YadavRameshwar Ray Yadav Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad The Voice Of www.madheshvani.com Adopting Dedication to National Integration , Nationality and Madheshism, National Weekly Madheshvani publishes on Every Friday . Search and get ‘ Madheshvani’ for reading. Kathmandu / Vol.–6/ Issue – 6, Monday, June 8th 2015, ( 2072, Jeshtha 25th ) Page- 8, Price Rs. -10 Why does government of national consensus require? Rajendra Mahato (President, Sadabhawana Party) It is not time to talk of government. We all should unite for relief and reconstruction. We require national consesnsu for relief, reconstruction and constitution. Sharatsingh Bhandari (President, National Madhesh Socialist Party) For political reconstruction and Physical reconstruction all forces of country should unite. For that government of national consensus is required. National government will bring all forces at a point for nation building. New government should be made under UML leaderwship. Ratneshwarlal Kaystha (Spokesperson, Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Nepal) Our priorities are constitution and reconstruction. For that national consensus is required not national government. Anilkumar Jha ( President,Nepal Sadabhawana Party) I have no idea about formation of national government. We have not concluded any dissison about to join a national government. Rajkishore Yadav (President, Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Republic) There is no decision taken from Madheshi Front about to join a national government. It will be a haste to say something about national government. Ramnaresh Ray ( Senior leader, Tarai Madhesh Sadabhawana Party Nepal) National Government should be formed for ensuring the outcome of constitution. It is weakness of leaders of Madheshi Front for issuing its official stand about a national government. Manish Suman (General Secretary, Sadabhawana Party) Current government is a failed government for addressing national disaster and declaring constitution. For fighting with Madheshi Parties are without agenda Mahantha Thakur Upendra Yadav Bijaya Gachhadar Rajendra Mahato Sharat Singh Bhandari Mahendra Yadav Kathmandu .Behaviors of Madhesh based parties have produced them naked before leaders of traditional political parties and tarnished the image of Madhesh Moverment and Madh esh Rebel. Shameless Mad heshi Parties have failed to learn lessons from Madhesh Movement and Madhesh Rebel but followed steps taken by UCPN (Maoist). This proves Madhesh based parties have no agenda. Some analysts say that agenda of Madhesh are with Maoists or ethier Dr. CK Raut or Goiet like armed group. All Madhesh based parties are holdin g Madh eshi cards only for capturing opportunity so they search a space to stand in socalled national government. Madheshi parties want ensurance of tentative boundaries. They have said to Major three parties Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN (Maoist) when they are preparing to form a commission to settle dispu tes over the demarcation of federal states in order to form national government. Madheshi parties said that all the issues related to demarcation could not be entru sted to a new commission as proposed by the ruling parties in a meeting between the 30party alliance and the three parties held at Prime Minister Sushil Koirala’s official residen ce in Baluwatar on Saturday. Known as pro-ruling parties Madheshi leader and president of Madhesi Janad hikar ForumLoktantrik, Bijaykumar Gachhedar, has supported the proposal but other regional parties such as the Rajen dra Mahato-led Sadbhawana Party and the Tarai-Madhes Loktantrik Party led by Mah anta Thakur want a tentative agreement on the borders while the parties reach a package deal on the agendas. According to leaders of Sadbhawana Party all the Madheshi parties sought the position of the main forces on the demarcation. The regional parties are against mixing Madheshi based districts with the hill districts to form a province. They also made it clear that it should be one province in Tarai Continue in page 4 ... After consensus on major agenda Former minister Gupta is to release from jail national government: Forum Kathmandu: Fromer minister Shyamsundar Gupta, serving jail term under Kathmandu. Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Nepal has concluded the requirement of consensus on national policy for earthquake victims and internal core substance. Before consensus on such policies there will be no meaning of national government. Party has ordered its leadership to be active in relief goods distribution, reconstruction and rebuilding works. kidnapping like criminal case, has been allowed to be released possibly sooner from jail by the verdict of Kathmandu District Court. District Judge Kulprasad Sharma has given judgement and according to his judgement Gupta’s jail term is to be completed. He was punished to be sent jail for 3 years and 6 months only and he has almost already served the period in jail. His accusation of involvement in kidnapping businessman Pawankumar Sanghai was approved in court. Shyamsundar Gupta 2 Monday, 8th June , 2015 Editorial Naked Madheshi Parties It is said in Tarai Madhesh , piparke paat sa kathi danke raksha , it means if a body is completely naked the prestige of that naked body can’t be cover just with a leaf of Pipal. Madheshi Parties of Nepal are in the same position. As much they have been dancing as per direction of traditional ruling parties their clothing has dropped from their body and they are completely naked. The demand of Madhesh Movement and Madhesh Rebel was One Madhesh One State. Government had to knell down bef ore the Madhesh Rebel because the situation had gone to be separation as the agenda then introduced b y J a yk r i s h n a G o i e t l e d a r m e d g r o u