Help beautify Manteca! Become a Member in the Manteca Mural

(209) 825-4700 or (209) 823-1386
Help beautify Manteca! Become a Member in the Manteca Mural Society!
Our Society’s goal is to bring murals to Manteca. We will use the visual arts as a force to build
community pride, to revitalize and enhance the Manteca economy, to promote tourism and build a
cultural bridge between the past, present and the future.
With your support and membership we will work diligently to aid in the beautification of
Manteca. This, we believe, will create a beneficial impact on our city and the business community.
Member Benefits
• E-mail notification of all Mural Society events.
• Enjoy a voice in selections of artists, locations, and mural content.
• Pride in bringing our community a distinctive identity.
----------------------------Please mail bottom portion along with your check------------------------Membership Form and Annual Dues
NEW MEMBER________
Student $5.___________
Individual $15________
Family $20___________
Community Service Org. $75______
Business $100 __________
Friend of Mural Society $250_______
Mural Society Sponsor $500________
Society Benefactor $1000__________
Company (if applicable):________________________________________________________
Name(s) (or contact):___________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _________ _________
Phone: ___________________ Cell Phone:________________ Fax Number: ______________
Help is always appreciated, would you be interested in volunteering? _________________
Please make check payable to the Manteca Mural Society and mail this form and check to:
P.O. Box 1666, Manteca, Ca., 95336 or if you would like to make a donation through our
website please visit us at: