earthquake in 80 years killed over 8,500 people, and many more are likely to
perish in the conditions left behind, without the ability to find shelter, clean water, or enough
The government has estimated damage caused due to the earthquake to be around $10 billion,
and that does not take into account the ongoing struggles and economic losses that will likely
befall the country for years to come.
On May 15, 2015, the United Nations adopted a resolution, led and
co-sponsored by India, calling on the international community to
assist Nepal and help rebuild the country following the devastating
earthquake. The resolution was adopted by consensus at the United
Nations during a special 193-member General Assembly session.
India took the lead negotiating the resolution, and it was cosponsored by 65 other nations including Australia, Bangladesh, China, Germany, Japan, Nepal,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, UK and the US. The Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, called on
the international
community to rally in
support of the country
and invest for the long
haul so that the country
can sustain itself as it
recovers and rebuilds
from the devastating
Because of this natural tragedy, Nepal needs incredible help to
rebuild and reconstruct. The Foundation plans to help in any way
possible, especially to ensure the rebuilding of the educational
sector. The hopes and dreams of a nation are built on the future of
its youth, and education plays a central role.
Nepal will rebound, as its people are a strong and resilient group.
The Foundation intends to help in any way it possibly can.
Photo Source: Various Social Media