p s . Traditional ruling parties’ leaders knew that even Chinese support couldn’t keep Madhesh in N e p a l o n c e i t we n t b e yo n d t h e c o n t r o l . Government of Nepal signed agreements with Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Nepal first but the think tanks of government of Nepal said that it was blunder signing the agreement without mixing their agents in Madhesh Movement. The first agreement was distorted and made situations to join different actors in Madhesh Movement and second agreement named 8 points was signed. Since then those leaders of signatory parties have collecting wealth in their bags instead of empowering Madhesh and Madheshi. All have seen their nakedness. Now they have planned to join the government but they want of searching a leaf of Pipal for covering their prestige which is meaningless. Their honesty will be proved only by behaviors because they have left the agenda of One Madhesh One State. Now nothing is to be dropped by naked Madheshi Parties. PHOTO CORNER Receiver of National Journalism Award 2071 and Senior Journalist Award 2071 with Minister of Information and Communication Dr. Minendra Rijal at center from left to right Dharmendra Jha, Meghraj Sharma, Tejprakash Pundit and Kushumkeshav Parajuli having a photo session program organized at Ministry of Infromation and Communication. 2072, Jeshtha 25th National Weekly Twists And Turns In The IndiaChina Border Saga -2 ZORAWAR DAULET SINGH Let us, again, explore the geopolitical context underlying China’s postures. While the ice had been broken in SinoAmerican ties in 1971, the normalisation process assumed a greater impetus after Mao’s demise and the arrival of a reformist Deng Xiaoping. A month before Vajpayee’s February 1979 visit, Deng was in Washington engaging in candid exchanges with the Carter administration on countering the “Polar Bear”. Both sides were quite explicit that SinoAmerican geostrategy must seek to wean India away from its Soviet ally. US national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski told Deng, “The U.S. has improved its relations with India” and “it’s important for Sino-Indian relations to improve as well”. Deng “agreed” with this logic. On Pakistan, Deng urged Carter to provide “solid assistance”. In January 1980, Deng told visiting US Defense Secretary, Harold Brown that “after Pakistan has been strengthened, India will become a more stabilising factor” in South Asia. Brown’s comments to Chinese Vice-Premier Geng Biao are instructive: “Indians must be brought to realise that there is no longer a concern about a threat from China. We think it is important that you renew a dialogue with the new Indian government and seek a compromise understanding on the border issue that would permit India to turn its attention elsewhere.” China’s attempted rapprochement with India must be located in the wider geopolitics of the time. In June 1981, formal border talks were initiated after Huang Hua’s meeting with Indira Gandhi. Eight rounds of talks were held between December 1981 and 1988. During the initial rounds, both sides adhered to their bargaining playbooks: India sought to address the eastern sector first which it viewed as relatively solvable and hoped to create a positive atmosphere for discussions on the western sector. China favoured a “comprehensive settlement”. Then, in the sixth round in November 1985, Chinese negotiators pressed claims in the eastern sector south of the McMahon Line. In an interview to Indian journalists in June 1986, China’s Vice Foreign Minister, Liu Shuqing, said “the eastern sector is the biggest dispute and key to the overall situation”. The official Chinese statement after the seventh round in July 1986 stated, “The Indian side noted a hardening of the Chinese stand…”. Again, the changing geopolitical environment might explain the shift in Beijing’s approach. By 1983, China was once again beginning to rebalance its foreign policy towards non-alignment after problems over Taiwan resurfaced in US-China relations. For its part, Moscow was attempting its own rapprochement with the post-Maoist leadership and offered to re-open border talks in February 1982. The post-Brezhnev Soviet leadership continued its China outreach with Huang Hua visiting Moscow in November 1982. Finally, in July 1986, Gorbachev sought to structurally transform the Sino-Soviet relationship and pave the way for a normalisation process culminating in Gorbachev’s 1989 China visit. During Gorbachev’s India visit in November 1988, “The Soviets made it clear that they wanted to normalise their relations with China, and called upon India to do likewise.” With Moscow assuming a neutral position on the India-China dispute, the impact on China’s calculus was clear. China changed its posture by demanding serious concessions in the eastern sector. By the time of the Rajiv Gandhi-Deng Xiaoping December 1988 summit, India’s global geopolitical position had actually weakened with China no longer perceiving India through a triangular Sino-Soviet lens. The next big move came in April 2005 during Wen Continue ... The writer is research scholar at King’s College London and author of India China Relations: The Border Issue and Beyond (2009) Source : http://www.outlookindia.com/ article/twists-and-turns-in-the-indiachinaborder-saga/294406 3 Monday, 8 th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th National Weekly Government seen rare at the door of victims Major weakness of government is to fail managing those relief goods arrived at international airport by our international agencies and distributed them to earthquake victims. I have not heard government helped victims from its own fund. That is the second largest weakness of government. People can say that they have got tents from government but government has not said that