Yoga for better living and health wellbeing

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csgrj thou “kSyh vkSj LokLF; ds fy, ;ksx dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, 27oha
NRrhlx<+ ,ulhlh cVkfy;u us 21 twu 2015 dks vk;ksftr gksus okyh
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ls ,ulhlh ds dsMsVksa dks ;ksx dk leqfpr izf“k{k.k feyk ftlls og 21
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Press Release
“Yoga for better living and health wellbeing” keeping in mind this 27CG NCC BN organize 15 days
yoga training camp to trained the NCC Cadets for performing Yoga at International Yoga day on 21st
June 2015. On that 27 CG NCC BN has been decided the different venues for the yoga training purpose.
For that MATS University Aarrang also as venues of this Yoga Training is going to conduct yoga training
camp from 07 may to 22 may 2015. In this venue NCC cadets from MATS University Aarang and
Aarrang College Aaranag NCC cadets are taking part and beneficial in relation to their health awareness.
In the opening ceremony of this yoga training camp, Dean of Education Prof. Parvidar Hanspal and
Teaching Staff of school of Physical Education Dr. Rajkumar (Head), Dr. Krishna Kant Khare, Mr. Ayaz
Ahmed Khan, Mr. M.M. Baig, Mr. Ashutosh Pandey, Mr. Rakesh kumar Patel and Mrs. Shweta Yogesh
Kadu are present to encourage the NCC cadets. The objective of this 15 days training camp is to teach
yoga for NCC cadets and after that they all will perform yoga on the occasion of International Yoga Day
held at 21 June 2015.