Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues David A. Stanford Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences University of Western Ontario (Co-authors: Na Li, Peter Taylor, Ilze Ziedins) April 10, 2015 On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 1 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Outline 1 Introduction 2 Our Model 3 Power-Law APQs 4 Nonlinear APQs 5 Numerical examples 6 Future Work On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 2 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Motivation Table: CTAS Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Level 1 2 3 4 5 Level of acuity Resuscitation Emergent Urgent Less urgent Non urgent Response time Immediate < 15 mins < 30 mins < 60 mins < 120 mins Diagnosis Cardiac arrest Chest pain Moderate asthma Minor trauma Common cold On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford Targets 98% 95% 90% 85% 80% April 10, 2015 3 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Linear Accumulating Priority Queue [Stanford et al.] Customers accumulate priority linearly over time: higher priority, greater rate. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 4 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Linear Accumulating Priority Queue [Stanford et al.] Customers accumulate priority linearly over time: higher priority, greater rate. Class-1 Class-2 =⇒ Service Node On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 4 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Linear Accumulating Priority Queue [Stanford et al.] Priorities accumulated linearly: higher priority, greater rate. Class-1 Class-2 =⇒ Service Node On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 4 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Class-1 Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Class-2 =⇒ Service Node Priority t1 t2 time (a) Linear APQ On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 4 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Class-1 Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Class-2 =⇒ Priority Service Node Priority t1 t2 time (a) Linear APQ On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford t1 t2 time (b) Nonlinear APQ April 10, 2015 4 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model A multi-class accumulating priority queue with Poisson arrivals and general service time distributions. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 5 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model A multi-class accumulating priority queue with Poisson arrivals and general service time distributions. A nonlinear priority accumulation discipline, defined by a set F of priority accumulation functions {fk (.), k = 1, ..., K }. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 5 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model A multi-class accumulating priority queue with Poisson arrivals and general service time distributions. A nonlinear priority accumulation discipline, defined by a set F of priority accumulation functions {fk (.), k = 1, ..., K }. Specifically a customer from class k who arrived at time t0 has priority, at time t > t0 , qk (t) = fk (t − t0 ). On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford (1) April 10, 2015 5 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model A multi-class accumulating priority queue with Poisson arrivals and general service time distributions. A nonlinear priority accumulation discipline, defined by a set F of priority accumulation functions {fk (.), k = 1, ..., K }. Specifically a customer from class k who arrived at time t0 has priority, at time t > t0 , qk (t) = fk (t − t0 ). (1) The next customer to be served will be the customer with the greatest priority at a service completion instant. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 5 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model The functions in F have the properties, for k = 1, ..., K : I I I I fk is a strictly increasing, differentiable function that maps to R+ to R+ . fk (0) = fk+1 (0), WLOG, fk (0) = 0. for j < k and for every t ∈ R+ , fj (t) > fk (t). If there exists a t ∗ such that fj (t ∗ − t0 ) = fk (t ∗ ), then fj0 (t ∗ − t0 ) > fk0 (t ∗ ). Remark: This implies that there is at most one crossing point. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 6 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Our Model The functions in F have the properties, for k = 1, ..., K : I I I I fk is a strictly increasing, differentiable function that maps to R+ to R+ . fk (0) = fk+1 (0), WLOG, fk (0) = 0. for j < k and for every t ∈ R+ , fj (t) > fk (t). If there exists a t ∗ such that fj (t ∗ − t0 ) = fk (t ∗ ), then fj0 (t ∗ − t0 ) > fk0 (t ∗ ). Remark: This implies that there is at most one crossing point. qk (t) qj (t) = fj (t − t1 ) qk (t) = fk (t − t2 ) t2 t1 t∗ On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford t April 10, 2015 6 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References A Case with No Crossing Point 7 6 5 4 3 Series1 2 Series2 Series3 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 -1 -2 -3 On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 7 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ I Kleinrock and Finkelstein (1967) studied the expected waiting times in a multi-class single-server queue with exponential service times, where the priority accumulates as a power function of the incurred waiting time. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 8 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ I Kleinrock and Finkelstein (1967) studied the expected waiting times in a multi-class single-server queue with exponential service times, where the priority accumulates as a power function of the incurred waiting time. Accumulation functions for the power-law APQ of order r : For a sequence {bk , k = 1, ..., K }, such that, 1 > b1 > · · · > bK > 0, fk (t) = bk t r . On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford (2) April 10, 2015 8 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ II Kleinrock and Finkelstein [4, Theorem 1]: If one were to set 1/r 0 1/r 0 (r ) (r ) (r ) (r 0 ) bk+1 /bk = bk+1 /bk , k = 1, ..., K , (3) then the expected waiting times of all classes of customers in the corresponding power-law APQs of orders r and r 0 are identical. By setting r 0 = 1 we can compare the given nonlinear system to a linear one. Since the ranking of customers is the same at all points in time, we refer to it as the “linear proxy” of the nonlinear system. We obtain 1/r bkL = bk where bkL denotes the corresponding coefficient for class k in the linear proxy. