Tips & Tricks
Copyright Herb & Hedgerow Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
About the Author
Hello! I’m Lorraine Dallmeier and I run DIY Beauty Diva
(www.diybeautydiva.com). Thank you so much for downloading
my free eBook on 5 DIY Anti-Cellulite Tips & Tricks.
I’m a Botanical Skincare Scientist &
Biologist with a love of herbs. I’ve
been writing my own skincare
recipes for years and regularly share
my knowledge and skills through my
articles and recipes.
As well as running DIY Beauty Diva
and my Herb & Hedgerow skincare
science blog, I am also the Director
of Formula Botanica, the
Lorraine Dallmeier
Botanical Skincare Scientist
international online Organic
Cosmetic Science School.
We have taught over 400 students in more than 35 countries
around the world how to make their own natural & organic
skincare and have watched dozens of brands launch and grow
because of their training with Formula Botanica.
I also sell BeautyCraft app for iPhone, which contains over 90 fun
recipes for DIY beauty products that you can easily make with
ingredients in your local supermarkets and has been downloaded
in over 60 countries.
I hope you enjoy this free eBook and that it helps you tackle
cellulite with these great natural techniques and recipes.
Table of Contents
Tip 1: Understand the Science……………………… Page 4
Tip 2: Body Brushing…................................................. Page 7
Tip 3: DIY Coffee Body Scrub……………………….. Page 9
Tip 4: DIY Chocolate Body Masque……………….. Page 11
Tip 5: Diet & Lifestyle……………………………………. Page 13
Tip 1: Understand the Science
I always think that in order to be able to change something in your
life, you need to understand the science behind it. Cellulite is no
different. If you want to reduce the appearance of your cellulite, it’s
best to understand what you’re dealing with first.
Let me start off by saying that you are not alone: 80-90% of
women have cellulite. In other words: there is nothing wrong with
you if you have cellulite, you are perfectly normal. But what exactly
is cellulite?
Cellulite is caused when fat cells poke through weaker parts of
connective tissue in our skin, effectively causing a tiny hernia of fat.
It describes the ‘orange peel’ effect on your skin which has a pitted
appearance, showing off fat deposits just under the skin. It is most
frequently found on your thighs and bottom, but can also be found
on your hips, stomach and even upper arms. There are varying
degrees of cellulite too – some people only find it visible if you
pinch an area of skin together whereas others find it is visible all of
the time.
Skin without Cellulite
Skin with Cellulite
Tip 1: Understand the Science
There seems to be a hormonal component to the underlying
cause of cellulite, although scientists still aren’t entirely sure how
this works. Men also sometimes get cellulite but this is generally
only thought to happen if they have higher levels of oestrogen in
their body. Another explanation for the differences in cellulite
between men and women might simply be that men’s skin is
thicker and doesn’t show cellulite as much.
However, we can’t just blame our cellulite on our gender and our
hormones as there are other factors which can also play a role.
These include:
• Genetics – you may simply be prone to cellulite, as were the
generations of women before you.
• Dieting too hard or too fast – fast weigh gain and loss can loosen
the skin and make cellulite more obvious in appearance.
• Eating the wrong diet – too much fat, carbohydrates or salt or too
little fibre in your diet seems to increase your chances of getting
• Lifestyle factors – smokers, people who don’t exercise and people
who live a sedentary lifestyle may also have increased risk of
getting cellulite.
• Ageing – as you age, the collagen and elastin in your skin are
reduced which means that your skin isn’t quite as taut and your
cellulite becomes more visible.
Tip 1: Understand the Science
There is a school of thought that says you can never eliminate
cellulite as it is impossible to break down the fatty deposits
underneath your skin and re-strengthen the connective tissue.
There is some scientific support for this too as it is very hard to
rebuild collagen and elastin in the skin once they have been
affected by ageing. No products are known to replenish collagen
and elastin in our skin, but some ingredients are known to
stimulate their production, such as Vitamin C or retinoids.
