
Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited,
Manipur, INDIA
MARCH 2015
RFP No.: 25/2/2015
Selection of Professional Services for: DETAILED DESIGN
Issued on: 23rd MARCH 2015
Table of Contents
Section 1. Instructions to Consultants ...................................................................................... 4
1. Instructions to Consultants – Data Sheet ...................................................................... 11
Section 2. Scope of Work....................................................................................................... 16
1. Context of the Power Sector in Manipur....................................................................... 16
2. Demographics and ethnic profile of Manipur ............................................................... 16
3. Scope of Work............................................................................................................... 18
4. Deliverable Milestones & Payment Schedule ............................................................... 22
Section 3. Technical Proposal Template ................................................................................ 23
Technical Proposal Submission Form ............................................................................... 23
Consultant’s Experience.................................................................................................... 24
Approach and Methodology.............................................................................................. 25
Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff .................................................. 26
Staffing Schedule .............................................................................................................. 28
Work Schedule .................................................................................................................. 29
Section 4: Financial Proposal Template.................................................................................. 30
Financial Proposal Submission Form................................................................................ 30
Financial Bid ..................................................................................................................... 31
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
Section 1. I nstr uctions to C onsultants
Client – ‘ Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited
1. Introduction
1.1 Consultants are invited to submit a Technical Proposal and a
Financial Proposal, for professional services required for the
assignment named in the Data sheet. The Proposal will be the
basis for contract negotiations and ultimately for a signed
Contract with the selected Consultant.
1.2 Consultants should familiarize themselves with local conditions
and take them into account in preparing their Proposals. The
assignment requires significant field exposure in Manipur and the
Consultant will have to commit significant part of resources and
time to the field. To obtain first-hand information on the
assignment and local conditions, Consultants are encouraged to
visit the Client site before submitting a proposal and to attend a
pre-proposal conference if one is specified in the Data Sheet.
Attending the pre-proposal conference is optional.
1.3 Consultants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of their proposals and contract negotiation. The
Client is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right
to annul the selection process at any time prior to Contract award,
without thereby incurring any liability to the Consultants.
1.4 Only professional services meeting the eligibility criteria under
section 1.13 of data sheet will be considered for evaluation
Only One Proposal
1.5 Consultants may only submit one proposal. If a Consultant
submits or participates in more than one proposal, such proposals
shall be disqualified.
Proposal Validity
1.6 The Data Sheet indicates how long Consultants’ Proposals must
remain valid after the submission date. During this period,
Consultants shall maintain the availability of Professional staff
nominated in the Proposal. The Client will make its best effort to
complete negotiations within this period. Should the need arise,
however, the Client may request Consultants to extend the
validity period of their proposals. Consultants who agree to such
extension shall confirm that they maintain the availability of the
Professional staff nominated in the Proposal, or in their
confirmation of extension of validity of the Proposal, Consultants
could submit new staff in replacement, who would be considered
in the final evaluation for contract award. Consultants who do not
agree have the right to refuse to extend the validity of their
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
2. Clarification
Amendment of
RFP Documents
2.1 Consultants may request a clarification of any of the RFP
documents up to the number of days indicated in the Data Sheet
before the proposal submission date. Any request for clarification
must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic means to the
Client’s address indicated in the Data Sheet. The Client will
respond in writing, or by standard electronic means and will send
written copies of the response (including an explanation of the
query but without identifying the source of inquiry) to all
Consultants. Should the Client deem it necessary to amend the
RFP as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the
procedure under para. 2.2.
2.2 At any time before the submission of Proposals, the Client may
amend the RFP by issuing an addendum in writing or by standard
electronic means. The addendum shall be sent to all Consultants
and will be binding on them. Consultants shall acknowledge
receipt of all amendments. To give Consultants reasonable time
in which to take an amendment into account in their Proposals the
Client may, if the amendment is substantial, extend the deadline
for the submission of Proposals.
3. Preparation of
3.1 The Proposal, as well as all related correspondence exchanged by
the Consultants and the Client, shall be written in the language (s)
specified in the Data Sheet.
3.2 In preparing their Proposal, Consultants are expected to examine
in detail the documents comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies
in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a
3.3. While preparing the Technical Proposal, Consultants must give
particular attention to the following:
Documents to be issued by the Consultants as part of this assignment
must be in the language(s) specified in the Data Sheet.
