U(p, q)-HIGGS BUNDLES AND THE HITCHIN–KOSTANT–RALLIS SECTION ´ ANA PEON-NIETO Higgs bundles on Riemann surfaces are the holomorphic counterpart to surface group representations. In this talk I will present the basic theory of U(p, q)-Higgs bundles, from their definition to their relation with representations. The Hitchin map associates to a U(p, q)-Higgs bundle (E, φ), consisting of a vector bundle E and an endomorphism φ : E → E ⊗K twisted by the canonical bundle (plus some extra conditions), the characteristic coefficients of φ. This induces a fibration of the moduli space of U(p, q)-Higgs bundles onto a vector space : h : HiggsX (G) → H 0 (X, ⊕qi=1 K 2i ), whose study has been proved extremely useful in the understanding of the geometry of moduli spaces of (Higgs) bundles. A first step towards the analysis of the Hitchin map is the definition of a section. I will explain this construction, generalising the one by Hitchin, and some interesting properties, such as the topological type, or the relation with Anosov representations. ´ This is joint work with Oscar Garc´ıa-Prada and S. Ramanan. ¨ t, INF 288, 69129 Mathematisches Institut, Ruprecht–Karls Universita Heideberg, Germany E-mail address: [email protected] 1
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