Mars Hill Church of Christ 1330 Mars Hill Road Florence, AL 35630 Phone: 256-766-5100 Email: [email protected] Website: Service Times Sunday 9:45 A.M. - Bible Study 10:30 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. - Worship Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Ministers Chris Moran Bill Bagents Youth Minister/Song Leader Mark Marks Elders Bill Bagents, Tim Morrow, David Underwood Jr. Deacons Mark Marks, Randy Medley Office Secretary Lisa Collum Televisit With the Bible Comcast Channel 3 Tues. 8:00 P.M., Wed. 8:30 P.M., Sunday 8:30 A.M. Presented by the Church of Christ in Florence, Alabama The Mars Hill Messenger April 5, 2015 I Like Being Southern I like being southern. Admittedly, it’s all I’ve ever known, but those “southern by the grace of God” sentiments resonate with me. I get along fine with grits, gravy, and greens—of course not all at the same meal. But unlike my brother Ricky who hits what he aims for, I never have been much for guns. That probably makes the world a bit safer. Though I’m married to an English teacher, I get along fine with relaxed grammar. Best not to overdo it, but the occasional ain’t and ya’ll has done me no real harm. I know hospitality isn’t restricted to the south, but I love the southern version. Waitresses don’t offend me when they call me honey or darlin’. So long as the food and the service are good, we get along just fine. I like the version of southern-style manners that we were taught. Be good to old folks. If you live long enough, you’ll become one. Hold the door for ladies and most anyone else. Say “ma’am” and “sir” and mean it. Always speak when spoken to and don’t ever “high hat” anyone. Be helpful if you can; at the very least, do no harm. Don’t blow your leaves onto your neighbor’s lawn. Basically, follow the Golden Rule. It has never been my belief that my southernness made me either inferior or superior. I was blessed to be raised with a strong dose of everyone-is-made-in-God’s-image (Genesis 2:26-27, Acts 17:26). I was blessed never to be taught the myth that being white made me “chosen” or that being black was a curse. We grew up with being taught that people are just people. I’ve never been much offended that some think southerners to be backward and slow. Being underestimated can bring serious advantage. And sometimes, they’re right if they’re thinking such of me. I’m not always the sharpest knife. At certain times and in certain ways, I’m OK with being a spork. If the choices are give offense vs. take offense, I’ll go with “none of the above.” I love peace and calm. It’s a Romans 12:16-21 thing. I realize that in some respects I don’t much fit the southern stereotype. I do have a passport, and I’ve been blessed to visit several countries on several continents. Thanks to the persistence and vision of my parents, I’m part of an education-loving family. I do not wish that the south had won the war—I wish there had never been a war. I have never had a desire to secede. I’m glad that I know about the stereotype and its inaccuracies. Maybe that will leave me less judgmental and less willing to label. Maybe it will leave me more willing to listen and learn. Cultural and regional differences need not be hindrances. They must never be allowed to hinder the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). Such differences can be both blessings and excellent conversation starters. They can call us to be kind, caring, thoughtful, and respectful toward all as part of God’s creation. --Bill NEWS & NOTES We express our appreciation to all who are inviting friends and neighbors to our gospel meeting April 19-22. Ted Burleson will present an excellent lessons. We will be so blessed to hear him. Please keep Joanne Barnett and Margaret Haygood in your prayers as they recently requested. Please remember Denise Golden in the loss of her uncle, Marvin Thigpen. Upcoming Opportunities: April 6 April 7 April 11 April 13 April 14 April 17 April 19-22 April 19 April 21 April 21-23 April 22 April 24-25 April 26 Monday Night for the Master Elders and Preachers meeting Alpha Center Rummage Sale Sisters and Friends African Violet Dinner in Nashville. Let Bill know if you can attend. Game Night Gospel Meeting. Special Sunday schedule. 