Technical Proposal
Format and
(a) Full Technical Proposal: A brief description of the Consultants’
organization and an outline of recent experience of the
Consultants on assignments of a similar nature is required (Ref:
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template ). For each assignment,
the outline should indicate the names of Sub-Consultants/
Professional staff who participated, duration of the assignment,
contract amount, and Consultant’s involvement. Information
should be provided only for those assignments for which the
Consultant was legally contracted by the client as a corporation or
as one of the major firms within a joint venture. Assignments
completed by individual Professional staff working privately or
through other consulting firms cannot be claimed as the
experience of the Consultant, or that of the Consultant’s
associates, but can be claimed by the Professional staff
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
themselves in their CVs. Consultants should be prepared to
substantiate the claimed experience if so requested by the Client.
b) Comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference including
workable suggestions that could improve the quality/ effectiveness
of the assignment; and on requirements for counterpart staff and
facilities including: administrative support, office space, local
transportation, equipment, data, etc. to be provided by the Client
(c) A description of the approach, methodology and work plan for
performing the assignment covering the following subjects:
technical approach and methodology, work plan, and organization
and staffing schedule.
(d) The list of the proposed Professional staff team by area of
expertise, the position that would be assigned to each staff
team member, and their tasks (Ref: Section 3: Technical
Proposal Template ).
(e) Estimates of the staff input needed to carry out the assignment
(Ref: Section 3: Technical Proposal Template ). The staff-months
input should be indicated separately for home office and field
(f) CVs of the Professional staff signed by the staff themselves or by
the authorized representative of the Professional Staff (Ref:
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template ).
(g) A detailed description of the proposed methodology and staffing
for training
3.4 The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial
information. A Technical Proposal containing financial
information may be declared non responsive.
Financial Proposals
3.5 The Financial Proposal shall be prepared using the attached
Standard Forms (Ref: Section 4: Financial Proposal Template).
3.6 The Consultant may be subject to taxes as may be applicable on
amounts payable by the Client under the Contract..
4. Submission,
Receipt, and
Opening of
4.1 The original proposal (Technical Proposal and Financial
Proposal) shall contain no interlineations or overwriting, except
as necessary to correct errors made by the Consultants
themselves. The person who signed the proposal must initial such
4.2 The Technical Proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope
clearly marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” Similarly, the Financial
Proposal shall be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked
“FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” followed by the name of the assignment,
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
and with a warning “DO NOT OPEN WITH THE TECHNICAL
PROPOSAL.” The envelopes containing the Technical and
Financial Proposals shall be placed into an outer envelope and
sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address,
reference number and assignment name and be clearly marked
APPOINTED, BEFORE [insert the time and date of the submission
deadline indicated in the Data Sheet]”. The Client shall not be
responsible for misplacement, losing or premature opening if the
outer envelope is not sealed and/or marked as stipulated. This
circumstance may be case for Proposal rejection. If the Financial
Proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly
marked as indicated above, this will constitute grounds for
declaring the Proposal non-responsive.
4.3 The Proposals must be sent to the address/addresses indicated in
the Data Sheet and received by the Client no later than the time
and the date indicated in the Data Sheet, or any extension to this
date in accordance with para. 2.2. Any proposal received by the
Client after the deadline for submission shall be returned
4.4 The Client shall open the Technical Proposal immediately after
the deadline for their submission. The envelopes with the
Financial Proposal shall remain sealed and securely stored.
5. Proposal
5.1 From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the Contract
is awarded, the Consultants should not contact the Client on any
matter related to its Technical and/or Financial Proposal. Any
effort by Consultants to influence the Client in the examination,
evaluation, ranking of Proposals, and recommendation for award
of Contract may result in the rejection of the Consultants’
Evaluators of Technical Proposals shall have no access to the
Financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is concluded
and the Client issues its “no objection”.
5.2 The client shall evaluate the Technical Proposals on the basis of
Evaluation of
their responsiveness to the Terms of Reference, applying the
Technical Proposals
evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and point system specified in the
Data Sheet. Each responsive Proposal will be given a technical
score (St). A Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not
respond to important aspects of the RFP, and particularly the
Terms of Reference or if it fails to achieve the minimum
technical score indicated in the Data Sheet.