from where those tents received. You are also engaged in distributing relief goods to earthquake victims. Where did you distribute relief goods to victims? -14 to 16 districts are declared most affected area by earthquake. We have sent some relief goods to these districts from our own efforts. Very soon we will send relief goods and operate our volunteers to help the victims in Sidhupalchok and Nuwakot. We have planned to build temporary houses for them. We have sent relief goods to Sindhuplchok, Nuwakot, Dolkha and Ramechhap like districts. Also we have collected relief goods from different donors and distributed them in Kathmandu valley. Sadabhawana Party though focused to Madhesh has assisted to earthquake victims being a responsible national party. Sadabhawana Party stands with all earthquake victims. What are additional programs prepared for the victims? Would your party like to contribute in reconstruction? -Being a responsible opposition party we have passed commitment proposal for helping earthquake victims. We knock the door of government for assisting victims. ‘ Mr. Prime Minister, presence of your government has been seen at the door of earthquake victims very weak.’ After 25th of Aril, international aid agencies brought food for us at the international airport but just 4 km far from the airport , in Tundikhel, people had to sleep without food. But government failed to bring those foods from airport to Tundikhel. Still many people are beneath the ruins of buildings but those dead bodies are yet to be rescued. International donor agencies are ready to help but government has barred them by the history of Nepal. Our Prime Minister has to know the news of earthquake from the twit of Indian Prime Minister. Prime Minister has been seen doing nothing. Rescue and relief has not been done effectively. Victims have not got expenses provided from government to offer final rituals for their dead family members. Now the threat of flood is terrorizing victims. They are far from relief and rescue of government. All this goes to government and government should take all this responsibility. After the April 25 th Manish Suman General Secretary (Sadabhawana Party) goods arrived at international airport by our international agencies and distributed them to earthquake victims. I have not heard government helped victims from its own fund. That is the second largest weakness of government. People can say that they have got tents from government but government has not said that from where Government is helpless and workless. I have not those tents received. found such helpless and workless government in Government has no the history of Nepal. Our Prime Minister has to any master plan to know the news of earthquake from the twit of rescue , relief and Indian Prime Minister. Prime Minister has been seen doing nothing. Rescue and relief has not been reconstruct. These are the major weakness done effectively. Victims have not got expenses provided from government to offer final rituals for o f g o ve r nmen t. their dead family members. These are to be done immediately. We all o p p o sit io ns ha ve creating one door government has done given full support to windows to help. To seek something. If you are government. We said help we see nationalism. asked to give numbers the government that Some PAs of powerful out of 10 what will you we were ready to work with government for ministers have been give? found involved in taking - I can’t give 2 out 10 earthquake victims. advantage from relief numbers. Ministers of Now we monsoon has d i s t r i b u t i o n . government have been come nearer. Tents Government is giving speech longer but can’t give protection responsible to handle all relief goods yet to to victims now. What d o y o u sa y a b o ut this irregularities. reach to victims. What do you think Where do you point the this? government is weak? weakness of - In this prospectus, ac ti ven es s of - Government is helpless government? government is around and workless. I have not - Major weakness of found such helpless and government is to fail zero. Here also I can workless government in managing those relief gi ve 2 o ut o f 1 0 . Mi ni st er s of government are doing so me whe r e o n t he basis of their party supporters. Recently the theft of ti n sh eet ha s b e en seen. Wha t do yo u say? -A minister sent tin sheet to Nuwakot for the victims but his PA wanted to bring back Ka thman d u to se ll th em. G o v er n me nt o fficials have b een se en in vo lve d in corruption. Wh a t d i d yo u s ee international assistance especially about In d i a n assistance? - At the time of great disaster of earthquake, I n d i a i s t h e mo s t th ankf ul f r ie nd s o f Nepal. Different neighboring countries and friends helped us but among them India responded earthquake immediately. People who don’t count high of Indian contribution have meaningless nationalism. I being N ep al i t ha nk I n d i a mo r e a n d m o r e t o assisting Nepal after the destruction of earthquake. 4 Monday, 8th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th Over 20 million rupees distributed to the families of Deceased Indian Army Soldiers National Weekly Madhesh Update Active for declaring Free Open Defecation Area Kathmandu: Embassy of India has remained committed towards helping Bhu Pus (Exservicemen), Widows and Next of Kins (NoKs) of deceased Indian Army Soldiers, since its inception. It achieved another milestone by distributing Rs 2,00,09,804/- to the Bhu Pus, Widows and Next of Kins of deceased soldiers of Indian Armed Forces. Shailendra Jha, Rautahat. Abhiyan Nepal has started campaign for declaring Rautahat district free open defecation area. But villagers accused that Abhiyan Nepal used police arrested people who have no money to make toilet instead of assisting them. Abiyan is doing the way of terrorizing instead of making them aware about making toilet in greed of 2 lakh rupees. VDC will get 2 lakh if it is declared free defecation area. In a special occasion organized by the Defence Wing of Embassy of India, Ambassador of India to Nepal, Shri Ranjit Rae felicitated 13 Bhu Pus, widows and NoKs, by distributing cheques worth Rs 2,00,09,804/-. The Mission is also addressing all welfare projects for Bhu Pus and NoKs with an aim to benefit maximum people and ensuring timely settlement of their grievances. Birgunj. Ahamdaiya Union has distributed relief goods to earthquake victims of Lele VDC Lalitpur district. 