Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 Programme – Poster Presentations Wednesday June 10th 16:40h-18:00h SESSION: Mean Sea Level Observations and Processes 1 Scientific roadmap towards height system unification with GOCE. Th. Gruber, R. Rummel, M. Sideris, E. Rangelova, P. Woodworth, C. Hughes, J. Ihde, G. Liebsch, A. Rülke, Ch. Gerlach, R. Haagmans 2 How long does it take to measure a trend in ocean bottom pressure? Joanne Williams, Chris Hughes, Mark Tamisiea 3 Variability of the ocean bottom pressure along the Gulf of Cadiz and its effect on the sea level spatial distribution. Irene Laiz, Marta Marcos, Jesús Gómez-Enri, Evan Mason, Begoña Tejedor, Alazne Aboitiz, Pilar Villares 4 Ocean Bottom Pressure Records at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level. Angela Hibbert, Andrew Matthews, Chris W. Hughes, Mark E. Tamisiea, 5 The Semiannual Oscillation of Southern Ocean Sea Level. Angela Hibbert, Harry Leach, Phil Woodworth 6 Celebrating 30 Years of the South Atlantic Tide Gauge Network. Angela Hibbert, Pete Foden, Jeff Pugh, Geoff Hargreaves, Steve Mack, Phil Woodworth 7 The South Atlantic sea level variability. Raisa de Siqueira Alves, Angela Hibbert and Harry Leach 8 The Annual Global-Mean Thermosteric Height Budget. Christopher G. Piecuch, Rui M. Ponte 9 Forcing of Global Mean Sea Level Interannual variability for the period 1950-2010. Gabriel Jordà, Francisco Mir Calafat, Mikis Tsimplis 1 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 10 On the causes of the differential mean sea level variations between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth. Yuri Barkin, José M. Ferrándiz, Isabel Vigo, David García 11 Global and Regional Sea Level Change Over the 20th Century: How Can it Inform Us About the 21st Century? R. S. Nerem, B. D. Hamlington, F. Landerer, R. Leben, and J. Willis 12 Observed changes and variability of mean sea-level in the Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years –a review. Birgit Hünicke and Eduardo Zorita 13 Nordic Sea Level – Analysis of PSMSL RLR Tide Gauge data. Per Knudsen, Ole Andersen, Carlo Sørensen 14 Variability of decadal sea-level trends in the Baltic Sea. Sitar Karabil, Eduardo Zorita, Birgit Huenicke 15 Regional Sea Level change in the North Sea since 1900. Frauke Albrecht, Saskia Esselborn, Ralf Weisse 16 Sea Level Oscillations in The Baltic Sea: From Minutes to Centuries. Igor P. Medvedev, Alexander B. Rabinovich, Evgueni A. Kulikov 17 Tides in the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. Igor P. Medvedev, Alexander B. Rabinovich, Evgueni A. Kulikov 18 Impact of large-scale climate patterns on sea-level variability in the Gulf of Guinea with focus on Ghana. Evadzi, P., Hünicke, B., Zorita, E. 19 Relative sea-level change along the Italian coast during the late Holocene and projections for 2100: Coastal plain impacts based on high-resolution DTMs and geodetic data. Valeria Lo Presti., Fabrizio Antonioli , Alessandro Amorosi , Marco Anzidei , Gianni De Falco , Alessandro Fontana , Giuseppe Fontolan , Giuseppe Mastronuzzi , Enrico Serpelloni , Antonio Vecchio 20 Sea level trends and long-term variability in the South China Sea. A.M. Amiruddin, I.D. Haigh, M.N. Tsimplis, F.M. Calafat and S. Dangendorf 21 Closing the gap between regional and global sea level in the Bay of Bengal. Bernd Uebbing, Roelof Rietbroek, Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Jürgen Kusche 2 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 22 Variation of sea level and net water flux in the Mediterranean Sea. Luciana Fenoglio-Marc 23 Satellite altimetry Calibration/Validation at the Australian Bass Strait site in the context of the new missions Jason-3 and Sentinel3. Legresy B., C. Watson, J. Church, N. White, J. Beardsley, J. Andrewartha 24 Quality control and validation of the new IOP and GOP ocean products from CryoSat-2. Francisco Mir Calafat, Paolo Cipollini, Helen Snaith, Jérôme Bouffard, Pierre Féménias, Tommaso Parrinello 25 Coastal sea level measurements and trends from improved satellite altimetry. Paolo Cipollini, Francisco M. Calafat, David Cotton, Marcello Passaro, Helen Snaith 26 The Various of Wet Tropospheric Corrections effect on the Regional Sea Level Variability in the Indonesia Seas. Eko Yuli Handoko, Maria Joana Fernandes, Clara Lazaro 27 Comparing coastal and open ocean sea level variability and trend from altimetric data. A. Melet, M. Nonti, B. Chide, B. Meyssignac, F. Birol 28 Sensitivity of sea-level rise reconstruction from 1900 to present. Legresy B, J. Church, N. White , D. Monselesan and A. Slangen. 