CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name Date of Birth Sex Nationality Prof. Dr. Ir. Mirzah, M S 15 Mei 1958 Male Indonesian Marital status Language Mirzah Department of Animal Nutrition Faculty of Animal Science Married, 3 children Bahasa Indonesia, English (spoken & writtein) Current Employer Andalas University Current Positions Dept of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University Addresses Andalas University Padang, Indonesia January, 2015 Office : Department of Animal Nutrition Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis, Padang Indonesia. Tel : 0751 -71464 - Fax: 0751-71464 Email: [email protected] Residential : Palm Raya Block B/3, Pasar Ambacang, KuranjiPadang 25152, Indonesia Tel. +6208126724529 ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1984 Bachelor of Science Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia 1990 Master of Science Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia 1997 Doctor of Philosophy Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia FIEL OF SPECIALISATION Poultry Nutrition and Feed Technology EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE 1986- present : Lecturer Department of Animal Nutrition Faculty of Animal Science Andalas University ,Kampus Limau Manis Padang Indonesia TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Biochemistry I. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. Effect of acid treatment of shrimp head waste for feed Broiler (Position Head- researcher, 1990) 2. Poultry Nutrition 3. Feed Science 4. Research Methodology 5. Feed Handling and Processing Technology 2. Improving quality of shrimp head waste meals as animal feed by soaking and steam heat processing (Head - researcher, 1997) 3. Improving quality corn cob as animal feed by fermentation (Head – researcher, 2005). 4. Increased bioavailability of shrimp waste through processing and utilization as a substitute for fish meal in feed rations of poultry (Head – researcher, 2005) 5. Improving bioavailability of shrimp head waste using chitin enzyme producing by Lactobacillus sp. (Co Researcher, 2006) 6. Effect of alkali treatment of shrimp head waste for poultry feed. fermentation (Head – researcher, 2007) 7. Technology of preparation the shrimp waste to acquire feed to substitutions the fish meal in poultry rations (Head – researcher, 2008). 8. Manufacture method of feed as animal protein sources based shrimp wastes for poultry diet (Head – researcher, 2009). 9. Preparation method for feed as animal protein sources base the shrimp waste (Head – researcher, Paten research, 2009). 10. Method of feed manufactures of animal protein sources based the shrimp waste for poultry (Head – researcher, 2010) 11. Nutritional evaluation of shrimp waste silage and applications in domestic poultry rations (Head – researcher, 2012). 12. Application and evaluation of diet based the shrimp waste in increasing the production of local chicken (Head – researcher, 2013). 13. Evaluation of of feed products low in cholesterol on the growth and productivity of local ducks west Sumatra (Co Researcher, 2014) II. PUBLICATION in SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS 1. 1. Mirzah. 2006. Effect of steaming on the protein quality of shrimp waste soaked with rice husk ash filtrate. Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia. Vol. 2. No.2. Juni 2006 2. Mirzah. 2006. Effect of soaking and steam heat treatment of shrimp head waste (SHW) on nutritional quality and metabolizable energy. Jurnal Peternakan. Vol 3 no. 2. September 2006. 3.Mirzah. 2007. The use of shrimp head waste meals by soaking with dusk rice husk solution in broiler diets. Jurnal Peternakan Tropis , Fakultas Peternakan Undip. Vol. 32 no. 4.Desember 2007. 4. Mirzah. 2008. The effect of substitution different levels of fish meal with shrimp head waste meals by soaking with dusk rice husk solution in indigenous chicken diets. Jurnal Peternakan Tropis , Fakultas Peternakan Undip. Vol. 33 no. 3.September 2008. 5. Mirzah. 2007. Using the shrimp waste meal treated by filtrate husk ash solution in broiler ration. Jurnal Media Peternakan IPB Bogor. Vol.30 No. 3. Desember 2007. 6. Noverdiman, Y. Rizal, Mirzah, Y. Heryandi, and Y. Marlida. 2008. The content of nutrition and quality mud oil fermentation with fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in broiler chickens. Jurnal Agritek. Vol. 17 No. 07, Juli 2008. 7. Noverdiman, Y. Rizal, Mirzah, Y. Heryandi, and Y. Marlida. 