100 households were given matter survival box to them. According to representatives of union the box includes water filter and 32 kinds of domestic goods will help victims. Nepal Aid Efforts Hampered by Discrimination: Amnesty International London : Aid in quake-hit Nepal is being hampered by gender, caste and ethnic discrimination, Amnesty International has said while cautioning the government and army against playing politics over relief efforts. The rights organisation at a briefing here last night called on Nepalese authorities and the international community to put human rights at the core of the earthquake response. “The devastating earthquake that hit Nepal has killed thousands and left hundreds of thousands in dire need of aid. Nepali and international actors –including civil society — have responded to this humanitarian crisis heroically, but there are some serious issues brewing that need to be addressed urgently,” said Richard Bennett, Amnesty International’s Asia Pacific Director. “A human rights-compliant approach to the disaster response will be critical to ensuring that the quest for equality, justice and accountability in Nepal does not lose ground as the country struggles to recover from the devastation,” he said. An Amnesty International delegation that visited Nepal in the aftermath of the massive 7.9-magn itude April 25 earthquake found that groups who are often the target of discriminatory treatment in Nepal included women, dalits, indigenous people or people with disabilities. They are facing increased challenges when accessing urgently needed relief, it said. “Survivors report that in some communities the aid effort has been politically manipulated. Those with Protection and respect for human rights have been severely weak en ed b y Nepal’s unsettled political climate lead in g to a governan ce vacuum at local levels, h e said . Amnesty also cautioned the Nepali government and army against playing politics over relief efforts. “Under international law, N epal h as a d u ty to ensure that aid reaches th ose w h o n eed it – regardless of where it is comin g f rom. P layin g politics with people’s lives is deplorable,” Bennett said. Madheshi Parties ... parties the ruling CPNUML has mou nted pressure on the government to come up with timebound working calendar that could en sure promulgation of a new constitution by mid-July. UML want anyhow to get chair of Prime Minister so the party has warned of adopting other alternatives such as a decision to recall its ministers from Sushil Koirala-led government. UML leaders concluded this by a meetin g of Standing Committee held at the party Chairman KP Sharma Oli’s residence on Saturd ay. UML leaders believe that Prime Minister Koirala is not interested in announcing the constitution before his party’s General Convention scheduled for September. In th is prospectus, Madheshi parties have seen no opportunity will come possibly sooner so they want to overthrow Koirala led government in the name of national government. According to sources Madhesh parties have been facing problems for running their party business so they want anyhow join the government. They are only searching a space to wash their faces such stands. All is planned for using leaders of Madheshi parties in the contemporary dram of politics. Madh esh if not there should not be more than two provinces. There are differences among the parties over whether Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Kailali, Kanchanpur and Chitwan districts should remain in Mad hesh provinces. In the run up to the January 22 statute promulgation deadline, the parties had failed to find consensus on the federal set-up due to the row over the alignment of these Madhesh based districts. Traditional ruling parties to seal constitution plan Feelin g the nerves of agen da less and shameless Mad heshi ‘muscle’ political connections -– end up claimin g desp erately needed supplies meant for everyon e. A ll actors involved in the relief and reconstruction effort must ensure that human rights p rincip les are fu lly respected,” said Bennett. Ahamdiya Union distributed relief 6 states to be approved Kathmandu. Nepali Congress has opened its stand for formation of states in between 6 to 8. The party has also said that name of the states should be given state assembly after the formation. Maoists and Madhesh based parties seem to support the agenda. UML Dhanusha Secretary arrested Janakpur. Police has arrested UML Dhanusha Secretary Laxminarayan Yadav under murder case. According to Krishna Prasain ,CDO of Dhanusha, absconded Yadav was arrested from Mahuwa -4 . He with alternative politburo Yognarayan Yadav was accused in murder case of management committee election of Madan Ashrit Lower Secondary School of Sabaila. Ramsevak Raut was arrested during the election of the management. 