MINUTES OF MEETING - City of Marinette

3 Ward Alderperson John Marx, Board President, called the Board of Public Works special meeting to order at 06:29
PM at Marinette City Hall Common Council Chambers, 1905 Hall Ave., Marinette WI.
Upon a call of the roll it was determined a quorum of the Board were present and attendance was documented as
MEMBERS PRESENT: Alderpersons Marx, Behrendt, Karban, Keller & Kowalski (arrived 06:32 PM); Mayor Genisot; Public
Works Director/City Engineer Miller; Finance Director/Treasurer Miller & City Attorney Sbar.
OTHERS PRESENT: Alderpersons Colburn, Goes, Hitt & Kaufman; Recreation Department Director Kostelecky; Public
Works Superintendent Swiatnicki; Water and Sewer Utility Operations Manager Howard; Water Utility Office Manager
Weber; Barbara Medina; Dan Kallgren; Tony Pardee; Dan Peterson; Mike Nowak; Lynn Dufrense; John Llinas; Patti
Olsen; Tom Lesperance; William Clyma; Chelsea Ewaldt and Ken Conners.
Reconsideration of motion and vote made at April 27, 2015 Board of Public Works Meeting regarding bid results for
DPW Salt Shed restaining and repair, project No. 2015-900.
At the April 27, 2015 Board of Public Works meeting, Board members approved a motion to recommend the Common
Council accept the sole bid totaling $13,325.00 submitted by MJB Industries, Inc. for Department of Public Works Salt
Shed restaining and repair project no. 2015-900 and authorize Public Works Director/City Engineer Miller to utilize
$1,325.00 out of surplus CY 2015 DPW Garage maintenance budgeted funds to pay for portion of bid that was over
budget. At today’s meeting, Board President Marx reported Alderperson Keller approached him regarding this project
and requested he authorize reconsideration of the prior motion and vote, and instead of accepting the bid, move to
reject all bids and complete the task internally with Department of Public Works employees. Completing the work
internally will allow the Board to track time and material costs along with the amount of time shifted away from other
planned projects this summer so the Board has a future benchmark to refer to, whenever it considers completing
facility maintenance and repair projects internally verses bidding them out. City Engineer & Public Works Director
Miller reported the Common Council previously approved this project when they approved the CY 2015 budget and he
proceeded to bid out the project and initially two contractors responded but only one followed through with a bid.
Miller urged Board members to not delay this project and if they choose to reject all bids authorize him to proceed
with completing the work this summer. Board members proceeded with the following motions:
 Alderpersons Keller moved/Marx seconded to reconsider prior motion and vote made at April 27, 2015 Board of
Public Works Meeting regarding bid results for DPW Salt Shed restaining and repair, project No. 2015-900. Prior to
voting on the motion to reconsider Board members debated the merits of completing the work in house;
 To end further discussion, Alderpersons Karban moved/Behrendt seconded and all concurred, to close debate and
“call the question” and vote on original motion;
 the vote on Alderperson Keller’s motion was 7 ayes (Alderpersons Marx, Karban, Keller & Kowalski, Mayor Genisot,
Public Works Director & City Engineer Miller & Finance Director City Treasurer Miller) to 2 nays (Alderperson
Behrendt and City Attorney Sbar) approving the motion to reconsider prior motion and vote;
 Alderpersons Kowalski moved/Karban seconded and upon a call of the roll motion passed by a vote of 7 ayes
(Alderpersons Marx, Karban, Keller & Kowalski, Mayor Genisot, Public Works Director & City Engineer Miller &
Finance Director City Treasurer Miller) to 2 nays (Alderperson Behrendt and City Attorney Sbar), to recommend the
Common Council reject all bids for DPW Salt Shed restaining and repair, project No. 2015-900 and complete the
task internally with Department of Public Works employees.
Annual election of City of Marinette Board of Public Works President.
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 62.14(2), the City of Marinette Board of Public Works must elect a new Board President
annually on the 1 Tuesday in May. Alderpersons Behrendt moved/Keller seconded and all concurred, to nominate 3
Ward Alderperson John Marx for Board of Public Works President. Upon receiving no other nominations, Alderpersons
Behrendt further moved/Keller seconded and all concurred, to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot, to elect
3 Ward Alderperson John Marx as the City of Marinette Board of Public Works President for a one-year term expiring
April 30, 2016.
Alderpersons Karban moved/Kowalski seconded & all concurred, to adjourn @ 06:52 PM.
James M. Anderson, City Clerk
(The next regular Board of Public Works meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 05/26/15@ 05:00 PM, or immediately following the regular
Personnel and License Committee meeting, whichever is later, within the Common Council Chambers at Marinette City Hall, 1905 Hall Ave.)
Cc: Council Packet; Board members, Ashley Sier & Finance Department/Accounts Payable staff.
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