29 Time-varying trends in regional sea level from tide gauge data. Thomas Frederikse, Riccardo Riva, Cornelis Slobbe, Taco Broerse, Martin Verlaan 30 Sea level reconstruction from satellite altimetry and tide gauges using advanced signal decomposition techniques. Sandra.Esther Brunnabend, Jürgen Kusche, Roelof Rietbroek, and Ehsan Forootan 31 Global Sea Level rise from an Empirical Mode Decomposition perspective. Marco Olivieri, Giorgio Spada, Gaia Galassi 32 Deriving sea level from tide gauges. Jens Schröter, Manfred Wenzel, Klaus Grosfeld, Roelof Rietbroek 33 Altimetric sea level variation and reconstruction in the Arctic. Ole B. Andersen, P. Limkilde Svendsen, A. Aasbjerg and P. Knudsen 3 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 SESSION: Special Session on Mediterranean Sea Level 1 Mean sea level secular trends from PSMSL RLR data: A case study for the Mediterranean basin. Hebib Taibi , Mahdi Haddad 2 Relative sea level trend and long term variability in the Northern Mediterranean from tide gauge data: implications for future projections. Antonio Vecchio, Marco Anzidei 3 Rescuing historic Maltese tide gauge data. Elizabeth Bradshaw 4 Sea level at 2ka BP in the Balearic Islands from Roman age coastal quarries. Fabrizio Antonioli, Marcus Heinrich Hermanns, Marco Anzidei 5 Improved satellite altimeter mapped sea level anomalies in the Mediterranean Sea. Marta Marcos, Ananda Pascual, Isabelle Pujol 6 Determination of Mean Dynamic Topography over the Mediterranean Sea from Jason-2 Altimetry Measurements and EGM2008 Data. Ali Rami, Sofiane Khelifa 7 Interannual variability of the Surface Geostrophic Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea. M. Sempere, S. Esselborn, I.Vigo 8 Seasonal Cycle of Surface Geostrophic Circulation of the Mediterranean Sea. M.Sempere, I. Vigo, M. Trottini, S. Esselborn 9 Sensitivity of the Mediterranean sea level to atmospheric pressure and free surface elevation numerical formulation in NEMO. Antonio Bonaduce, Paolo Oddo, Nadia Pinardi, Antonio Guarnieri 10 High-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Mediterranean Sea: analysis and synoptic preconditioning. Jadranka Sepic, Ivica Vilibic, Amaury Lafon, Loic Macheboeuf, Zvonko Ivanovic 11 Long-wave analysis of coastal sea-level records and implications for hazard monitoring and assessment: an application to the Siracusa, Italy, tide-gauge station. Lidia Bressan, Stefano Tinti 12 Mesoscale eddies in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Romain Escudier, Ananda Pascual, Pierre Brasseur, Lionel Renault 4 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 Thursday June 11th 16:00h-18:00h SESSION: Modelling Sea Level Changes 1 Explaining the spread of CMIP5 climate models in global-mean thermosteric sea level rise over the 20th and 21st centuries. B. Meyssignac, A. Melet 2 Analysis of the regional pattern of sea level change due to ocean dynamics and density change for 1993–2099 in observations and CMIP5 AOGCMs. Roberto A. F. Bilbao, Jonathan M. Gregory, Nathaelle Bouttes 3 Multi-annual predictability of regional sea level in a global climate model. C. D. Roberts, N. Dunstone. L. Hermanson, M. Palmer, D. Smith 4 Regional evaluation of surface mass balance forcing of an ice flow model for the Greenland Ice Sheet using GRACE mascon solutions. D. N. Wiese, N.