lpt ..bnd6 bardeld &n: OhT"qo I r^raar h !.rlrnrr:rr fir oe arn Rnoarn 6 al'i^.afrc6 tlrqf &scrf 5s .rrho l ,rbrt I arr.r irrnr*nrdiof€, .(rmobile email we'! c,fif*f rhfio 4u tet+qlvye) rJfid ,s ttafch a" tavv 6r in*rsdue*ion Nathan Bauer 75o.334.58a6 [email protected] Profile narrr.. Wt ficf albc$t gou 5 trt.re tuto;tol tr",Porlfira lo$,thaf Deslgn ond deliver personol lndustry thot unblock employee's obillty €cFrefad ofhrlrolu, t $ ltaca;r ttrrm.t . . Ww t+.e. paltr yilr alonf ,D rrre, nouf$aHT I Leovenw"nn,ti$ lacor.f*r F eryr*d confrr- of€nfr5 20r0 * 201'l $4+ milllon in onnuol F&B revenues Stlmuloted personolexcellence by modelllng ond mentorlng monogers for servont leodershlp, service integrity ond colloborotlon whlch trickled down to front-ilne stoff, fulft€lf.S lnnovoted to improve products with exlsting humqn ond operotionolresources, Resu/t F&B concept oligned wifh new economlc condltlons qnd consumer preferences, ldentifled ond oddressed high leveroge 'bottle necks' ln resource ollocqlon ond work processes, lncreosed profits by $22K in o slngle quorter with decltnlng revenues, Hilte Hotiburseofood Assistonl Generql fiY *"rrourffi MonogeN--./ dc*lgn dcluit 2004 - 20'lO An aword wtnntng 22*seot restouronf with 100 stoff ond 56 tn milllon annuqlrevenues, Renowned for over 39 yeors of distinctive cuisine and excepflonolly warm ond otfanflve soMce. \ . r Aligned operotionol ond people prociices to ochieve budget, Soved $10K onnuoly by monoging inventories ond uslng wln-win negoiiotion to bulld slrong suppller relotionD*.. 4236 Hillside Cres., Everett, WA \ CongiClcnFlrl in Gr.rtta* product trolnlng Moxlmized soles by empowering service teqm - incorporoted feedbock lnto offerlngs, provided service tools, ond offered meonlngfullncentlves ond Fhrar.13h dogr.St al*nan* cJrol+a- er.rn llE{h rtoF *Svrnrc,u-. qpfnd'6rl -tndic"afe- perfodl 98ozo tro car-tpta,li*- oF * Wffi"*Tgffi*g"k'P,,*ffio* F + thfg i*sur'Ptlon' la r,rtrcrr- 96t* fho-11nry? ttrrrl .'-*etretafgs'J teu>ail snrrc. €n*.hur- 451rcs rrcbi 6nr r%v*te- c+gr )F oboervc- .n ;;;ililf1ffi pre- lltu I J- o'Q-att t+te- +Tq liru-. ep v2rtic_altu + ,'h?. se"./.j' bs o- pne:n * 9:- i-,Ti:r-'.tar -9.:,"ro,,. 'r.+* in&nt'af,ion a",J n*'rytJn3;; ffitu.sot:le- iJ':3#i;:ii tr g:*f ** tQr !h godr. prattto.l, tsorll rypli cnltrn fio A rusfic 192-unif log resort wlth 3 upscale ouflets, 10,0ffi squore feet of conference space and trv pswr hrl rnot?- pprrag1te;1tf, or t volurnf'{F,r I rrrorl*. 20r2 - 2013 lffi cullnory ond seruice stoff generoting joC rrlo frnf .r'i?hng 11d.,: ftr4f d,tto,llv ean Fn3 rurlra f*tl &ftv ftnt 6ira, os 4dob Rr*. ttt'ta' bof ifatr'cJad x pro€urc;rtc.c. fr c;Xu*e- boltefS fu oive. a hinf st' pll':ca"'ral €oir l" c,lrc,olu;itg aF l"rnt I a a.hg ta MO- I Bend. OR Consulting Dlreclor of Food & & conference centre Dlreclor of Food & Beveroge lery* trtd Fvtf t) tUtA'g*.,! prsfa*itonq, I r'arrodettt'orr 'g*, fheofg tr | "A tgpu hl mef at<c J*rtrc" Qulckly ldentlfled oreos of chonge needed to qddress dlre morole ond flnonclol performonce; re-structured front line stqff ond implemented leodershlp development, Performonce consulting ond culturoltronsformotion results: OpenToble roflng f from 3,2 to 4.5; outstonding customer feedbock referring to o "mogicol quolity thqt drqws lpeople) bock"; ond | ftom $l.7 to $2,4 in F&B revenues wlthin I yeor ln o "down" economy, Reploced costly forms of compensotion wlth mentorlng conversotlons ond o genulne teom climote thot octively proctlced shored volues of servlce contribuflon; decreosed onnuql lobour cost percentoge by l0 polnts, tPrla* ,f fi{ i.i;^.,1 u,gl* doto used ln A remorkably hospltoble 64+oom retreot o contemporary wesf coost l2&seaf restaurant, bonquef foclllties and $2.4 million in onnuol F&B revenue, llrrr, luler trp a'f lctr$f ..!5o?a & the- IcqI+., olfurr^lr'oe-\" fea.rlord ,+e- h)lle* t"' give to lhe cuslomgr from lhe heort. Dellver finonclol success by designlng syslems to CoostqlWind Resort 3 lr'ncc rlcr bottc* ' €erac-66 I Business Development Experience rto fiErr- f/rar1 e*r,,tt customers potenllol, strotegic declslon moklng, lncreqsed profllobility by $1 million ln leodeishlp postlons, &Lltnry- $uru+S . akc trtrtrtf $$0ri65r I tel'tdr lnsplre, mentor qnd cultivote teoms to bock for more) by Implementing HR . Frn* t.''.vlaaF--a-l-( ;-';"r; -,-;";";u"":;'Ht ,*rra,sh bltlt ^ rlbr/D cLlQNS c.orrffnua+l-6n anrE p3e_ L cerryry twnu ra.lored {.na''iigs ifrrrrg t3ot+a,r Calemrrq rtaryrtr *al."brf,;5,s t1ga,tt*,r ac.cdrrvrlc" '. c. Flirt i acrJrnti bo.-lt/6und5 onm/lcr letl{,,h@'d T mobile 75o.334.5826 email [email protected] I Seottle. Monoger f &or:gn ctc.n*n* }t f.gccfi'ofl t il* secltoa5 fhr rerdQr. e#*riefrr., f€ bO. pre.A.SAn t WA 200i - 2004 A vlbronf, up-scole, I6&seaf restouront fhaf symbolizes the best of fhe West Coosf . Known for well devel oped stondords, systems o nd m onogemenf procfl ces, *:3. :* ldFa(n"' Chompioned new operotionoloudits by developing oction plonsto clorlfy occountqbffrtyJ fu . for systems ond stondords thot estoblished the locotlon os the brond's r benchmork I seotlng F" J 1 Moxlmized soles by creoting systems to lncreose the restouront's peok perlod copociiy by 2O7o. Sysiems zubsequently implemented in other estoblishments, Humon Resources Experience Humon Resources 2006 - gornltrst *prict*-u 2008 An lnternotionol buslness solufions softwore compony known for creoflng dofo clorlty, I Seottle, WR Humon Resources Project Monoger (controci) 2006 e Governmenf ogency responsible for molntoining the lntegrify of porfs ond borders, Weslern Sovings Credit Union I '1e5.ln-llntion oF rclntes) ry?ion * ryllea,bLn- bclt Seottle. wn Humon ResourcEs Profeci Monoger (controct) tul' r-pflrghff 2A04 A flnonciol instlfufion recognized for employee entgogement ond ethlcolbuslness pracftces, a, llne fiafr ?