Mary Tavy Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Date 10 March 2015 Location Reading Rooms, Mary Tavy Those present Cllr A. Prosser, Cllr J. Tarrant-Boyce, Cllr T. Pearce (WDBC), Cllr L.Beeley and Cllr P. Williams (5). Mrs J Temple (Clerk). Others present 4 members of the public. Proceedings Parishioners’ Time Mr Matthew Crossey spoke about the current situation with regard to the playground and asked the Council to consider supporting the grant request in order that the facility can be reopened to the children of the village. The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.30 pm. 10/03/2015/1 Apologies for absence None 10/03/2015/2 2.1 Declarations of Interest Disclosure of pecuniary & other interests that may affect items on this agenda Agreed to declare interests as they arise during the course of the meeting. 10/03/2015/3 3.1 Police Report Report from PCSO Chapple No report had been received from PCSO Chapple for this meeting although Cllr Prosser had spoken to him about the accident on the A386 on 7th February but he was unable to provide her with any further information 10/03/2015/4 4.1 Decision Approval of Meeting Minutes Parish Council Meeting on 10 February 2015 The minutes were approved as presented: Proposed Cllr Williams; seconded Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; Cllr Prosser and Cllr Pearce in favour, Cllr Beeley abstained as she was not present at the meeting. Planning Committee Meeting on 27 February 2015 The minutes were approved as presented subject to minor alterations: Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Beeley; all in favour. Decision 10/03/2015/5 Matters Arising Actions arising from 10 February 2015 5.1 Planning meeting minutes to be put on the website. Ongoing 5.2 Mr Hill had used 7 bags of grit prior to last month’s meeting gritting Horndon Road 5.3 Clerk to order Purchased Plot Register. Completed. MTPC minutes -10 March 2015 FINALFINALPage 1 Mary Tavy Parish Council 5.4 Standing Orders This is an agenda item for this meeting. 5.5 Annual Meeting 2015 This is an agenda item for this meeting. 5.6 Cemetery Tidy Up Burial Clerk to write to families regarding the large amount of pots and jars on graves. Ongoing. 5.7 Updated Regulations to be put on Notice Board. Ongoing. 5.8 Clerk to inform the undertakers of names of key holders. Completed. 5.9 Clerk to write to Mr Hill for a breakdown of MTVMRGT grant request. This is an agenda item. 5.10 Cllr Williams to request an extension to the submission deadline for the Downs Garage development proposal. Completed. 5.11 Clerk to write to Jill Skelton for the thoughts of WDBC on the proposal for granite demarcation posts in the cemetery. Awaiting reply – ongoing. 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 10/03/2015/6 6.1 Discussion Decision 6.2 Decision 6.3 Discussion Decision Cllr Williams to put chain on the cemetery gate. Ongoing. Clerk to purchase 2 replacement bins for the cemetery. Completed and delivered. Clerk to seek quotes for woodchips for the playground. This is an agenda item. Cllr Pearce to ask Cllr Kevin Ball to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. Completed. Clerk to check the contract for the emptying of the dog waste bins with WDBC. Ongoing. Finance Review & approve monthly Financial Report (March 2015) Cllr Pearce questioned why the payments for the cemetery bins and the Purchased Plots Register were being taken from the Cemetery Account rather than the General Account as historically it had been agreed that all cemetery purchases would come from the General Account to allow cemetery income monies to accrue for future cemetery land purchase and associated works. There was discussion regarding the lack of a budget within the General Account to pay for these items and it was agreed that on this occasion they would be paid for out of the Cemetery Account, although for future reference the original minute relating to the historic decision would be found. The Financial Report (v2) for March 2015 was approved: Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Williams; all in favour. Authorisation of payments for February 2015 The payments were authorised: Proposed Cllr Pearce; seconded Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; all in favour. Review and Approve Monthly Budget Management Report The Report was approved: Proposed Cllr Williams; seconded Cllr Beeley; all in favour. MTPC minutes -10 March 2015 FINALFINALPage 2 Mary Tavy Parish Council 10/03/2015/7 7.1 10/03/2015/8 8.1 8.2 8.3 Discussion 8.4 10/03/2015/9 9.1 Discussion 9.2 Discussion Correspondence The Clerk has received nomination forms for the Parish Council Elections and a notice is to be put up on the notice board to that effect. Following a complaint by a parishioner, the Clerk had written to the Highways Agency stating that since the road works in the village the lines on the zebra crossing had virtually disappeared and one of the beacons was out of action. Although no response has so far been received, the lines have since been repainted. Cllr Pearce advised that this work had been scheduled to take place. Reports from Members elected to outside bodies Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) There was no report for this meeting. Southern Parishes Link Committee (SPLC) There was no report for this