h#'q € KE ftagffi.qr*errrf F kusrnf *hs t^rft l c. o c.g.$IPUS WV DIrIfi.Erg$[ F.O: DIIIfntrf;$l-?g'SEOE Tel: :03?*-gSOOOg I, Fax No.EEOO'O9 tr 9, I[Iebs ite : wwr. kvstotinsukia " (tffFf:.'r]3 74-?a6o,ssr, fr-ffi .':soffigr g $ru$i'tsr, DRIYA VI SYATAYA SAI.IGATHAN ..fINSIIMfi. N,EGISN gII, $E5fi"ttryfi gsqrst. #*Sf{* h{ rg Dote: t9 .05.2015 .4?Ott/ 2015-KVs(Ts K)/Ad mn./ By E-moil only The Princiool A ll Kendriyo Vidyaloyas Under Tinsukio Region Sub:- Uplooding of corrected ond finol Annual Request Tronsfer details on KVS, RO, Tinsukio website- Regcrding Modom/5ir, office letter ol even no. doted 07.O4.2OL5 & 08.05.2015 & KVS HQ letter No. F.1-1/2015KVS HQ (Estt-II) doted 06.04.?0[5 ond colendor of octivities listed therein, the CORRECTED AND FrNAL dota reloted to the Annuol Request Transfer opplicotions of employee under KVS, Tinsukia Region is being finally uplooded on the Regional Office website www.kvsrotinsukio.org ond will be ovoiloble for viewing w.e.f .19.O5.2O15. fn continudtion to this Alf representations received so for hove been token into consideration os per eligibility in the light of rufe oosition on the subjact hence no representdtions will be entertoined hereinofter. In this context, you ore directed to inforn the teaching/non teoching stoff of the said uploading for verificotion. Further, you ore olso directed to ensure thot the detoils of tronsfer applicotion of the employees are personally seen cnd verified by eoch enployee and ocknowledged. Yours foithfully, Deputy Commissioner Copy 1. 2. to:- for informotion.. The Adhinistrativa Officer, KVS, RO, Tinsukio with request to uplood this letter ond enclosed PACOM file on www.kvsrotinsukio.orq by 19.05.2015 under heoding 'Finol Corrected Trcnsfer/Displocement Counts-19.05.2015. The service providar i.e. Suryonondon.net moy olso be instructed to rernove The Assistont Conhissioners, KVS, RO, Tinsukia previously uplooded f iles from our website, on the subject, simultoneously.
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