Mexican Madness? Extreme Environments Step Back in Time

Advent: t’s all Greek to me
Lent: Space Ship Earth
Pentecost: A whole new World
We will improve our skills in Reading, Writing and the Spoken language by reading appropriate books in full. We will create our own texts in a range of genre and think about the purpose of our writing when we plan and include the new vocabulary that we have learned.
We will apply and develop our skills of handwriting, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Traditional Stories, fables and myths
Significant Authors
Dramatic Conventions (non-f)
Poetic Style
Film Narrative (non-f)
Persuasive Writing
Classic Narrative Poetry
Stories from other Cultures (fiction)
Choral and Performance Poetry
Recounts/Reports (Non-F)
Older Literature
Additional Text Based Unit
Use the school calculation policy and National Curriculum document to cover the statutory areas of:
Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and division, Fractions, Measurement,
Geometry – properties of shapes and position and direction, Statistics, fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Y5 Properties &changes of materials : changes of materials.
Y5 Forces, Earth & Space
Y6: Evolution & inheritance
Y6 Light & electricity.
Y5: living things & their habitats. Animals including humans : life
Y6 Living Things & their habitats. Animals including humans.:
classification. Humans & Health.
Children will also be Working scientifically following the National Curriculum in a range of activities linked to the theme. This is incorporated in the science topics.
Ancient Greece,
a study of Greek life and achievements and influence on western world.
Study of a region in Greece & England
Place knowledge, similarities and differences between region in Europe and UK. UK
seaside region compared to Greece.
History of Benin West Africa AD 900 -1300
An environmental issue
Climate Zones & Time Zones
Geographical skills and fieldwork: using maps, atlases, globes, digital mapping, 8 points of a compass 6 figure reference key/fieldwork sketches, plan, maps, graphs, use digital technologies ordnance surveys,
Art &
Myth told through Collage
Digital Media
record, collect, store visual information linked to space, earth
skills Historical/ modern/ variety of cultures portraits, Objects and
Create sketch books to record observations to review and revisit ideas Know about great artists, architects & designers in history
Design, make & evaluate Stiff and Flexible Sheet Materials
make Temple Models
Design, make & evaluate: Electrical (motors or lights)
electrical systems in products e.g. switches, series circuits, buzzers, lights Map with switches to show different
locations/ Motorised spinning Tudor globe
Design, make & evaluate: Cooking & Nutrition
Food from around the world;
make savoury dishes, understand seasonality and where, how
ingredients are grown, reared, caught, processed links to Africa
Y 5: Don’t Stop Believing
Five Gold Rings
Y6: Livin’ on a Prayer
New Year Carol
Y 5: Classroom Jazz 1
A Tragic Story
Y6: Classroom Jazz 2
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Y 5: Stop!
Refect, Rewind and Replay
Y6: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Sing with increasing confidence and control, songs linked to topic, sing up!
Technology in our lives
Using the internet , E safety
Handling data
Using the internet , E safety
Programming & controlling
Multi media
Using the internet , E safety