Manasquan Fishing Club President: Robert Gynn Assistant Treasurer: Bill Lang Recording Secretary: Bill Sirmack Corresponding Secretary: Fred Yarmolowicz Vice President:Greg Brown 2nd Vice President: Bill Beck Treasurer: Richard Volz Next Meeting: May 1st, 2015 @ 7:30 pm Location: Manasquan Women’s Club, 62 Main st. Manasquan, NJ Speaker: Carl Benson on Fluke Mortality and Hooks Lots of Thanks are in Order Carl Benson talk on Fluke Hooks Special thanks go out to Peter Murcko, Bob Gynn Frank Richetti and Jim Savage for their efforts to make the Awards Dinner a great success. Peter went above and beyond with the arrangements to make the event special for the 60th year of the club. The evening was enjoyed by all 91 that were in attendance by socializing and dancing. Jim Savage took the fund raising portion by the reigns and did a spectacular job of coordinating gift donations and setting up the raffle and auction portion of the evening. The entertainment was enjoyed by all. Guests participate heavily in the raffles that were nicely displayed. Carl Benson, an advisor to the Mid-Atlantic Marine Fisheries Council, is also an avid fisherman, especially for fluke. He will give a power point presentation on the best type of hooks to reduce mortality of fluke. All too often, we unintentionally kill fluke since they swallow the the hook too deep and when we release the fish we know that it will not survive. Carl will talk about the hooks we can use to really cut down on this mortality of these fish we like to catch. Continued next page MANASQUAN FISHING CLUB PO Box 513 Manasquan, New Jersey 08736 Inter Club Tournament Jason Again this year arranged for us to have an inter club.The Bayhead Shores and Jersey Coast Shark Anglers came together and decided to have a tournament similar to last year. We will fish for striped bass. 40 dollars per person with a 50%, 30%,20% pay out. Sunday June 7th is the date. Friday June 5th @ 6:00 pm is the captains meeting, you don't have to attend but you are responsible to follow the rules set forth that evening. We realize the captains meeting is the same night as our meeting and will make sign up available at our meeting also.Weigh ins will be at the Shark Anglers Club house. Calcutta will be determined at a later date. Lines in will be 4 am again and final weigh in to be Dinner from page 1 Captain Paul Eidman generously donated a Guided Striped Bass trip, Fred Yarmolowicz donated a hand crafted Special Edition Fluke Rod, Al Wynn though, donated the diamond in the rough, His custom Built Kevin Bogan Cod rod and reel. If that rod could talk… Plus the many local sponsors that donated t make the evening special. Thank you to all that attended and participated to make it a success. The auction and raffle portion raised $1820 and the dinner actually put $83.25 into the coffers of the club. There was discussion of using some of the raffle proceeds to donated to student scholarship fund. This issue will be presented at a future meeting to the membership for discussion. Sunshine Report Fred Waltzinger’s wife had successful back surgery on April 13th. She is presently in rehab/therapy. We wish her a speedy and full recovery. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. MiJo Striped Bass Trip This trip is scheduled for May 3rd out of Atlantic Highlands. Herb Manger is coordinating along with Rich Volz. Contact them to sign up. Cost is $68 and includes bait and the Coffe Klatsch The next installment of the Coffee Klatsch is Tuesday May 19th @ 10 am. Meet at Mike’s Deli on Rt 34 and Paynters rd for an informal get together with fellow members. mates tip. Rich Volz (732) 262-3391 or Herb Manger (732)-581-6727. MANASQUAN FISHING CLUB PO Box 513 Manasquan, New Jersey 08736 PBA Kids Fishing Tournament The PBA kids fishing tournament will be held on Saturday May 2nd @ 8:00am. Any member wishing to volunteer contact Duane Danish @ (732) 223-5485. This is the day after our meeting so plan on attending the meeting if you want to volunteer to get all the details. Vandalism @ Womens Club There was some vandalism done to the storage room at the women club. It was agreed to install hasps and pad locks on both doors leading to the room. If you feel you have the time and skillets do this please contact Bob Gynn to coordinate the effort. BluesClaws Outing We will be working on the BlueClaws outing in the following weeks. No date has been set yet as we want to try to get a date that most can attend. Pete Murcko will have a sign up sheet at the next meeting or you can call him at (732) 616-9908 if you plan to attend. The BlueClaws generously donated to the Awards diner and this is our chance to support them . Change of Plans The auction planned for the upcoming meeting has been postponed to the following month. The executive committee decided it was to the benefit of the club to schedule a talk on fluke hooks and mortality before the start of the upcoming season. Attend to learn how we can help land more fish and safely return them if they don't meet the minimum size requirements. So that means you have an extra month to sort out those gems that you want to auction off. Get them out and ready as this is a fun meeting. Manasquan Craft Show There is a craft show scheduled Saturday April 25th @ the Squan Plaza. There has been discussion for the club to man a table and give handouts inviting the prospective members that were dragged their with their wives and bored to tears. Short of giving them beer what’s better than talking fishing on a day they would rather be out on the water. Volunteers are needed so come prepared to offer your service and or thoughts at the next meeting. Fluke Trip Date Change Due to a miscommunication the date of the Fluke Trip on the Suzy Girl is now Saturday July 18th. Those that committed and cannot make it will be given a full refund. Contact Chris Jewell for details @ (732) 616-7123. MANASQUAN FISHING CLUB PO Box 513 Manasquan, New Jersey 08736
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