(ACCREDITED BY NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL) (AFFILIATED TO THE SIDHO KANHO BIRSHA UNIVERSITY) Vir Ganganarayan Road P.O:- MANBAZAR * DIST:- PURULIA * Pin-723131(West Bengal) Phone & Fax No: (03253) 255632 Email:[email protected] Date: 02.06.2015 Ref. No. MM/Notice/78/15 ADMISSION NOTICE This is to notify that Admission in the 1st year B.A, B.Sc and B.Com for the academic session 2015-2016 will be according to the following schedule. 1 Submission of On-Line Admission Form and Deposition of Application fees at Bank : 08.06.2015 to 18.06.2015 (up to 4 P.M.) 2 Publication of 1st Merit List (All Honours Subjects) : 20.06.2015 at 4 P.M. 3 Verification of documents and admission against 1st Merit List (All Honours Subjects) : 23.06.2015 to 24.06.2015 4 Deposit of Admission Fees at Bank against 1st Merit List (All Honours Subjects) : 23.06.2015 to 25.06.2015 (up to 4 P.M.) 5 Publication of 2nd Merit List (All Honours Subjects), if necessary. : 26.06.2015 at 4 P.M. 6 Verification of documents and admission against 2nd Merit List (All Honours Subjects) : 29.06.2015 to 30.06.2015 7 Deposit of Admission Fees at Bank against 2nd Merit List (All Honours Subjects) : 29.06.2015 to 01.07.2015 (up to 4 P.M.) 8 Publication of 1st Merit List (For General Courses) : 03.07.2015 at 4 P.M. 9 Verification of documents and admission against 1st Merit List (For General Courses) : 07.07.2015 to 15.07.2015 (up to 4 P.M.) 10 Notification of vacant seats (if any) and publication of merit list (if require) : 16.07.2015 at 4 P.M. • • • These dates are subject to change on unavoidable circumstances. Candidates are advised to go through details provided in the College Admission Portal thoroughly before submission of on-line form. Only those forms will be considered against which requisite fees are deposited into the Bank with in scheduled date and time. College web-site URL: www.manbhummahavidyalaya.ac.in Or Type in web-address bar: admission.manbhummv.in (ASUTOSH BISWAS) TEACHER-IN-CHARGE
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