Public Opening and
Evaluation of
Financial Proposals
5.3 The evaluation criteria will be QCBS; Only the bidders whose
technical score is more than 70 out of 100 will be eligible and
qualify for the QCBS evaluation. Under QCBS, the lowest
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
(For QCBS)
evaluated Financial Proposal (Fm) will be given the maximum
financial score (Sf) of 100 points. The financial scores (Sf) of the
other Financial Proposals will be computed as indicated in the
Data Sheet. Proposals will be ranked according to their combined
technical (St) and financial (Sf) scores using the weights (T = the
weight given to the Technical Proposal; P = the weight given to
the Financial Proposal; T + P = 1) indicated in the Data Sheet: S
= St x T% + Sf x P%. The firm achieving the highest combined
technical and financial score will be invited for negotiations.
5.4 After the technical evaluation is completed, the Client shall
inform the Consultants who have submitted proposals the
technical scores obtained by their Technical Proposals, and shall
notify those Consultants whose Proposals did not meet the
minimum qualifying mark or were considered non responsive to
the RFP and TOR, that their Financial Proposals will be returned
unopened after completing the selection process. The Client shall
simultaneously notify in writing Consultants that have secured
the minimum qualifying mark, the date, time and location for
opening the Financial Proposals. The opening date will allow
Consultants sufficient time to make arrangements for attending
the opening. Consultants’ attendance at the opening of Financial
Proposals is optional.
5.5 Financial Proposals shall be opened publicly in the presence of
the Consultants’ representatives who choose to attend. The name
of the Consultants, and the technical scores of the Consultants
shall be read aloud. The Financial Proposal of the Consultants
who met the minimum qualifying mark will then be inspected to
confirm that they have remained sealed and unopened. These
Financial Proposals shall be then opened, and the total prices read
aloud and recorded. Copy of the record shall be sent to all
5.6 The Client will correct any computational errors. When
correcting computational errors, in case of discrepancy between a
partial amount and the total amount, or between word and figures
the formers will prevail.
6. Negotiations
6.1 Negotiations will be held at the date and address indicated in the
Data Sheet. The invited Consultant will, as a pre-requisite for
attendance at the negotiations, confirm availability of all
Professional staff. Failure in satisfying such requirements may
result in the Client proceeding to negotiate with the next-ranked
Consultant. Representatives conducting negotiations on behalf of
the Consultant must have written authority to negotiate and
conclude a Contract.
6.2 Negotiations will include a discussion of the Technical Proposal,
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
the proposed technical approach and methodology, work plan,
and organization and staffing, and any suggestions made by the
Consultant to improve the Terms of Reference. The Client and
the Consultants will finalize the Terms of Reference, staffing
schedule, work schedule, logistics, and reporting. These
documents will then be incorporated in the Contract as
“Description of Services”. Special attention will be paid to clearly
defining the inputs and facilities required from the Client to
ensure satisfactory implementation of the assignment. The Client
shall prepare minutes of negotiations which will be signed by the
Client and the Consultant.
6.3 Unless there are exceptional reasons, the financial negotiations
will not involve the price quoted in the Financial Proposal.
Availability of
6.4 Having selected the Consultant on the basis of, among other
things, an evaluation of proposed Professional staff, the Client
expects to negotiate a Contract on the basis of the Professional
staff named in the Proposal. Before contract negotiations, the
Client will require assurances that the Professional staff will be
actually available. The Client will not consider substitutions
during contract negotiations unless both parties agree that undue
delay in the selection process makes such substitution
unavoidable or for reasons such as death or medical incapacity. If
this is not the case and if it is established that Professional staff
were offered in the proposal without confirming their availability,
the Consultant may be disqualified. Any proposed substitute shall
have equivalent or better qualifications and experience than the
original candidate and be submitted by the Consultant within the
period of time specified in the letter of invitation to negotiate.
Conclusion of the
6.5 Negotiations will conclude with a review of the draft Contract. To
complete negotiations the Client and the Consultant will initial
the agreed Contract. If negotiations fail, the Client will invite the
Consultant whose Proposal received the second highest score to
negotiate a Contract.
7. Award of
7.1 After completing negotiations the Client shall award the Contract
to the selected Consultant, publish on its website on line and
promptly notify all Consultants who have submitted proposals.
After Contract signature, the Client shall return the unopened
Financial Proposals to the unsuccessful Consultants.
7.2 The Consultant is expected to commence the assignment on the
date and at the location specified in the Data Sheet.