29 were accused in the case and out of them 4 have been already arrested. Alternative politburo member Yadav is still out of contact. Arrested with recharge cards Mahottary. Mahottary Police has arrested three with 1000 recharge cards from Dhamaura VDC. Arrested are 27 years Jitendrakumar Sharma inhabitant of Dhamaura VDC-8, 25 years Shanaullah Ansari and 17 years Haider Rain inhabitant of ward 9. Rs 100 of NTC 19,Rs 100 of NCELL 190, Rs 50 OF NCELL 380,Rs 300 of NCELL 20 AND Rs 500 of NCELL 10 were seized from them. Arrested three robbed recharge card equals to 19,900 and 555 cash from Anjani Medical Hall. Rupendehi sends relief of 15 lakhs to victims Rupendehi. Rupendehi district has sent relief goods equals to 15 lakhs for earthquake victims of Gorkha district in association of different organizations. Three trucks relief goods sent to Manbu and Bhumi VDC of Gorkha district. Relief goods like rice, pulse, beaten rice, flour, salt, cooking oil, potatoes and noodles were sent to victims. Relief goods were assisted from them who works in US, Korea and gulf countries. Monitoring of road construction work Birgunj. CA member Bichari Yadav has monitored the road construction work at Udaypur Ghurmi of Birgunj Sub Metro Politian -30 by 12 lakhs of parliament fund of Yadav.18ft wide 850 long road is to be graveled after putting soil. A fly wing found in bottle of Ruslan Vodka Rakesh Yadav, Rautahat. A fly wing has been found in bottle of wine named Ruslan Vodka produced by Asian Distrilory Parsa. Company has not shown interests even given the information. CDO Madan Bhujel said this matter goes to Domestic Industry Office. This happens till consumer is not aware of it. Died by current Dhanusha. 3 years of Manish Paswan son of Shyam Paswan inhabitant of Mithila Municipality 3 has died by current. And 3 years of Kavita Kumar Das daughter of Naresh Das has injured. 24 lakh lost by fire Kapilvastu. House of Ramdev Kurmi inhabitant of Pathardehiya2 Mainari of Kapilvastu has been burnt causing a loss of 24 lakhs on Sunday. 5 Monday, 8th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th National Weekly Nepal hasn’t lost its beauty Corporate News Nepal is known for adventure trekking. Of the 35 trekking routes, only four sustained damages in the April 25 earthquake. However, it was wrongly reported in the international community that almost all these tourist destinations were destroyed by the earthquake. Vice-chairman of Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN), Kul Gurung said Annapurna trekking route, which tops the list of the most favored routes by tourists in Nepal, is totally safe. More than 100,000 tourists travel to this route each year. Likewise, Sagarmatha National Park and Sagarmatha Base Camp, the second in the list, also did not sustain any damage. Every year, over 33,000 tourists trek along this route. Manaslu, Rolwaling, Rubi Valley and Lamtang trails are the only four affected by the quake. All other trekking routes are in the same condition they were before the quake and are completely safe. Meanwhile, Manaslu has an alternative trekking route, says tourism entrepreneur Saroj Thapa. Likewise, among the 10 National Parks, only Lamtang National Park was affected by the quake. All others are safe. Although heritage sites enlisted in the UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites suffered damages in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Free water stall installed by former ca member Sanjay Tiwari, Kalaiya. Pramod Prasad Gupta former ca member and central member of Madheshi Janadhikar Forum Nepal has installed free water supply stall for people. Temperature has rose beyond 40 degree Celsius in Bara district so people have been suffering and require water. For them ,the free water distribution stall has been installed at Martyr Chowk of Kalaiya. To relief marriage expenses deducted Mani Prasad Gaire, Kapilvastu. Krishna Prasad Bhushal has deducted expenses of his last son Ashim Bhusal to assist earthquake victims. He donated 55 555 rupees to them. He gave a cheque to CDO Binod Prakash Singh. Ashim got married with Bijaya,last daughter of Umanand Subedi inhabitant of Arghatosh of Arghakhanchi on 31 May. Lalitpur, major attraction sites in Lalitpur and Bhaktapur are intact or only need some reparations before they can be opened for visitors. Tourism Hotel Organization said 90 percent hotels are safe. Yet, number of tourists has fallen sharply after the earthquake.Tourism expert Gyaneswor Mahato says in addition to telling the tourists that Nepal is safe for travel. it will be a good opportunity to inform them about new trekking routes and take them there.The new routes Humla-RaraKhaptap trail, Lumbasumba Pass and Baglung-Rolpa guerilla route are all safe. Sources : Setopati 240 trucks of relief from India Birgunj. Indian Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) has assisted 24 millions tents to Nepal for earthquake victims. On Wednesday, the tents were handed to CDO of Chief District Officers. Indian consular Jasvir Singh handed tents to CDO Keshavraj Ghimire. 240 trucks relief goods already sent ,said another consular Rajesh Kumar. Whether Front is or not: Jha Kat hma nd u. Anilkumar Jha ,President of Nepal Sadabhawana Party, has said that he did not know whe t he r M a dhe s hi Fr o nt wa s active or not. He accepted that he had been member of the Front but he had no feeling of Front. The leaders of Front don’t like to have dialogue with member parties. Manakamana Cable Car service resumes Chitwan : The Manakamana Cable Car that was closed for long after the April 25 earthquake has come into operation from Sunday though there would not be regular worship in the Manakamana Temple. Station Manager of the Cable Car Company DN Kayastha said that the decision to run the cable car service was taken considering the flow of devotees. The cable car that came into operation from May 10 was closed after the powerful aftershocks on May 12. As the cable car resumed its service after one and a half month gap, the devotees have flocked to the temple even to worship outside the temple. The temple has witnessed serious crack due to quake