Nonetheless, even if you can’t fully get rid of it, there are certain
things you can try at home to improve the overall appearance of
your cellulite. In this free eBook we’re going to look at some DIY
recipes and treatments for you to try at home.
Tip 2: Body Brushing
Plenty of studies have been done to look at the treatment of
cellulite using a variety of invasive and non-invasive methods, but
one of the most effective treatments was found to involve
deep massage. A study that looked at a particular technique of
anti-cellulite massage found that new connective tissue was being
created, strengthening the skin in the process.
However, I want to make clear right now that this study was
undertaken on pigs, not on humans, so you can never be sure that
the same results will happen in human skin (and I obviously don’t
condone any testing on animals!).
A study that was undertaken on
humans found that
massage was more likely to be
effective than using a cream and
another study found that massage
using an electro-mechanical
handheld device
improved the overall appearance of
It looks like massage should be your first stop when trying a DIY
anti-cellulite technique, particularly as it’s something simple which
you can easily incorporate into your daily beauty routine. So Tip 2
in this DIY Anti-Cellulite eBook is going to look at body brushing.
Tip 2: Body Brushing
Body brushing involves brushing over the skin in sweeping
motions using a firm bristled handheld brush with a long handle. It
is said to help eliminate toxins from the system. You should spend
a couple of minutes every day body brushing in order to improve
circulation and help stimulate your lymphatic system.
The main rule to remember is to always brush towards the heart.
Start with your feet and use long rhythmic strokes to brush the sole
of one foot. Move upwards, brushing up towards the ankle and
onto your lower leg, knee and up onto your thigh. Make sure you
cover all parts of your leg and as you move upwards, concentrate
on the areas that need most attention.
Brush over your bottom all the way up to your waist. Then go back
down and start on the other foot, working your way back up again.
Next, brush from the top of your bottom in long upwards strokes
along your back up to top of your shoulders. Never brush sensitive
areas of skin such as your face or breasts.
Body brushing will stimulate blood flow and give you an energising
DIY skin massage that may help with the appearance of your
cellulite. It will also help loosen dead skin cells and exfoliate your
skin. It should help get you going every morning and give your
skin a wonderful glow.
Tip 3: DIY Coffee Body Scrub
Now we’re going to look at two DIY anti-cellulite recipes for you to
make at home. The first of these recipes is a DIY Coffee Body
Scrub. As we all know coffee contains caffeine, a powerful
stimulant. Caffeine is actually found in virtually every single
cellulite-reducing lotion on the market, so what does caffeine do
to target cellulite?
A 2013 study showed that caffeine easily penetrates the skin barrier
and prevents excessive accumulation of fat in cells. It also has
potent antioxidant properties and slows down the process of
photoageing of the skin. It increases circulation of blood in the skin
and even stimulates hairgrowth.
Caffeine also works as a diuretic,
which means that it removes
moisture from the skin, temporarily
firming the skin and its connective
tissue. This temporary firming
process makes it harder for those
little fat cells to poke through
weaker areas of skin, reducing the
appearance of cellulite.
The key word here is ‘temporary’. Unfortunately scientists believe
that no caffeine-based cream is going to create a permanent or
even long-lasting effect. In order for the skin to remain firm, any
caffeine-based product will need to be re-applied regularly.
However, caffeine is a double-edged sword as its ability to reduce
fluid retention may even worsen the appearance of your cellulite in
the long-run by dehydrating the skin… so go easy.
Tip 3: DIY Coffee Body Scrub
You can easily make yourself a DIY Anti-Cellulite Body Scrub at
home using fresh coffee grounds. Don’t add in used coffee grounds
as most of the caffeine will have already leached out of those and
all of your anti-cellulite goodness will be percolating in your coffee
maker instead!