8. Confidentiality
8.1 Information relating to evaluation of Proposals and
recommendations concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the
Consultants who submitted the Proposals or to other persons not
officially concerned with the process, until the publication of the
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
award of Contract. The undue use by any Consultant of
confidential information related to the process may result in the
rejection of its Proposal and may be subject to the provisions of
the client’s antifraud and corruption policy.
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
1. Instructions to Consultants – Data Sheet
Name of the Client: Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited
Method of selection: Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
Financial Proposal to be submitted together with Technical Proposal: Yes
The name of the assignment is: Detailed Design & Implementation of
Institutional Strengthening and Capacity building at MSPDCL
A pre-proposal conference will be held: No
Proposals must remain valid for 90 days after the submission date, i.e. until:
Clarifications may be requested not later than 7 days before the submission date.
The address for requesting clarifications is:
MSPDCL, Electricity Complex
Khawi Bazaar, Keishampat
District Imphal West
Manipur - 795001
Proposals shall be submitted in English language.
Whether consortium or any form of association is permitted for the purpose of
bidding for this assignment: No
Training is a specific component of this assignment: Yes
The price included in Financial proposal will include the below mentioned
aspects as well:
(1) Cost of accommodation of consultant team, necessary travel, including
transportation of the Personnel by the most appropriate means of transport
and the most direct practicable route;
Cost of office accommodation, investigations and surveys;
Cost of applicable international or local communications such as the use of
telephone and facsimile required for the purpose of the Services;
Cost, rental and freight of any instruments or equipment required to be
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
provided by the Consultants for the purposes of the Services;
Cost of printing and dispatching of the reports to be produced for the
Cost of such further items required for purposes of the Services not
covered in the foregoing.
Other than the price accepted as part of the Financial proposal of the selected
Consultant, the client will not bear any additional expenses such as out of
pocket expenses etc.
Amounts payable by the Client to the Consultant under the contract to be
subject to Tax: Yes. Taxes applicable as per prevailing statutes
Consultant must submit one copy of Technical Proposal, and one copy of the
Financial proposal
The Proposal submission address is:
GM (Purchase)
Electricity Complex, Khawi Bazaar,
Keishampat, District Imphal West, Manipur – 795001
Criteria, sub-criteria, and point system for the evaluation of Full Technical
Proposals are:
(i) Specific experience of the Consultant (as a firm) relevant to the
(ii) Adequacy and quality of the proposed methodology, and
work plan in responding to the Terms of Reference (TORs):
a) Approach and Methodology including work plan
Total points for criterion (i & ii)
(iii) Key Experts’ qualifications and competence for the Assignment:
a. Project Manager
b. Sector Strategy Advisor
c. Distribution Expert (Process Re-engineering)
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
d. Organizational Restructuring & Manpower Planning Expert
e. Institutional Framework Expert
Total points for criterion (iii):
The number of points to be assigned to each of the above positions or
disciplines shall be determined considering the following three sub-criteria and
relevant percentage weights:
For (a): Project Manager
Sub Criteria
Guidelines of scoring /
Max Score%
out of 10
Educational Qualification Minimum: Industrial Engineer
with post-graduation in HR
from premier institutes
Total Institutional Strengthening & Capacity building
experience in Power Sector > 20 years with at least 10
years industry experience in the Power sector in India with
specific industry experience in the power Distribution
sector. Experience in working with communitisation/
Panchayat Raj Institutions is essential.
experience with North – east India essential
Out of total experience, at least 8 years’ consulting
experience in Institutional Strengthening & Capacity
Building for State Power Distribution Corporations / Govt.
agencies/ PSUs etc.
For (b): Sector Strategy Advisor
Sub Criteria
Guidelines of scoring /
Minimum: Post Graduate
Total Power Sector Consulting Experience > 20 years with
at experience in leading multi-year power sector reforms /
institutional strengthening assignments in atleast 5 states.
Experience in social sector/ community projects with
specific reference to power sector reforms is essential.
Max Score%
out of 10
For (c): Distribution Expert (Process Re-engineering)
Sub Criteria
Guidelines of scoring /
Max Score%
out of 10
Minimum: Engineering graduate
from premium institutes with
Masters / Post Graduation in
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
Business Management
Total experience in Strategy / Business process reengineering in Power sector > 10 years.
