MAKENI TRUST FUND ( Registered charity, Number 1136749) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 30th September 2014 Contents Trustees' annual report Page 2-4 Independent examiner's report 5 Receipts and payments account 6 Statement of assets and liabilities 7 Notes to the accounts 8 MAKENI TRUST FUND Trustees' annual report for the year ended 30th September 2014 Full Name Makeni Trust Fund Registered charity number 1136749 Principal Address 70 Springfield Road Sheffield S7 2GD Trustees Anthony Mulcrone Patricia Battams David Lyons Jon Kay Delia Kay Rosie Lyons Ruth Mulcrone Bank Natwest Millhouses branch 997 Abbeydale Road Sheffield S7 2QE Independent Examiner employee of; Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accounting Service The Circle 33, Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW Governance and management The Charity is operated under the rules of its Trust deed adopted 01/10/2009 New trustees will be recruited by following the guidelines outlined in the Charity Commission document CC30 - Finding New Trustees Summary of the objects of the Charity The prevention or relief of poverty in Sierra Leone by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. Summary of the main activities undertaken for the public benefit Makes grants to individuals • Makes grants to organisations • Provides buildings / facilities / open space • Provides services The trustees have had regard to the guidance issued by the Charity Commission on public benefit and are satisfied that they meet the requirements through relief of poverty Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 2 MAKENI TRUST FUND Trustees' annual report (continued) for the year ended 30th September 2014 Chairman's Report Once again we are pleased to be able to say that this was another successful year, as we believe our careful funding of projects continues to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and the success of organisations in Makeni. In particular we are pleased to report that our initial project, to provide a secure water supply to three organisations in Makeni continues to be of great benefit to them. Partner Visit In October 2013 two trustees obtained external funding to enable a visit to Makeni to check progress with our various projects. Bob Lyons and Jon Kay were made very welcome by all, and given excellent accommodation on the Fatima campus of the University of Makeni for their 10 day visit. We are pleased to report that satisfactory progress was confirmed with all the projects the trust has supported, and projects in the following areas were identified for further assistance from the Makeni Trust Fund: University of Makeni: .Scholarships for two IT graduates to study on an IT Masters course .Funding to complete the fire escape on the Fatima campus women’s hostel Holy Spirit Hospital: .Funding to complete the perimeter security fence .Contribution to funds being raised for the building of an on-site canteen .Funding to support regular Outreach Visits to remote country areas .Funding to support accommodation and living expenses for a nurse training in paediatric anaesthetist care St Joseph’s Junior Secondary School: Furniture for the school library A small number of computers Photocopier inks and whiteboard pens Adullam Missions school, Makeni: Security railings for exposed stairways Classroom furniture Sponsored Medical Student We were approached by Miriam Mason Sesay, Country Director of Educaid in Sierra Leone, an organisation that we have been pleased to support in the past. Miriam requested help to fund half of the costs of medical student Sumaila Bockerie, a successful ex-pupil of Educaid. One of our Trust’s key supporters, Alps-VA, generously agreed to fund this student throughout his seven year course. Linking Sheffield University with the University of Makeni We are delighted that the Department of Geography, University of Sheffield has accepted our invitation to help develop the research capability of the University of Makeni. During the year we began conversations with Dr Deborah Sporton, who is actively involved in teaching on three postgraduate Masters programmes in International Development, where emphasis is placed on specialised teaching to equip students with the skills to take on key international development challenges in the workplace. These courses have an applied emphasis to ensure that students engage with the complexities of international development as played out in everyday life. Makeni Trust Fund trustees acted as intermediary with the University of Makeni, leading to an agreement for Unimak to host the placement of students studying for the Masters in International Development, University of Sheffield. The rationale for arranging a student placement is to provide valuable experience of working within a development organisation (Unimak) with scope to undertake a research project which is of value to Unimak but which will also be written up by the student for a Masters dissertation. An added benefit for Unimak is that, in carrying out their work, the Sheffield students will also be able to share their expertise with students and staff of Unimak. Jessica Jones and Jonathan Griffiths were the first two students from Sheffield to take up the challenge. While working in Makeni, Sierra Leone for eight weeks from May to July, they carried out a needs analysis at Unimak, in order to identify further ways that Sheffield University can support Unimak in the future. Both universities are keen to support further placements in the future. Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 3 MAKENI TRUST FUND Trustees' annual report (continued) for the year ended 30th September 2014 Support for St Joseph’s School for the Hearing Impaired Kate Stoddard continued in her volunteer role supporting the management team at St Joseph’s School for the Hearing Impaired, funded jointly by UK charity Friends of St Joseph’s School and the Makeni Trust Fund. Kate focussed her efforts on increasing the level of funding at the school and organising the finances so that they are clear to future donors, and we are very grateful for the contribution she made. Her placement ceased at the end of January 2014, and she was instrumental in putting in place plans for her replacement by a volunteer from the Volunteer Mission Movement (VMM). Unfortunately these plans did not materialise in time. We are still hopeful that the position will be filled by a VMM volunteer at some point in the future. Moses Conteh Moses Conteh was Sr Mary Sweeney’s very reliable site manager at St Joseph’s School for the Hearing Impaired, taking a great pride in the development of the school farm project. He had been a good friend to our trustees when they lived in Makeni. He died after a short illness in May 2013, leaving a family of seven children. He is sorely missed at the school. Family and friends of the trustees quickly came forward with offers of support to allow his children to continue their schooling, as Moses would have wished. Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa In June and July the disastrous Ebola Virus Disease crisis spread through the country. Schools were closed and the University of Makeni suspended classes under instructions from the Government. However, administrative and academic staff were engaged in the Ebola response. UNIMAK as a member of the Diocesan task force of the Catholic Diocese of Makeni became heavily involved in responding to the Ebola crisis as part of its mandate as a University for teaching, research and community service. The Makeni Trust Fund was anxious to give our partners in Makeni as much support as possible, and quickly sent funds to the University to support them in their vital work. Our immediate early response, albeit relatively small, was appreciated by our partners. Internet Websites We continue to support the maintenance of the internet websites of Holy Spirit Hospital and the University of Makeni which attract growing interest and support from around the world. They are both appreciated by the organisations themselves and valued by their supporting partners. Fundraising The membership of the 49 Club has grown and it continues to provide valuable funding of more than £1250 per year. Supporters arranged several other events during the year which brought useful funds as well as valuable publicity. We are very grateful for the support from our loyal members and thank everyone who has played a part in making this year so successful. Tony Mulcrone February 1st, 2015 Signed on behalf of the charity's trustees; Signed ______________________________ Name, position Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service Date________________ 4 MAKENI TRUST FUND Independent Examiner's report to the trustees of Makeni Trust Fund for the year ended 30th September 2014 I report on the accounts of the Makeni Trust Fund for the year ended 30th September 2014 which are set out on pages 6 to 8. Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner The charity's trustees are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The charity's trustees consider that an audit is not required for this year under section 144(2) of the Charities Act 2011 (the 2011 Act) and that an independent examination is needed. It is my responsibility to: q examine the accounts under section 145 of the 2011 Act; q follow the procedures laid down in the general Directions given by the Charity Commission (under section 145(5)(b) of the 2011 Act; and q to state whether particular matters have come to my attention. Basis of independent examiner's report My examination was carried out in accordance with the general directions given by the Charity kept by the charity and a comparison of the accounts presented with those records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the accounts, and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts. Independent examiner's statement In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention 1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements: q q to keep appropriate accounting records in accordance with section 130 of the 2011 to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and to comply with have not been met; or 2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached. Signed:____________________________________ employee of; Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service The Circle 33, Rockingham Lane Sheffield S1 4FW Date:________________________ Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 5 MAKENI TRUST FUND Receipts & payments account for the year ended 30th September 2014 Total 2014 £ Total 2013 £ 683 12,000 320 1,278 304 18 1,072 100 1,184 7,069 2,000 26,028 630 2,150 10,000 535 1,205 791 22 15,333 56 1,087 3,487 208 360 95 500 3,500 14,052 1,010 1,184 3,114 6,367 15,411 2,000 52,431 15 11,239 2,107 3,200 298 158 22 480 140 3,000 169 35 339 79 21,281 Net receipts/(payments) (26,403) (5,948) Cash funds last year end 62,010 67,958 Cash funds at end of this period 35,607 62,010 Receipts General Donations Incubator ALPS Kevin's Funeral Jo and Sarah 49 Club Fundraising Gift Aid Interest Moses' children Delia's concert Sierra Leone visit Fight against Ebola Friends of St J Notes 1 Total receipts Payments Bank Charges Container Charges University Project Deaf School Borehole Project Repairs & replacements Swift Transfer Charges Accountancy Website EducAid Project Grant awarded Yifin Project Other expenses Blind beggars' children St Joseph's Beds Unimak General at Makeni Sumaila Sierra Leone visit Adullam School Holy Spirit Fight against Ebola Friends of St J Total payments Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 6 MAKENI TRUST FUND Statement of assets and liabilities as at 30 September 2014 Cash assets Balances at bank: Current account Savings account Makeni account Makeni Cash Liabilities Accountancy & independent examination 2014 £ 2013 £ 6,505 23,684 5,221 197 35,607 1,511 55,327 4,975 197 62,010 360 360 360 360 Signed on behalf of all the trustees by; Trustee ______________________________ Dated ___________ PRINT NAME____________________________________ Trustee ______________________________ Dated ___________ PRINT NAME____________________________________ Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 7 MAKENI TRUST FUND Notes to the accounts for the year ended 30th September 2014 1 Receipts & payments account Receipts and payments accounts are statements that summarise the movement of cash into and out of the charity during the financial year. In this context "cash" includes cash equivalents, for example, bank accounts where cash can be readily withdrawn to pay for debts as they become due. 2 Trustees' remuneration Trustees received no expenses, remuneration or benefits in this period. Voluntary Action Sheffield Community Accountancy Service 8
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