/frfae' 3p.r urJ*-€rorn r-rril*r'5*'r >* Cerfificqtion Wine Fundqmentols Level 2| I WorldHost Troining Services St, W3* Aoryny lcrrrirte *a 'rcde: irrto/wl A{Qt .bOr"AdO;rn I Puget Sound Koyok Adventures Mentoredstudentsinovercomingthelrfeqrof odverseonduncertoincondltlons through teoching new skills ond group declslon moking, BComm, )omm, Accounling & HR Monogement .r zot \ Ar{to*t uwt\ t John's Ambulonce Chonge Leqdership & Koyok Guide Troining r compretlon2014\ fugu \ troo/.clrft zo12 \ aa Prtirwtr lnternotlonolSommelier Guild I Colifornto Leisure & Bolonce fatll'vohcn- orrd d.l'r$iste^ey r'n A lffg pofh . ll shor.rrs hor^r thdo par$oh r'sp'f jr.l6F lookinq ftr a jab * h.rl- ls rather deqy connechil c$ a' hurnarr |lo the. tarenr paflr ,fuJ *a- ff, -fiagc. b.rt0e"l-s - ,jFe- o'd€;.S Afur. u d and h.tltr-l-.Srlqporti Jfp_ Fr,r$t .'ccJisn otr the- (gsv tnte., ('t z proF; tp,,) c-.J . fcs*urrtoJatn fravc,.ll' .tp€eJa5 fo dcveJqPnacnt t hunp6 fr,W, Fef.,llhbl in t{'&- F}"oF'it.e, . \ ryfr13 I,g s,' that ,rVaJAf?.J be- writlen f n e .ln4{ Ftrf fdorf:e5, if fo -go", .rsl<. Reoding - Recent titles:The Advqntoge by Potrick Lencionl; Flrst. Breok Allthe Rules by Morcus Bucklnghom; ond Cooked: A Nqturol Hlstorv of Tronsformotion by Mlchoel Pollon. tatSoc.' I crtr Remorkoble Trovels - Explorotion of Hoido Gwoil, Poddllng ln the Broughton Archipelogo, Gulf lslonds ond Cloyoquot Sound; ond Hlklng the Juon de Fuco Troll, thaf #rfa .ioc/r'on ir unn T*3 ( diiogt.r, . 'lhir .scpnon lg r,rrft{crrTffi3' irl'tudea' stlae.frr.ta9 m.f t$ llol{L sor*reJirl rD rple ZOO7 lpt.r \ al'ia aD pftgtc{i)t $t t Prcgfl.$t'ora al+! _ rct Un1r *',V.*fe) \ 2OO4 I University of Colifornlo Soeclolfu ArEos: Areos: Mentoring. Mentorino- orgonizotlonol oroonizolloncrl culture, cultrrre medlotion medlofion ond nnd flnonclol flnnnc.ldl onolysis, nnrrhrclc Speclqlty t coof l<" er+Piiehczt$. Hotel Revenue Monogement Moslers Cerlificole I Cornell Unlverstty Emergency Firsl Aid for lnduslry oai6tre- port Educqlion & Hospitolity Troining WorldHost Trqiner's r Sro3"'ldQ.d ddalr I Seotfle, WA Generolist Cusloms & Border Prolection cfenfQs ,gg. j 1o travc_l Fo.l l for \ 4"*t 516fa 'bulbfr (gaa e . Dtivo Softwore Solutions US trersrd pqse. Nathan Bauer Stlolegic BusinEss Developmenl Experience Cont. The Pier Restquront Operolions *r page z of z \n**rar^ oF grcdo gaf co{$r- .rho,rtd gret' .bcc+r,rc. :q;;td
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