Working experience in strategy / Business process aspects of
Institutional Strengthening and Capacity building for State
electricity corporations/ state distribution corporations in
India. Consulting experience with North – east India
For (d): Organizational Restructuring & Manpower Planning Expert
Sub Criteria
Guidelines of scoring /
Max Score%
out of 10
Minimum: Industrial Engineer
with Post Graduation in
Personnel Management / HR
Total experience in Organizational Restructuring and
Manpower Planning > 20 years with at least 10 years
consulting experience in the Power sector in India.
Consulting experience with the Distribution sector is
essential. Consulting experience with North – east India
For (e): Institutional Framework Expert
Sub Criteria
Guidelines of scoring /
Max Score%
out of 10
Minimum: Chartered
Accountant/ MBA in Finance
Total experience in the Power Sector >15 years with atleast
10 years of experience in areas of Process Re-engineering,
ERP and MIS.
The expert resources mentioned above are required to spend atleast 50% of
their time in the Field owing to the implementation nature of the assignment.
Total points for the three criteria:
The technical score (St) shall be out of a total of 100. A minimum score of
70 is required to qualify.
The formula for determining the financial scores is the following :
Sf = 100 x Fm / F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price, and
F the price of the proposal under consideration.
The weights given to the Technical (T) and Financial (P) Proposals are:
T = 0.80 and
P = 0.20
Section 1: Instructions to Consultants
Expected date and address for contract negotiations:
Date: 25th April 2015
GM (Purchase),
Electricity Complex, Khawi Bazaar,
Keishampat, District Imphal West, Manipur – 795001
Expected date for the commencement of the Services:
Date: 30th April 2015 at Manipur, India
Section 2: Scope of work
Section 2. Scope of W or k
1. Context of the Power Sector in Manipur
The Power Sector in Manipur is unique owing to the following factors:
Demographic, ethnic profile and the role of Manipur in the overall development of the
Re-structuring & transformation of the Power Sector in the State
The discussions on the above factors are provided subsequently.
2. Demographics and ethnic profile of Manipur
The State of Manipur is comprised of
five hill districts and four valley districts
occupying a total geographical area of
22, Over 80% of the State is
characterized by hilly terrain & sparse
habitation (remote villages / hamlets
with as little as 30 to 40 households) and
thereby provide significant challenges in
operations for a power utility.
The state has a population of 21,66,791
grouped into tribal communities.
Characterized by tribes and ethnic
communities, the role of the Power
Sector in the overall community
development in the State is critical. A
transformation of the community
perception towards the power utility
through effective engagement is as
critical as the transformation of the
utility itself.
Manipur borders Myanmar in the east, Nagaland state in the north, Assam and Mizoram in the
west. With its geographic positioning and with the support from the government on the
development of the agricultural and horticultural industries, Manipur is gradually emerging as
the gateway for external trade in the region. While lack of investments and insurgency issues
have deterred growth in the past, measures are being undertaken to facilitate the development
in the state and thereby development of trade in the region. In this context, structured
reforms and development of the power sector in the state forms a critical strategic
component not just for the development of Manipur but the overall development of the
North Eastern Region.
Section 2: Scope of work
It is important to note that districts / regions within Manipur differ from each other in various
aspects. Hence it is critical that considerable time / effort is spent in understanding the current
dynamics. It is expected that significant time has to be spent in the field during this
assignment to achieve the same.
Realising the potential of the region and role of power sector in the development, the state
government has taken many restructuring & reformative initiatives with the primary objective
to improve the power situation in the state. The key reform initiative was the unbundling of
the Electricity Department of Manipur (EDM) into two successor corporate entities:
Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited (MSPDCL) – Controls the
functions of distribution and retail supply licensee within the state of Manipur;
Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) – Controls the functions of state
owned generation and transmission licensee for Manipur as a State Transmission
As part of the unbundling, MSPDCL was tasked with providing reliable power supply,
effective revenue realization, and satisfactory consumer service delivery in the Manipur.
MSPDCL is at a cusp of transformation and has recently taken many initiatives for its
development and intends to take up the detailed design and implementation of Institutional
Strengthening and Capacity building as under:
The institutional strengthening and the capacity building exercise proposed for MSPDCL
needs to take in the context the unique demographic and ethnic profile of the state and should
be facilitative to the overall transformation of the sector. Summarising the key observations
from the context in Manipur, the design and implementation of Institutional strengthening and
Capacity Building exercise should focus on the following:
Articulation of the strategy / policy for Power Sector: The Institutional Reforms
and the Capacity Building exercise for MSPDCL needs to review and clearly
articulate the power sector strategy / policy aligned not just to the development of the
state but to the development of the region. This needs to be in the context of the
national power sector policy and long term power sector development plans for the
Streamlining of Commercial & Projects related business processes and
institutionalisation of performance review mechanisms: With recent unbundling
and transformation proposed on various fronts, the utility has processes at various
levels of maturity. The Institutional Reforms and the Capacity Building exercise
should focus on streamlining the various core processes in the utility. The review of
the execution of the processes is also extremely critical during the transformational
stage and therefore establishing a business review framework to monitor
implementation is an extremely critical focus area.