and it has tilted. The demolition of the temple is expected to take a month period as the task would be started on Monday after worshiping the Gajur (pinnacle) and taking out the same from the temple. Regular worship of goddess Devi would be conducted by constructing a makeshift site after demolishing the temple. With the obstruction of the cable car service for long, the operators have had to bear loss of Rs 50 million. India approves 3 new air routes into Nepal Kathmandu : The government of India has approved three new air routes that will facilitate cross-border entry and exit to and from Nepal. Speaking at a function organized in the capital to discuss key tourism campaigns to revive tourism in Nepal, Indian Ambassador Ranjit Rae said that notification about the three new routes will come very soon through a formal letter but they cannot be unveiled right now. A ccord in g to a h igh ranking official at the Min istry of C u ltu re, Tourism an d C ivil Aviation (MoC TCA ), In dia h as agreed to p rovid e th ree n ew air entry points at Janakpur, Biratn agar an d Nepalgunj. “We were about to finalize the new entry routes but because of th e earth q u ake w e could not do so; it will be finalized soon,” said the official, adding that this will help bring in more Indian tourists. Rae said the opening of new routes from Nepal to Indian cities will benefit N ep al at a time w h en region al intern ation al airports in Pokhara and Bhairahawa and a second international airport in Bara are un d er construction. We will also facilitate the opening of sh orter rou tes an d entrepreneurs should take optimum benefit from it,” Rae said. At present, the Simara route is th e on ly on e allowed for aircraft flying to Nepal from India. Nepal is also working to op en a n ew rou te via Mahendranagar that will connect to China as well. MoCTCA has already held talks with China on this issue and both China and India are positive towards it, according to the ministry official. Tourism entrepreneurs say that opening of an air route to India from Pokhara, the ren ow n ed tourist destination, will greatly help in the recovery of the tourism industry. Sources : MyRepublic 6 Monday, 8th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th ENTERTAINMENT Parents resisted when I joined filmdom: Priyanka Chopra She is one of the most s ou gh t -a f te r B ol l ywood a ct re s se s, b u t P ri ya nk a Chopra s a ys her “conservative Punjabi family” wa s n ot e xc i t e d whe n s h e entered the film industry over a decade back. The 32-yearold sha red that her f amily i ni t ia l l y r es i st e d. “I c ome from a conservative Punjabi f amily. T here was a lot of resistance when I joined the industry. But later my parents gave me wings and let me do what I wanted to,” P riyanka sai d af ter t he sc reen ing of “Di l Dh adakn e Do” at the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Weekend and Awards here. She also shared that her onscreen character Ayesha in “Dil Dhadakne Do” represents most women in India. “Girls are put in a box … no matter what you are or what you want, “ she said about her character, who doesn’t vocally give her opinion much. Her co-star Anushka Sharma is also happy to be a part of the Zoya Akhtar directorial. “It f eels good to be a part of good cinema. P eople are t a l k in g a b ou t ge n d e r e q u al i t y s h own i n t h e f il m. M y character wasn’t allowed to take up dancing as a profession as it isn’t considered to be ideal for girls from a good family, so she had to r un a way f rom her hous e to pur sue her dream,” Anushka said. “You just need to follow your dream and be happy,” she said, who plays “fearless Farah” in the film which released on Friday (June 5). Deepika Padukone: My mother is real hero in family Deepika Padukone, who was last seen as a caring and selfless daughter in ‘Piku’, says it’s her mother who keeps the family together. Actress Deepika Padukone, who was last seen as a caring and selfless daughter in this year’s hit movie “Piku”, says it’s her mother who keeps the family together and inspires her. She is the daughter of former badminton ace Prakash Padukone and has a sister who is a golf player, but it’s her mother that she looks up to the most. “We all inspire each other in different ways, but it’s my mother who inspires me the most. She is the backbone of our family. My father is a celebrity and my sister started her golf career, but my mother was never in the spotlight. She is happy taking a backseat. My mother is the real hero in my family,” Deepika told reporters after being felicitated with Woman of the Year award at the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Weekend and Awards here on Sunday.The actress, who has given hits like “Happy New Year” and “Cocktail”, says she has experienced different phases in her career.“‘Om Shanti Om’ wasn’t quintessential debut film. I played double role in the film. One was classic and the other one contemporary. I like to do films with challenging roles. I know I’ve made mistakes, but I am proud of those films as they taught me something. I don’t come from a film background and I didn’t even know how to deliver dialogues, so it has been a learning experience,” said the “Piku” star. Aamir Khan’s ‘PK’ grosses record 100 million yuan in China Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan’s “PK” has set a new record grossing 100 million yuan (USD 16.70 million) in China, becoming the first Indian film to touch the three figure mark in the largely restrictive Chinese movie market. “PK”, which is having a dream run in China since its Chinese version was released in on May 22, has hit the hundred million yuan mark today,” Prasad Shetty, partner in Chinese firm Strategic Alliance, which promotes Indian films in China, told PTI. While it is a record for an Indian