-J. Schlegel, M. M. Watkins, E. Y. Larour, J. E. Box, X. Fettweis, M. R. van den Broeke 5 Sea Level Complexity in Observations And Models. M Karpytchev, M. Becker, M. Marcos, S. Jevrejeva, S. Lennartz-Sassinek 6 Projections of 21st Century Sea Level Changes for Norway. Matthew J. R. Simpson, J. Even Ø. Nilsen, Oda Ravndal, Kristian Breili, Halfdan P. Kierulf, Holger Steffen, Eystein Jansen, Hilde Sande, Mark Carson 7 Sea surface height variability in the North East Atlantic from satellite altimetry. Paul Sterlini, Hylke de Vries and Caroline Katsman 8 Nonlinear model of the long-term sea-level fluctuations in the Caspian Sea. Anatoly V. Frolov 9 Statistical modeling of Sea Level for regional semi-enclosed basins. Luca Scarascia and Piero Lionello 10 What is the most robust time series analysis tool to isolate mean sea level from tide gauge records?. Phil Watson 11 Global reconstructed daily storm surge levels from the 20th century reanalysis (1871-2010). Alba Cid, Paula Camus, Sonia Castanedo, Fernando Méndez, Raúl Medina 5 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 SESSION: Sea Level Extremes 1 How to interpret expert judgment assessments of 21st century sea-level rise? Hylke de Vries, Roderik S.W. van de Wal 2 Long-term changes in sea level extremes and tides on the Chinese coasts. Xiangbo Feng, M. N. Tsimplis and P.L. Woodwordth 3 Spatial variation in extreme water levels in the Baltic Sea – North Sea transition from tide gauge records. Carlo Sørensen, Ole B. Andersen, Per Knudsen 4 Estimation extreme sea levels from the combination of tides and storm surges for the coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk. Georgy Shevchenko 5 The Impact of an Eroding Barrier Island on Extreme Water Levels in the Tampa Bay Area. Marius Ulm, Arne Arns, Jürgen Jensen 6 Analysis of recent high-frequency sea level events in the European Atlantic coast: impact on the design of automatic algorithms for tsunami detection. Begoña Pérez Gómez, Marta Gómez Lahoz, Enrique Álvarez Fanjul, Carlos González, François Schindele 7 Expected Vertical Load in coastal GPS due to a Tsunami like the 1775 Lisbon Tsunami: GPS Tsunami Early-Warning capabilities. Leonor Mendoza 6 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 Friday June 12th 12:00h-14:00h SESSION: Coastal Impacts of Sea Level Changes 1 Tidal influence on high frequency harbor oscillations in a narrow entrance bay. S. Monserrat, I. Fine, A. Amores, M. Marcos 2 Combining sea state and land subsidence rates in an assessment of flooding hazards at the Danish North Sea coast. Carlo Sørensen, Niels Broge, Per Knudsen, Ole B. Andersen 3 Simulating overtopping and coastal flooding in urban areas: Perspectives to quantify sea level rise effects. Sylvestre Le Roy, Rodrigo Pedreros, Camille André, François Paris, Sophie Lecacheux, Fabien Marche, Charlotte Vinchon 4 A probability-based method to estimate sea level rise and future flooding risks on the Finnish coast. Hilkka Pellikka, Milla M. Johansson, Ulpu Leijala, Katri Leinonen, Kimmo K. Kahma SESSION: Vertical Land Movements 1 Using InSAR to monitor vertical ground motions in coastal cities. G. Le Cozannet, D. Raucoules, G. Wöppelmann 2 Leveling for the altimetric control of tide gauge sensors and GNSS permanent stations in Barcelona’s and Ibiza’s ports. Tapia Gómez, A; López Bravo, R; Gili Ripoll JA; Martínez Benjamín, JJ; Pros LLavador, F; Palau Teixidò, V 3 Vertical land movements from the combined use of satellite altimetry and tide gauges. Marta Marcos, Guy Wöppelmann 4 GNSS reflectometry for tide gauge levelling. Alvaro Santamaría-Gómez, Christopher Watson, Médéric Gravelle, Matt King, Guy Wöppelmann 5 Updated GPS vertical velocity field at tide gauges: application to global and regional sea level change. Médéric Gravelle, Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez, Marta Marcos, Phil Thompson, Guy Wöppelmann 7 Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Palma de Mallorca, June 10-12, 2015 6 A New Datum-Controlled Tide Gauge Record for Sea Level Studies in the South Atlantic Ocean: King Edward Point, South Georgia Island. Norman Teferle, Addisu Hunegnaw, Philip Woodworth, Peter Foden, Simon Williams, Jeffrey Pugh, Angela Hibbert SESSION: Paleo Sea Level 1 Decoding sea level changes during the MIS 5 by means of Phreatic Overgrowths on Speleothems (POS) research in coastal caves of Mallorca (western Mediterranean). Joan J. Fornós, Àngel Ginés, Joaquín Ginés, Francesc Gràcia, Yemane Asmeron, Bogdan P. Onac, Victor Polyak, Paola Tuccimei 2 Sea-level highstands in Mallorca during the last interglacial. Thomas Lorscheid, Paolo Stocchi, Alessio Rovere, Lluís GómezPujol, Bas de Boer, Thomas Mann, Hildegard Westphal, Joan J. Fornós 8
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