Capacity building of utility human resources: The implementation of any reform
initiative lies with the human resources in the organization. The Institutional Reforms
and the Capacity Building exercise should therefore also focus on the key enablers like
the utilities’ structure, manpower, competencies and the HR processes of performance
management & career growth.
Section 2: Scope of work
Focus on Communitisation: The development of the electricity sector in Manipur
cannot be successful without the community’s involvement in sharing the
responsibility for the development, operations and maintenance of the assets of the
utilities. Inclusive development of the communities is hinged in many ways on
sustained and reliable power supply. Building a sense of co-ownership is critical in
Manipur. The Institutional Reforms and the Capacity Building exercise should provide
for effective engagement and development of the communities / ethnic groups of
3. Scope of Work
The scope of work focuses on detailed design and implementation of following Institutional
Strengthening and Capacity building aspects keeping the context of the demographic and
ethnic context of Manipur in mind:
3.1 Strategy / Policy Articulation
1. Define the objectives, guidelines and framework in guiding the state’s power policy
contextual to state’s unique demographic, ethnic and power sector requirements and
also aligned with the mandate of the Electricity Act, 2003 and market best practices.
2. Conduct a Vision / Mission workshop at MSPDCL’s HQ with all MSPDCL’s key
Engineers, stakeholders of the state government and community representation, etc. to
set direction for Manipur power distribution over the next five years.
3. Provide a strategic business plan for the distribution utility keeping in mind the
existing business performance, the constraints related to unbundling, and potential
3.2 Business Processes
1. Detailed As-Is Analysis of key business processes related to Commercial and Projects.
2. Benchmarking the processes with high performing utilities across India with a special
focus on utilities in the North east India and other parts of the country wherein models
of community involvement have been explored/ implemented.
3. Streamlining of the business processes and design of to-be processes at various levels
in the organisation integrating communitisation where relevant.
4. Recommendation on core and non-core processes. Suggestion on outsourcing of noncore activities in line with the process study. Suggestions on activities that can be
owned/ co-owned through communitisation initiatives.
5. Implementation / handholding support on re-designed to-be processes to MSPDCL’s
employees over a period of 1 year
6. The handholding support to not be limited to field offices in the valley. The same to be
inclusive and cover Division offices in the Hills as well.
Section 2: Scope of work
3.3 Business Performance Review Mechanism
MSPDCL is in the process of establishing a business and technical performance review
framework / information flow mechanisms. It intends to take it forward and institutionalize it
in form of a defined system. Thus the consultant is expected to handhold MSPDCL’s
management / employees in the following:
1. In line with proposed power sector strategy / to-be business processes, design
Organizational Level KRA/KPIs for the power distribution company.
2. Cascade organizational performance measures to the departmental level (process
alignment) for all departments / divisions / site offices. Establish a performance data
capture mechanism. This will also include a system for registering grievances of
customers, communities and other stakeholders with regard to infrastructure and
power supply. Implement MIS mechanisms for smooth flow of information from the
consumer and the field to the functional heads to the Managing Director. Create
necessary dashboards for the same to capture technical and operational measures.
3. Suggest suitable IT intervention to enhance better monitoring & control and reduce the
overall turnaround time of the organization.
4. Implement review frameworks for the Projects, O&M and Commercial functions.
Establish schedule of meetings, agendas etc for performance monitoring and review
and redressal of grievances.
5. Participate / facilitate / Handhold business review meetings at the head office and field
offices on above aspects for a period of 1 year after design of to-be processes
The above will require an understanding of communitisation specifically in the socio-ethnic
context of Manipur. Understanding of institutional strengthening linkages such as strategy to
processes to business review and organization setup is a critical aspect and hence the
consultant is expected to deploy suitable resources with experience in Industrial Engineering
and HR to lead the Institutional strengthening exercise at MSPDCL. (Refer section 5.2a)
3.4 Organization Structure and Job Description
1. Provide recommendations / changes to organization structure in line with To-be
business processes.
