Please support the ONTARIO QUARTER HORSE YOUTH ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISING PASTA DINNER SUNDAY MAY 17, 2015 following the show at the AREA 3 SPRING CLASSIC Adults $15.00 or Kids (10 & under) $10.00 Penne Meatball, Chef Salad and Garlic Cheese Toast or Penne Primavera with Grilled Vegetables (vegetarian) All dinners must be pre-ordered and paid for in advance, for catering purposes. (See for the ordering form.) Special Thank You To Our Sponsors AIS, Circle R Saddlery, H&R Block, Kelsie Beck, Top Horse, Turtle Springs Farm, Aerin Greidanus (Animal Chiropractor), Brican Electric, BridlePath, Canter by Tack, Clarks Wooden Boats, Dewar Performance Horses, Don Black Electric Ltd., Figure Seven, Guay's Garage, In Memory of Greg Reeves, Jebecca L Stables, JM Quarter Horses, Kathryn Stanton, Kathy's Show Equipment, Kelly Simpson, Leslie Ellins Tax Prep, Paul Quail Transport, Pearce Medical Professional Corp, RNR Patient Transfer, Roch Morin, Rustic Spur Ranch, Storburn Construction, System Fencing, Wakely Disposals, Woodley Quarter Horses, Wrap Around Farms, BLC Equine Massage, Canadian Martyrs School, Denise Collins, Fat Boys, Greenhawk, Horsefeathers, OAQHA Please enter everything & scratch as needed. Scratches are not charged for as long as you notify the GATE of the scratch. Friday, May 15 & Monday, May 18 – 8:00 am 1. Amateur Yearling Stallions 2. Amateur 2-year-old Stallions 3. Amateur 3-year-old Stallions 4. Amateur Aged Stallions 5. Am. Performance Halter Stallions 6/7. Grand & Reserve Am. Stallions 8. Yearling Stallions 9. Two-year-old Stallions 10. Three-year-old Stallions 11. Aged Stallions 12. Performance Halter Stallions 13/14. Grand & Reserve Stallions 15. Amateur Yearling Mares 16. Amateur 2-year-old Mares 17. Amateur 3-year-old Mares 18. Amateur Aged Mares 19. Am. Performance Halter Mares 20/21. Grand & Reserve Amateur Mares 22. Youth Yearling Mares 23. Youth 2-year-old Mares 24. Youth 3-year-old Mares 25. Youth Aged Mares 26. Youth Performance Halter Mares 27/28. Grand & Reserve Youth Mares 29. Yearling Mares 30. Two-year-old Mares 31. Three-year-old Mares 32. Aged Mares 33. Performance Halter Mares 34/35. Grand & Reserve Mares 36. Amateur Yearling Geldings 37. Amateur 2-year-old Geldings 38. Amateur 3-year-old Geldings 39. Amateur Aged Geldings 40. Am. Performance Halter Geldings 41/42. Grand & Reserve Am. Geldings 43. Youth Yearling Geldings 44. Youth 2-year-old Geldings 45. Youth 3-year-old Geldings 46. Youth Aged Geldings 47. Youth Performance Halter Geldings 48/49. Grand & Reserve YA Geldings 50. Yearling Geldings 51. Two-year-old Geldings 52. Three-year-old Geldings 53. Aged Geldings 54. Performance Halter Geldings 55/56. Grand & Reserve Geldings 57/58/59. Novice/Level 1 Am. Showmanship & NSBA & Rookie 60/61. Amateur Showmanship & NSBA 62/63. Select Am. Showmanship & NSBA 64. Small Fry Showmanship – 11 & U 65/66/67. Novice/Level 1 YA Showmanship & NSBA & Rookie 68/69. YA Showmanship – 13 &U & NSBA 70/71. YA Showmanship – 14-18 & NSBA BREAK 72. Open W/T HUS – 12 & over 73. Open W/T Equitation – 12 & over 74. Small Fry Hunter Under