meeting. Coronation Hall (CH) Cllr Beeley reported that the WiFi is now up and running although the router is to be moved to a more secure location. The Hall is on a waiting list to receive the burnings from road works to fill in the potholes in the car park. Plans for the Village Fair are ongoing. There are plans for a big spring clean of the Hall both inside and outside Reports from members attending other outside bodies None. Planning To receive notification of new planning applications received Cllr Williams had received no new notifications. To receive notification of decisions on previous applications Cllr Williams had received the following notifications: 0722/14 – extension to form a garage, conservatory and garden room alterations at The Mount – approved with conditions 0003/15 – sand school at Holditch Farm - refused 10/03/2015/10 10.1 Discussion Cemetery Report from Burial Clerk 10.2 Discussion Cemetery Fencing The Clerk had received no response from Jill Skelton at WDBC with regards to the position of WDBC on the use of granite demarcation markers. Cllr Williams had spoken with Rev’d Higman about the proposal who in turn is to talk to the Archdeacon. Rob Taylor, DNPA Ranger has informed Cllr Williams that he would be able to provide and install the required granite posts at minimal cost, subject to the approval of DNPA. It was agreed that approval in writing needs to be received from all interested parties before a final decision can be made. There was no report from the Burial Clerk. MTPC minutes -10 March 2015 FINALFINALPage 3 Mary Tavy Parish Council 10/03/2015/11 11.1 Discussion Decision Grants & Donations Grants PTA – The Council were informed of the names of the new Officers and it was then agreed to award the grant. Proposed Cllr Pearce; seconded Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; all in favour. MTVMRGT – Cllr Prosser drew attention to an email sent to all Cllrs by Cllr Beeley expressing support for awarding the requested grant in full. After much discussion, and as an exception to policy as there was a surplus in the grants budget, it was agreed the grant be awarded subject to the equipment meeting the required ROSPA regulations, it being duly insured and there being a plaque erected acknowledging the date the grant by the Council was made. Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Beeley; all in favour. 10/03/2015/12 12.1 Discussion Decision 12.2 Discussion Decision Standing Orders and Financial Regulations Further to a Working Group on 9th March the Standing Orders v10 as read are to be tabled for approval in April Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Beeley; all in favour Further to a Working Group on 9th March the Financial Regulations v6 as read are to be tabled for approval in April Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Beeley; all in favour 10/03/2015/13 Discussion Annual Parish Meeting The Clerk informed the Council that the Annual Parish Meeting cannot be used as an opportunity to invite potential Councillors to speak as the meeting is being funded by public money. The prepared poster v2 was approved to be laminated and put on the notice board w/e 24th March along with an advert to go in the Tavistock Times. Proposed Cllr Pearce; seconded Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; all in favour Decision Discussion Decision 10/03/2015/14 Discussion 10/03/2015/15 10/03/2015/16 Bus Shelter Cllr Williams reported that he had cleaned the bus shelter and wondered whether a notice asking parishioners to keep it clean and tidy might be helpful. After discussion it was agreed to monitor the situation for the time being. Proposed Cllr Tarrant-Boyce; seconded Cllr Pearce; all in favour Clerks Email The Clerk reported that she has had two occasions recently where she has been unable to send any emails. It was suggested that any future problems should be logged to allow for further investigation. Other Matters for Discussion Cllr Williams reported that some of the grave markers are damaged or missing and requested that an updated map be prepared. Cllr Pearce informed the Council of some of the legal implications of transferring a grave to a family member once the owner has been buried. With regard to the Cemetery Regulations, the Clerk is to update the contact details in order that the current ones can be put back on the board. Cllr Williams reported that he had assisted in the clearing of the bus stop on Station Road and he produced a news article about a timber shelter purchased for Lifton. It was suggested that the Clerk write to DNPA to request their support in erecting something similar on Station Road. MTPC minutes -10 March 2015 FINALFINALPage 4 Mary Tavy Parish Council 10/03/2015/17 10/03/2015/18 Discussion Items Brought Forward for Inclusion on April 2015 Agenda Cemetery Issues Approve Standing Orders and Financial Regulations To confirm date of the next Meeting The date of Tuesday 14th April 2015 was confirmed as the date of the next full meeting of the Parish Council in the Reading Rooms at 7.30pm. There being no further business the Meeting closed at 9.40pm. Jo Temple Clerk to the Parish Council Date: 14th March 2015 Signed: Cllr A Prosser Chair of the Parish Council Date: MTPC minutes -10 March 2015 FINALFINALPage 5
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