film, PK’s China revenue has surpassed USD 10.6 million earnings in US-Canada, the traditional overseas market for Indian films, he said. Also “PK” has done better than George Clooney’s Hollywood movie “Tomorrowland”, which was released around the same time in China, Shetty said. This means “PK” has crossed a threshold in Chinese market making it even bigger than US-Canada market, which could make the Indian film media take the Chinese market seriously, he said. There is euphoria about the movie’s success both in Indian film and diplomatic circles as its success came when the two countries reached agreements for joint productions giving them the status of locally produced movies. This would provide filmmakers of the both the countries a huge combined market. Unlike any other Indian movie, “PK” had the distinction of being screened in about 5000 screens all over China. It is still expected to go on for few more weeks in various theatres as it continues to do well, Shetty said. The movie’s success shows that Indian films with common social theme could have good run in China. While “PK” hits out at the blind religious beliefs, Aamir’s previous movie “3 Idiots” also became very popular in China as it highlighted the plight of students to succeed in a highly competitive education system. “PK” has also won rave reviews in the China with film critics pointing out that the country can learn from Bollywood in producing comedy films. Iodized salt protects from goiter and mental retardation. BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences and Hospitals, Dharan is Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh has been conducting eye-checkups for hundreds of thousand school-going chldren of Nepal and has been distributing India Provides more than 2500 scholorships annually to Nepalese students for various Issue in public Interest by Nepal- India. 7 Monday, 8 th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th international Souring China business climate risks U.S. investment treaty talks BEIJING (Reuters) - China and the United States will swap initial demands for an investment treaty a s e a r ly a s Mo n d a y, s o u r c e s s a i d , b u t U . S . i n ve s t o r s a r e already worried that an emerging raft of Chinese regulations could threaten the future of talks. In exchanging demands, the world’s two largest e co no mie s will outline industry sectors that each side deems to be closed to the other s i d e ’ s i nves t ors . Such “negative lists” will define the scope of the treaty and are already months overdue. China has more restrictions on foreign investment than the United States, and U.S. investors hope t h a t a t r e a t y w i ll g i ve t h e m i n c r e a s e d a c c e s s t o C h i n a ’s ma n y t i g h t ly c o n t r o l le d industries, from financial services to healthcare. But three sources familiar with the treaty talks say U.S. negotiators expect Beijing to c o me u p w i t h a n e x p a n s i v e “negative list”, noting that it has pursued in recent months new rules that could further restrict foreign access to sensitive sectors. “After 35 years of reform and opening in China, there are enough data points out there to suggest we are now seeing a reversal,” one source said. Be ij in g’s co mme rc e mi ni st ry c o u ld n o t b e r e a c h e d f o r comment but it has said foreign i n ve s t o r s enjoy ample opportunity in China. Beijing has also complained of restrictions on Chinese investment in U.S. infrastructure and technology, and says its firms are singled out in U.S. national security reviews. H o w e v e r, C h i n a i s p u r s u i n g legislation, including rules on national security and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which are seen as aggressive and overreaching by some within the foreign business community. For example, China’s draft National Security Law and Anti-terrorism Law, which could be adopted this year, call for the use of “secure and controllable” technology developed in China or which uses source code released to Chinese inspectors. Another pending law on foreign NGOs, which includes myriad b us i ne s s g r ou p s, wo u ld g ive police broad supervisory power over their budgets, agendas and personnel decisions. GROWING PESSIMISM Those moves, along with fears t ha t Ch i ne se r e gu la t or s ar e t a r g e t i n g f o r e i g n f i r ms i n competition probes, have led to d e c a d e s -h i g h le ve ls of pessimism among foreign National Weekly Madheshvani Radio Program ( Sunday to Friday) Devoted towards the National Integration, Nationality and Madheshbad F.M Radio Rajdhani Radio Sunrise Red F.M 101 MHZ Place Time 100.6 Kathmandu 10:40 P.M 90.2 Jhapa -Birtamod_ Morang Radio Rudraksha i n ve s t o r s . T h e A me r i c a n Chamber of Commerce in China wrote to the Chinese g o ve r n me n t l a s t w e e k t o complain about the security law. “ It raises fundamental questions about whether future commitments by China to open its markets to foreign investment will produce the intended results,” the chamber said in a letter seen by Reuters. It sai d t he draf t law risk ed “undermining the ongoing BIT (Bilateral Investment Treaty) n e g o t i a t i o n s ” . C o m me r c i a l relations have also been soured by a ll e g a t i o n s from Wa s h i n g t o n t h a t C h i n e s e hackers have been behind recent attacks on U.S. g o ve r n me n t a g e n c i e s a n d A me r i c a n c o mp a n i e s . L a s t week, U.S. officials accused Chinese hackers of a breach of government databases to steal files on four million federal employees, the latest in a string of espionage charges leveled at China. Officials in Beijing said the claims were unscientific and irresponsible. All of this will hang over highlevel U.S.