7:00 Monday-Wednesday. Shoals Area Youth Series Luncheon at the Larimore Home India Missions Workshop at HCU Potluck and Singing GLOW EXALT Thanks to all who have brought items for the Alpha Center Rummage Sale on April 11 in the HCU gym. We do have room for more items. If April 11 rushes you, Friends of the Overton Memorial Library will be having a yard sale in the gym on May 2. Bill’s teaching in the Philippines went well, and he returned to the States on March 30. Students at Asian Christian University baptized four precious souls while he was there. As scheduled, he spoke in the Fil-Am Lectures, taught eleven students in intensive courses in Fundamentals of Counseling and Crisis Counseling, preached, taught Bible class, spoke for commencement exercises and participated in curriculum development meetings for the university. The ACU campus is some 4 to 5 hours north of Manila in a rural setting. Campus includes lecture halls, library, dining room, staff and missionary quarters, administrative offices, and dorms. There are also orphan homes for both girls and boys. Currently the orphans number 10 girls and 12 boys. They are exceedingly lovely and loving. University students are zealous and bright. In addition to their usual studies, preacher students are also learning Mandarin in preparation for mission work in China. Visiting the ACU campus was some more adventure. Bill describes the Filipino Christians as some of the most hospitable people he has ever met. Tonight’s sermon will offer a fuller report on this mission effort. WORSHIP LEADERS FACTS AND FIGURES Sunday Class Attendance Morning Worship Attendance Evening Worship Attendance Wednesday P.M. Attendance Weekly Contribution Budget 1st 5th Sunday 82 148 108 $14,174.00 $7,494.46 $6,679.54 NURSERY ATTENDANTS A.M. Denise Golden, Ann Ligon, Leta Milstead P.M. Willodean May, Laura Bagents, Summer Cruz PICK UP CARDS Matthew Moran Austin Moran Continue Praying For Wayne Rhodes Jesse & Debbie Sain Leighana Ray JoAnn Rickard Coriene Riedout Amelia Daly Barbara Springer Vida Clemmons Pearl Kimbrough Lisa Reid Wisdom Cherie Gresham(surgery 4/7) Earline Price Tony Hollingsworth Thomas Tidwell Loraine Hanback Clyde Danley Barbara & Marla Wynne Doris LaPlante Don & Hautie Pounders Martha Chambers Betty Sparkman Columbus Coker Nancy Jones Keestone Assisted Living Blanche Horsman (room 103) Columbia Cottage Mildred Gross (room 40) Merrill Gardens Howard Lewis (room E-158) Vernon & Dottie Shuffett (room D-153) Mitchell Hollingsworth Wadean Hinton (room 616) Louise Graham (room 409 A) At Home Charles Hoard, Bud Pilkinton, Julia Buffler, & Susan James SERVE COMMUNION 1. O. Easley 4. R. Skipworth 2. R. Fowlkes 5. A. Britnell 3. R. Roberts 6. S. Nichols ALTERNATES 1. A. Britnell 2. M. Dooley Bible Reader: A.M. Opening Prayer: A.M. Closing Prayer: P.M. Opening Prayer: P.M. Closing Prayer: Dale Givens Hubert Powell Michael Dooley Lawrence Alexander Oscar Easley For Food and Food Group Needs Call Jane Blalock 256-366-0441 Or Martha Hill 256-766-2215 PANTRY ITEMS BABY FOOD CANNED SOUPS JUICES EXTENDED FAMILY AND FRIENDS Sara Goldman (HCU) Bob Comer, Nancy Jones’ brother Doris Berry, sister of Phyllis Underwood James Leo Hogan, Polly Underwood’s brother Randy Parrish Willodean Blalock, mother of Mack Ruth Fowlkes, Robert Fowlkes’s mother is in Glenwood 109B Novella Anderson Harold Coonrod, father of Debbie Newton Joy Kelley, friend of June Smith Richard & Faye Hollingsworth, parents of Shari and Tony Bobbie Peck, friend of Betty Beadle is now at Keestone Ann Hill, friend of Debbie Newton Megan Robertson and Brinley, Phyllis Underwood's niece Shane Green, relative of Doris LaPlante & Meg Phillips Michael & Krisi Wray and baby Charlie, niece of Alӓna Marks Sherry Moore, niece of Martha Nichols Marsha Sanders, friend of June Smith Julie Ford Tavlock, friend of Troy Rogers Mary Linville, neighbor of Meg Phillips Connie Waddell, relative of Jackie Lewis Pride Sherrill, friend of Tony Hollingsworth Lavonne Bain, aunt of Jane Blalock Cecil Stacy, brother of June Smith Katie Long, great niece of June Smith Marold Pigg, nephew of Margaret Marks Brenda Collum, friend of Meg Phillips & Doris LaPlante Harry Campbell, brother-in-law of Thomas Tidwell Elijah Hudson, friend of Dawn Downey Maye Coil Quenton & Judy Hogan, brother & sister-in-law of Polly Underwood Erica King & Preston Aldridge, friends of the Blalocks Lisa Williamson, daughter of Julia Milstead Donna Hays, sister of Randy Medley Betsy Barnett, friend of the Underwood’s Wanda Hamm, cousin of Chris Moran Mary Neil Simon Sullivan, friend of Edith Broadfoot Leon Crosslin, brother of Wanda Jones Francis Herston, neighbor of Loraine Hanback & Wanda Jones Bobbie Rayburn, daughter of Vida Clemmons Joel Lewis, grandson of Howard Lewis Danny & Laura Sale, relatives of Pam Eckl Tony Britnell, father of Anthony Britnell Mattie Scott, mother of Debbie Newton Tommy Coker, son of C.A. Coker Canera Wisdom Jennifer McCain, niece of Laura Moran Eilie Brewer, niece of Colton Gross Katie Kirk, relative of C A Coker & Tamsie Rogers Harry Price, son of Earline Price Mike Nichols, son of Sonny & Martha Nichols Willie Hamblen Ginger Renee Bowie, friend of Michael & Mary Dooley Doris Green, sister of June Smith John Skipworth, friend of Troy Rogers Lisa Hargett, friend of Debbie May Tula Henson, resident at Montreat James Phillip Long, former Mars Hill student Mrs. Lindsey and son Kenneth, resident at Glenwood
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