You will need:
•  25g fresh coffee grounds
•  25g brown sugar
•  25ml milk
•  5 drops of rose geranium
essential oil
Blend together the coffee grounds and brown sugar to ensure they
are fully mixed. Next blend in the milk and make sure there are no
lumps. If you want the mixture to be slightly runnier, trickle in a
little bit more milk. Finally, mix through the essential oil droplets.
Apply this DIY Coffee Body Scrub in the shower. Scrub firmly over
your body in a circular motion, avoiding the face. Rinse properly
with a washcloth and pat yourself dry with a towel.
Tip 4: DIY Chocolate Body Masque
This recipe is for a DIY Chocolate Body Masque which you paint
onto your thighs and other cellulite-prone areas before rinsing it
off in the shower.
This recipe contains cocoa powder, a powerful antioxidant and
great skincare ingredient. Cocoa powder contains lots of minerals
including calcium, potassium and zinc. It also contains high levels
of caffeine and theobromine which are only present in trace
amounts in cocoa butter.
We are already know from Tip 3 that caffeine easily penetrates the
skin barrier and prevents excessive accumulation of fat in cells,
making it a good ingredient for any DIY anti-cellulite treatments.
Theobromine functions in a similar way, although it is not as
potent as caffeine as a stimulant.
Much like caffeine, theobromine is a diuretic. Theobromine is also
able to break down fats and can have draining properties on fatty
cells. All of these skincare properties mean that cocoa solids can be
used to target cellulite when applied to your skin.
Read more about cocoa and its uses in natural skincare.
Tip 4: DIY Chocolate Body Masque
Go get that cocoa powder from your kitchen and make yourself a
fabulous DIY Chocolate Body Masque with these simple
ingredients. Not only will it smell divine but it may also help firm
up your skin and make your cellulite less visible.
You will need:
50g raw cacao powder
50g Rhassoul mud
50g aloe vera gel
50-75g strong green or
white tea (cooled)
10 drops of rose geranium
essential oil
Blend together the cacao powder and Rhassoul mud and then mix
through the aloe vera gel until it is fully blended. Gently trickle in
the strong green or white tea until you get a masque consistency
that you can paint onto your body without it being too thick or too
runny. Finally, blend through the rose geranium essential oil.
Using a cosmetic brush or even a paint brush, paint this body
masque onto your thighs and any other body parts where you
have cellulite. If you have any left, you can also use it as a powerful
anti-ageing facial masque. The masque will slowly dry and after
15-20 minutes you can rinse it off completely in the shower. Clean
your skin properly with a washcloth and pat dry with a towel.
Tip 5: Diet & Lifestyle
As we saw in the previous four Tips in this DIY Anti-Cellulite eBook,
cellulite can be minimised or even avoided in certain parts of the
body when the skin is strong and healthy. In order to achieve this,
you need to keep the connective tissue in your skin functioning
Luckily DIY beauty treatments work from the inside out too and
there are plenty of diet and lifestyle changes you can make in order
to help your body build up cellulite in the first place. Here are my
four top tips for changes you can easily make to help avoid or
improve cellulite.
1. Firstly, it’s important to keep your body and your skin hydrated.
Drink water and avoid drinking too much alcohol. Your skin needs
hydration in order to function properly and without water it might
start to look dry and flaky. If you keep your body hydrated then you
not only help your skin to look its best but you might also
take years off your face.
2. Don’t smoke! Not only is it horrible for your health and the health
of everyone around you, but it also decreases the strength of the
connective tissues in your skin. Smoking lowers the levels of
vitamin C in the body. The more you smoke, the more vitamin C
you lose from your tissues and blood as the vitamin is broken
down and excreted by the body. Vitamin C plays an important role
in making new collagen, so not only will smoking age your skin, it
will also increase the chances of you getting cellulite.
Tip 5: Diet & Lifestyle
3.  Don’t get too much sun exposure. A certain amount of
sunshine is good for the skin but if you start to overdo it then
the radiation decreases the elasticity of the skin, ageing you
quicker than you thought possible and helping to form cellulite
at the same time.
