-] 44 Eanr,vlnzz Gums LrsrnNING "WestEndBlues" featuring louisArmstrong andEarlHines CDTrock 5 June6, 1928 in Chicogoby Louis composedby Joe oliver; recorded (trornFredRobinson ondvocol),Jimmystrong(clorinet}, Armstrong {trumpet (drums); ondZuttysingleton bone),EorlHines(piono|,Moncycoro {bonio}, cK columbio 45142; on cD os volumelv: LouisArmlrongand EarlHines, SCCJ. olsoon CD in theRevised rt? ,i1ElopsedTime ii gr ggn Introduction Theopeningphrosesin thispieceore omongthe mostfomousin iozz history. Note ihe dr-o*oos Armstrongreochesup to his highestnote,the one he susto finishwith toins.Thenlistento the monnerin which he groduollydescends brossy worm, his Notice o notethot mokesyou eogerto heorwhot follows. ihot you is o moslerpiece monner.Thisintroduction tone ond his sureJooted the performof mightwont to heor severoltimesbeforelisteningto the rest once. solopossoge on unoccomponied Theideo of o brovurosolostyle,porticulorly like this,wos commonin light clossicolmusicthol wos populorin Americo feoturedin bond con' were frequently oround I900. Virtuosocornetsoloists certsot thottime.ln odditibn,the trumpetsoundsof Mexiconbonds.thotvisited New orleons hod impressedmusicionsthere.When LouisArmstrong or uncon' devisedthis stirringopening,he wos drowing,eiiherconsciously o estoblishing fromthottroditionin lightclossicolmusic,ond he wos sciously, troditionin iozz. .'i' .1:I ,ilji ::iii :;:f+ ,# i$ i$ r,E r{ :_,{ -.. ',ii.i 6 0'l3u Fullbondployso chord ,ij 0' I6'l First Chorus1oll2"bor bluesployedslowly) on Trumpet MelodyPlayedby Armstrong $ .;:: ondquickvibroto' monner firm,deliberote NoticeArmstrong's includes: Accomponiment by o smeorof pilchthotbegins notes(ofienpreceded trombone soft,sustoined note); wellbelowtheultimote line themoiionof iheirumpet porolleling someiimes tonesof clorinet, silstoined edgytimbreond fostvibroto); (listen for lhe clorinei's underneoth chonging thechords indicoiing notes together ondclorinet trombone thetrumPet; on in unisonolongwith boniochordsployedstoccoto pionochordssounded chomp chomp...") chomp eochbeot{"chomp 0'50u SecondChorus Solo Trombone of pitch' ondmonysmeors usesthehighregister Thetrombonist .{. ','$ ,.ii ,l:! i.&. ..t.rl.E,3 ',lit ,4 'ts ..; li !ii ,L :!j .i? :lit ,:i ,; j :iI ',i .,jj :t€ ,.j ..: ' Eenr,vfazz 45 rime Elonsed CD Trqck 1 'i includes: Accomponiment stoccotochordingfrom bonio; tremolochordsfrom piono; :ij "Bock-odo-Bock" slow ride rhythm ployed by drumrneron o hond-held opporotusthoi bringstlgether two cymbolsthot ore eoch obout three inches wide, ployed by drummercupping the opporotusin his hond os in ployrng spoons. l1 l' 25u 8 Third Chorus '?;J':"*:',": ng'sVocal :"ff ::T[::J,",,#?,, "scot" nsrhe pprvi r su o,,wirhthevoco singing.Pionoond bonioore chording lt is on eorlyexompleof responses. in o stoccotomonneron eoch beot.The duet'slostphroseis done in hormony. ore usedhereor in the nextchorus' N. o"r*ttt.n instruments I 2'00u 9 Fourth Chorus by Eorl Hines Pianolmprovisation L)noccompanied FirstFour Meosures Pionist'sleft hond is contributinglegoio chordingin stridestylewhile right flowerYfigures. hond improvises 2r I0rl Second FourMeosures Styleof ployingby,righthond switchesto broshchorocterond poundsoui o "trumpet-slle"piono voicedin octoves.Thisis the fomous double+ime'figure p l o y i n go f E o r lH i n e s . 2' 20' ThirdFour Meosures Siylereturnsto flowery chorocter. to 2' 32' Fifth Chorus TrumpetSolo FtrstFour Meosures includesstochigh notefromtrumpetfgr l6 beots,Accomponimenl Sustoined trombonenotes,ond suscotochordsfiom pionoon eochbeot,ond sustoined toinedclorinetnotes. ,l; "i; 2' 45u Second Four Meosures Trumpeiline feoluresdoubletiming. 2' 55u ThirdFour Meosures of sequence Hornssiop ployingfor l2 beotswhile piono ployso descending Piono glissondo. o them wiih linking ioshion, chords,sirikingeoch in belllike sustoinso chord. Armstrongreturnswith o long, drownout bluesyfigure ployedin o morkedlyslorvedpoce. lt is occomponiedby long toneshormoniz"d by trombone,clorinet,ond pionoio formthreedifferentchordsthotconc l u d et h e p i e c e .
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