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 9 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ III Lemma Consider a power law APQ of order r and its linear proxy, both starting empty and driven by the same relations of the arrival and service time processes. Then for any time t ∈ R, the priority ordering in the system of order r , Γ(r ) (t), is the same as the ordering Γ(t) in the linear proxy; i.e. Γ(r ) (t) = Γ(t). On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 10 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ IV Theorem Consider a single server APQ which has a set F of priority accumulation (r ) functions fk (t) = bk t r for k = 1, 2, . . . , K and a positive parameter r . Pk Let δk = j=1 ρj 1 − (bk+1 /bj )1/r . The LST of the delayed waiting ˜ +(k) (s; r ), is given by time distribution for a class-k customer, W (k) ˜ (k+1) ((bk+1 /bk )1/r s; r ) ˜ (k) (s; r ) = 1 − (bk+1 /bk )1/r W ˜ acc W (s; r ) + (bk+1 /bk )1/r W + + (4) where ... On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 11 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Waiting Times for Power-Law APQ III Theorem ... where (k) ˜ acc ˜ (k+1) ((bk+1 /bk )1/r s; r ) W (s; r ) = W + + K X j=k+1 k X ρj (bk+1 /bk )1/r ˜ (k,j) Wacc (s; r ) 1 − δk j=1 (5) ρj 1 − ρ ˜ (k,0) (k,j) ˜ (j) ((bj /bk )1/r s; r )W ˜ acc W (s; r ) + Wacc (s; r ) 1 − δk + 1 − δk On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 11 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Question Do there exist other nonlinear systems with linear proxies than the power-law functions? On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 12 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References A Sample Realization of the Linear APQ 12 accumï ulated priority 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 time class 1, b1 = 1 class 2, b2 = b = 0.5 On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 13 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Nonlinear APQ I Lemma Suppose a nonlinear APQ has a set F of priority accumulation functions fk (t) for k = 1, ..., K . If the ratio c(k) (t) = 0 fk+1 (t) , 0 −1 fk (fk (fk+1 (t))) 0 < c(k) < 1 for all t > 0. (6) is a constant c(k) (t) = c(k) with respect to t, then there exists a corresponding equivalent linear system. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 14 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Nonlinear APQ II Theorem For any nonlinear APQ, assuming f1 (t) is known, if there exists a sequence of constants c(k) , 0 < c(k) < 1 ∀k = 1, 2, . . . , K − 1 such that fk+1 (t) = fk (c(k) t), t > 0. (7) then an equivalent linear system exists. Therefore, once we have made a selection for the highest priority function, sat, f1 (t) = g (t), then the remaining functions must come front the same family, but the time scale is changed due to the product of elements in the sequence {c(k) }. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 15 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Some Examples of the Nonlinear Accumulation Functions Power-law functions: for k = 1, 2, . . . , K , 1/r qk (t) = bk (t − t0 )r = [bk (t − t0 )]r , 1/r qkL (t) = bkL (t − t0 ) = bk (t − t0 ) 1/r 1/r where g (x) = x r , ⇒ c(k) = bk+1 /bk . On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 16 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Some Examples of the Nonlinear Accumulation Functions Power-law functions: for k = 1, 2, . . . , K , 1/r qk (t) = bk (t − t0 )r = [bk (t − t0 )]r , 1/r qkL (t) = bkL (t − t0 ) = bk (t − t0 ) 1/r 1/r where g (x) = x r , ⇒ c(k) = bk+1 /bk . Exponential functions: for k = 1, 2, . . . , K , qk (t) = exp(bk (t − t0 )), where g (x) = exp(x), ⇒ c(k) = bk+1 /bk . On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 16 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Some Examples of the Nonlinear Accumulation Functions Power-law functions: for k = 1, 2, . . . , K , 1/r qk (t) = bk (t − t0 )r = [bk (t − t0 )]r , 1/r qkL (t) = bkL (t − t0 ) = bk (t − t0 ) 1/r 1/r where g (x) = x r , ⇒ c(k) = bk+1 /bk . Exponential functions: for k = 1, 2, . . . , K , qk (t) = exp(bk (t − t0 )), where g (x) = exp(x), ⇒ c(k) = bk+1 /bk . Similarly, for logarithm functions and generalized exponential functions. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 16 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Common Factors in the Numerical Examples Two class of patients (CTAS-3 & CTAS-4): λ1 = 1 and λ2 = 0.75. Single server. The service time for both classes are exponentially distributed at a common rate µ1 = µ2 = 2. Power-law APQ: b1 ≡ 1 and b2 = b = 0.5, r = 1/3, 1, 3. Gaver-Stehfest numerical inversion algorithm. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 17 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Numerical Examples (a) (b) Figure: Waiting Time Distributions for the Power-Law APQ On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 18 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Future Work 1 Finding the waiting time distributions for the linear APQ with affine functions as its accumulation functions. 2 Deriving the waiting time distributions for the nonlinear APQ for which an equivalent linear system does not exist. 3 Optimization problems for the nonlinear APQ. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 19 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References References Abate J., Whitt W., A unified framework for numerically inverting Laplace transforms, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS) Journal on Computing, 18:408-421, 2006. Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. The Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale. 20Eng_June_withdate.pdf. Kleinrock L., A delay dependent queue discipline, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 11. pp.329-341, 1964. Kleinrock L. and Finkelstein R., Time dependent priority queues, Operations Research, Vol. 15, No.1, 1967, pp. 104-116. Kleinrock L., Queueing systems Vol I & II, Wiley, New York, 1975 & 1976. Stanford D.A., Taylor P., Ziedins I., Waiting time distributions in the accumulating priority queue, Queuing System. 2014. Sharif A.B., Stanford D.A., Taylor P., Ziedins I., A multi-class multi-server accumulating priority queue with application to health care, Operations Research for Health Care. 2014. On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 20 / 21 Introduction Our Model Power-Law APQs Nonlinear APQs Numerical examples Future Work References Thank you for your attention! On Waiting Times for Nonlinear Accumulating Priority Queues - David A. Stanford April 10, 2015 21 / 21
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