Saddle 75. Small Fry Equitation 76/77. Green/Level 1 HUS & NSBA 78. Rookie Amateur HUS 79/80. Nov. Amateur HUS & NSBA 81/82. Am. Hunter Under Saddle & NSBA 83/84. Select Amateur HUS & NSBA 85/86. Jr Hunter Under Saddle & NSBA 87. Rookie Youth HUS 88/89. Novice/Level 1 Youth HUS & NSBA 90/91. Youth HUS – 13 & under & NSBA 92/93. Youth HUS – 14-18 & NSBA 94/95. Sr Hunter Under Saddle & NSBA 96. Rookie Amateur Equitation 97/98. Nov. Amateur Equitation & NSBA 99/100. Amateur HS Equitation & NSBA 101/102. Select Am. HS Equitation & NSBA 103. Rookie Youth Equitation 104/105. Novice/Level 1 YA Equit. /NSBA 106/107. YA Equitation – 13 &U & NSBA 108/109. YA Equitation – 14-18 & NSBA 110. Amateur Pleasure Driving 111. Pleasure Driving 112. Amateur Reining 113. Youth Reining 114. Reining 115/116. Am Ranch Horse Riding & NSBA 117/118. YA Ranch Horse Riding & NSBA 119/120. Ranch Horse Riding & NSBA Judges: Andrea Simons, Scott Neuman, Robin Griggs & Keith Miller Fund Raising Dinner Sunday, May 17 Watch for more details. Saturday, May 16 & Sunday, May 17 TRAIL – 8:00 am Block A - 8:00 am 121/122. Green/Level 1 Trail & NSBA 237/238. Jr Trail & NSBA 123/124/125. Novice/Level 1 Amateur Trail & NSBA & Rookie 126/127/128. Novice/Level 1 Youth Trail & NSBA & Rookie 129. Small Fry Trail – 11 & under 130. Green As Grass Trail – W/J only 131. Open Walk/Jog Trail – 12 & up Block B - to follow 132/133. Amateur Trail & NSBA 134/135. Select Amateur Trail & NSBA 136/137. Youth Trail & NSBA 239/240. Sr Trail & NSBA HUNTERS – 8:00 am 140/141. Green/Level 1 Working Hunter & NSBA 142/143. Progressive Working Hunter & NSBA 144/145. Working Hunter All Ages & NSBA 146/147. 148/149. 150/151. 152/153. 154/155. 156/157. 158/159. 160/161. 162/163. 164/165. 166/167. 168/169. 170/171. 172/173. 174/175. 176/177. 178/179. 180/181. 182/183. Novice/Level 1 Am. Working Hunter & NSBA Nov. Am. Equit. Over Fences/NSBA Amateur Working Hunter & NSBA Am. Equitation Over Fences & NSBA Select Working Hunter & NSBA Select Equit. Over Fences & NSBA Novice/Level 1 YA Working Hunter & NSBA Nov. YA Equit Over Fences & NSBA Youth Working Hunter & NSBA YA Equitation Over Fences & NSBA Amateur Jumping & NSBA Youth Jumping & NSBA Jumping & NSBA Hunter Hack & NSBA Novice/Level 1 Am. Hunter Hack & NSBA Amateur Hunter Hack & NSBA Select Hunter Hack & NSBA Novice/Level 1 Youth Hunter Hack & NSBA Youth Hunter Hack & NSBA Following Hunters – Not Before 9:00 am 184. Lead-line – 7 & under 185. Open W/J Horsemanship – 12 & over 186. Open W/J Pleasure – 12 & over 187. Small Fry Pleasure 188. Small Fry Horsemanship 189/190. Green/Level 1 Western Pleasure & NSBA 191. Rookie Amateur Western Pleasure 192/193. Novice/Level 1 Am. W. Pleasure & NSBA 194/195. Am. Western Pleasure & NSBA 196/197. Select Am. W. Pleasure & NSBA 198/199. Jr Western Pleasure & NSBA 200. Rookie Youth Western Pleasure 201/202. Novice/Level 1 YA W. Pleasure & NSBA 203/204. YA W. Pleasure – 13 &U/NSBA 205/206. YA W. Pleasure – 14-18 & NSBA 207/208. Sr W. Pleasure & NSBA 209. 210/211. 212/213. 214/215. 216. 217/218. 219/220. 221/222. 223/224. 225/226. 227/228. 229/230. 231/232. 