2. Benchmarking organization structure with relevant utilities specific to changes
Implementation of Organizational Structure including detailed Job description for
each process owner. Detail roles and responsibilities in the context of
communitisation. Detail roles within the utility in relation with the roles shared by the
4. Various Structural models to be explored keeping in mind Demography, Geography
and communitisation models.
Section 2: Scope of work
3.5 Manpower, Cadres & Grades
1. As-Is manpower status Corporate/Circle/Division/Sub Division/Section Office wise &
depletion on retirements
2. Conduct detailed manpower mapping with techno commercial analysis & current
business processes
3. In line with proposed process changes including O&M & suitable benchmarking
considering demography/geography/outsourcing/ communitisation define to-be
manpower requirement for MSPDCL
4. Corporate manpower to be defined as per market practices/proposed structure
5. Provide a manpower plan for 5-10 years building in a maturity model for the utility.
6. Handhold HR department of MSPDCL in rolling out the Manpower plan including the
re-deployment of surplus manpower if any
7. Provide strategies for managing concerns of contract employees / Muster Rolls / Work
Charges and community engagement.
3.6 Training & Skill development
This is a key focus area for MSPDCL and would require rigorous on field support.
1. Design and develop a Competency Framework with a specific focus on:
Project Management
Operations and Maintenance
Commercial orientation
Customer Service Delivery
2. The competency framework to be aligned to the on the ground realities of MSPDCL.
The same should be defined for both executive and non-executive staff. Certain
specific competencies related to Community involvement in O&M, Commercial,
Projects aspects to be defined.
3. In line with the defined competency framework, conduct a skill gap analysis for
MSPDCL. The same to be aligned to the to-be business processes as well.
4. Design and implement a training and skill development plan across MSPDCL, both
corporate and field offices. The consultant to support in designing the training setup at
MSPDCL and handhold the training department in conduct / facilitation of trainings
for executives / non-executives at MSPDCL.
Design and develop a training and skill development plan for community
involvement. The consultant will help design the training setup for the
communitisation initiatives.
Section 2: Scope of work
The facilitation of designed training delivery and skill development programs to continue for
a period of 18 months i.e. till six months after the envisaged duration of the assignment.
3.7 Recruitment
1. Implementation / handholding support to recruitment in line with skill requirements
defined earlier
3.8 Performance Management & Rewards
1. Design detailed Individual PMS framework based on both objective KRA/KPIs &
2. The Individual PMS to be aligned to business review framework of MSPDCL
3. Design forms / formats for all levels / roles
4. The consultant to provide handholding support during the first performance cycle.
3.9 Career and Succession Planning
1. Implement policies for faster career growth / progression in line with re-defined PMS.
Include impact of Transfer /posting linked to career management. Conduct
benchmarking study to identify best practices and provide recommendations on
building second line leadership at MSPDCL. Initiate the succession planning /
grooming of the next line leaders as part of the six months skill development exercise.
Section 2: Scope of work
4. Deliverable Milestones & Payment Schedule
Deliverable Description
Payment as % of
Within 3 months of
issue of work order
Within 6 months of
issue of work order
Within 9 months of
issue of work order
Within 12 months of
issue of work order
Between months 7
and 18 after issue of
work order
On Submission of Interim Report I
(Covering deliverables on Strategy / Policy
Articulation and Business Processes)
On Submission of Interim Report II
(Covering deliverables on Business Performance
Review Mechanism, Organizational Structure &
Job Descriptions, Manpower Cadres & Grades)
On Submission of Interim Report III
(Covering deliverables on Training &
Development, Recruitment, Performance
Management & Rewards and Career &
Succession Planning)
Submission and approval of final report
Implementation Support
Handhold business review meetings and facilitate
delivery of training programs
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Section 3. T echnical Pr oposal T emplate
Technical Proposal Submission Form
Location, Date
GM (Purchase)
Electricity Complex, Khawi Bazaar,
Keishampat, District Imphal West, Manipur – 795001
Dear Sir:
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for “DETAILED DESIGN &
BUILDING AT MSPDCL” in accordance with your Request for Proposals dated _____ and
our Proposal. “We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes this Technical
Proposal and a Financial Proposal sealed in a separate envelope”.
We hereby declare that:
(a) All the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and we accept that
any misinterpretation or misrepresentation contained in this Proposal may lead to our
(b) Our Proposal shall be valid and remain binding upon us for the period of time
specified in the Data Sheet.