-China strategic and economic talks in Washington in late June. “This is the most difficult time I’ ve s een i n Chi na for multinationals – and I’ve been here close to 30 years,” said James McGregor, the chairman for U.S. public affairs consultancy APCO Worldwide in China. “I have cli ent s asking me whether they will be welcome here much longer,” he said. (Reporting by Michael Martina and Matthew Miller; Editing by Mark Bendeich) Banke 8:15 P.M Mahottari 8:15 P.M (Source:http://finance.yahoo.com/ ne ws /s ou ri ng -c hi na -b us in es sclimate-risks-u-investment-treaty172952176—finance.html) 95.2 93.5 Radio Janakpur Swarnim F.M Rautahat F.M Radio Saugat 9:30 P.M Re- Broadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 104.5 Banke -Jaleshwor_ (Nepalgunj) Radio Jay Madhesh (E xcluded Saturday) -Biratnagar_ 98.8 Popular F.M= 6:30 P.M 101 M h z Radio Rubaru F.M (E xcluded Saturday) 97 96.3 90.8 88.1 Sunsari (Inaruwa) Saptari (Excluded Saturday) (Exclueded Saturday) 9:00 P.M (Exclueded Saturday) 5.20 P.M -Dharampur_ (Excluded Saturday) 5.30 P.M Dhanusha -Janakpurdham_ (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ Rautahat -Gaur_ (Excluded Saturday) Siraha (Lahan) (Excluded Saturday) 8.25 P.M (Excluded Saturday) 6.30 P.M 6.00 P.M 9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:30 A.M (Excluded Saturday) Radio Dhadkan 89.6 Siraha Radio Birgunj 99 Birgunj ( Parsa) 9.15 P.M (Excluded Saturday) Sarlahi -Malangawa_ 9.15 A.M (Excluded Saturday) Radio Safalta 89.3 Radio Madhesh Radio Dauna Bebari Radio Sakhi Radio Baadal Radio Tilaurakot Radio Madi Radio Samarthya 103.4 92.4 Kaski (Pokhara) Kailali (Pahalwanpur) 7.15 P.M (Excluded Friday and Saturday) End 7.00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 95.8 Kailali (jashipur) 6.00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 89 Bara 9:30 P.M ReBroadcast 9:00 A.M (Excluded Saturday) 107.6 Kapilbastu 107.6 Chitwan (Madi ) 92.1 Kawasoti (Navalparasi) 7.30 PM (Excluded Saturday) Every Wednesday 5. 30 PM to 6 PM 7. 00 PM (Excluded Saturday) 8 Monday, 8th June , 2015 2072, Jeshtha 25th Reg. No. 53/067/068 National Weekly PM Modi begins ‘historic’ Dhaka visit, thanks Sheikh Hasina for warm welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi was given a warm welcome by his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina on Saturday as he arrived in Dhaka for an official visit that will focus on closer security and economic ties and agreements to boost connectivity and trade. Breaking protocol, Hasina personally received Modi as he emerged from his special aircraft at S h a h j a l a l International Airport on a bright sunny day. The Indian Prime minister was also given a guard of honour. Modi’s visit was described by foreign Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement that provides for the exchange of 161 enclaves. Before the visit, Modi tweeted that it would “strengthen the bond between our nations, benefiting people of our countries and our region”. Bangladesh prepared a grand welcome for Modi , with signs visible even on the roads of the Bangladeshi capital. The facade of the airport was adorned with messages of welcome in Bangla and English and the flags of the two countries. Cut-outs of Modi and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee dotted the streets along with those The prime ministers of India and Bangladesh will hold one-to-one talks before official talks with their delegations. Modi will also attend a state banquet where he will be served vegetarian dishes. On Sunday, Modi will visit Dhakeshwari Temple, Ramakrishna Mission and the new Indian chancery complex. Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson Khaleda Zia has scheduled a meeting with Modi on Sunday. She had earlier refused to meet President Pranab Mukherjee during his visit in March 2013. The Jamaat Islami Prime Minister Narendra Modi is received by his Bangladeshi counterpart, Sheikh Hasina Wajid, at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka. win situation. Prime Minister Modi’s visit is a landmark one,” he said. “India and Bangladesh are going to be involved in more ways than before,” wrote Mohammad Badrul Ahsan, an opinion writer in the Daily Star newspaper. In Delhi, foreign secretary Jaishankankar said Modi’s visit would be historic and the wrapping up of the land boundary agreement would be the central point of discussion. Both countries are also looking to step up security, defence and economic ties. PM Narendra Modi offers prayers at Sree Sree Dhakeshwari National Temple in Dhaka, Bangladesh secretary S Jaishankar as “very historic” following the conclusion of the land boundary agreement to settle India’s 41year-old border issue with Bangladesh. The Indian Parliament recently passed a historic constitution amendment bill, paving the way for operationalising the 1974 India- of Sheikh Hasina. Modi visited the Savar National Memorial Monument dedicated to those who died in the 1971 war of liberation and the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum dedicated to Sheikh Mujibur Rehman before holding talks with West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, who arrived in Dhaka on Friday. Bangladesh, which is known for its antiIndia stance, too appeared happy with the high-profile visit. Gowher Rizvi, Hasina’s international affairs adviser, said the visit should be seen as a turning point in regional cooperation. “India and Bangladesh have developed into a relationship of win- Our Features: Modern Sound System, Battery as the option of Load sheding, Media Link,Capacity of 70 Seats, Parking Facility. Office : Madhesh Media House, Anamnagar, P.O.Box : 11858, Kathmandu, Phone No : 977-4266142/4266141, Fax : 014266141, E-mail: [email protected], Website : www.madheshvani.com, Editor : Rajesh Ahiraj, Sub-Editor : Mukesh Jha
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