233/234. 235/236. Rookie Amateur Horsemanship Novice/Level 1 Am. Horsemanship & NSBA Amateur Horsemanship & NSBA Select Horsemanship & NSBA Rookie Youth Horsemanship Nov. YA Horsemanship & NSBA Horsemanship – 13 &U/NSBA Horsemanship – 14-18 & NSBA Green/Level 1 Western Riding & NSBA Level 1/Nov. Am W. Riding & NSBA Amateur Western Riding & NSBA Select Western Riding & NSBA Level 1/Nov. YA Western Riding & NSBA Youth Western Riding & NSBA Western Riding & NSBA Fees, Stalls & Awards: ALL IN FEE - Discounted fee: $400/horse – must be paid by April 15. AT THE SHOW: $305 (plus $175 stall) (See for more details) AQHA Classes: $13/entry/judge Non AQHA Classes: $9/entry/judge Office Charge - $11/horse/judge Drug Fee: $2/horse/judge AQHA Fee: $5/horse/judge Hook-ups: $110 each (15 amp service) Generator: $50 each Camping: $50 each Shavings: $9/bag at the gate NSBA - $13.00 per class – two sets of points – single judged each S/C OR $25 per S/C as many classes as you wish. HUNTERS - there MUST be three (3) entries in each class for the class to be held. All Hunter entries must be made by 5 pm the night before. Stalls/RV/Shavings - please download the form on the website for complete details. Stalls - $160 before April 15, $175 after. Mail stall booking forms to: Area 3 Stall Reservations c/o Leslie Ellins, 1734 Barton Drive, Lakefield, On K0L 2H0 Phone: 705 536-0455 Fax: 705 536-0456 Email: [email protected] Earliest Arrival is May 13 between 8 am-10 pm. High Point Awards – Novice/Level 1 Youth & Amateur, 13 & under & 14-18 Youth, Amateur, Select, Green Horse, Small Fry, 12 & over Walk/Jog & Open, Rookie Youth & Rookie Amateur. Must show in your respective halter class to qualify. Novice/Level 1s, Rookies & Small Fry – excluded from halter requirement. Circuit Awards - in each class – must show to all 4 judges Additional random awards & daily ribbon exchange offered. Directions – Pattern Books – Area 3 has gone GREEN. Patterns are available ONLINE. A copy will be available for VIEWING at the show, but NO copies will be available. 2015 SPRING CLASSIC TRAIL CLASSES ROUND 1 GREEN AS GRASS SMALL FRY OPEN WALK JOG 5. TRAIL COURSES DESIGNED BY TIM KIMURA COPYRIGHT 2015 6. 4. FINISH WALK 7. 8. JOG 2. U U UU U U U U 3. SMALL FRYS WALK THRU OPEN GATE JOG START 1. JOG THRU SERPENTINE, JOG INTO CHUTE. 2. STOP MINIMUM STIRRUP TO CONE, THEN BACK TO GATE. 3. GATE: LH RIDE THRU CLOSE. 4 JOG OVER POLES 5. JOG OVER POLES. 6. JOG OVER POLES . 7.. JOG OVER POLES. 8… STOP OR BREAK TO WALK, WALK OVER POLES. 2015 SPRING CLASSIC QUARTER HORSE SHOW ROUND 2 TRAIL 7. SMALL FRY GREEN AS GRASS OPEN WALK JOG TRAIL COURSES DESIGNED BY TIM KIMURA COPYRIGHT 2015 5. 6. WALK 8. 4. 3. 2. 9. U U UU JOG JOG 1. U U UU JOG WALK FINISH WALK 1. JOG OVER POLES, STOP BACK TO GATE. MINIMUM STIRRUP TO CONE 2. GATE: RH RIDE THRU CLOSE. 3. JOG THRU SERPENTINE. 4. JOG OVER POLES. 5. JOG OVER POLES 6. JOG OVER POLES. START 7. JOG OVER POLES 8. STOP OR BREAK TO WALK, WALK OVER POLES. 9. JOG OVER POLE, JOG UP TO BOX. STOP OR BREAK TO WALK WALK INTO BOX. 360 TURN EITHER WAY. WALK OUT.
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