HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2015) CLASS VIII ENGLISH Q1. Write the meaning and make sentences with the following proverbs: 1. Grief divided is made lighter. 2. Memory is the treasure of the mind. 3. The nest things are not bought and sold. 4. A good friend is one’s nearest relation. 5. Do right and fear no man. 6. He who sings drives away sorrow. 7. A change is as good as a rest. 8. Still waters run deep. 9. Birds of a feather flock together. 10.Every cloud has a silver lining. 11.A short cut is often a wrong cut. 12.The early bird catches the worm. 13.Rome wasn’t built in a day. 14.A penny saved is a penny earned. 15.A stitch in time saves nine. Q2. Read a book by any one of the following: 1. Lewis Carroll 2. Mark Twain 3. E.V Lucas Write a book review in two hundred words. Q3. Read the newspaper daily. HINDI SANSKRIT SPANISH 1. Conjuga los verbos siguientes en tiempo deferente como el ejemplo Ej.: Verbo: Tener Gerundio: teniendo Participio: tenido Presente Yo Tú Él/Ella/Ud. Nosotros-as Vosotros-as Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Tengo Tienes Tiene Tenemos Tenéis Tienen Pretérito Indefinido Tuvo Tuviste Tuvo Tuvimos Tuvisteis Tuvieron a) Cantar f) Ir b) Cambiar g) Poner c) Pagar h) Saber d) Cerrar i) Venir e) Jugar j) Contar 2. Traduce: La corrida Durante la corrida, el torero, vestido con un traje de muchos colores llamado “traje de luces”, Se enfrenta al toro con un capote rojo. Tras hacer algunos pases con el capote, el torero mata Al toro con una espada. Este espectáculo tradicional es uno de las fiestas patronales de muchas ciudades españolas. ¿Qué opinas sobre esta fiesta? 3. ¿Has estado alguna vez en un hotel en España o India? Cuenta cómo fue tu experiencia. 4. ¿Cuáles son aparatos usas normalmente? ¿Eres una apasionada de las últimas tecnologías? ¿Cómo la tecnología es útil en nuestra vida? MATHEMATICS Q I. Write and learn tables of 2 to 16. Two tables per day. Q II. Learn and write squares of the numbers from 2 to 25. SCIENCE I. 1. Learning of symbols (revision of class vii, only those marked.) 2. Learning of atomicity chart as per directed. 3. Learning of valency chart. 4. Writing molecular formulae of elements and compounds. 5. Writing simple chemical equations. II. Find out locations of the deposits of iron, aluminum, and zinc in India. List them in the class work notebook. In which form are the deposits found? III. Prepare a presentation on A4 sized sheets on “Protection of Our Environment” as directed. Roll no 1-17: Reduce waste Roll no 18-34: Re-use Roll no 35-52: Recycle Use only 2 A4 sized sheets to complete this. SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Project research work- To collect information and pictures on Natural Vegetation and Wild life (types of Forests-characteristics of trees, wildlife, natural reservoirs, sanctuaries and wildlife parks) of the following states: a) Assam b)Rajasthan 2. To mark any 20 countries with their capitals on the World political map. Map should be pasted in the Geography Notebook. COMPUTERS SUBMISSION DATES: VIII-A: 1st JULY VIII-B: 7th JULY VIII-C: 3rd JULY Instructions: Report to be made on A4 sheets. Name, Roll number and class to be mentioned on the cover page of the report. Report to be submitted in a file. Q. Prepare a project report on Database, its collection and utility. Create a database for the following scenario: Railway system which needs to model the following: 1. Stations 2. Tracks[For simplicity, assume only one track] 3. Trains with an ID name and a name. 4. Train schedules recording [What time a train passes through each station on its route]. 5. Assume that each train reaches the destination on the same day and that every train runs every day. Store time in and time out for each train on each station. 6. Passenger booking information. [Train, date, from station, to station, coach, seat and passenger name]
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