4.  Eat foods rich in antioxidants which can help stimulate your
body to make new collagen and strengthen the connective
tissue in your skin. Fresh fruit and vegetables are always going
to do you good. In particular, look for foods rich in Vitamin C
and Vitamin A which help synthesise new collagen.
5.  Another good recommendation is to drink green and white tea
which contain compounds called ‘catechins’ known to
improve collagen in the skin. You may also be pleased to hear
that a study done in 2006 found that women who drank
cocoa had thicker, denser and better hydrated skin which was
more tolerant to UV sunlight exposure, so make yourself a nice
hot cup of cocoa occasionally too.
With a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you may
find that you can minimise the development of cellulite in the
first place. These four diet and lifestyle changes will also do
great things for your overall health and wellbeing, so you have
nothing to lose!
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"The course broadened my exis@ng knowledge of skincare and enabled me to connect my background in phytotherapy and aromatherapy with my love of natural skincare. It gave me the confidence to launch Merionwen as professional business and step up from a hobbiest level. The thing I like best is the ability to create directed skincare for different skin types. Trea@ng everyone as an individual. I also enjoy having the ability to raise the ethics of natural skincare I provide." -­‐ Helen Reeves-­‐Howard, Merionwen Skincare www.organicskincarebusiness101.com www.diybeautydiva.com
The author and publisher of this eBook do not accept responsibility for any loss, harm or damage
that may result from your use or misuse of this eBook or your failure to seek appropriate professional
consultations with qualified practitioners. The author and publisher of this eBook accept no liability
for actions inspired by this book. The reader of the information provided by this site assumes all risks
from using the information provided herein. Be sensible when using the advice in this eBook .
This eBook makes every attempt to provide good, honest advice about beauty product ingredients.
We make no guarantees of success, but strive to provide you with good quality advice for homemade beauty products that can help improve your beauty and skincare regime. Please be aware that
the advice provided in this eBook is not intended as a replacement for professional medical/
dermatological treatment and advice for any skin or health problems. Some herbs and/or their
essential oils may interact with prescription drugs. Should you indeed suffer from any skin or health
problems and seek to use these natural beauty ingredients as self-medication, we strongly advise you
to consult a medical practitioner before using any of these beauty ingredients, especially if you have
an existing medical condition, are taking medication, are pregnant or are breastfeeding.
Please be aware that the advice provided in this eBook is intended only for application to the skin and
hair. Do not apply the beauty ingredients described in this eBook to other parts of the body. Do not
use any of these beauty ingredients on children under the age of two and check the cautions on any
specific ingredients before using on older children.
Any individual can be allergic to even the most benign of natural ingredients. Don’t use any
ingredients to which you know you are allergic. Always do a 24-hour skin test before using to check
for allergies, particularly if you have never used one of the ingredients before. When doing a skin test,
apply a small amount to your inner arm, just below the elbow, or on your wrist, cover with a lint-free
dressing and leave for 24 hours. If there is any soreness, redness or irritation, your skin is having an
allergic reaction and you should not use the ingredient.
It is recommended to buy organic ingredients, wherever possible. Fruit and vegetables are often
sprayed with pesticides and these can be harmful irritants, particularly when applied directly to the
skin. Always wash fruit and vegetables properly before use in any DIY beauty treatments.
Home-made cosmetics have no preservatives to give them a long shelf-life, unlike the ones you buy
in the shops. The advice in this eBook has been written under the assumption that these ingredients
will be used immediately. If you do choose to store your beauty products for a few days after you
make them, please note the following instructions:
•  Make sure that your storage jars and/or bottles are completely sterile. You can sterilise glass storage
containers by washing them thoroughly in hot soapy water, then placing them in a warm oven
(130°C) for half an hour.
•  Always follow the guidelines for storage. Home-made beauty products keep for longer when
stored in the fridge. Make sure to discard any beauty products that smell bad or have changed in