(c) We have no conflict of interest.
(d) Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to any modifications resulting from the
Contract negotiations.
We understand that MSPDCL is not bound to accept any or all the Proposal that it receives.
Yours sincerely,
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:
In the capacity of:
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Consultant’s Experience
Assignment name:
Approx. value of the contract (in INR):
Location within country:
Duration of assignment (months):
Name of Client:
Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Approx. value of the services provided by your firm
under the contract (in INR):
Start date (month/year):
Completion date (month/year):
No of professional staff-months provided by associated
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
Name of senior professional staff of your firm involved
and functions performed (indicate most significant
profiles such as Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Narrative description of Project:
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Attach a copy of Work Order / Completion Certification as a proof
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Approach and Methodology
a) Technical Approach and Methodology,
b) Work Plan, and
c) Organization and Staffing,
a) Technical Approach and Methodology. In this chapter you should explain your
understanding of the objectives of the assignment, approach to the services, methodology for
carrying out the activities and obtaining the expected output, and the degree of detail of such
output. You should highlight the problems being addressed and their importance, and explain
the technical approach you would adopt to address them. You should also explain the
methodologies you propose to adopt and highlight the compatibility of those methodologies
with the proposed approach.
b) Work Plan. In this chapter you should propose the main activities of the assignment, their
content and duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones (including interim approvals by
the Client), and delivery dates of the reports. The proposed work plan should be consistent
with the technical approach and methodology, showing understanding of the TOR and ability
to translate them into a feasible working plan. A list of the final documents, including reports,
drawings, and tables to be delivered as final output, should be included here. The work plan
should be consistent with the Work Schedule of Form TECH-8.
c) Organization and Staffing. In this chapter you should propose the structure and
composition of your team. You should list the main disciplines of the assignment, the key
expert responsible, and proposed technical and support staff.]
Team Composition and Task Assignments
Professional Staff
Name of Staff
Area of Expertise
Task Assigned
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Professional Staff
1. Proposed Position [only one candidate shall be nominated for each position]:
2. Name of Firm [Insert name of firm proposing the staff]:
3. Name of Staff [Insert full name]:
4. Date of Birth:
5. Education [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of
institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]:
6. Membership of Professional Associations:
7. Other Training [Indicate significant training since degrees under 5 - Education were obtained]:
8. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years]:
9. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and
10. Employment Record [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by
staff member since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment,
name of employing organization, positions held.]:
From [Year]:
To [Year]:
Positions held:
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned
12. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to
Handle the Tasks Assigned
[Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved,
indicate the following information for those assignments that best
illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 11.]
[List all tasks to be performed
Name of assignment or project:
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
under this assignment]
Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:
13. Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful
misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Staffing Schedule
Name of Staff
Staff input (in the form of a bar chart)2
Total staff-month input
For Professional Staff the input should be indicated individually; for Support Staff it should be indicated by category (e.g.: draftsmen, clerical staff, etc.).
Months are counted from the start of the assignment. For each staff indicate separately staff input for home and field work.
Field work means work carried out at a place other than the Consultant's home office.
Full time input
Part time input
Section 3: Technical Proposal Template
Work Schedule
Indicate all main activities of the assignment, including delivery of reports (e.g.: inception, interim, and final reports), and other benchmarks such as Client
approvals. For phased assignments indicate activities, delivery of reports, and benchmarks separately for each phase.
Duration of activities shall be indicated in the form of a bar chart.
Section 4: Financial
Section 4: F inancial Pr oposal T emplate
Financial Proposal Submission Form
Location, Date
GM (Purchase)
Electricity Complex, Khawi Bazaar,
Keishampat, District Imphal West, Manipur – 795001
Dear Sir:
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for “DETAILED DESIGN &
BUILDING AT MSPDCL” in accordance with your Request for Proposals dated _____ and our
Our attached Financial Proposal is for the amount of Rs. _______/- (Rupees _________),
inclusive of all taxes as applicable
Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from
Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. before the date
indicated in the Data Sheet.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,
Name and Title of Signatory:
Name of Consultant:
In the capacity of:
Section 4: Financial
Financial Bid
Provide your total quote / financial bid in the format below
COST (In Indian Rupees –
Total Price inclusive all expenses as per
Data sheet
Taxes applicable
TOTAL (inclusive of tax)