2008. The use of urea as a source of nitrogen on biodegradation process substrates mud oil by fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium . Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Peternakan. Vol. XI No.4. November 2008. 8. Suslina A Latif, Nuraini, Mirzah, and Ade Djulardi. 2011. Effect of mixed sago and tofu dregs fermented with Monascus purpureus in the ration on the quality of quail eggs. Jurnal Embrio Vol. 4 No.1. 9. Suslina A Latif, Nuraini, Mirzah, and Ade Djulardi. 2011. Use of mixed sago and tofu dregs fermented with Monascus purpureus in the ration on the quality laying performances. Jurnal Embrio Vol. 13 No.2. 10. Salvia, Mirzah, Yetti Marlida and Endang Purwati. 2013. Potential of local micro algae as a natural antioxidant to produce ASUH broiler meat. International Journal on Advanced Sci. Eng. Information Tech. Vol. 3 No. 3. Tahun 2013. 11. Ucoep Haru, Yetti Marlida, Mirzah and Agus S. 2013. Extraction and isolation phytochemical and antimicrobial activity of limonoid compounds from orange waste juice. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. Vol . 12. No. 8. 12. Salvia, Mirzah, Yetti Marlida and Endang Purwati. 2014. The optimizing of growth and quality of chlorella vulgaris as ASUH feed supplement for broiler. International Journal on Advanced Sci. Eng. Information Tech. Vol. 4 No. 4. Tahun 2014. 1. Mirzah and Yetti Marlida. 2004. The improving of corn cobb with fermentation using Neurospora. Proceeding Seminar The 6th Asian Symposium on Academic Activities for Waste Management: Waste Management and Technology in Developing Countries: “The way Forward, 11- 14 September 2004, Hotel Bumi Minang, Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia. III. LIST OF PROCEEDING/ PRESENTATIONS/ EXHIBITIONS 2. Mirzah. 2007. Improving quality of shrimp head waste meals as animal feed by soaking and steam heat processing. International Symposium on Management of Aquatic and Marine Environment, January 22-23, 2007 Andalas University, Padang 3. Mirzah. 2010. The effect of substitution of fish meal with shrimp head waste meals by soaking with dusk rice husk solution in diets on performance of Pitalah ducks. Jurnal Animal Production vol 2 No 2, Unsoed. Porwokerto. 4. Mirzah. 2008. The effect of substitution different levels of fish meal with shrimp head waste meals by soaking with dusk rice husk solution in diets on performance of indigenous chicken. JPPT. Undip, Semarang 5. Mirzah. 2007. Utilisation of shrimp head waste meals with rice dusk solution in diets on broiler performance. Jurnal Media Peternakan Vol 3 No. 2. Faculty of Animal Science, IPB. Bogor 6. Mirzah, Marlida, and Montesqrit. 2006. Using corn cobb fermentantion by Neurospora sp as substitution corn in broiler diets. JPI. Vol 2. No. 1. Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University, Padang. 7. Mirzah. 2011.The effect of substitution fish meal with the shrimp head waste meals by treated with dusk rice husk solution in diets on performance of Pitalah ducks . Semirata BKS Barat, Palembang. 8. Adrizal, Mirzah and Montesqrit. 2012. The potency of sugar cane waste product for supporting sustainable beef cattle feed resource at integrated farming in Solok regency West Sumatra. The 2nd Int Seminar on Animal Industry. Jakarta. 9. Mirzah, S.A. Latif and Filawati. 2012. Using the shrimp waste meal by processed with mixed cultures EM-4 in laying hen ration. Semirata BKS Barat, Medan. 10. Mirzah, Ramadani and Susanty. 2012. Effect of substitutions the yellow corn meal with noodle waste (Indomie®) in diet on broiler performance. Seminar Poultry Internasional WPSA . Proceeding The 1 st Poult. Int. Sem. 2012 ISBN 978-602-96934-6-1 11. Mirzah, Montesqrit and Suslina A Latif. 2013. Effect of formic acid in silage processing from shrimp head waste as animal feed. Proceeding Seminar Internasional AINI-Padang, 2013. IV. EXTENSION SERVICE 1. 2. 3. V.BOOKS 12. Mirzah and Filawati. 2014. Preparation shrimp head waste to produce thr feed of protein sources to replace fish melas. National Seminar on Sustainable Livestock 6th, Bandung 1. Increased Production Efficiency Improvement Through Native Chicken Production and Marketing System on Native Chicken Production Center Village Kumbayau Sawahlunto (2009) 2. Using shrimp head waste meal producs in “buras” diet at Kumbayau Farm (2012) 1. Potential and Shrimp Waste Treatment for Feed (ISBN: 978- 602- 8124-84-3. Tahun 2013) Padang, January 20, 2015 Prof.Dr.Ir.Mirzah,MS
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